INSTRVCTIONS Of the LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in PARLIAMENT, For the right Honourable Francis Lord Willoughby of Parham, Lord Lieutenant of the County of LINCOLNE, and to the rest of the Committee, Orde­red by both the said Houses to goe into that County, and there put in execution these insuing Instructions, for the setling & preserving the peace of that Coun­ty and City, and the parts ad­joyning

John Browne Cler, Parliamentorum.

Septemb. 30. London Printed for J. B. and are to be sold by John Wright. 1642.

INstructions for the right Honourable, Francis Lord Willoughby of Parham, Lord Lieutenant of the County of Lincolne, Sir John Wray, Sir Willi­am Armin Baronets, Sir Edward Ascough, Sir Christopher Wray, Sir Anthony Erby, Sir Sa­muel Adfield Knights, Thomas Grantham, Tho. Hatcher, William Ellis, John Broxholme, Esq; Members of both Houses of [...]arliament, who are here­by appointed and Ordered by both the said Houses of Parlament, to goe into the County and City of Lin­colne, there to remaine as a Committee from the Lords and Commons now Assembled in Parliament: And they, or any three or more of them, whereof the said Francis Lord Willoughby to be one, together with the Deputy Lieutenants of the said County, and City, or any of them, shall have full Power and Autho­rity, to put in Execution these insuing Instructions, for the setling and preserving of the Peace of that County and City, and the parts adjoyning.

WHereas his Excellency, Robert Earle of Essex, Lord Generall of the Army ap­ [...]oynted to be raised for the defence of [...]e Protestant Religion, the safety of his Majesties Person, and the Parliament, the preservation of the Lawes, Liberties, and Peace of the Kingdome, and protection of his Majesties [Page] Subjects from violence and oppression, hath granted Commissions unto the said Francis Lord Willoughby Sir Christopher Wray, Sir Anthony Erby, and Thomas H [...] cher, they shall put the said Commissions in due Exe­cution, and conduct and lead the said Forces into the County of Lincolne, for the preserving the Peace of that County,

And the said Francis Lord Willoughby, shall have power to raise and leavy within the said County of Lincolne, City of Lincolne, and County of the same, such other numbers of Horse and Foot of the Trai­ned-bands or others, as he shall judge convenient for keeping the peace of that County, and the service hereafter mentioned. And shall have further power to place Colonels, Captaines, and other Officers o­ver the said Forces, which shall have power to lead and conduct the same against all such as shall oppose them in the execution of these Instructions, and to Fight with, Kill and Slay, all such opposers.

Whereas Mountague Lord Willoughby, Sir Peregrine Barty, Sir Edward Iteron, Sir Iohn Monson, Sir Philip Terwhitt, Sir Charles Rolles, Sir William Pelham, Sir Ier­vas Scroope, Sir Henry Radley, Sir William Thorold, Sir William Coney, Sir Charles Dallison, Sir Edward Hussey, Sir Robert Markham, Sir William Quadran, Charles Dymock Esquire, Thomas Harrington of Corby Gentle­man, and divers Popish and ill-affected persons have in a Rebellious and Warlike manner raised, armed, and assembled themselves within the City and Coun­ty of Lincolne, to the great terror and affrightment of his Majesties Liege-people, and therein have leavyed [Page] war against the King, and Parliament, and doe con­tinue in actuall Rebellion,

You shall withall or any part of the Forces under your commands, resort to the said County and City of Lincolne, of Nottingham, Yorkeshire, or elsewhere, as occasion shall serve, and shall cause the aforesaid per­sons where ever you can find them, and all other that have joyned and confederated with them in this their wicked Rebellion, or so many of them as you shall thinke fit to be summoned, to render themselves into your hands to be brought up unto the Parliament, there to answer for these their unlawfull and Trayte­rous actions according to the Lawes.

And if they refuse to obey the said Summons, and you be denyed entrance into the said City of Lincoln, or any other Towne in the said County, or into the Houses of any of the persons before recited, or of their confederates, you shall by force Besiege, Batter, and Subdue the said City, Towns and houses, and shall seize upon their persons, and shall bring or send them in safe custody to the Parliament.

You shall restore to their dwellings and goods, all such persons as have bin driven or fled out of the said City or County, and you shall certifie what par­ticular losses they have received, and the values there­of, that so satisfaction may be made them out of the estates of the Delinquents in that County.

And if you shall find no considerable resistance in the said County, then you shall settle what force you thinke convenient both of horse and foot, for keeping the peace of that County and City, and de­fending [Page] his Majesties subjects from oppression and violence, and shall give not [...]ce thereof to both Hou­ses of Parliament, that you may receive their fur­ther commands.

You shall have power to require the aid and assi­stance of the Lord Lieutenants, and Deputy Lieute­nants of the County of Yorke, Nottingham▪ R [...]tland, Norf [...]lke, and North Hampton, or any of them, and to come in association for the mutuall Peace of each other.

You are hereby authorized and required to dis­arme all Popish Recusants, all the aforenamed Per­sons, that have leavied war against the King and Par­liament, and to take from them all Tents, Wagons, Horses for service, great saddles, and all other war­like furniture whatsoever, and from all such other dangerous and ill affected persons, as well Clergy­men as others, as have sent moneyes, Horses, armes, ammunition or victuals, to the said Rebels, towards the maintenance of the said force, raised in the said County or City, or have sent any money, armes, am­munition or Horses, to assist the Delinquents or Malignant Partie, now about the King, or to any o­ther place, to be employed against the Parliament, as also all such as have testified their disaffection to the Common: Wealth, and malice against the Pro­ceedings of Parliament, by subscribing that most insolent, seditious, and most scandalous Petition sent unto the House of Commons, by the Sheriffes of that County, a true Copy of which Petition, and of the names subscribed, you shall receive unto it, [Page] under the hand of the Clerke of the House of Com­mons, as also all such as have put the Commission of Array in Execution, adjudged illegall by both Hou­ses of Parliament.

You or any three or more of you, whereof the Lord Lieutenant to be one, shall also in the name of both Houses of Parliament, require all such persons who have in their Custody any part of the publike Magazine of that County, to deliver the same to you, or some of you, to bee disposed of, and im­ployed for the defence of the said County, and in case of refusall, you are hereby authorized to sieze, take, carry away, and dispose the same for the purpo­ses aforesaid, and to cause the persons so refusing to be apprehended as Delinquents, and sent in safe [...]u­stody to the Parliament.

You are authorized and hereby enabled and re­quired to put in execution in the said County and City of Lincolne, the Propositions of both Houses of Parliament, concerning the subscription of any summe or sums of money or plates, or raising of Horse, Horses, men, or arms, for the defence of the King, and both Houses of Parliament, and shall ap­point such dayes, times and place, for the furthe­rance of that service as you shall thinke meet and convenient, and shall appoint Treasurers, Receavers, Commissaries for valuing of Horse, and other Offi­cers, meet for that businesse, and shall have power to [...]end to such as are of ability to know what they will contribute towards this businesse, and you shall have power to pay such Souldiers as shall be by you [Page] or any of you carryed into the said County, or rai­sed in the said County, out of the said monies rai­sed upon the said Propositions, and you shall ac­compt for the overplus if any remaine, and likewise returne Certificates under three or more of your hands into the Chamber of London what sums of money and Plate is underwrit and brought in, that they may be entred also there.

Lastly If any man of quality and considerable estate have removed their dwellings out of the County of Lincolne, you shall enquire where they are setled, and give notice thereof unto the Parliament: that Order may be taken to receive their answers concerning the Propositions for Subscription of money Plate and Horses, for defence of the King and Kingdome.

Iohn Browne Cler. Parliament.

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