Given to the ELECTOR Prince CHARLS of the Rhyne from the Lady ELEANOR, Anno 1633. At Her being in Holland or Belgia.

Lamentation, Mourning and Wo.
Witness, how washt the late Cup; that of Noahs, &c.

AMSTERDAM: Printed by Frederick Stam. 1633.

To the PALSGRAVE of the Rhyne, Took Essay of the Cup, 1636, mise­rably impri­soned by the French House of Medicis those Medes. Cup Bearer to the Empe­ror. Charls Prince Elector: The Palm of the Hand, Dan. Cap. 5.

The Tune to, Who list a Soldiers life, &c.
Psal. ‘I will utter my grave matter on the Harp.’
Babylon or Confusion.
TO Sion most belov'd I sing
of Babylon a Song,
Concerns you more full well I wot
then ye do think upon.
Belshazzar, lo, behold the King
feasting his thousand Lords:
Phoebus and Mars prais'd on each string,
every day records.
The Golden Vessels of Gods House
boldly in drank about:
As when Prague lost, he feasting with Ambas­sadors was betray'd, &c.
His own ('tis like) were made away,
bids holy things bring out;
Praising of Gold and Brass the gods,
of Iron, Wood and Stone,
See, hear, nor know not, out alas,
praised in Court alone.
A hand appears,
Daniel signi­fying judge­ment of God. Execution place.
lo, in his sight,
as he did drink the Wine,
Upon the Wall against the light
it wrote about a line
In presence of his numerous Peers,
Stiled Charls Stuart.
not set an hour full,
In Loyns nor Knees had he no might,
chang'd as a ghastly skull.
Who might it read,
Pleaded hard.
alas, the thing,
Belshazzar loud doth shout;
Calls for Magicians all with speed,
came in, as wise went out.
Caldeans and Southsayers sage,
the meaning who so can
Of Mene Mene third Realms Peer
in Scarlet-Robe the Man.
Iudgement Parliament. The President in Scarlet.
His Majesty forgets to Sup,
Supt not, drank a glass of wine.
Nobles astonish'd all;
Musicians may their Pipes put up,
stood gazing on the wall.
The pleasant Wine at length as sharp
too late, till thought upon
Division of another strain
unfolds the Fingers long.
Sentenced his Head to be se­vered, &c.
When to the Banqueting-house so wide,
Soldiers alarm.
where hosts of Lords did ring,
So wisely came the Graceful Queen,
said, Ever live, O King.
Lo trouble,
A handmaid that followed him. Also one Mrs Grace Cary, Anno 1639. A Prophetess.
O King, thy thoughts no more
forthwith shall it be read;
Daniel there is, who heretofore
like doubts did over spread.
Could all interpretating shew
which profound man soon brought,
On whom confer the King needs would
Gave his Or­der to B. Juxston, &c. not permitted to send it to his son.
his Orders sight unsought.
Needless preferments yours reserve,
Sir, keep your gifts in store:
High Offices let others gain,
there's given too much afore.
Yet unto thee shall here make known,
resolve this Oracle true,
Sure as in thy Banqueting house,
The fatal place.
where all that comes may view:
The Vessels of my God are brought,
(Sabbaths [...])
the Palm salutes thee know
Herewith; for these profan'd by thee
threatneth the fatal blow.
O King, even thou, the most high God
unto thy Grandsire bold,
Caldean Land,
Caldeans sig­nifying union mingling, or as Devils, Witches, Scot­land of old, called Cal [...]do­nia.
a Nation fell
gave them to have and hold.
The Royal Scepter and the Crown
advanc'd whom he would have,
And whom he would he pulled down,
could put to death and save:
Till walking at the Twelve moneth end,
January 30. marched from S. James Park.
subject full Tides to fall:
Excellent Majesty how gone,
Court exchang'd for the Stall.
Thy Gransire on as came to pass,
Nebuckadnez­zar, a Father and Grandfa­ther, both sig­nifying Be­wailing of the Kinred.
at all yet minded not,
As if a feigned Story, but
his miserable Lot.
Expelled was,
By whom termed Round dealing Gen­tlemen of Westminster. As multi­tudes grazing at S. James of late; which forenoon the Ducks, viz. Duces, &c. mounted, or slew over the Scaffold.
whose lofty words
memory can speak well,
Hardned in pride, unheard of such,
the wilde Ass with did dwell:
Sent to the Ox it owner knows,
undreamt of this his Doom:
Fowls their appointed time observe,
wots not the Night from Noon.
Even that Assyrians haughty heart
droven out with such as bray,
The Diadem fits thee as well,
Asse go as much to say.
Earth that of late made seem to dance,
with Songs of Triumph high
All overgrown, abas'd as much,
Disguised Himself. Common Soldiers.
among the Herd doth lie:
Bewail'd alas, dejected thus,
fed, grazing now full low,
Whilest they bedew the Earth with tears,
discerns not friend from foe.
Fields, Woods, for woring out as well
as Men, and Ecchoes call,
Mercy this Savage King upon
in holy Temples all.
By Star-light for device who gave,
as graven on his Shield,
An Eagle mounted on the Crest,
a Hart in silver field.
Threatens Entrails.
Extold again his God as high,
blessed him all his days:
Others reputes them as nothing,
His Prayer Book.
alone proclaims his praise.
Whose seven times till served forth,
Aged seven times seven, in 49. King and Queen of Scots both put to death of late. Render Him­self a prisoner to the Scots. Promised or pretended.
in vain for rest to crave;
Whom Devils Legions do possess,
a Monarch turn'd a Slave.
Deposed thus thou knewest well,
Belshazzar, O his Son,
And renown'd so deliverance
voiced by every one.
A day a Trumpet made to sound
for Generations all;
Beside 1605. November the fifth, &c.
And with a Feast solemnized,
that no time might recal:
The memory of such an act,
yet as it had not been,
Thy Favorites who are more this day,
or marched to thy Kin.
Then they adoring Wood and Stone,
Statutes forsake Divine;
Meditate carved Statutes on
in Faction do combine
With Enemies of God most high,
The Stuarts matcht with Arundel and Weston, &c.
to thrust him from his Throne,
And thus hast lifted up thy self
so facile and so prone.
Against the Lord of Heaven thy King,
He last of those Caldean Belchaser. (Anagr) Charles Be­headed, given him, Anno 33.
not humbling of thine heart,
But stiffned hast with pride thy neck
unto thy future smart.
Behold polluting holy things
with Sabbath so Divine,
Idolatry and Revels in
Altars again adored.
that day and night made thine.
But he in whose hands rests thy life,
even breath, and thy ways all,
Thou hast not glorified him
sent this wrote on the Wall.
Transported from Babylon the Great, to Great Britain, Mene, Mene Laus, The power of the People.
God numbered thy Kingdom hath
ended; the Hand points here,
In Ballance his weighed thee too,
the set hour drawing neer.
How light soever set by thee,
Crowned and married 1625. was defeated 1645.
thou as thy weightless Gold,
His Image wanting found much more
lighter then can be told.
Parted, divided thine Estate,
given to the Medes is;
Reveal O Daniel. (Anagr.) Eleanor Audley.
At hand as these bids it adieu,
finish'd thy Majesties.

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