CONSIDERATIONS Humbly Offered to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in Relation to the APOTHECARIES BILL, now Depending before their Lordships.

THE Exemption desired by the Apothecaries, they humbly conceive, will much contribute to the Publick Good: For by this means, they will be enabled to apply themselves to the Duties of their Calling; (wherein the Health and Pre­servation, of Persons of all Ranks and Conditions is so much con­cern'd) without those frequent Interruptions and Avocations, which now upon the account of Juries and Offices they are liable to.

The like Privilege, by Particular Acts of Parliament hath been granted; as well to Surgeons, as Physicians, that they might be wholly employ'd in the Business of their Professions, and that the Diseased and Wounded might not want, that constant Care and Attendance which their Necessities required: And the Apothecaries humbly sub­mit it to your Lordships Considerations, Whether this Reason may not be weigh'd at least with equal Force on their Behalfs.

If this Bill passes, as the People of the Best Condition, will be bet­ter taken Care of in their Sickness; who expect the Apothecaries to be present with the Physician to receive his full Instructions, and likewise to visit them often during the Operation of the Medicines; so the Poor will have a manifest Advantage, to whom the Apothecaries, if exempted from Juries and Offices, will have more Time and Leisure, to extend their Charitable Care.

And it's hoped your Lordships will not think the Opposition, made against this Bill reasonable, when it shall be considered: That the Number of Apothecaries within the Bills of Mortality, not exceeding Three hundred thirty seven; by a modest Calculation of the Fami­lies and Persons within that Compass, there will not appear, to be One Apothecary to Four hundred Families, and at least Two thousand Persons. And as for the Charge that by this Exemption, is suggested will happen to their Neighbours, the same by the like Computation; will not amount to above One Farthing per Annum to each House: which Inconsiderable Suffering, will be abundantly recompenced by the Apo­thecaries Uninterrupted and more Constant Attendance on them.

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