NEVVES coming up out of the NORTH, Sounding towards the SOUTH.

OR, A Blast out of the North up into the South, and so to flie abroad into the World: And a warning to all England, and Nations elswhere. The terrible day of the Lord is appearing, that all your hearts must be ript up and laid naked and open before the mighty God, before him where nothing can be hid, and that no hiding place will be found for him

You have hid your selves some in mountains and some in green trees, and some under hills; but the Lord is coming to make all naked, and strip all.

Written from the mouth of the Lord, from one who is naked, and stands naked before the Lord cloathed with righteousnesse, whose Name is not known in the world, risen up out of the North; which was prophesied of, but now it is fulfilled: The Army is coming up out of the North against you terrible ones, whose weapons are not carnal, but spiri­tual.

LONDON Printed for Giles Calvert, and are to be Sold at the Black spread-Eagle, at the West end of Pauls. 1655.

Newes coming up out of the NORTH, sounding towards the South.

GOD eternall, the day discovers all,1 Cor. 3.13. Gen. 4.5. there­fore there is a Sacrifice that God hath a respect to, and there is a Sacrifice that God hath no respect to, which is the first birth in the Fall, begott [...]n. To all the world who are in the first birth sacrifi­cing to God, God hath no respect to your sacrifices, for it is Cain's, Jude 11. and stands in the envy: in this generation was all the righteous blood shed, and all the righteous blood is still shed by this generation, Cain, who sacrifi­ceth to God, but God hath no respect to his sacrifices:Gen. 4.10. Mal. 1.8.13. all you Priests and bloody persecuters, bloody Cains, you sacrifice the lame, the halt, the blind, which is cursed; you are in envy raging and revel­ling, none of you can deny it;Acts 2.39. Acts 23.13. and where the pure seed is born which the promise is to, which is of God; that you know not, that you seek to slay, all the generation of you ever did, & doth, though you have all the forms of the letter of the Saints conditions, and from that gather a sacrifice, and so offer up to God of the earth; but God hath no respect to it, Priests nor people, who are in the envy, and sacrifice of the earth.Gen. 4.3. But you are hatching mischief in your minds, and hatch the Cockatrice eggs: but the Saints of the most high God are coming to break them to pieces: you are inventing of evill, plotting, talking,John 11.47. Mark 15.1. taking counsell together against the righte­ous seed, where it is brought forth in all your generation, it was and is so, in the first birth. Would you number your selves in the generation of Abel, in whom there was no envy?Matth. 23. Rev. 11.8. Oh you pain­ted Sepulchers, whited walls, the blood of all the Prophets was fhed by you in this generation, in the great Cittie Sodom and Gomorra [Page 4] the blood of all the martyrs, the blood of all the Saints, ye are the generation that crucified the just, where the Lord Christ was crucifi­ed by this generation; & all the righteous blood that hath been shed from the beginning, hath been shed by you in this generation, ever following the righteous in imitation, but having the sword drawn against the righteous blood, Cains sword, Envy, to murder the second Birth, wheresoever it doth appeare. Wo to you, who go in the way of Cain, for there is no eternall life abiding in you who are in the Envy,Jude 11. the righteous seed of God is risen, and comes up to the beginning,Rev. 1.18. Rev. 13.8. which stands over the world, which was dead and is alive, and lives for evermore, the Lamb slain since the beginning and foundation of the world, which is slain by this generation of Cain. Now to every one in particular, Priests and People, Rulers and Magistrates, and all sorts of men and people while you have en­vy in you, and the envy reigns, thou art Cain, and do not profess thy selfe to be Abel, for thou art a murtherer of the just in thy self in particular, & thou wilt murder the just where ever it is risen in the general;Mal. 3.7. Col. 2.14. & 20. all your preaching, praying, singing, reading, all your imagina­tions, Baptism and Sacrament, as you call it, and all your ordinan­ces and Churches and teachings, it is Cains sacrifice, and the sacrifice of the earth, and from the earth, and God hath respect to it, there is no savour in it: for it is Abel's that God hath respect to, the righ­teous that he receives,Zeph. 3.2. and God hath given a pure language to his people to offer a sacrifice in righteousness which he accepts; a sacri­fice of righteousness is accepted of the Lord of righteousness▪ Blood­dy Cain was the first birth, which envied his brother, and bloody Cain is the first now in everyone, put it not farre from you, there is something in every one of you will tell you so, lay aside all your sa­crifices which you offer up in the first nature, which you gather up in your minds from the earth, and from the letter; for upon the earth and in the earth lodgeth envy; but the pure that ariseth through the earth, and through the death; that, is accepted with God: For the Branch which the Lord brings forth,Zech. 6.12. Ezek 34.29. is the Plant of his re­nown. All the preaching of the world now at this time, which is in the first birth is Cains sacrifice while it stands in the envy, and all who go from the eternall God: guided by the infallible eternall Spi­rit which is pure, speaks to the pure, who is not made a Minister by the will of man,Gal. 1.11, 12▪ nor receives any thing from man, nor of man, but only from the Lord God of glory standing in his mighty power, gui­ded by his eternall Spirit, testifying against Cains generation, against all who are made Ministers by the wil of man, crept up, imitating, u­sing their tongves who were never sent of God, painting themselves with the Prophets words, Christs words, & Apostles words, and are like the Saints in words, but like the Devill in life and conversation, living in pride, lust, excesse, uncleannesse, and all filthinesse: but who are sent alone of God testifie against all these sinfull practices [Page 5] against all this generation, and against all Idoll-temples, and against their very foundation what ye speak and preach: for they say the Gospel is their foundation, which is the four Books, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and their Originall is Hebrew, Greek, and Latine, and the letter is the light, and the letter is the word,2 Cor. 3.6. and Oxford and Cambridge are the two well-heads of Divinity, which is all in the fall carnall and naturall, and it is fit for none but the blind to lead the blind, & it is the blind way: but who are made Ministers by the will of God, testifie against all these practices that stand in Cains generation,Mat. 15.14. the letter which kills the just, and under the dominion of Satan, and the power of the Prince of the aire, standing in that generation which Christ cryed against, having the chiefest places in the Assemblies,2 Cor. 3.6. and called of men Master, laying heavy burdens upon the people, shut­ting the Kingdom of God from against men, neither go in themselves nor suffer other. Woe, woe, woe, is the portion of such, for they were exalted, and they were Pharisees to whom he said so, these are the generation that slew the righteous seed: these now standing in England and elsewhere, praying before and after Sermon, having the chiefest places in the Assemblies, calling themselves Masters,Mat. 23.6, 7, 8. painting themselves with the Prophets words, and Christs and the Apostles words, are in Cains generation; for now the Lord God of Heaven and Earth, and of power, hath brought forth his Son,Jude 13. his Plant of re­nown: here all the powers in that generation stand up, Priests and people, some raging, some stoning, some imprisoning, some mock­ing, some raising up slanderous false reports and lies, some haling before Magistrates, some whipping, some haling out of the Syna­gogues, and beating in the Markets, and all this is now present in Cains generation, which slew the righteous seed, and ever slew the Prophets whom the Lord God of heaven and earth sent forth.Joel 2.28. Now do the Prophets of the Lord begin to prophesie, sons and daughters, now is the Lord fulfilling of his promise what he spake by the for­mer Prophets: now are the seals opening,Rev. Luke 21.28. now doth the day of re­demption draw neer to all troubled, longing, wearied souls: now shall you sing a happy day, the salvation of our God, the Lord of heaven and earth: now do all the false Prophets begin to rage and rail, and roar in their pulpits, and seek to the Magistrates to uphold them.

Now is the great and mighty hand of the Lord stretched forth over the wicked, now is the trumpet sounding abroad throughout the whole world. Wo to the inhabitants of the earth,Zeph. 1.16. Rev. 8.13. now is the Devil raging, because his time is short; now is the Scripture fulfilling which the Lord hath spoken by his former Prophets; now is the day of redemption drawing nigh to all who have waited to see the day: now shall the Beast be taken, and the false Prophet; for the Beast be­gins to uphold the false Prophet, that is, the Beast who is not in the truth, who will limit God and the Holy one,Rev. 19.20. that is the false Prophet, which God never sent, and the Beast which would make [Page 6] make laws to limit the holy one, by which he threatens all to cause them to worship him, or suffer. Now is the Beast and all the false Prophets discovered, and a fire is beginning to kindle for the false Prophet and the Beast:Rev. 18.8. Torment, torment; woe woe; plagues, plagues, are to be powred forth, and judgment and the wrath of God without mixture powred upon you; the vengeance of the Lord is coming upon all his adversaries, and God will be avenged upon the Beast and the false Prophet: you who have drunk the blood of all the Saints, and where the pure truth was springing and appearing making bonds and making plots to keep the pure in death, gathering and taking counsel together, and consulting against the righteous seed where ever it was springing. O England! Is it not now among you where any Prophet is sent into this great Cittie Sodom and Gomorah, Isaiah 2.8. Psal. 42.9. Eccles. 5.8. Isa. 56.1. son or daughter, to cry against the deceitfull merchandize, to cry against this false worship that God never com­manded, to cry against oppression and unjust dealing, to cry against your drunkenness, oaths, and all your blasphemy, cursed speaking, and oppression one and other, and to cry against you who rule not the Countrey with Justice, and keep not all in order, justice and equity, where in justice reignes, where justice is not stirring The Lord hath raised up to cry against all false waies, and to cry for justice and righteousness. The mighty day of the Lord is coming, that all things must be brought to light, and all your secrets brought to light, and all your close ways shall be brought to light: Drunkard, thou canst not hide thy self;Obadiah 1.6. swearer thou canst not hide thy self; cousner, cheater, and dissembler, thou canst not hide thy self, all thy deeds are recko­ned up and made manifest, and all thy filthiness and subtilty shall be laid open and ript up: all thy underhand dealings and do­ings, all thy false judgements and double dealings, now shall come to be ript up and made manifest. Howl, howl, the canker is entring, the rust is entring,Ier, 13.6. Nahum 3.15. Jer. 23.29. Isai. 30.1. Isai. 3.11. Isai. 41.15. Mica 1.13. Hab. 3.12. the fire is a kindling to burn in your hearts, and to eat you forth, hammering your hearts to pieces; woe, woe to you who have lived in the deceit and treachery, woe woe to all false hearts, and proud lustfull filthy ones, who live without the feare of the living God. Sion is risen to thresh; thresh, O Sion, down with the mountains, beat the hills as small as dust, that the winde may scatter the chaffe: all you proud ones who seek for honour, all your honour must be laid in the dust, all your eys shall be turned into dark­ness, where shall be weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, and all your deceits shall be brought to light and made manifest, no­thing shall stand but that which is pure, and the Lord will find you out,Luke 11.36. the candle is lighted, the day doth appear that God will rule in his Saints above the heathen, above the wicked and the ungod­ly ones, and all you that live in unjustness, deceit and hypocrisie, the eternall God will rule and reign in his Saints, and be admired, magnified and glorified in them above you all: happy day, praises, praises, let all the righteous ones sing to the Lord God Almighty, [Page 7] who is now shaking the earth, who will rule and be admired, and all the Heathen shall be astonished, every one shall be at their wits end;Ezek. 38.19. for all luke-warm ones who live in your imaginations, in your own ways, in your own conceits, in Cains sacrifices, in the doublenesse in their sins, & in their forms, their prayers, singings, all is nothing but to be troden under foot, God hath no respect to it; they that are pure in heart shall see God, and the pure he accepts: Glory, glory,Matth. 5.8. saalm 147.12 Rev. 19 5. Lev. 26.13. sing of thy glory, all ye Saints of the earth, praise ye the Lord all you holy ones, and righteous servants of the Lord, the bonds of iniquity are breaking which have ever been against the righteous seed to the hol­ding of it in prison, and keeping it in darkness; but the glorious Lord God of heaven and earth is arising, and the wonderfull, eter­nall powerfull God is reigning, and will reign and be admired in his Saints; to whom be all glory, honour, praise, riches, strength, domi­nion and glory eternal, holy praises be to thee for ever, who bring­est thy children out of captivity, and givest them dominion over their enemies, and glory and thanks be to thee for ever.

Wait all you captivated ones that lie in prison, wait all you sim­ple ones who are in the pure simplicity,Zeph. 3.8. Ezek. 21.9. Jer. 25.29. wait for the wisdom of the most high to be made manifest in you, and the eternall power of God to raise you up, for salvation is coming to you that wait for it; the mighty day of the Lord is coming, the dreadfull day is coming, the glittering sword is drawn, and is neer at hand to all you that wait for it, therefore look not at Cains generation, nor bow down to him to worship the Beast, but stand in the will of God, mind the spirit of God to guide you home to God the eternal rest, eternal comfort, eternall peace, joy, safety, here all my tender ones come to wait for bread from the Father of life, by whom you may be streng­thened, and watered from the Father of life, by which ye may drink to the passing on of your journey heartily and comfortably,Crnt. 5.1. that you may come to rest out of the great Cittie Sodom to the Cittie where you shall abide eternally for ever.

Reason not with flesh and blood that shall never enter, take not counsel with that which lieth in thy bosome, for that draweth thee neerer to carnall things, and draws thee to consult with reason, and so draws thy eye and mind to visible things, and so wanders from going on thy journey; and if thou follow that, thou goest to death and destruction, to hell, and to the pit and the snare, and the wo­man gets dominion over thee, and so the woman comes to rule over the pure, but every one wait in the pure to guide you to God, then you shall see the promise of God fulfilled in you, springs opened, and refreshment daily coming in from the Lord, and then you will come to walk with the Lord forsaking all, father, mother, wife and children, lands, livings, and all here is; joyning to the Lord as one spirit, and he that doth not forsake is not worthy of him,Matth. 15.29. all who are in the first birth, and all who reason with flesh and blood, stand here for persecuting them who are born of the Spirit, and are [Page 8] passing out of this Citie towards the Citie whose foundation and builder is God:Isaiah 28.16. and in this Citie Sodom and Gomorrah, all the righte­ous ones are slain by you who are in Cains generation, all you who are got up into his steps, pretending Christ, and to be made Mini­sters of Christ, who stand in the envy, and have the chiefest places in the Assemblies, called of men Masters, which Christ forbids. Lie down all for shame who are in pride and oppression, and in the steps and places of the Pharisees, who have got a form of words what the Apostles said, and what Christ said, and have got it in three or four languages, the Lord hath discover'd you, now the Lord God Almighty hath discovered you by his Prophets and servants. All honor and glory,Isai. 24.23. Psalm. 68.3. Rev. 18.20. and thanks, be to him for ever, who now is come to rule a­lone in his Saints. Rejoyce, O all you Prophets and righteous ones, the Beast which made war with the Lamb and the Saints, the Lamb hath gotten the victory, and hath gotten the victory over the Beast, and the ten horns which pusheth at him. Powerfull Father and eternall God, to thee alone be all glory, honour, and thanks for ever.

Mal. 3.5.To all you Teachers; and hearers that hold you up, a witnesse a­gainst you, that you may be witnesses against your selves, and that you may witnesse your selves to be in Cains generation; and in the generation of all the false Prophets and Antichrists, and seducers, and who have the form of godlinesse, but deny the power; and in the generation of them that ever slew the righteous seed, as it will ap­pear,Gen. 4.8. who are they that beare rule by their means now; all people take notice, who are the hirelings now, the Scripture speaks of? who seek for their gain from their quarters now, who feed themselves with the fat now? who seek for the fleece, and cloath themselves with the wooll now, and so make a prey of the people? Where are the hirelings now,Ezek, 34.2, 3. the Priests preach for hire, & the Prophets prophe­sie for money. Who sue men at the Law now, which Christ spoke against,Mica. 3.5, 6, 7. which the Apostle spoke against, which was a Minister of the living truth,Jude 11. Matth. 23.4.5, 6, 7. which testified against all such practices? Who goes in the way of Baal now for gifts and rewards? Where is the covetous teacher now? Who are in the chiefest places of the Assem­blies now? Who go in long robes now? Who are called of men Master now? Who stand praying in the Synagogues now, and speak a divination of their own brain, which the woe was preached a­gainst? Christ Jesus, the substance of the Prophets, cryed woe a­gainst all such Pharisees and false Prophets? Who hale out of the Sy­nagogues now?Matth. 23.34 Who stones and stocks, beats and imprisons now, and hales before Magistrates? This was the Jews Religion, you may say; the Jews did so, the Prophets of God they testified against these things,1 Joh. 2.15, 16 and the Apostles they testified against all those practices▪ and Jesus Christ testified against all these works of the world. And all these practices were held up in Caius generation, so be you wit­nesses that you are in the generation of the false Prophets, and in [Page 9] the Chair of them that spoke a divination of their own brain, that are called of men Masters, have the chiefest places in the assemblies, lay heavy burthens upon the people; of them that seek their gain from their quarters, and of them that go in the way of Balaam, Jude 11. and in the generation of Cain. Where any Prophet comes to cry against any of you, you seek to imprison him or destroy him, which Abel did not, as you read; but Cain who was the first birth, whose sacri­fice God had no respect to, no more hath God any respect to your customary praying and prayers, then to Cains, for Cain was and is the same generation that ever was, razed out of the generation of the righteous: except you all be born again,John 3.3. you cannot inherit the kingdom of God. So herebe you witnesses against your selves, that you are in the generation of Cain which ever slew the righte­ous seed and in the generation of all the false Prophets. Put it not far from you as they did which put Christ to death: If thou hadst li­ved at that day, thou sayest thou wouldest not have put Christ to death; but thou shalt see the same nature in thee now as was in them then. For now is the Son of God come, and you are the same generation that they were, seeking to put him to death;Mark 14.64. but the eternall glorious God of heaven and earth, the same as ever was, is magnifying himselfe in his Sons and Daughters who are called out of that generation and worship. So he said,2 Cor. 6.17. Come out from among them, Be ye separate, touch no unclean thing, and I will be a Father unto you, and you shall be my Sons and Daughters. This we witnes, and this is fulfilled. This generation we know, and the generation of the faithfull we know: here is a separation between the pretious and the vile, between the holy and the prophane; so all people weigh and consider in what generation you are: the generation of the righteous shall shine, the generation of the wicked are for the fire prepared to be turned into hell: ye are the stubble,Mal. 4.1. ye that are proud are for the fire, ye that are wicked, ye are chaff that the w [...] drives to and fro; ye that are scorners are scorned from God, [...] that are heathenish know not God, and all that are heathen & know not God, the Lord will render vengance in flames of fire [...] you,Mal. 4.1. the mighty day of the Lord is coming, that shall burn as an oven, the fire is kindled in the earth, which shall burn up all root and branch, head and tail, the Lord of hosts hath spoken it, the Lord God of power will reign: O happy day, praises, praises! praise yee the Lord ye righteous ones,Psal. 47.6. sing praises to the Lord God Almighty for ever.

All ye liers and dissemblers must never inherit the holy City,Psal. 101.7. Psal. 92.6. Psal. 101.3. Psal. 101.8. Matth. 25.41. Psal. 6.8. and all you who commit sin, and live in sin, know not God: and who are disobedient, and hold the truth in unrighteoness, the wrath of God abides upon you, all you that work iniquity are cursed from God to everlasting punishment. Where is your Saviour then, him that ye take in your mouths (Christ) and live in your vain wicked prophane wayes, and take him to be your cloak, and say, you are [Page 10] redeemed by him, and live in your wickedness, Go you cursed, he will say, I know you not: plagues, wo and misery will be powred upon you all. Let every one that nameth the name of the Lord, de­part from iniquity:2 Tim. 2.19. None can call him Lord but by the holy Ghost, and where the holy Ghost is come, There he is Lord and King, this is witnessed in all his Saints where he is so: But in Cains gene­ration it is not, but he persecutes it; but he is risen and come in his Saints who is Lord and King, who will reign over all the World, and bear the goverment upon his shoulders.Rev. 2.13. Rev. 17.14▪ Isa. 9.6. Prov. 11.21. Isai. 1.4. 2 Pet. 3.18. Rev. 5.13. And so, farewell World, for ever adieu, for the Lord is King in his Saints: he guards them and guides them with his mighty power, and doth preserve his seed and children from the seed of evill doers into his kingdom of glory and eternall rest, where they find joy and peace, and rest eternall. All glory and praise be to the Lord God Almighty for ever

A word from the Lord to all you yet in your first birth, slay­ing and persecuting the righteous, whose ways are righteous, and accepted of God. Therefore now repent and turn to the Lord: For now is he coming to render vengeance upon all who know him not, and all who disobey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is now preached forth by his Spirit, which is powred forth upon his sons and daughters: praises to the Lord for ever.

CAin was the first birth, and Cain is the first birth in the Fall, and God hath no respect to Cains sacrifice: Cain was envious and slew his brother,Gen. 4.5. Gen, 4.8. Gen. 4.14. and Cain was a vaga­bond, and feared where there was no fear: feared of be­ing slain, when he had slain his brother the second birth: And all you who are in envy, God hath no respect to your sacrifices, to your prayers,Isa. 2.11. to your humiliation dayes, in your Assemblies he is not among you: And all you who are wicked, are in the first birth, and your prayers and praises are abomination to God; and all you who are workers of iniquity are cursed, and your profession is in the everlasting burning, where the fire is not quenched, and the worm dieth not; you may say you are redeemed by Christ, but he that is redeemed is redeemed from all iniquity, and all his vain conversation: thou that art envious and a murtherer, old Cain the Divell is thy father, and no murtherer hath eternall life a­biding in him. And thou that art a scoffer, and wilde, art wilde Ishmael, 1 John 3.15. who is turned out from Abraham and his family into the [Page 11] wilderness, an Archer, whose hand is against every man,Gen. 16.12. Gen. 21.9. Verse 20. Psal. 2.4. Prov. 1.26. whom God commanded Abraham to cast forth. So who are of Abraham now, see all the scoffing Ishmaels turn'd out from God, and you that are scorners, and sit in the seat of the scornfull, and have them in deri­sion which are anoynted of God, and live in the truth of God, and tremble at the Word of God; he that sits in the heaven scorns you the scornfull, and will mock when your calamity comes, and have you in derision in the time of your calamity and misery; then will you witness these things, that these are the words of life. To all you scoffers and scorners I speak, you are liers, and the Divell is your father, who lie to get gain,John 8.44. and lie to cousen your neighbours to make your selves rich, and so dissemble and defraud, that you may over reach your brorher in bargainings, and so are for your own ends, you cheat, you cousen and lie, who are in the Kingdom of your father, whose kingdom is the Divels, and he hath dominion over thee, and thou art his son, acting for him, for he was a lier from the beginning, and so are all his children, and all you who are liers are begotten of him: And thou that speakst of thy self from the letter, applying all the promises to thee, and living in thy first nature and birth, applying the Prophets words, and Christs words, and the apostles words, thou art a painted serpent which is of the Divell, and speakst of thy self that which is not thy own, but art in envy and a lier: without God are all liers, and no lier shall ever in­herit the Kingdom of God, nor no covetous one,Eph. 5.5, 7. for thou art an idolater, and a fornicator, and a blasphemer, and a whoremonger, and the God of this world is thy God, which rules in all the children of disobedience, and thy treasure is here in the earth, thy cattell, thy corn, and thy fine apparell, and beautifull attire, there thou wor­shippest the Host of heaven, and it reigns over thee,Acts 7.42. and thou fallest down under it, so thy treasure is the earrh, and if the thief steal it, thou art undone, and then thou criest out on wants, and all thy want is for the earth, and then thou hangest thy fellow-creature contrary to the Law of God; for the Law of God saith, they were to make re­stitution, or else be sold for their theft, which Goods thou hast got­ten by cousening and cheating, by lying and defrauding, who art the greatest thief. All this is without God, and without are theeves, and robbers without God, and shall never inherit the kingdom of God.Rev. 22.15. Whoremongers and Idolaters are without, and shall never inherit the Kingdom of God; lyers and slanderers are without God, and shall never inherit his kingdom; drunkards and railers, and cursed speakers are without God, and shall never inherit the kingdom of God. And all you who are in the first birth, are the old bottels, so what is within you powres out corruption, blasphemy, wickedness,Matth. 9.17. cursing speaking, and all manner of ungodliness and unrighteousness, taking Gods name in vain, all you who are in the first birth, are the corrupt tree which cannot bring forth good fruit. Perverness, croo­kedness, all manner of ungodliness, this is gathered of the corrupt [Page 12] tree, which cannot bring forth good fruit. And all you who are in the first birth, are the fountain which sends forth the bitter waters, bitterness,Jam. 3.11.12 passion, envy, wrath, venome, and all ungodliness, and are Doggs and swine, wallowing in the mire; so he that is born of the flesh, persecutes him that is born of the spirit, and ever did. You may apply the Scriptures and say, you are redeemed by Christ; but he will say, and saith, Go ye workers of iniquity into everlasting punishment:Mat. 7, 22. howl and weep, misery is coming upon you, enemies of God, adversaries of righteousness! thou that art in the first birth, thou grindest the face of the poor and oppressest them, and liftest thy self up in thy pride, and setst thy nest on high, and gatherest riches together to make thy self great in the earth; thy gold and silver rusteth, the love of it is within thee, which shall eat thee out as a fire,Jam. 5.1. thy cloaths Moaths eat, through thy abundance, and the poor starve, and all thy dainty dishes, and thou that art Dives, must be turned into hell; and this shall you find who are in that nature, the first birth: thou that art proud and a taskmaster of Egypt, which is this great City Sodom and Gomorrah, thou oppressest the pure seed of God, where it is rising to go out of Egypt, thou that art proud and a Taskmaster and an oppressor, thou must look for no other por­tion, but all the plagues of God to be powred upon thee, that was upon Pharaoh, even he who was proud, and an oppressor, and a Task­master: put it not from thee, plagues and woe is thy portion, and the proud in heart are abomination to God, and the proud will not be taught of God, for it is the humble that he teacheth, and the meek he exhorteth;Psrl. 25.9. you that are proud which live in the conceivings of the Scripture, you conceive what the prophets spoke, and so give meanings and senses, and set up some things in your minds, being led away by temptation, for when you are tempted, you are led away by your conceivings, all the worlds religion stands there, and the promise is, that God will scatter the proud in their vain imaginati­ons and conceivings, and thou hast set up an image in thy minde, what thou conceiv'st of the Saints conditions, and so worshippest an Idol, and worshippest the works of thy own hands, & art in the generation that persecutest the righteous, who worship the living God: And all you who are in the first birth, and prophane, and hun­ters, and cunning, swallowing up the earth, are Esau, which God hates; all you who are the first birth, which is but one, chil­dren of Esau hated of God, thou that art prophane, look for no o­ther portion: thou mayest apply the mercy, but thou art hated of God eternally, hated for ever, and hast no portion with Iacob nor Ioseph, Mal. 1.3. Mal. 4.1. but shalt be a wilderness barren, and a Place for Dragons and devourers, this is thy portion, God hates thee, and thou shalt be as stubble, priests and people: all who are proud, liers, co­vetous,Pet. 2.13. railers, theeves and Idolaters, speaking your own words, and your own imaginations in pleasures and wantonness, sporting in the day time, following your wicked imaginations, and are the [Page 13] cursed children from God, workers of iniquity,1 Cor. 6.2. under the domini­on of Satan, who worship the Divel; the Saints shall and do judge the world, and all you priests, you blind guides, dissembling hypo­crites, without the Kingdom of God, plagues and woe is comming to be poured upon you. Wo, wo, wo, the third woe is coming, which shall come upon all the inhabitants of the earth;Rev. 11.14. dreadful is the Lord, he hath spoken it, and is terrible to the wicked; all you that are here in the first birth, are in the generation of Vipers, full of ve­nome, a generation that is wise in their own eyes and conceits, an untoward generation, a generation of vipers,Isai. 52.5. Rom. 2.14. who blaspheme the worthy name of the Lord, by which all the Saints are called, who paint themselves with the prophets words, and Christs words, and the Apostles words, that appear beautiful outwardly to men, but are full of poyson in the heart; and all who are workers of iniquity, professe what you will, apply what Scripture or promise you will,Mal. 1.14. Matth 25..41. 1 Pet. 2.14. Priests and People, Prophets and Teachers, who are workers of ini­quity, are cursed, and must go into everlasting punishment: and all you Teachers that teach people they shall never overcome their sins as long as they are here, which keeps them under the dominion of Satan, who are the Divels servants and instruments, acting in his Kingdom, keeping people in iniquity, under the dominion of Satan in his kingdom. For there is no lier, nor no covetous, nor no pro­phane person, nor no murderer, nor no striker, nor fighter, nor wrangler, nor quarreller, nor scornfull, nor no unrighteous, nor wicked, shall ever inherit the kingdom of God; but all workers of iniquity must depart, and are accursed from Christ, from the pre­sence of all his Angels: And all you who bite and devour one ano­ther in the first birth, are without in this great City Sodom and Go­morrah, and are Doggs without God; and all you who live in the lust of uncleanness, wallowing in the mire, are Swine; and all you which are in vain contentions with your corrupt minds,Rev. 22.15. are in the first birth, and in the Swinish nature, fighting about the husk, which is a declaration of their conditions which had the life of it, who was in the second birth. And all the uncleanness and pollutions, and filthiness, and lust, and begetting the lust, and the living in it and the thief and the murderer, and the coosener and cheater, and adulte­rous thoughts, and the Idolater, whoremonger, and the lier, and the railer, and the drunkard are in this great City Sodom and Gomorah, and are all carnall and naturall in the first estate, and have got a co­lour and profession which is carnall and naturall, feeding upon the Letter, which is death, which feeds you serpents, and doggs,Gen. 3.14. and swine; for if any come among you with the life of the Letter, who are in the second birth, you will bite them, and teare them to pieces, you will stock them, or stone them, or whip them, mock them and jeer them, and seek to teare them to pieces: And as the Horses of Pharaoh, who would trample upon them, and devour them, and run over them, even to your fellows, which are drunkards, and swea­rers, [Page 14] so were all the Prophets stoned,Sam. 1.16. persecuted and slain in this great City, in your generation in the first birth, the Lord Jesus Christ, and so do you now stone the Prophets sons and daughters, nay Christ himself is risen, and your Church is a steeple-house, which is carnall, and your teacher is carnall, made by the will of man, and your Originall is carnall, Hebrew, Greek and Latin, and your Word is carnall, the Letter; and the light is carnall, the Letter; and your Baptism is carnall, sprinkling Infants, which God never comman­ded, and they are wicked which act those things which God never commanded,Gal. 3.1. and tell people they are the commands of God; and ye are bewitched, and fools, that follow them: For the Galatians were bewitched, which turned to circumcision, which God had commanded, when the substance was come; and their Sacrament, as they call it, is carnall; and there is not a word in the Scripture that speaks of a Sacrament. And their communion is carnal, a little bread and wine, and so drunkards, and raylers, and cursed speakers, all meet together in this fellowship,1 Cor. 10.20.21. which is the table of Divels, and cup of Divels, which is in the generation of serpents in this great City Sodom and Gomorrah; so dust is the Serpents meat, their origi­nall is but dust, which is but the Letter, which is death. Their Church is dust, a heap of lime and stones gathered together, so the serpent feeds upon dust, and all this is in the first birth, and the car­nall minde cannot please God,Gen. 3.14. which feeds upon all these carnall things. And their Gospel is dust, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John which is the Letter, and all this is in the carnall minde, feeding it, which is the enemy against God, which is without God, in the generation of Cain and the wicked, whose prayers are abominati­on, and whose sacrifices God hath no respect to. Priests and people, put it not far from you who live in envy,Prov. 28.9. Matth. 25, 41. and are wicked workers of iniquity, are cursed from God, and Christ, and all his Angels, De­part ye workers of iniquity into everlasting burnings and torment, for there is your portion. All your application of the Scriptures is nothing, and to all you who are under the dominion of Satan, and the Divell,Nahum 3.1. who is the king of pride, and the glory of the world, and the worlds glory and honour, and the Father of liers, swearers, and cursed speakers, children of wrath, living in wrath, lust, envy and murther, whose father is the Divell, and ye are his children and his works ye do, and are obedient to him, and say, None can do the commands of God who are doing the works to the Devill, and his works ye do, and worship him, and live in all uncleaness, lusting after the creature. Now to all you who have the light of God and can see,John 14. John 1.9. who are coming from under the Prince of the air, and out of the kingdom of the world, and towards God, out of the generation from God, into the generation towards God, the same seed that all the promises of God is to, passing after Christ in the same way that he passed,2 Cor. 1.20. under the Law and through the Law, and was in Egypt, and passed out of Egypt the house of darkness, and he was in [Page 15] the wilderness, and there he was tempted to lust after the creature,Luk 4, 1.2. he was tempted to make himself away, he was tempted to worship the Divell, which is the worship of the world, to bow down and worship him. He is the Captain of our salvation, he is the fore-runner gone before, he endured the cross, he despised the shame, he suffered the contradiction of sinners for the glory that was set before him,Heb. 2.10. he hath won the crown, he hath overcome Egypt, and he hath fulfil­led the Law, he hath overcome the world: He hath overcome the temptations, he is able to succour all who are tempted; it is no sin to be tempted, but to enter into temptations: he is the head of the Body, he is the head of the church,Col. 2.14. who hath blotted out all the Ordinances and Traditions of men, who is the end of the daily sa­crifices, who is the end of the Priests, who is the end of all out­ward Temples, who is the end of the Prophets,Eph. 4.8, 9, 10. for they all wit­nessed of him; he is ascended above all Principalities and powers.

Now to all dear ones, and dear hearts, I speak, the same seed,John 1.1. which is Christ, the same spirit takes upon it now as ever was, the same world is now as ever was, the same temptations, and the same Divels, and the same worship of the world, twining into another form and colour, but Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and life,John. 14.6. John 10.3. Luke 11.34. John 1.9. he is the door that all must passe through, and he is the porter that opens it; I am the same door that ever was, the same Christ to day, yesterday and for ever; the light is the eye that sees it, which light is Christ, and that seed passing after Christ out of Egypt the house of darkness, from under the Law, the righteousness of the Law is fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit (as the Apostle saith) which we do witness,Rom. 8.4. and the same seed passing into the wilderness, and there it is tempted to lust afrer the crea­ture: you that are in the wilderness witness this with me; and the same temptations even to despair and to make themselves away,Luke 22.28. Mark 1.13. Marth. 4.6, 7. the Divell before he would go out of his kingdom he would destroy all. But look at the Captain Jesus Christ, who hath passed before, who was tempted, the Captain of our salvation, and the same tem­ptations to worship the Divell: And if thou wilt worship the Devill thou shalt have the glory of the world; but if thou wilt not bow down and worship the Divell, thou shalt have none of the worlds glory, but be called a Divell as Christ was,John 7.49. and be called a mad man as he was, and none followed him but a cursed people; them that worshiped the Divell gave these titles upon them,Jer. 20.7, 8. Psalm 69.12▪ and thou shalt lose thy good name, and be a laughing-stock to them that worship the Devil, and as a derision among them, and a mark for every one to shoot at, and the drunkards to make songs of; this is the portion of them that deny the worships of the world, and the glory,1 Pet. 14. and the favour, and the fashions, and cannot fashion themselves to it, who are tempted to all these things; but it is no sin to be tempted: And standing in the power of the Almighty God, stand against [Page 16] and above all the wiles of Satan; so dwelling in the power of the Almighty God, which carries through the wilderness, and through temptations, and to the end gets the victory over all the Ordinan­ces and commandments and Traditions of men:Rev. 3.21. Isai, 9.6. And he that over­comes ascends above them all, and he that overcomes shall sit with me in my Throne; so every one must witness the same Christ born in you, passing through death in you, through the world, through the Law, through temptations, through the wilderness, through the Ordinances, and out of the world, and out of the depth. The Son of God ariseth,1 John 5.4. he it is that doth overcome, that is born of God; and the same Spirit that raised up Jesus Christ, the same Spi­rit raiseth up the same seed in you,Rom. 8.10, 11. and quickens the mortall bodies, and he that hath not the same is none of his. So all people examine your selves,1 Cor. 1.6, 7. and see if ye have fellowship with Christ in his suffe­rings, and be brought conformable to him in his death, and to have fellowship with him in his temptations,Phil, 3.10. Heb. 2.10. Heb. 12.3. and reprochings, and scor­nings, and the contradiction of sinners, and to be spitted upon as he was; and he that hath fellowship with him in his sufferings, shall have fellowship with him in his glory: And he that doth confesse him in this dark-world,Mat. 10.32. Luke 12.8. him will he confesse before his Father and his Angels; and he that doth deny him in this world, him will he deny before his Father and his Angels in the light world. Now to all you who are convinced, and a light of God is risen in your un­derstandings, and the worship of the world doth appear to you to be contrary to God, and Christ, and all the prophets and Apostles who worship the living God in newness of life in the second birth,Phil. 3.3. Joh. 4.23. [...] Pet. 2.20. you are tempted to the lust of the creature, and the lazie dreaming minde it enters into the temptations: so there thou art polluted with the pollutions of the world, then thou art tempted to despair, and the Devill there gets power upon thee; if thou enter into tempta­tions and follow thy imaginations from the light of God within thee, and then thou judgest with evill thoughts and he will come with his instruments or his evil angels to tempt thee from God to the false worship, else thou wilt lose thy credit or good name, or thy place, or thy authority where thou art, except thou wilt bow to him,Matth. 6.23. [...]uke 11.34. and every one will stare at thee, and thou wilt be gazed and won­dered at: so thy minde going from the light, and out of the favour of the Lord, thon consultest with flesh and blood, which must never into the kingdom of God, and that reason must never enter, and thou takest counsel at the harlot that lies in thy bosome, and so thy eye and minde is turned out from God, [...]ph. 2.2. [...]ol, 3.6, and so goes under the power of the Prince of the air, which rules and reignes in the children of dis­obedience and the dominion of Satan; and then thou hast the praise of the world, and the glory of the world, and disobeyest that which should lead thee into the kingdom of God from under the dominion of Satan; so thy later end is worse then the beginning; and in the world there thou hast thy honour, and the fleshly man is [Page 17] nourished,Eph. 4.6. and thy glory and renown growes again among the flesh­ly ones, who art out from God, who hast disobeyed the light in thee, which should have led thee from under the dominion of Sa­tan, under whose dominion thou art now, up to God, where there is comfort eternall, where there is riches eternall, glory eternall, where there is joy eternall, whose kingdom is for ever whose do­minion is a dominion for ever, the Lord God of heaven and earth; but thou who forsakest the right way, goest into eternall destru­ction, Wo, wo, is to thee,Gen. 6.12. Jer. 6.16, 17. 1 John 2.15. Luke 9.62. for the love of the world is an enemy to God, and he that hath the love of the world, the love of the Fa­ther is not in him, and thou who settest thy hand to the plow, and lookest back, art not fit for the kingdom of God.

To all you who can witness the second birth and are born a­gain, which all the promises of God are to, the seed; Yea and Amen,2 Cor. 1.20. 2 Cor. 7.1. come out of time into time, to that which lies in death in time, to fetch it up out of time to God where there is no time. This faith is a mystery, he that can perceive it let him,Rev. 2.17. and he that hath an ear to hear let him hear what the Spirit saith. Abel was the second birth, he was no murderer nor no sinner, for God called him, and saw no iniquity in him; but Esau the first is hated, and not perfect: and except you be born again you cannot enter into the Kingdom of God, Flesh and bloud shall not inherit the kingdom of God; and he that is born of God sins not, neither can he sin,1 John 3.9. because the seed of God remains in him, and because he is born of God; and he that is born of God, overcomes the world: he that is born of God is not not of this world; and he that is born of God testifies against all the works of the world, and the wickedness of it: and he that is born of God, doth not commit sin,1 John 3.8. he that commits sin is of the Devil, and never knew God. For this purpose was the Son of God manifested to destroy the works of the Divell?Verse 7. and he that doth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. And he that was of the second birth, was taught alone of God, and needed no man to teach him, and is come into the everlasting Covenant, and these are the second birth who are born again of the Immortal Seed by the Will of God, and not by the will of Man.John 1.12. 1 John 5.6. But as many as received Christ, to them he gave power to become the Sons of God, which are not born by the will of Man, but by the Will of God, not by water onely, but by water and blood.

To the Heads of this Nation, and all the Dominions of the Earth, and to all who are under the Dominion of the earthly Powers, Nations and Kingdomes every where in all the world; To you all Kings, Princes, Dukes, Rulers, Judges, Justices, Third-Burrows, or Town-Clerks.

Psal. 99.1. Psal. 114.7. Joel 2.1. Matth. 21.35, Acts 7.59. Heb. 11.37. 2 Cor. 11.25.TRemble all before the Lord, O earthly Powers, tremble before the Lord God Almighty; to you the Lord is uttering his thun­ders, to you the Lord is uttering his voyce, to you the Lord is sounding his Trumpet, to you the warning piece is gone out, you have caused the Prophets to be stoned in this great City, you have caused them to be imprisoned, you have caused them to be ba­nished in this great City Sodom, and to suffer beating and scourging out of your Synagogues.

Deut. Heb. 8.10. Job 19.29. Deut. 27.19.Dreadful is the Lord and powerful, who is coming in his power to execute true Judgment upon all you Judges, and to change all your Laws ye Kings. The Lord alone he will place the Law in people hearts, who is the everlasting Law-giver; all you Rulers must dow and cease, (and Justice the Lord will set in peoples hearts.) All you that have taken the name of Justices, which are not in justice you must be judged with the just; and all you underling Officers, which have been as the arms of this great tree which the fowls have lodged under you,Dan. 4.11, 12. spreading over the fowls, all your branches must be cut down; for you have been all the fruitlesse branches grown on the fruitlesse tree,Vers. 13. whom in thy honour and in thy glory thou spreadest over all Nati­ons; but now the stone is cut out of the Mountain without hands, which shall dash thee to pieces,Dan. 2.34, 35. Zach. 12.3. Dan. 2.31, 32, 33. whose Image was high and fair, whose head was gold, breast was silver, there's thy heart, there's thy head, whose thighs were brasse, whose feet were part Iron, part clay; but now thou must be hewn down with the watcher, The stone cut out of the Mountain without hands, which strikes at the feet of the Image; for with the beasts of the field thou must go with thy fellows, so thy King­dome and dominion must be thrown down.Ezek. 26.16. Ezek. 32.10. Isa. 9.6. Tremble all Nations before the Lord God Almighty of power, who is now setting up his own Kingdom, whose dominion is a dominion for ever, who now will bear his own government upon his shoulders. O England, Eng­land, thou hast forsaken thy visitation, thou hast not minded thy visitation, thou hast tasted of the Love of God and all people in it; but a whoring thou hast gone after gold,Deut. 26.22. after riches, after honour, so caused many plagues to come upon you: wonderful deliverances God hath wrought, and given many victories; and then the same nature, pride, and covetousnesse, and oppression got up again when [Page 19] the plagues have been off you. The god of the world doth blind your eye,Lev. 26.15. Job 41.34. which is the light which lets you see the mercies and deliveran­ces; but pride getting up, then you have forgotten the mercy, for the Devil is the King of pride; so you must be cut down with the same power that cut down the King who reigned over the Nation, in whose Family was a Nurse for Papists & for Bishops, which held up Pictures, Rails, Altars and Crosses, which all is in one generation So them ye call Papists, hath God overturned many of these things, and given you victory over the outward actings of many of them: But the Beast and the false Prophet is standing still, which held up these things and they keep their places: so another Parliament grew, and God hath cut down that. Beware of your selves, for the Lord will pluck down you, he hath suffered you to reign long, and shewed you many favors,John 5.44. and you have promised many fair promises to the Nation, but little you have performed; but you have had ends, and sought for honour when the plagues were off you, Pharaoh-like, and then fell to oppres­sion,Jer. 5.30. and suffered the horrible filthy thing to be committed in the Land, the Beast and the false Prophet to stand; and you which have the same nature hold them up. But God is coming to plague you, and pour forth all his plagues upon the earth where justice hath not reigned. Woe, woe is coming upon you all,Hab. 2.12. the same Tea­chers are standing that were in the time of the King, and the same that were in the time of the Bishops, and many of these are and have been your Counsellers, and the same that held up the Rails, Crosses and Pictures, are standing still. But the Lord God of power, according to his promise, as he hath said,Joel 2.28. He will pour forth his Spirit, and his Sons and his Daughters shall prophesie; and thousands of them do prophesie, and thousands of them have been mocked, some stoned, prisoned, whipped and beaten in this your ge­neration; for the Lord hath sent his Prophets to warn you, and to cry against your Teachers,Jer. 5.30. which seek for their gain from their Quar­ters, and bear rule by their means, and hold up the horrible filthy thing that is committed in the Land, as in Jer. 6. and are called of men Masters, and lay heavy burdens upon the people, and are such as sue men at the Law, which Christ forbad, and are such as go in the way of Cain, to envy, pride and pleasures;Judg. 1.11. and the Apostles bad the Saints turn away from them, who cryed against such: and such as take Tythes, act contrary to the Apostles; the true Prophets of the Lord cryed against them then, and the Lord hath raised up his Prophets to cry against them now as then, and against you Judges and Justices, which have held them up and maintained them with your Law, you must both be tormented together, Beast and false Prophet,Rev. 19.19, 20. 2 Chr. 18.7. the Lord God will pour out his plagues upon you, the Lord of Hosts hath spo­ken it, and except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish and be consu­med as the King was, and perish with the same power. The Lord God hath sent his Prophets oft to tell you so, but you have nor regarded it, but have made light of it. The Lord Jesus Christ who bears the [Page 20] Government upon his shoulders,Isai. 9.6. and he is coming to rule all Nati­ons with a rod of Iron. All you Hills which have been sheltring-pla­ces,Nahum 1.6. Matth. 27.51. shall be beaten to pieces: you Rocks that have been hiding pla­ces, shall be cloven asunder, you Mountains shall be laid low, you green trees where much adultery hath been committed, must be cut down, and you adulterers judged, the Lord hath spoken it, who will bear the government himself, and rule all Nations with his own migh­ty power, and women shall not rule the people, there shall be one Judge and one Law-giver,Isai. 3.12. Isai. 41.27. one King, Glory and Honour for ever. Sing all ye Saints and rejoyce, clap your hands and be glad, for the Lord Jehovah will reign, and the government shall be taken from you pretended Rulers, Judges and Justices, Lawyers and Constables, all this tree must be cut down, and Jesus Christ will rule alone: Glory and honour for ever be unto him. 2 Cor. 15.34. Be warned all betime, and awake and re­pent, and turn to the Lord betime, that you may find mercy by putting off the evill deeds and works of darknesse, that you may be received into the Kingdom of glory, Exod. 18.21. Isa. 57.77. Jer. 8.10. Jam. 5.12. Matth. 5.34. and lay aside all filthinesse, pride and covetousnesse, and speedily repent; uncleannesse and cursed speaking, lying, slandering and swearing; some you have made to swear, some you have made to pay for swearing, so you live in the confusion: Some you have made Teach­ers, which you set up, and some you put down, and so you live in confusion in the dark blind world so Dives-like, which must be turned into hell; but Jesus Christ who saw this then, he is come to govern, and true justice shall stand up, Exod. 12.2. Psal. 82.8. and true Judgment there shall be, and the righteous Law-giver, whose Law is come forth which shall judge eternally; and the great King will reign and doth reign, who reigns for evermore, whose do­minion is over all, Psal. 89.18. Rev. 17.14. Rev. 1.35. who is the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, to him be praise for evermore; who will take his government from you, and he alone will bear it upon his shoulders, you must all repent and come to re­pentance, and the fruits of your amendment of life, and your change; before you know him who governs all things.

Isai. 26.10.First, there must Justice before righteousnesse run down: there hath been much pretended justice and judgment in this Nation, and Nations elsewhere; but corruptions run down as streams, and as large rivers, and all unrighteousnesse and ungodlinesse, and in justice, drun­kennesse runs down, pride and oppression stand up: Where hath the soul been subject to the higher power,Rom. 13.1. who is a terrour to the evill doers; but this power hath not been known much, but it is now com­ming up which will cut down all corruptions in your selves,Job 12.17. Vers. 21. Vers. 25. it must be before you bear that sword to cut it down in others. But now God, the Lord God of heaven and earth is discovering all the powers of the earth, in throwing them down, and all the Powers and Ministers of the earth are but earth,Isai. 1.11. and the sacrifice which they sacrifice is from the earth, which is Cains; but the terrible One is coming with his power,Isai. 2.19, 20. to shake terribly the earth; and the glory of the Lord is ari­sing, and all the Idols of gold must be cast out, and all the honours must be cut down and cast out, and the high-places pull'd down, and [Page 21] the Tribes of the earth begin to mourn, and the powers of the earth are shaking, and the earth shall reel to and fro like a drunken man, saith the Lord of Hosts, who is coming with his army, and the Trumpet is begun to sound. Woe, woe, woe, woe,Rev. 8.13. to you the Inhabitants of the earth, for the proud people shall grow feeble: Therefore if you love the light, which shewes you all the time you have spent, and sin, and all your ungodly deeds and wayes, and it will lead you to repentance, and to the Lord; and if you hate the light, it is your condemnation, and you hate Christ;John 3.19. 2 Tim. 4.8. and if you love the light, and bring all your works to the light, you love Christ, which is the way to the Father, and there is your Teacher, you never need man more, but it brings to worship God alone.

Moved of the Lord from the Spirit of the Lord, which is to you all a visitation who are in the everlasting Covenant, sent from God, to warn you all of woe and misery which is coming upon all injustice and ungod­linesse, and false wayes, therefore haste, haste, to meet the Lord, by putting off the works of darknesse, and none take the title of Justice which are unjust, lest you be found liers before God, which is just, and will plague you: For a day of vengeance and plagues is coming upon the Beast and false Prophet, from him who is just, who will bear the government upon his shoulders, who is righteous and just, glorious and blessed for ever.
And here to you all I clear my conscience.

GOd hath made his Name known in this Nation, therefore all people mind that which is of God in you, to guide you into unity one with another up to God, and to keep you in the fear of God, that you may stand in the counsel of God,Job 28.28. Jer. 11.14. Prov. 19.20. for then what you do shall prosper, and you will grow famous in the eyes of the Lord, growing up to be as trees in righteousnesse and in truth; but if you go out of the counsel of the Lord, you go out of the fear of the Lord, then hastinesse of mind gets up, then rashnesse, then self-ends and minds running out into the earth, which would covet all the earth unto himself, that he may set his nest on high: then honour gets up, and pride gets up, and oppression gets up; therefore all bre­thren, [Page 22] mind that which is of God in you to keep you low: for woe is [...]o thee that takest counsel and not of the Lord.Isai. 30.1. To all ye Heads and Rulers of the people, as God hath blessed this Nation, and made known his power and wondrous works to it,Ezek. 21.27. Isai. 2.12, 27. and wrought forth abun­dance of corruption, who is overturning the Kingdoms of the world, and bringing down the proud and lofty ones. Fear the Lord all ye Heads, Rulers, Judges, Justices and Constables, all ye Heads of the people fear the Lord and he at his Word and depart from all evil and covetousnesse, for it blinds the eyes of the wise: for such were to be set over the people which feared God and hated covetousnesse,2 Chron. 19.7. Exod. 18.21. and men that were faithful. Now see that such be set over the people, men that hate covetousnesse, which are faithful and fear God, and that no Drunkard nor Swearer bear office, for the Law of God doth forbid it; and such strengthen the hand of the wicked, and the Law is not effectual as long as it is put into unjust and corrupt mens hands to execute, and that no man or woman should be put to death for the creature, cattel or money: for as you read in the Law of God, they that did steal and thieve, were to make restitution fourfold if they were able,Exod. 22.1, 3. Gen. 9.6. or else to be sold for their theft. He that sheds mans blood, by man shall his blood be shed. So the Lord direct you to mind the Law of God, and not your own Inventions: and that they which are to be set over the people, be not covetous, for they will seek for their own ends; nor no proud man to be set in authority, that seeks for honour, for he will rule with tyranny as Pharaoh did: And wo is to him that is proud,Psal. 10.4. Isai. 28.1. for the Devil is the King of it, and the plagues of God were poured upon Pharaoh, so will it be upon all such; nor no drunkard, for he will pity sin, and wink at evil, and bear with iniquity, and will be partial, and respect persons in Judgment, both proud,Prov. 17.23. and covetous, and drunkards; but set such as fear the Lord, and hate covetousnesse, and see that your selves be such; nor none to judge for gifts or rewards, nor money, for it blinds the eyes of the wise; nor to have money for judging: then high places will not be sought after by men of corrupt minds for self-ends; and that the Law may be openly known in every mans language,Exod. 23.8. Deut. 16.19, 20. so every man shall know when he is a transgressour; and that there may be none idle, but that the people in every Town where they are, may work and be maintained; and that every Constable in every town may have the law committed to him, and call all the people together, that they all may know it; and that no drunkard nor swearer bear office, for such cannot restrain others; and that there may be no gaming, as carding, dicing, shovelboard, swearing in Ale-houses, drinking of healths, nor no Ale-house but such as keep Lodging for Travellers; for they nourish up young and old people to vanity, and draw them unto uncleannesse;Gal. 5.19, 20, 21. so the creation is devoured by such, for the people lust after such things, and that begets idlenesse, adultery, theft and mur­ther; and that there may be no Cock-fightings, nor Bull-baiting, nor Bear-baiting, nor observing holy-dayes, as the times of Christ­masse, [Page 23] Easter, and Whitsontide, for these are times of sporting and wantonnesse, and filthy pleasures, devouring the creation upon their lusts: for the righteous Law of God is a limit to the carnal mind and cursed nature: but who are redeemed from under the Curse, and all the pollutions and filthinesse, to live up to God, are out of all Lawes, whereas the unreasonable nature, and fleshly man is destroyed: and this is so, I witnesse it; but where the unreasonable nature is alive, and fleshly man, the righteous Law of God takes hold upon it,Rom. 8.21, 22. for all the whole Creation groans under the burden of corruption, un­till the body be redeemed out of the pollutions, so be faithful, and dwell in that which is pure, and mind the Law of God, that God may blesse and prosper you in all your wayes and proceedings: and if you go from that which is pure, then the cursed nature gets up, so then plagues and woes will follow. And call in all your Acts which you have given forth concerning Religion, lest you lay it upon them where the Seed of God is raised up: And you be found fighters against God, and bring the curse, and woe and plagues upon you: For the Magistrate which bears the sword, which is Justice, meddles with no mans conscience; for who exerciseth conscience, he delights in Ju­stice; for every soul must be subject to the higher power,Rom. 13.1, 2. for there is no power but of God, and he that resisteth the power, resisteth the Ordinance of God, and all who do not exercise a good conscience, but live in uncleannesse, there the conscience is not exercised, but the mind goes out from God, that soul is not subject to the higher power, but resisteth the Ordinance of God. I charge you by the Lord,Rom. 13.4, 5. that no Ballads nor jesting books be suffered to be printed, for they stir up lightnesse and wantonnesse,Ephes. 5.4. and gather the people together to exer­cise their minds in that which drawes from God, and that no swearer nor drunkard, nor proud, nor self willed man bear an office, nor none that seeks to enrich himself, nor none that is partial and respects per­sons in Judgment, for such are transgressours of the Law of God,Deut. 16.19. nor none that is high minded, nor none that is scornful to bear office, for such persecute the just, and justifie the wicked,Mal. 3.15. and call the proud happy, and they that work wickednesse are set up with such which the Prophets cryed against, and where the same seed is made mani­fest, it eryes against such. For Sions sake, and for the Lords sake, see that your selves be such, and that you set up such as fear God and hate covetousnesse, and have compassion of the poor and needy,Exod. 18.21. widows and fatherlesse, and men faithful, of courage and wisdome, and understanding, hating gifts and rewards, for it blinds the eyes of the wise, and then comes respecting of persons, respecting the rich and despising the poor, and such are beasts which the plagues of God must be poured forth uopn, which are abomination to the Lord, which is contrary to God and his Law, for he nor his Law, nor the Faith that is in Christ respects no mans person.Jam. 2.1, 2, 9. As the Nation hath been long ruled by Customes, but God is raising a light in mens hearts, which discovers all their filthinesse and corruption.

And all Souldiers mind your places aright, a Souldier he must be qualified,Luke 3.14. he must be content with his wages, and accuse no man falsly, and do no violence to no man, and see that thou be all here.

Moved of the Lord, which is the Word of the Lord, written from the Spirit of the Lord, a friend of the Common-wealth of Israel, and the freedome of the righteous seed, and establishing righteousnesse.

GOd hath made his Name known in this Nation, therefore all people mind that which is of God in you,Job 28.28. Prov. 11.14. Prov. 19.20. to guide you into Unity one with another, up to God, and to keep you in the fear of God, that you may stand in the counsel of God, for then what you do shall prosper, and you shall grow famous in the eyes of the Lord, growing up to be as trees in righteousnesse and in truth. But if you go out of the counsel of the Lord, you go out of the fear of the Lord; then hastinesse of mind gets up, then rashnesse, then self-ends, and minds running into the earth, which would cover all the earth unto himself,John 5.44. that he may set his nest on high; then honour gets up, and pride gets up, and oppression gets up, therefore all bre­thren mind that which is of God in you to keep you low and hum­ble: For woe is to thee that takest counsel and not of the Lord, and woe is to the crown of pride, for the Devil is the King of it; and wo to him that makes himself rich,Lev. 26.19. and sets his nest on high, and op­presseth the poor and needy, and turns them away from their right, therefore take heed of all these things, lest your minds run out into the snares of the earth, and so run from God, and then make riches your God, and riches your treasure, gold and silver your treasures, and honour your delight. And as God hath blessed this Nation, and made himself manifest in it, so walk with God, and do justice and equity, and love mercy, that breaks the bonds of iniquity off from you; for this is required of God so to do; covet not after earthly things that passe away, the fashions of this world passe away, the lust of it passeth away, the pride and honour of it passeth away; but honour Gods all honour and glory belongs unto him,Gen. 6.12. and all men are to be honoured in him; let your words be few, sound, pithy, and seasoned, and that speak in you, which denyes a [...]o ungodlinesse and wordly lusts, then all your words are sa­voury, seasoned with grace, edifying them that do hear, so that you may be Stewards of the grace of God, and the wisdom of the most high God to guide you,Prov. 11.14. Job 28.28. by which you may order and guide the crea­tion, order and rule the Creation; and the fear of the Lord is the [Page 25] beginning of this pure wisdom, and that which brings you into this fear, is that which convinceth you of sin, of the going forth of your minds, and all underminings, and self-ends, and highminded­ness, and all ungodliness or deceit, or any thing which is not just and righteous, this pure light of God convinceth you of, so you love equity, love righteousness, and brings you to stand in the fear of the most high God, who is dreadfull and mighty in power, and rules all Heaven and Earth, and all Nations shall tremble before him, and the heavens bow down unto him, and the rocks cleave when he speaks, &Psal. 99.1. Psal. 114.7. & he shakes the mountains; and removes the wilderness out of its place, and makes a place in the wilderness for his people to go; he now is co­ming to rule in his people, and to throw down all the Kingdoms of the earth, according as he hath promised to make all the Kingdoms of the earth the Kingdom of his dear Son. O therefore dwell in the fear of the Lord, for the fear of the Lord keeps the heart clean, and the pure wisdom of God is put into pure hearts, true treasure is commit­ted to him that is faithfull; and thou that art not faithfull in the unrighteous Mammon and worldly things, who will trust thee with the true wisdom? And as you depart from evil, your understan­dings are enlightned and grow,1 Iohn 1.9. being guided by the pure light of God within you, to depart from evil, and your understandings come to be enlightned, and the Lord God more and more manifested in your souls; therefore every one of you in particular, having a mea­sure, mind the light of God within you, for God hath given all of you a light, which will draw up all your minds to God,1 Cor. 3.1 [...]. and walk in that light, and be children of the day, and have unity one with ano­ther; and walk in the pure day, there is your teacher, and loving that, you love Christ; if you hate it, you hate Christ, & will not bring your deeds to be proved by it, because they are evill, and eternally you shall witness me; and walking in the light,1 Iohn 2.10. 1 Iohn 2.11. there is no stumbling at all; but going from the pure light of God within you, you stum­ble at noon day, and that mind that goes from the light, puts the letter for the light, as all the blind guides in the world put the let­ter for the light, which is but a declaration of the light; but they are not of one mind that say so, and the letter saith, Christ is the light, and the light is but one, and it leads all one way, into one truth and unity, to be of one mind, one soul, one heart, to the Lord God of light, Father of light,1 Iohn 1.4. Iohn 14.6. and to the Church that is in God, with whom there is no shadow, no darknesse at all. So dear frinds, spend not your time about carnall talk, words that are about other mens matters; lest your minds be drawn from God, and keep to Yea and Nay in all your communication, as Christ com­mends the man that the Scripture speaks of, that had servants under him, and he said to the one come and he comes, to another do this & he doth it; he rules in love, in soundnesse, in gravity, & this was no­ble. O do not provoke one another to wrath nor strife about words, which are to no effect, but draws your minds from God; let your [Page 22] words be few, and hear one another with patience, that you may discern the intent of words that are spoken, and so you may have salt in your selves, and be kept in saviour, and run not out with your mindes among words, and do not wear apparrell to make your selves fine, lest you be lifted up with pride and forget God; for the proud is an abomination unto the Lord, but that is exalted and set up with man: but what is esteemed with man, in that eye is abominati­on unto the Lord.Psal. 10.4. Psal. 101.5. Iam. 5.6. Iam. 5.5. O do not eat and drink to make your selves wanton, for the creatures were created for the health, to be used in their places as servants to us, and we to God, as Kings over them; so they in their places, and we in our places, praising and glorifying God. But thou O man, who art drove into earth, who hast an evill eye, an evill heart, thou art gone out of the truth from God, and de­vours the creation and the creatures upon thy lust. O do not make a profession outwardly to be seen of man for the praise of men, for he is not a Jew which is one outwardly,Iam. 4.3. who is a proud Pharisee, a double heart, a heart full of deceit, they crucified Christ the sub­stance of what they did profess in words, therefore take heed lest any of you be found here;Rom. 2.28, 29 he is not a Iew which is one out­wardly, whose praise is of men, but he is a Jew which is one in­wardly, whose praise is of God: therefore all men make no profession of any thing but what you do possesse, so that always you may be kept to the Lord, and see him present; and the Lord God of powers be among you, and throw down that which opposeth the pure seed; and keep your minds unto himself, for this is the day of your visita­tion and salvation: now you have time prize it.

A friend to the eternall Truth, and a lover of your soules; GEORGE FOX.

The voyce of the Lord uttering forth the word of the Lord in the power of the Lord sounding forth to all you who profess Jesus Christ in words but deny him in life and conversation, therefore refuse not him that speaks from heaven; if ye do, ye cannot escape the damnation of hell.

CAin was the first, and God hath no respect to his sacrifice, and all who sacrifice of the earth, God hath no respect to them; but to Abel he hath.Gen. 4.5. Iohn 1.9. Iohn 11.9. Iohn 3.20. Christ Jesus saith, I am the light that en­lightneth every one that cometh into the world; he that loves the light, and brings his deeds to the light, there is no occasion of stum­bling; he that hates the light his deeds are evill, and he will not [Page 25] bring his works to the light, because the light will reprove him, This is the condemnation of the world, the light: thou that wilt not bring thy works to the light to be proved, thou hatest it, thou hatest all the commandements of God, and thou hatest Christ, thou hatest God and all Gods people, who are of God;Iohn 8.12. and all thy pro­fession is false and hypocrisie, and for the fire: But thou that lovest the light, and walkest in the light, it leads to the day, keeps all Gods commandements, doth not steal, doth not Idolize, doth not commit adultery, doth no evill, but loves the light, and walks in the light, it leads out of all the works of darkness, and to lay them aside; it leads up to God, to the beginning, before the false Prophets were. Now walk in the light, and it will let you see that all the Prophets of God spoke from the same light, and in the light,Iohn 12.46. and all the Saints which were in unity one with another, were in the light, and had joy in the light and sight of one another in the light, as Christ saith, Father you in me and I in you, one light from the Father and Christ, in the Saints, and so Christ is the way to the Father: all the Ministers of God spoke from the light, and in the light,1 Iohn 1.3. verse 7. and all of one way, one light, the Saints, Christ and God, all come up to be one light, and so they have unity with the Father, and unity with the Sonne and the Father, also the Saints are all in one light, he that can receive it, let him. To all you who are children of the light I speak; but being disobedient to the light, and hating the light, all your false teachers are there, all the false Prophets are there,Rev. 18.22. Mat. 24.24. all An­tichrists are there, Babylon and Cain is there, who hate the light, and the Commandements of God, and disobey them: As Cain, when God said, If thou dost well, if not, sin lies at thy door; so there was a promise, as God said to Adam, that he should not eat of the tree of knowledge, so the light lets all see their transgression; so disobey­ing the light, brought death upon him, to all who walk in the light the false Prophets are discovered,1 Pet. 2.1. Gal. 2.4. the false teachers are discovered to you, Antichrists are discovered to them, false Apostles and false brethren are discovered: For all are brethren who are in the light, and children of the light, and children of the day, who walk in unity in the light. So in all Ages the deceit followed the Saints in the form; they got the form of the Prophets and the people of God, but not the power nor the light, therefore they persecuted them who were in the power of the truth, who lived in the form and not in the light. When the children of Israel were to come up out of Egypt, Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses; whom the Lord sent to lead them forth (or declare unto them:) when they were brought forth with a mighty power out of the land of Egypt,2 Tim. 3.8. and the land of dark­ness, from under their oppressors and Task-masters, were destroyed: and all you who are in pride and oppression, are Task-masters, you are King Pharoah, put it not farre from you, and you are for the plagues, the plagues are your portion. And when they were brought forth of Egypt with a mighty power,Rev. 18.8. who did not abide in the [Page 28] power, and in the light, but they turned away, and ran a whoring after other Lords and Gods, the Lord sent his true Prophets to cry against them, and to tell them, and they were not hired, nor did not do it for gifts,John 15.10. ctAs 7.51. rewards, nor wages: but freely they spoke in the pow­er, in the light and from the light, and from the mouth of the Lord, to that which they had imprisoned through their backsliding with their earthly carnal minds, and therefore they persecuted them who spoke in the power of truth, to that which was in prison, with that mind which imprisoned it in the world, then the false pro­phets got into the form of the true Prophets words, and they ran unsent, and used their tongues, and spoke a vain divination of their own brain, and not from the mouth of the Lord, and the Lord never spoke to them: those did not profit the people at all. Then the Lord sent his Prophets to cry against those Prophets;Mica. 3.11. Iude 11. Iea. 14.14. for those Prophets prophesied for money, and for Balaam, who loved the wages of un­righteousnesse: Now the Prophets of the Lord spoke freely to all in all generations and ages, who had received freely: and their porti­on they had in the world was mocking, scoffing, stoning, beating, railing, or being called fools or mad-men. This was their reward, wages and portion in the world, and of all who had the worlds na­ture;Heb. 11.36. but their reward was the Lord God, and it is the Lord which sent them, then there were Priests which offered, which did the ser­vice of the Altar, whfch were true Types and Figures, being com­manded of God and of Jesus Christ. When their minds turned in­to the earth, and into their lufts, they did it for hire, they preached for hire, then the Lord sent his Prophets to cry against these, and all such,Ier. 5.30, 31. and told them, a horrible filthy thing is committed in the land, and they were blind, and had eyes and did not see, and called them a foolish people, and said the Prophets prophesied falsly, and the Priests bear rule by their means, and the people love to have it so. Shall not I visit for these things saith the Lord? Shall not my soul be avenged on such a Nation as this? So the Lord sent his Prophets to cry against these things,Ier. 5.9. which were acted not in the power but in the will of man, in their carnall wills for their own ends. So do all the Prophets of the Lord, of the most High, cry a­gainst all the abominations for ever. And when the Lord brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, he gave them Laws and faith­full men [...] And when Jethro, Moses Father-in-law, came to him, Mo­ses judged the people from morning till evening; and his father said it was too hard for him to do,Exod. 18.13. Verse 18. and he wearied himself and the peo­ple, and bid him chuse out faithfull men that hated covetousness, fea­ring God, and men of courage, to set such over thousands, over hun­dreds,Verse 26. over fifties and tens, to judge the people at all seasons, and to bring the greater and weightier matters to Moses. But here was no respecting of persons,Prov. 29.4. but he that did commit sin, and transgress the Law, when their minds went forth from the true Law of righteousnesse and equity, and justice for gifts, and received rewards, [Page 29] which the Law of God forbids, and gifts which God forbids,Isai. 2.28. 2 Chron. 17.7. Eccles. 7.7. then the Lord sent Prophets in his power and light to cry against those that received gifts, and told them that gifts blinded the eyes of the wise, and against those that sought for rewards: for then they grew partiall, and then the soul is not subject to the power of God, but man rules there with his will. And in the first Covenant there was Circumcision that God commanded, there was a Temple that God commanded, and there were Priests that God commanded,Heb. 9.24. Heb. 10.1. which were Figures, Types and Shadows of Jesus Christ the ever­lasting Priest; there was a Sabbath, a signe of the everlasting rest, the Temple of the Lord God and of Christ and the Saints, where he comes to dwell in his Temple; and Circumcision, a Figure of the inward circumcision, and when Jesus Christ was come, the substance of circumcision, the substance of all the Law, and of the Sabbath, of the Temple, and of all the Priests, and of the Lamb that was to be offered up without blemish, of all the clean that was to be offer­ed, the Goats, the Bulls, the Rams, the Kids, and all those things the substance was come; When the substance was owned, received,Col. 2.17. and witnessed and come (Jesus Christ) and sacrificed up, they who prea­ched Christ the resurrection, who were made Temples of God, denied the outward Temples, who had received Jesus Christ an high Priest for ever, without Father, without Mother, denied all the Priests, who were types and figures of him which was of Father and Mother; who had received circumcision, inwardly the Jew,Heb. 8.4, 5. Christ Jesus the King of the Jews denied Circumcision outwardly in the flesh; and who witnessed and received Jesus Christ the first offer­ing which was offered up, denied all the offerings which were types and figures of him; for that which was to be offered in the tpye, was that which was pure, a pure Lamb without blemish, and the first born; but when they offered the lame, the halt,Mal. 1.8. Deut. 15.21. or the maimed, or the blind, it was a cursed sacrifice; for the cursed nature offered that, and so the nature was cursed that offered it; and so that which was to be offered in the figure, was that which was pure without blemish: but who received the substance Jesus Christ, de­nied all those things, and witnessed the resurrection, and preached his resurrection; and all who were, were gathered in the substance,Acts 4.1, 2, 3. the eternall Word Jesus Christ, which all the Prophets witnessed of, had received the end of the Prophets, the end of the Law, the end of all types, and figures, and shadows, Jesus Christ the Corner­stone, the life of God which is unknown to the world;Rom. 10.4. so the same Spirit that raised up Jesus Christ, the same Spirit have all the Saints unity withal, who deny all carnall traditions and outward customs, and outward inventions, and outward worships, and come to wor­ship the true God in Spirit and truth, and lets all see that they have been strangers to the life of God; and after the Apostles did preach the substance Jesus Christ, the eternall Word, then false Prophets come and get the form of the true Prophets words,John 4.23. and of [Page 28] [...] [Page 29] [...] [Page 29] the true Apostles and Christs words.Jude 11. Who lived in the flesh, and in the pollutions and lusts of uncleanness, and so people followed them, but they went in the way of Cain and envy, and after the error of Balaam, who perished in the gainsaying of Corah, who gain­said the truth, and the Saints which were gathered into the eternal day with the eternall Word,2 Pet. 3.6.7 the substance, which denied the Tem­ple outward, Sabbath outward, the circumcision outward, and all the Priests; they met together in severall houses, and they exhorted one another daily; then false Teachers crept up, and crept into hou­ses, and led silly women captive, who were always learning, and ne­ver able to come to the knowledge of the truth, led away with di­vers lusts, which did withstand the truth as Iannes and Jambres did, and that doctrine crept in which hath now passed over the world,2 Pet. 3.2, 3, 4, 5. and now covetous men preach, self-willed men preach, men that are given to pleasures preach, drunkards and railers preach; and so you may see all people who are in the light, how they are always learning, and never come to the knowledge of the truth. For this sort of preaching is over all the world now. Men preach that people shall never overcome the body of sin, and so they keep all in their sins. Men preach that people shall never be perfect, and so they keep them all out of perfection in imperfection. Men preach that they shall never overcome the body of sin, so long as they are here, and so they are holders up of the body of sin. And they preach, Men shall never overcome the world and corruptions so long as they are here, and so they are all holders up of the Kingdom of Satan, for they sin and stand for the same, for the maintaining of the body of sin,Jude 11. for they have all gifts and rewards as Balaam had, and so they are worse then Balaam, for he durst not take it, because the word of the Lord had restrained him. They are all hirelings, they are not re­strained, but take it, they take gifts and are not restrained, and therefore are not come so farre as Balaam to know the word of the Lord doth restrain, but persumptuously they shew men the Law, he that will not give him his gift or reward, which the Prophets ne­ver did that were sent of God, nor ever did the Ministers which were sent of God, nor ever did the Apostles of Christ, who prea­ched perfection and overcoming of sin,2 Pet. 2.15. but cried wo against them all that went for wages in the way of Balaam; such are they that stand for sin, being reprobates concerning the faith; and all who preach the faith of Jesus, preach purification, and all who have the faith of God purifie themselves as he is pure; and all who have the belief in God, are born of God, and overcome the world and all things that are in the world; but all who are haters of the light, are reprobates concerning the faith, all their teachings is for the fire, and all that contend for them: for the eternall light where it is made manifest,2 Tim. 3.8. it judges them, and all the plagues of God are to be poured out upon them, the vials of the wrath of the Almighty, and all hypocrites such are without the light, and have [Page 27] but the letter of it; flatterers, false Prophets,Matth. 24, 24. false Apostles are with­out the light, and are haters of it; these false Shepherds are without the light, which seek for their gain from their quarters, which all the Shepherds of the world shew themselves to be there: He that was in the light cried against them, as Isa. 56, 10, 11. and all them that bear rule by their means, are without the light: Ieremy who was in the light, cried against them, Ier. 5.30, 31. Ier. 23.14. v. 21. & v. 30. and all them that preach for hire are without the light, and hate the light: for Mica who was in the light, cried against them, Mica 3.11. and all who go for gifts and rewards hate the light, and are without the light; for it would reprove them if they loved it; for he was in the light, the Apostles dwelt in it, and walked in it, he cried against them who went in the way of Balaam for gifts and rewards, and all who have got up into the chiefest places in the Assemblies,Mat. 23, 6, 7, 8. and love to be called of men Masters, who stand praying in the Synagogues and are painted with other mens words, as the Apostles, the Pro­phets, and Christs words, are haters of the light and not lovers of it, nor walk not in it: For Jesus Christ who was the light, cried wo to such who were so then; and Jesus Christ which is the light made manifest, cries wo against all such now as then. And all the Teachers of the world now, that are now in England, hate the light, they bear rule by their means, & they receive gifts in their hands, vvhich Ieremy cried against, vvhich blind the eyes of the vvise; and they are hire­lings, vvhich Micah cried against, Mica. 3.11. and they seek all for gain from their quarters, vvhich Isaiah cried against, and to cloathe themselves vvith the vvooll, and feed themselves vvith the fat, and make a prey of the people, vvhich Ezekiel cried against, vvho vvas in the light, and cried vvo to those Idol-Shepherds vvhich had not the light, vvhich vvalked not in the light. So vvoe is to all novv, vvho seek for the fleece & vvooll, & make a prey of the people novv as they did in the time of Ezekiel, 34.2, 3, 4.Ezek. 34.2, 3.4. The Lord God of povvers is uttering his thunders, Thresh, thresh, O S [...]on, arise up and thresh obey the Lord his commands, stand up for the povverfull truth up on the earth, be valiant for the Lord, bovv not to the deceit: trem­ble all Nations before the Lord, and before his Army, his Host.Psal. 114.7. Joel 2.1, 2, 3.4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Luke 13.7. Iohn 10, 12.13 Sound the Trumpet, sound an Alarm, call up to the battel, gather together for the destruction, dravv the svvord, hevv dovvn all fruit­less trees vvhich cumber the ground, hevv dovvn all false justice which is not justice, hevv dovvn all the povvers of the earth, cleanse the land from all filthiness, purge forth the dross, the filth and corrupti­on, slay Baal, Baalam must be slain, all the hirelings must be turned out of the Kingdom, who have pretended that God sent them, the sword of the Lord is drawn against you all,Rev. 17.14. Deut. 28.65. Lam. 3.65. you are all ruled by the Prince of the air, and in the powers of darkness ye stand, maintain­ing all the works of darknesse, a day of slaughter is coming to you who have made war against the Lamb and against the Saints, for de­struction you are, the sword you cannot escape, and it shall be upon you all ere long; you have sit as Queen, and you have seen [Page 32] no sorrow nor no loss; but now destruction is drawing nigh, sor­row is coming. Sons and daughters are going abroad joyfully in the power and strength of the Almighty, the arm of the Lord, in whose hand is the Lords sword, the Lord will honour himselfe, the Lord will get himself renown,Matth. 23.35. the Lord will be known to be King. Howl, wo and misery all ye Priests, ye blind Priests, by whom all the righ­teous blood hath been shed, you who are in the first birth in your generation, plagues are coming upon you, and to be poured out without mixture;Isai. 34.8. Isai. 35.4. Psal. 5.11. Psal. 149.2. the wrath of the Almighty God to you all op­pressors who have the power, to you all limiters, who limit the power of God to your Doctrine, to your will; the sword is drawn against you all, a day of vengeance is coming upon you all; that the Lord will be recompenced upon you all his adversaries, the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it. Joyfull days ye Saints, joyfull days ye righteous ones, clearness, pureness, freedom from the Beast, freedom from the false Prophets, feedom from the hirelings, freedom from the observer of days, freedom from the limiter with the carnall will, freedom from the false Shepherds that seek for gain from their quarters, freedom from them that cloath themselves with the wooll, and make a prey upon you, which while you were there ran from mountain to moun­tain, from hill to hill. Praises, praises be to the Lord God who hath made free, Ezek. 32.6, 7.8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. who hath gathered that which was driven away to himself, and seeked that which was lost. Rejoyce ye Saints and servants of the Lord, triumph over the deceits, walk in that which is pure, walk in the pure righteous ways of the Lord, triumphing and trampling over the world, singing the songs of the Lamb: spread the truth abroad all you righteous ones, stand fast in your freedom in that which is pure, being guided by that which is of the Lord to the Lord. Here the true worshippers are that cannot bow down to any man but to the Lord, Rev. 15.3. here are ye that are come out of Aegypt and Edom, who witnesse Phraoh drowned and all his Host, which while they were in Aegypt, were under Pharoahs taskings and his limits, and suffered if they did not obey his will and his tasks, and were under the proud, and under the oppressor; but now being brought out of Aegypt by the mighty power, Deut. 6.12. and hand of the Lord, Pharaoh and his Host is drowned by the Lord of Hosts; dwelling in the power, and guided by that life which is pure and eternall to the Lord cannot bow down to any thing but God, nor worship any thing but God, nor have any other Gods but the living God, by whose power he is brought out of Aegypt. Lev. 26.45. But all Nations, and Languages, and Tongues, and Kindreds, and People, tremble before the Lords Host, and the Lords Army who dwell in the power of the mighty God; Joel 2.11. Psal. 29.3. Psal. 24.7. here is the Lord glori­fied, here is the Lord exalted, and his Name known, to whom be all glory, honour and thanks, and praise for his eternall riches for ever.


A word of exhortation to you all sonnes and daughters of God, who have obeyed the voyce of God, and come out from all the false Prophets in England, and all them that seek gain from their quarters, and that have the chiefest places in the Assemblies, are cal­led of men Masters, walking in the light which hath called you forth up to God, the Father of light, who are sent to cry against the Priests in England, who have the chiefest places in the Assem­blies, now stand praying there, now get up into the Pharisees seat,Jer. 23. now Antichrists that have Christs words, but Pharisees in life and practice, in the same steps and places that they were in: like the Prophets in words, but bear rule by their means; like the true Shepherds in words, but seek gain from their quarters: Is not this also now?John 18, 12.13. Sons and daughters may witnesse with all the Prophets that ever cried against those things, which were all witnesses of Christ, and Christ justified the same, and that they were all hirelings, and would flie because the sheep were not his own. But the good Shepherd Christ Jesus lays down his life for his sheep, I am the good Shep­herd saith Christ, and lay down my life for my sheep, and they go in the way of Cain for gifts and rewards, this you all see with the same light which is the eye, as was in the Prophets and Apostles; which light is Jesus Christ that enlightneth every one that cometh into the world, and the one loves it and walks in it, and there is his Teacher, his guide to the Father; the other he hates it,John 1.9. and there is his condemnation to the hell, the pit, and misery, this light is the same as ever was in all the Prophets, which light is Christ which comes from God, which draws to God, which light is God: For God is light; he that can receive it, let him: Ye sons and daughters of the Lord, ye sons and daughters of the God Almighty,John 8.12. rejoyce in praises, rejoyce in praises, sing praises unto the Lord God, Sing praises to the Lord God Almighty, who breaks the bonds of iniquity.Psal. 116, 16, 17. Iniquity is the band over the pure, and there is no health while the bands of iniquity are standing.

A voyce and a word to all you servants of the Lord: Be obedi­ent to what you know, walk in the truth in your measure made manifest by Jesus Christ, wrangle not, strike not one another, but walk together in the Vineyard in love, nor think your time long,Deut. 4.30. Isai. 1.19. nor your work hard, which you must obey and do when your Ma­ster commands you, neither murmure nor complain, for such are de­stroyed, nor grudg, but all be diligent in your place, in that which your master hath committed to you, that when your Lord and Ma­ster cometh, you may receive your blessing which your Lord and Master hath promised you,Matth. 25.21. Matth. 25.23. and so to enter into the joy of your Ma­ster as good and faithfull servants, according to the promise of your Lord; be hold serviceable and diligent in your masters work, be rea­dy and obedient in all things what ever he requires of you without grudging.

A word of misery to the slothfull servant, that is thy portion,Matth. 25.26. thy [Page 34] day of destruction is coming, the night of utter darkness draws neer which thou must be turned into:Pro. 12.24. thither to enter, thou hast negle­cted thy time, thy destruction is appearing, thou hast hid the Lords money in the earth,Matth. 25.24. thou hast been sloathfull in his work, thou judg­est him to be a hard master, thou sayest he reaps where he did not sow, and gathers where he strewed not. O thou wicked and sloath­full servant, now out of thy own mouth shalt thou be judged, and thy Talent taken away from thee, and thou cast into outter darknesse where shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth for ever.Rom 6.20.

A voyce and a word to all you who are servants of Sin, ye are free from righteousnesse and enemies to God, your master is the Di­vell, ye are the hirelings, ye are they that bear rule by their means, ye are they that eat the rat, and cloath your selves with the wooll, ye are they which are called of men Masters, which shut up the Kingdom against men (which Christ forbids) now here and every where,Ezek. 34.3. and ever did; ye are they which seek for gain from your quarters, and go in the way of Cain and envy, and Balaam, for gift and rewards, ye are enemies to the true and living God, and ye are drunkards, ye are oppressors, ye are proud, ye are covetous, ye are wranglers,Jude 1 [...]. ye are cheaters and quarrellers, ye are servants of sin, yee serve lusts and pleasures; first lust and then pleasure, for there is no pleasure but first there is lust; ye are they which are free from righteousness, ye are not they which are free from sin; ye are them that plead for sin, as long as people are in the world, for the whole world lies in wickedness, ye can plead for nothing else; false Pro­phets, false Rulers and Magistrates, who live in their sins, and plead for nothing else, who hate the light, your destruction is coming, the wrath of the Almighty is coming, the Lord Jesus Christ is coming in flame [...] of fire to render vengeance upon all you ungodly ones,2 Thess. 1.8. who hold the truth in ungodly minds, all drunkards and professors, all you fained professors, all you aspiring professors, a day of how­ling is coming upon you,Matth. 8.12. that you shall gnash your teeth for pain: all your prayers are abomination to the Lord, dead and dry, husky, and barren, and stink before the Lord, worm-eaten.

Psal. 114.7. Dan. 5.19.Tremble all Nations before the Lord, the Power, the Lord of Hosts, who is making manifest his Kingdom, and setting it up, and you that serve sin, your wages is death, that is your portion, the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it.

2 John 7. Rev. 2.9:A voyce and a word to all you deceivers, who deceive the people, and blasphemers who utter forth your blasphemy and hypocrisie, that tell people of a Sacrament, and tell them it is the ordinance of God;Mal. 1.14. blush, blush, and tremble before the Almighty, for dreadfull is he that will poure forth his vengeance upon you: and tell people of sprinkling infants, and tell them it is an ordinance of God, and pra­ctise such things, who have got this by form and custome one gene­ration from another; and never from the mouth of the Lord of Hosts. Did ever God give forth any such thing? but you who live [Page 35] in the witchery, and bewitch the people:Ier. 25.36. Zach. 11.3. Amos 8.3. And these things that God never commanded, are given forth by you who are brazned with the deceit: a day of howling and destruction is coming upon you who have cast the Law and the commandments of Christ be­hind your backs, who live in all uncleanness, and ungodliness, pride, lust and excess. And in stead of being servants to all, ye are ma­sters to all; but your kingdom is discovered, the Lord alone hath discovered to his sons and daughters, and to his servants, that you must be taken in your witchcraft and Sorcery, and receive the plagues from the Lord God; that is your portion.

A voyce and a word to all you Seducers, who live in your imagi­nations and inventions, sorcery and witchcraft,Ezek. 13.10. 1 Iohn 2.26. 2 Tim. 3.13. to draw people to your inventions, to follow your imaginations that you have set up in your mindes, to draw them from the living God, and light of God within them, thou art for the fire, and no witch must live in Israel, thou maist live in the world, but in Israel thou must not: among the wicked ones thou must live, but destruction and fire, and the wrath of the Almighty is thy portion.

A voyce and a word to all false Prophets,1 Iohn 5.1. Matth. 24.11. who are taking texts of other mens conditions, and your preaching an hour, and limiting God and all the people to your hour, your mouthes must be stopped who use your tongues and say, He saith,Ier. 23. and the Lord never spoke to you, you are discovered to the true Prophets, to the sons and daugh­ters of God, you are seen to be the dumb Prophets, which have not a word from the Lord, but the letter which is carnall, and get the true Prophets words and speake forth the carnall, in England and else where.

A voyce and a word to all you that take tythes in the old Cove­nant: Levi which received tythes, the strangers, the Fatherless, and the widows, were to come within his gate to be filled,Deut. 14.19. and to be satisfied, this was in the Old Covenant among the Children of Is­rael, and not among the heathen; to all you now who receive tythes, ye deny that Christ is come to us in the flesh, and you do not fill the strangers, the Fatherless, and widows, ye do not walk accor­ding to the old Covenant, but have got the words of the Old Cove­nant to maintain you in your filthyness, and to deceive the people with their words, and to get your tythes: and if they will not give them to you, you sue them at the law;Matth. 5.40. 1 Cor. 6.6. so they did not in the old Co­venant. Here you raze your selves out of the old Covenant, and yet you profess your selves that Christ hath sent you, and that you are Ministers of Christ. O you slanderers and blasphemers of Jesus Christ to render him so odious as your selves, in holding up these filthy things which you act contrary to the old covenant, which was in the old covenant a figure of the new;Rom. 10.4. for when Jesus Christ came, he came to put an end to all these things, & there you are razed out from the old covenant, and from the new, and from Iesus Christ both.

A voice and a word to all you that say Christ sent you to preach the Gospel, and take tythes, and mingle with the world; and them that will not give it you, you sue them at the law. Oh you liars, woe be to you liers of Christ,Tit. 1.10.11. 2 Tim. 3.13. Matth. 10.8. Christ never sent you, you deceivers, you are all the deceivers spoken of: for whom Christ sent, to them, he saith, free­ly ye have received, freely give: here ye are razed out of the new covenant, to be no ministers of Jesus Christ, Christ denies you, and all such as you are.

And a word to all you who professe your selves to be the Ministers of Jesus Christ, and go and take a text of another mans words, and study out of it in the week day, what you should speak on the first day, which you call the Sabbath day, which Christ came to end: there you are liers of Christ, & you gather a great company to a steeple house, and tell them it is the church, ye are the deceivers that were prophesied of by Jesus Christ which was the [...]ue light,Rev. 18 23. & you are them that tell the people that every one hath not the light which hath enlightned every one that cometh in the world, openly shewing your selves to be Antichrists and deceivers, denying the light, & ma­king your selves stark blind, & denying the light which would lead you up to God, [...] John 7.8. and to the church in God, & so uttering forth your blasphemy, and slandering Jesus Christ, and so tell people the Lord sent you, and act those things he never commanded, shewing your selves to be the servants of the devil, not obeying the commande­ments of Jesus Christ: your wo and misery is coming, wo unto you, your wo and misery is coming,Rev. 14.20. you are for the lake, and to be torment­ed with fire and brimstone.

A [...] a word and a voice to all you that are got up, standing in the chiefest places in the assemblies, ye are them that devour Widdows houses, and paint your selves with other mens words, with the Pro­phets words, & with Christs & the Apostles words, ye are them that appear beautiful outwardly to men;Jer. 23. but are full of poyson within, serpent-like, ye are they that are full of dead mens bones, ye are they which say and do not, ye are them that lay heavy burthens upon the people, ye are them that all the woes of Christ spoke are upon, the same light is risen which is Christ, and by it ye are discove­red, and ye are them which say that Christ sent you; ye are liers of Christ, he never sent you; you are they which say you are free from acting all these abominations, and say that the Lord hath made you free; ye are them that will belie him, & are of the Devil your father who was a lier from the beginning;John 8. [...]8. 1 John 3.8. you are they which shut the king­dom of heaven against men, and neither go in your selves, nor suf­fer others, you are them that get the form as they had got the form of Moses words, who was a servant, but they had not his power, and so they were called of men Masters, which Christ cried woe unto them; and so you are them now that have got the form of Christs words, but ye are in the place and steps of the Pharisees still, which Christ cries woe against you still, dissemblers, liers, hypocrites, ye [Page 37] are discovered to all the people of God,Nahum 2.4. ye are them that are the well favoured harlot, out of the truth, which deceives the Nations, and you are them that have severall colours to fit severall peoples minds; but your abominations are discovered by them who live and walk in the spirit; you are them in whom lodgeth the mystery of witchcraft to draw peoples mindes to you from their inward teacher, your wages is death, your portion is the lake,Ezek. 21.9.10 11, 12. and the plagues and the wrath of God, you cannot escape it; for the sword is drawn out against you all.

A voyce and a word to all you who pretend justice and equity,Gen. 18.19. Psal. 82.3. Eccles. 5.8. Rev. 20.10. who have taken the seat of the Lord upon you, who live not in ju­stice, who have taken the title of Justice, and Judge, and Ruler, and live not in true judgment and justice, ye are the Beasts that must into the lake with the false Prophet, ye do maintain the Prophets that Prophesie for mony, and the judges that judge for rewards: All this is abomination to the Lord, the one holds up the other,Psal. 82.2. he that bera [...]s rule by his means; the false prophet, and he that pretends justice, all uphold one another, and maintains warre against the truth, and imprison them that cry out against these abominations,Mica 3.11. which is held up with you, which makes warre against the Saints, and the Lamb; but the Lamb shall get the victory. Praises, praises, to the Lord for ever, over the false Prophets, and over the sedu­cers, and over all the powers of the world; he is offended over all Principalities and Dominions, who is righteous and just, who bears the goverment upon his shoulders,Isai. 9.6. who is he Captain of our sal­vation, who hath overcome Death, Hell and the Grave, the Di­vell and all his Angels, he is the leader of his people, through him they overcome; he is their way to the Father: Glory, and honour, and praise be to him for ever, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,Jer. 5.5.28. who gives them victory over you all pretended Justices, Rulers and Ma­gistrates, and Judges: the Lord is coming to stop all the mouthes of the unjust, it must not bear rule, the corrupt Judge must not stand up, and the corrupt Ruler most not rule. which holds up the de­ceit; but the Lord alone will place his law in the hearts of his peo­ple, that true justice, and that true iudgment may stand.Isa. 35.5. Jer. 9.24. Amos 5.24. Matth. 10.17. Mark 13.19. Then righteousnes shall run down in every street like a stream or a river, and all you that pretend these things are and will be discovered; for you have beaten them which worship the true and living God, and speak from the mouth of the Lord, and cry against all unjust wayes of man, and the deceits and deceiveable wayes of unrighte­ousness, ungodliness and unjustness; such are them as you perse­cute, who are in the truth. You who are out of the truth, who do not speak freely, therefore your reward is from man and not from the Lord God; ye hear them that guard the pulpits, ye maintain them and uphold them: ye maintain them and uphold them that seek▪ their gain from their quarters, poor people are oppressed with it, ye maintain and uphold them that take tythes of mens estates, [Page 38] and wool,Exod. 2.24 Psal. 12.3. Isa. 5.7. and the creation, and poor people are oppressed with it, which cry and groan under the oppression of it, and under the bur­then of this oppression, and they cry and say they are Teachers, and say that Christ sent them; and they oppresse poor people, and the creation is burthened with these filthy pretended Ministery; and if people will not give or bring it home to them, they come to you, and you with your laws compel them to pay three times as much. Is this the Law of God, is this the Ministery of God? Fear, fear, blush and tremble: they that are hirelings, them that will not find them their hire, they come to you and sue men at the law, and if they will not give it them they must lie in prison. Did ever any Minister of God cause them to suffer, because they would not give them their meanes, but them that received tythes, their gates were open to receive the strangers, fatherless, and widows; and they did not burthen the creation, but relieve it. These things are come in remembrance before the Lord, and the abominations that are com­mitted in the earth,Exod. 6.6. Rev. 20.10. Jude 11. the Lord hearkens and hears the groans of his people, which lie under the oppression and tyranny, and the Lord is coming to bring them out of captivity, who will redeem his people from you: And thou Beast and false Prophet must into the fire, the false Prophet is the Councellour to the Beast, and the Beast main­tains the false Prophets, who stands out of the Counsel of God, both into the pit, into the lake, and fire, you must go both, the Lord hath spoken it; for ye have maintained Balaam with all his gifts and rewards: Wo, wo, is upon him and you both; which wo is upon him, and so is without with the hirelings, and them that seek their gain from their quarters, and them that bear rule by their means; And them that are called of men Masters, and them that have the chiefest places in the Assemblies and praying in the Synagogues, see­king for the Fleece, and suing for the Fleece, and cloathing your selves with the wooll, and laying heavy burthens, and making a prey upon the people:Jer. 23. Ezek. 34 These are they which rule and teach the nation; which are the Ministers of the world, and these are they which are held up, and these are them that hold up the Pictures, Altars, and Crosses, many of them: though many of them have got into higher forms of deceit, yet the same places they have still, which all the Prophets cryed against, and Jesus Christ and the Apostles; therefore wo unto them and you both which hold them up.

A voice and a word to all you Teachers, that sing Davids qua­kings, and tremblings, and prophecyings, and prayings, and prai­sings & this is turned into a meeter, and this ye give to ignorant peo­ple, and say, Let us sing to the praise and glory of God, which is al­together to his dishonour and against his glory: for ye being dead, & carnal,Isa. 38.18. & that which should sing in you, is in the grave, and cannot witnesse Davids condition; but ye must to trembling and quaking, and watering your bed with your tears, and weeping, and the grave [Page 39] must be opened, and you must come forth of the pit and snare be­fore you can sing the praises that David sung; but for all your singing of Davids experiences, and his conditions in a meeter,Amos. 8.3. that nature shall be turned into howling that doth it; for when ye sing what ye have turned into meeter, and as ye say, To the honour and glory of God, when you know him not; and when you read Davids Psalms and Experiences, and Prophesies, and Quakings, and Tremblings, and Weepings and Roarings, ye do not put off your hats; but when ye sing them, hats ye put off, and so ye worship the works of your own hands, shewing forth the spirit of error, which lodgeth upon the carnal mind, the earthly principle within, the earthly mind with­in, which is not shaken down, but all your joy must be turned into sorrow, for it is abomination to the Lord God, and the Songs of the Temple shall be turned into howling, the Lord of Hosts hath spo­ken it; every one that sings in that nature with dead minds, the dead letter, turning it into a meeter, and every one of you that preach the dead letter, and dead minds, and dead people,Amos. 8.3. & bring your dead preachings, your dead ordinances as you call them, & your dead reasons, and your dead applications,Col. 2.20.22. and so you feed death with death; the letter is death, the carnall mind is death, which death seeketh death, and all is death.

And a voice and word to all you that say Hebrew, Greek and La­tine is the original, ye are the liars or the false prophets, and that Oxford and Cambridge are the two Well-heads of Divinity, you are them that deny God and Christ, and all the Prophets and Apostles and Ministers of God, and keep people alwaies in your carnall dark waies who live under you: for all the Prophets were taught of God immediately alone, and God was the living fountain of mercy,Isai. 54.13. Heb. 8.11. 1 Iohn 2.27. and who turned from God, forsook the living mercies, and Christ said, ye shall be all taught of the Father, and the Apostles were taught of God, taught of Jesus Christ, and so they all witnessed one Foun­tain, one God-head, from whom all living springs come, and this do we witnesse now with the Apostles, & all the servants of the Lord, & sons and daughters of God; but you who live in your natural ori­ginal, that say, Hebrew, Greek and Latine is your original, which is carnal, you say that the steeple house is the Church, which is car­nall; you say that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John is the Gospell, which is carnal, and that your word is the Gospel, which is carnall. You say that sprinkling infants is the baptism which baptizeth them into the faith, and so into the Church, which is carnal: and you tell people of a Sacrament, bringing them to eat a little bread and wine, and say, that this is a Communion of Saints, which is carnall, and all this feeds the carnal mind, and he that is the Minister is here called of men Master,Matth. 23.7. Matth. 21.35. Heb. 11.37. and hath the chiefest place in the As­semblies, which Jesus Christ forbad, and he hath a Magistrate to maintain him, and all the vitious carnal people to fight for him, [Page 40] with clubs,1 Cor. 2.14. staves and stones and if any disturb him, or cry against the deceit he practiseth, he hath the stocks or the prison for him, and all this is natural and carnal. And the naturall man knows not the things of God. And all this stands in the will of man, and out of the will of God, and feeds the serpent, for all this is dust, and dust is the Ser­pents meat.

Gen. 3.15. 1 Thess. 1.1. To all you that can witness the seed of the Serpent is bruised with the seed of the woman, in particular; your originall is the Word, your light is Christ, the same which was in them that spoke forth the Scriptures, 1 Cor- 1.12, 13 [...] Cor. 10.16, 17. your Church is in God, your Baptism is with the Spirit into one Body, your communion in the Blood of Jesus Christ, which cleanseth from all filthiness, and redeemeth from all your vain conversation. This is the cup which the Saints drink of which is the Saints bliss. But you who drink the cup, a little bread, and a little wine, and say that is the Comunion, you are not redee­med from your vain conversation, but you live in all uncleanness, and all ungodliness, in drunkenness and excess, in filthiness, in quarrelling, in pride, in pleasure, and lusts of uncleanness, that is the cup of the Divell which you drink. And all you who witness the feed of the woman, your Gospel is Christ Jesus which takes away the sins of the world. 1 Cor. 10.20, 21. Matth. 4.23. Acts 5.31. And all who profess the Letter to be the Gospel, can­not beleive their sins shall be taken away, so long as they are here upon earth. But to you who witness the eternall Word, the light of God, the Baptism of the Spirit; all these things are discovered to be carnal and natural, and acted with them who live without the fear of God and without God in the Fall, in the earth & for the earth, and keep all in the Fall who say that every one cometh not to be enlight­ned with Iesus Christ, which is the light which cometh into the world, which light is Christ, and here you keep them all from the light which should guide them to the Father of light, to follow your imaginations, and ye are them that keep them blind, and lead them blind, Matth. 15.14. and draw them from the light, and have taught them that the letter is the light, and that the letter is the word, and that the four Books Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, are the Gospel, amd that Ox­ford and Cambridge are the two well-heads of Divinity and that Hebrew, Greek and Latine are the originall, and that you must have learned men to open it, such as you are: but all your abominations now are discovered, praise, glory and honour to the Lord God Al­mightty for ever, to the Highest, who is now come and coming, to teach his people, and to seek that which was lost, and bring a­gain that which was driven away, and to feed them upon the moun­tains, fulfilling his Prophets words, and Christs words, by which you are discovered all false Teachers, false Prophets, Seducers, false Apostles, Ezek. 34.11, 12, 13. false Disciples, false brethren, and Antichrists, now you are brought to the touch-stone, and tried with the children of the Lord God. Now is your whore judged, now is the whoredom [Page 41] discovered, now thou harlot, wilt be made bare, for the Lord hath raised up a light in peoples hearts by which you are discovered,Nahum 3, 4. and God alone worshipped and served. Now the true worshippers of God are known from the false worshippers: and now is known who hath the form and who hath the power; and who live in the truth, and who talk of the truth: To you all sinners who talk of the truth, to you I have a word and a voice. All sinners are without, and vain talkers are without, and the woe is upon you, the Lord Jesus Christ hath spoken it. To all you that love the truth, walk in it up to God in the love of it; and you that are in the faith which is from God, abide in it; and you that are in the anointing, abide in it; for your promise is eternal life, and you need no man to teach you, and they that say you do need, are seducers, and are without God and all his people, and cannot abide in his doctrine [...] that which is pure within you: For all who abide in that which is pure, are one, therefore abide in that one Spirit and Light, and it will lead you up to God the Father of Light. So farewel world!Gal. 5.16. wo is your portion, wo and misery: but with all you Saints and ser­vants, sons and daughters; and Prophets of the Lord God Al­mighty, I have unity and joy eternal, and my joy and rejoycing is in you, and you in me, saith the Lord. God Almighty blesse you.

To all you that live in honour, and seek for honour, you rob God;John. 5.4. for all honour and glory is given to the Lord, the Lord is coming to overturn you and your kingdome, and all your glory, and all your honour: For he is Jehovah, of his honour and glory he will give to none but to his Son, & so farewel: for to the pit and destruction you must go, and down you must fall who are exalted and lifted up, and in your fall God will be exalted and glorified, and all you proud people shall grow feeble, and all you lofty ones shall lie low, and be laid low, the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it,Isai. 2.11.12. who shall raign in his mighty power, in his sons and daughters over you all: destruction is your portion. Wo to the crown of pride, and wo to him that is lif­ted up, and wo to him that joyneth house to house, and field to field, when there is no place for the poor; Wo is thy portion, thou mayst apply the mercies, but woe is thy portion; thou art an oppres­sor pro [...]d and covetous, and the plagues are thy portion; and in de­stroying thee God is honoured and glorified. Hearken to something within thy conscience and it will tell thee so, the same as the Let­ter tells thee without, & witness what I speak eternally; for to your consciences all I speak, and to be made manifest who am not of the world, therefore the world knows me not, but I testifie the truth. And to that which is not of the world, I speak, & that hears, believes,2 Cor. 4.2. 2 Cor. 5. & receives my doctrine and words. But no man receives my testimo­ny: For I am not known to the world, but well known to God. So Fare you well all: to that in every ones conscience, I have spoken [Page 42] and do speak,Mal. 4.1. Luke 19.12. and to every one of you all I have cleared my consci­ence, which will eternally witnesse me. Sons and Daughters of God shall rejoyce, and the wicked shall be turned into hell and be tor­mented, who have cast the Law of God behind their backs, you have had a time, and have not prized it, Dives-like.

To all the World.

TO all you who are in the night and go forth, ye are the corrupt trees which cannot bring forth good fruit, ye are the Fountain which sends forth bitter Waters, ye are the Bottel which venteth forth wickednesse, prophanenesse, cursed speaking, mischief, spewing forth your venom: and, what is within you, in the bottel in you, that you pour out, from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. Ye are the Trees▪ which bear the evil fruit, drunkennesse, filthinesse, pleasures, covetousnesse, fighting, wrangling, theft, murther, swearing, lying: these are the fruits of the corrupt Tree, which cannot bring forth good fruit, and the Fountain that bringeth forth bitternesse, wrath, anger, clamour, revenge, filthinesse, foolish talking, perversenesse, this is that which issues out of the bitter Fountain which is within you; and perverse­nesse, and dissembling, and all unrighteousnesse, growes on this cor­rupt Tree, and proceeds out of this corrupt Tree, and ye cannot keep the Commandements of God: but the Devil's, that ye do. Who are the new bottles, the new wine, there righteousnesse is pouring forth of it, and that will not desire to drink the old: So the new wine is put into new bottles, and the old wine is put into old bottles, and they both are preserved. The good tree who are, cannot bring evil fruit: The good tree bears Righteousnesse, purenesse, godlinesse, tendernesse, gentlenesse, holinesse, temperance, patience, vertue, brotherly kindnesse: These fruits praise God, this is the fruit that is brought forth to the glory of God, and this is the good Fountain sending forth sweet water, joy, the living streams proceed out, where there is no guile, but the living streams of life. But these that are here are not of the World, that is once, that is the good tree, that cannot bring forth evil fruit, and there is the bottle where the new wine is pouring out, there is the Fountain which sends forth sweet water. But this is not of the world, but ye are of the world, that corrupt tree, which cannot bring forth good fruit, ye are the bottel which holds the old wine, ye are the fountain which sends forth bitter waters hither. Here every one of you all shall read your selves, where ye are. To that in every one of your consciences [Page 43] I speak, which is the Light which shewes you sin and evil, and dark­nesse, which Light is Christ, which will teach you, if you love it and walk in it, which Light will condemn you, if you hate it. There is your Teacher, and there is your condemnation.

The mighty Day of the Lord is coming, wo and misery to the World: Haste, haste by speedy repentance, and put off the works of darknesse to meet the Lord; for the mighty day of the Lord is com­ming, in which ye shall receive every one a reward according to your doings and works, and God is no respecter of persons, and the Book of conscience shall be opened, and all shall be judged out of it. There­fore now you have time prize it: For this is the day of your visitation and Salvation. So Farewell.

To the Heads and Rulers of the People.

A Warning of the Lord to all you that make Lawes: I am moved of the Lord to speak to you standing in the place of Justice, giving forth Laws, and who make Laws, that you make no Laws for to uphold these and them that profess themselves to be Ministers of Christ which are hirelings, which seek for their gain from their quarters, which the Prophet cry­ed against, which seek for the wooll and for the fleece, which Ezekiel cryed against, which bear rule by their means, which go in the way of Cain to Envy, and after the errour of Balaam, who loved the wages of unrighteousnesse, who perished in the gainsaying of Corah, who gain­said the truth, and likewise so do these filthy dreamers, which you give them a Law to sue men at, they that will not pay them, they take treble of [...]hem. A horrible filthy thing is committed in the Land, Jer. 2.30, 31. Never in all ages was such a thing spoken of. Surely the Lord will come and visit for these things, and be avenged upon all such. It was a horrible filthy thing that was com­mitted in the Land in the time of Jeremy, when the Priests did bear rule by their means, and the Prophets prophesied falsly, and the people did love to have it so then; but it is the same now, and you have given them a Law who professe themselves to be the Ministers of Jesus Christ, who bear rule by their means, and seek for their gain from their Quarters, and are hirelings; and if any will not pay them, for conscience sake they cannot, and with that Law which [Page 44] you have given them they receive treble, and so wrong and oppresse the Nation, and poor Creatures. O horrible! Was there ever such a thing practised in all ages as you read on? Are these the Gos­pel-Ministers? Woe, woe, and misery will fall upon you, except you repent; and so you and they dishonour the Church of Christ, and dishonour the Lord Jesus Christ, all the Prophets, and all the Apostles, with their and your filthinesse. Jeremy spoke freely, and was not hired, and had no Augmentments, nor no set Benefices nor Tyths. Isaiah spoke freely, and sued no man at the Law, nor had no set wages, but cried against it. And Micah spoke forth freely, and cried against the Judges that judged for rewards, and the Priests that preached for h ire, and the Prophets that divined for mony, who said they leaned upon the Lord and said; Was not the Lord a­mong them, no evil could come upon them. Surely for your sakes shall Sion be plowed up, and Jerusalem be laid wast. Ezekiel spoke forth freely, and cried against them that sought for the Fleece, and cloathed them with the wooll, and made a prey upon the people. The Lord hath sent forth his Prophets to cry forth freely against them that oppresse, the Creation, and they had no law but the Lord God and his Law, to maintain them. And the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the end of the Prophets, and the end of the Law, who sent forth his Apostles, and servants, and Disciples, and he said unto them, Freely ye have received freely give, the Workman is wor­thy of his meat: So I say, if any come to my house a Mini­ster of Jesus Christ, Servant or Disciple, and minister unto me spirituall things, I will minister unto him of my carnal things freely; but he that sues men at the law for Flax, or for Corn, or for Wooll, or for Lamb, or for Beast, or for Horse, or for Hay, and all other creatures, which he would have a hand in, Christ gave no such command to his Disciples, when he sent them forth. But these are the slow bellies that are spoken of, and evil beasts, which love the wages of unrighteousnesse; and the Ministers of Jesus Christ are ashamed of such that should make a profession, and they speak in his Name when they are Antichrists which Christ never sent, who get up into the chiefest places of Assemblies, and stand praying there and with a pretence make long prayers, who devour Widdows hou­ses, and paint themselves with other mens words, the Prophets, Christs and the Apostles: and say, he saith it, when he never sent them, and are called of men Masters, which Christ forbad and said, Are not ye all brethren? Now friends you may call these things frivolous and small, but Christ cried woe against all such as were in these practises then; and so woe is upon you all that hold them up now. And with such is Christs name plasphemed, and the Church of God dishonoured, and the creation oppressed, and poor people kept blind, and they keep you blind, and such are your Counsel­lours in the carnal state. But mind the light of God within you, [Page 45] which light is the eye; The light of the body is the eye, Matth. 6.22. which will light you up to God the Father of lights, and let you see all the deceits all the time you have lived in that is past, and the state you live in now. And call in all your Acts and Laws, which you have made for the maintaining of all those actions and practices which keep people under oppression both you and the priests which have professed that this Nation should have been a free Na­tion, but it must not be made by you, but by God alone, who is the Saviour of his people from the seed of evil doers, who is the sal­vation of Israel, who is coming to overturn all your laws that you have made in your own wils, and who will rule and place his righ­teous law in the hearts of his people, by which they shall be guided up to God, to know God, and they shall have one Priest for ever even Jesus Christ, who is made after the order of Melchisedeck, without Father or Mother, and they shall have one Law and one Law-giver, one Lord and King which is the Lord of Hosts, to whom be glory and honour for ever.

MOved of the Lord, written from the Spirit of the Lord, for the establishing of the righteous Law within, and the overturning of all unrighteous laws, which is upon the pure and righteous seed of God, and to the directing of that to guide your minds to that which is righteouss, the pure shining light of God within you, to the establishing of righteousness and of true judgment, that righteousnesse may run down the streets, and the Gospel be freely preached by those who are sent of God, who freely cry against all such as burden the Creation now as they did then, who were sent without a staffe, without two coats, without silver in their purses, or brass now as was then, who needed not to take thought for what they should speak, who are haled out of the Synagogues now as then: The free Gospel-Teachers are such who see the Pharisees in their high places of the Assemblies, called of men Masters now as then; who see men beare rule by their meanes now as they did then, who sue men at the law, who profess themselves to be the Ministers of Jesus Christ; and the Apostle who was a Minister of Jesus Christ, said, there was not a wise man among them that did so. Here you raze your selves out from the Ministers of Christ and of the Apostles. I cannot but deal plainly with you, I must not sew pillows under your elbows, and make a soft place for the deceit; but woe and misery is coming upon all you that do so, who have long deceived the Nation, and profess your selves to be the Ministers of Jesus Christ, and say, Christ sent you, who have li­ved in the practices that Christ and the Apostles spoke against in that generation; you are acting those things which Christ cried woe [Page 46] against; to that which should exercise your consciences do I speak, to the light of God which shall eternally witnesse me, which light if ye love it, it will bring all your deeds to the light to be proved, and bring you to own what I speak, and then there will be no occasion of stumbling; but hating this light, your deeds are evil, and you stum­ble at noon day; which light if you hate it, is your condemnation: to that in your conscience I clear my conscience; spoken from the mouth of the Lord, which you shall eternally witnesse: Therefore haste, haste, by speedy repentance, and putting off the works of dark­nesse, to the meeting of the Lord in the ayr; for the mighty day of the Lord is coming.

George Fox.

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