Six severall ORDERS Of the Lords and Commons, Assembled in PARLIAMENT.


  • (1.) An Order for punishing of such Collectors or Re­ceivors, as shall misimploy any moneyes, Plate, or other goods, collected by any Act or Ordinance of Parliament.
  • (2.) An Order for reducing Newcastle, and the parts ad­jacent.
  • (3.) An Addition to the Ordinance for sequestration of the Estates of Papists, and notorious Delinquents, within the County of Sussex.
  • (4.) An Order for the apprehension of any Agent or Servant of any Persons, that beare Armes against the Parliament, presuming to come to Westminster, or recide in, or about London.
  • (5.) An Order concerning Souldiers, un [...]er his Excel­lencies Command.
  • (6.) An Order for provision of Beds, and other neces­saries for maymed and sicke souldiers, within the Coun­ties of Berks, Buckingham, Middlesex, and Surrey, or o­ther places, where the said souldiers shall reside.

ALSO A Declaration of the Lords and Commons, concerning such Apprentices, as have or shall list themselves, to serve as soul­diers in this present Expedition, under the Command of His Excellency the Earle of Essex.

Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, that these Orders and Declaration be Printed and Published.

H. Elsing, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

Iuly 18. Printed by E. P. for T. S. 1643.

An order for the punishment of such Collectors or Receivors as shal mis-imploy any Money, Plate, or other Goods, Collected by any Act or Ordinance of Parliament.

IT is this day Ordered by the House of Commons, that all and every Collector, Receivor, or other persons (unto whose hands any Monies, Plate, or other Goods, are appoynted to be payd, sold, or disposed of by any Act or Ordinance of Parliament) shall pay and deliver the same unto the severall and respective Treasurers, Authorized by the severall and respective Acts and Ordinances of Parliament to receive the same.

And if any such Collector, Receivor, or other per­son, shall otherwise dispose, pay, or imploy the same, that then he or they shall be liable not onely to make payment of such moneys so by him or them received, and not payd unto the Treasurers authorized to re­ceive the same as aforesaid; but also to such further punishment as this House shall think fit to inflict up­on them, for his or their neglect and contempt▪

Hen. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

An Order for reducing Newcastle and the parts adjacent.

IT is this day Ordered, That be appoynted to be Assistants to the said Committee for taking Subscriptions, and col­lecting Monies for the severall Inhabitants in the Ward of in the City of London, according to the Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament, made the fifth of June instant, for reducing that Town of Newcastle, and parts adjacent, and to doe and performe all o­ther things in pursuance of the said Ordinance, and of their doings herein, forthwith to certifie this Committee, and the Monies by them received, to pay unto Master Alderman Adams, the Treasurer of the Monies raysed by vertue of the said Ordi­nance, and it is Ordered, that the said or any two of them shal have power to give Acquittances to every person that shall subscribe and pay any sum of money by vertue of the said Ordinance, And that they keep Books of Accompt in writing, and set downe the Names of the persons, and sum by them subscribed.

Edward Gilbert, Clerk to this Committee.

An Addition to the Ordinance for sequestration of Delinquents Estates for the County of Sussex.

IT is this day Ordered by the Commons Assembled in Parliament. That Sir Wil. Gooring, Baronet S, Thom. Parker, S. Tho. Henley, S. Tho. Eversfield, Knight, Iohn Al­ford, Hen. Goring, Tho. Sherley, Ed. Goring, Tho. Chalonor, Hen. Shelley, Hen. Peck, Francis S [...]lwyn, H [...]rbert Board, Nicholas Gildredge, Iohn Board, George Churcher, William Hay, H [...]nry Bridger, Tho. Anscom [...]e, William Marlot, Tho. Ieffery, William Thomas, Esquires, bee added to the Com­mittees named in the Ordinances for the weekely Assesse­ment, and for s [...]ezing and sequestring the Estates of Papists. notorious Delinquents, &c. in the County of Sussex, and that they shall have as full and ample power to all Intents, as the other Committees, named in the said Ordinances, have might or ought to have.

Hen. El Cler. Parl. D. Com:

An Order of the Commons in Parliament, for the ap­prehending of any Agent, or servant, of any Person, that beare Armes against the Parliament, that shall presume to come to VVestminster, or recide in London.

IT is Ordered by the Commons now Assembled in Par­liament, that if the Agent or Servant to any Person that beares Armes against the Parliament, shall presume here­after to come to Westminster, or recide here about London, that he shall be forthwith apprehended as a Spye, and bee proceeded against accordingly and all persons are required are required to doe their endeavour for the discovery of such persons, that shall hereafter come to the Parliament House, or Westminster▪ or any parts about Londoo, that they may be apprehended accordingly.

H. Elsing, Cl. Parl. D. Com.

An Order concerning Souldiers under his Excellencies Command.

THe Commons being informed that many Soul­diers listed, and in pay under the command of the Lord Generall, the Earl of Essex, doe daily with­draw themselves to the great prejudice of the pre­sent service, and to the distarbance of the most of the county whither they doe resort, doe order that the Deputy Lieutenants, Constables, and other head Officers, or any one or more of them, of every Coun­ty where any such souldier or souldiers shal be found do forthwith cause him or them to be apprehended, examined, and imprisoned, and with all convenient speed shall cause such Souldier or Souldiers to be safely conveyed at the charge of the County to the Lord General, or to such Captain from under whose command he shall have so withdrawn himselfe. And it is further ordered, that all Captaines, and Offi­cers of Trained-Bands and Voluntiers, and all Head-officers, Constables and all other persons whatsoever, shall be aiding and assisting to the said Deputy Leiutenants, and Iustices of Peace, or any one or more of them in execution of the premisses as they will answer the contrary at their perill.

Hen. Elsinge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

An Order for provision of Beds and other necessaries for maimed and sick Soul­diers, within the Counties of Berks, Bucking­hame Middlesex, Surry, and other places where the said Souldiers shall recide.

IT is this day Ordered by the Commons House of Parlia­ment, that the high-Constables of the severall Hundreds in the counties of Berks, Buckingham, Middlesex, and Surrey, in whose divisions any sick and maymed Souldiers of the Parliaments Army are or shall be quartored or billetted, doe take speciall care that the said Souldiers be furnished, and supplyed with lodging and bedding, fitting for men in their condition: And the said high-Constables are hereby authori­sed and required to send their Warrants and Precepts to the petty-Constables of all Towns neer adjoyning to those Towns and Houses where the said Souldiers are quartered, for the bringing in of Bedding, if need require, for the use of the said Souldiers, till it shall please God to restore them to health.

And it is further Ordered; that the Committe for sequ­stration of the several Counties above mentioned, out of such Bedding as by vertue of the Ordinance of Parliament for sequestration, shal be seized for the use of the Common-wealth shall deliver so much thereof as shall be néedfull to the Trea­surers appointed by this house for maymed Souldiers, or to such as they shall appoint, for the use of the said sick & woun­ded men: And that the high-Constables shall take care to re­store such bedding as shall be by them supplyed, to the Ow­ners thereof; As also, that the above mentioned Treasurers for maimed Souldiers, doe take care that the Bedding by them received from the Committee for sequestration, be not imbezilled, but carefully kept and accompted for to the use and service of the Common-wealth.

Hen. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

WHereas in times of common danger and ne­cessity, the interest of private persons ought to give way to the publike▪ It is Ordained and De­clared by the Lords and Commons in Parliament; That such Apprentices as have beene, or shall bee Lysted to serve as Souldiers, for the defence of the Religion and Liberty of the Kingdome, His Maje­sties Royall Person, the Parliament, and the City of London; their Sureties, and such as stand en­gaged for them, shall be secured against their Ma­sters, their Executors, Administrators, from all losse and Inconvenience, by forfeiture of Bonds, Covenants, Infranchisements, or otherwise, And that after this publike service ended, the Masters of such Apprentices, shalbe commanded & required to re­ceive them again into their service, without imposing upon them any punishment, losse, or prejudice for their absence, in the defence of the Common-wealth.

And the Lords and Commons doe further De­clare, That if it shall appeare that the Masters of such Apprentices have received any considerable losse, by the absence of their Apprentices, they will take care that reasonable satisfaction shall be made unto them, out of the publike stock of the Kingdome, according to Iustice and Indifferency.

Iohn Browne, Cler. Parl.

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