The Contented LOVERS: OR, A pleasant Dialogue between a Shepherd and a Nymph.

SHepherd Adonis, being weary of his sport,
Return'd to the woods, where he used to resort,
He let fall his crook, and he laid himself down,
He envy'd no monarch, nor wish'd for no crown.
He drank of the brook, eat the fruit of the tree,
Enjoying himself, from all cares was he free:
He valu'd no nymph, were she ever so fair;
No pride, no ambition, had he, nor no care.
But as it fell out in oue evening so clear,
A charming sweet voice he chanced to hear:
He stood like a stone, nor one foot could he move,
He knew not what ail'd him, but fear'd it was love.
The nymph she beheld him with a modest grace,
Seeing something appear, she disguised her face;
She disguised her face, and unto him did say,
How now, Mr. Shepherd, how came you this way?
The Shepherd reply'd, and to her he said,
I ne'er was surpriz'd at the sight of a maid:
When first I beheld thee, from all care I was free,
But now I am captive, my dearest, to thee.
O shepherd! O shepherd! leave not your free state,
For love will entangle you in sorrow that's great,
And distract your brain, that you ne'er can have rest
Then incline not to love, for as yet you are blest.
Fair nymph of the wood, and thou charmer of man,
Thy beauty's so great, that I can't it withstand;
Then pity my case, and yield me some Joy;
O pity, O pity, a wounded young Boy.
The nymph she reply'd, with a languishing look,
Saying, Shepherd, alas! my way I mistook,
Or you had never known me, nor I who you were,
For now I do pity you, I do declare.
Then sit thee down by me, thou beauteous nymph,
And let me enjoy thy sweet person, not glimpse
Of thy beauty celestial, so charming and fair;
Thy beauty indeed is beyond all compare.
O don't prove my downfal! why will you? O why
Will you let your poor shepherd thus languishing lie?
If you grant me not love, all the world can't me save,
Tho' once I did slight you, 'twill bring me to my grave.
With that poor Adonis let fall some few tears,
His face looked pale, which discover'd his cares:
The nymph looked red, and blushing did cry,
O no, sweet Adonis! for me you shan't die.
Then take your shepherdess, I'll be no more coy,
In love let us live, and each other enjoy;
In groves that are pleasant, under trees that are high,
In love let us live, and in love let us die.
This answer reviv'd poor Adonis's heart,
His troubles were fled, and he felt no more smart:
The nymph she receiv'd him with looks most kind,
And from her shepherd she comfort did find.
Then close he embrac'd her, and soft laid her down,
The sky was their tester, their bed was the ground:
He folded her so oft within his fond arms,
Her face and her features discover'd her charms.
As charming as Venus was, when she was took
Along with brave Mars, when the Gods at them look.
Yet this nymph and this shepherd most beautiful fair,
Like the light of the sun-beams so charming were.
Thus in sweet enjoyment, free from care and strife,
This happy couple do lead a sweet life:
No wars, nor no battles, no rumours they see,
In peace, in great comfort, and pleasure they be.
Among the sweet groves thus they pleasant do live,
And nothing do want but what nature doth give;
It is there, it is there, it is there they do keep
Their quiet, contented, and sweet harmless sheep.
All the day near to fountains and rivers they rove,
At night they return to the peaceable grove;
And thus in the day, as well as the night,
They live in great pleasure, in joy, and delight.
One sings with her voice, t'other plays with his flute,
Whilst one is employed, the other stands mute;
They look at each other so charming and sweet,
Sometimes interposing their lips they do meet.
Thus charming, thus loving, they lead a sweet life,
So free from all care, and so void of all strife;
If therefore all of you contentment would find,
Like this happy couple be loving and kinds.

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