The CONDITIONS upon which the Patentees for making Salt or Brackish Water Fresh and Wholsom, do intend to con­clude with such Persons that shall please to agree with them for the Ʋse of this Invention either by SEA or LAND.

FIRST, Every Person desiring to deal with the said Patentees, may have one Engine or more with its Appendances, together with Dire­ctions how to manage and place the same, paying for each Engine and its Appendances, that will make about ninety Gallons of VVater fresh in 24 Hours, the Sum of eighteen Pounds.

Every one buying an Engine, is also to buy as much of the Ingredients for this Operation as will keep the same going at least six Months, at the Rate of one shilling for as much as makes about ninety Gallons of VVater.

Every one dealing for an Engine, and the quantity of Ingredients afore­said, is to enter into Covenants with the Patentees by Articles indented un­der Hand and Seal, as followeth;

  • First, That he shall not sell or dispose of the said Engine or Ingredients, without License first had from the Patentees, under their Hands and Seals.
  • Secondly, That he shall not use, nor suffer the said Engine or Ingredients to be used on Shore, without License from the Patentees, neither shall he directly or indirectly make, cause, or suffer to be made, any Engine in imitation of that of the Patentees, nor shall use any other Engine or Ingredients than what he shall buy of the Patentees, du­ring the Grant of His Majesty to the said Patentees, without their License in Wri­ting, under their Hands and Seals.
  • Thirdly, That when he hath expended the Quantity of Ingredients first bought, he will from time to time buy a like Quantity from the said Patentees, which they will be obliged to afford at the like Rate.
  • Fourthly, That he will pay unto the said Patentees, as a Praemium for their In­vention of this Beneficial Art, six pence the Tun yearly, for the Tunnage of every Ship, in which they shall carry an Engine, the one Moiety in hand, on the delivery of the Engine, and the other at six Months after.
  • Fifthly, If any one sells his Ship, or Interest in such Ship, and desires to be dis­charged of the afore-mentioned Covenants, bringing the Buyer, or some for him, to the Patentees Office, and procuring him or some for him to enter into Articles of the like tenor, his Articles shall be delivered up cancell'd.

If any one after the first Voyage shall not think it convenient to use the said Engine and Ingredients, returning to the Patentees at the Office their Engine and Appendances, with the remainder of the Ingredients, not being damnified, he shall be discharged of the above Covenants, and re­pai'd the Moiety of the Money first paid for the Engines and Appendan­ces, and also one Moiety according to the quantity of Ingredients return­ed as above.

If any Engine and Ingredients be used on Shore, the Praemium for each Engine shall be proportionably cheap, with respect to the advantages, the [Page]Parties agreeing with the Patentees may have by it, and they shall also co­venant not to use or suffer to be used the said Engine and Ingredients on Ship-board without Licence from the Patentees.

Upon these Conditions, the Engine and Ingredients (which may be car­ryed either by Sea or Land) together with the Directions for the use thereof, shall be ready from and after the twentieth day of August next, at the Patentees Office kept in Lothbury near the Royal Exchange, which will always be open from ten of the Clock in the Morning till one. And all Persons who are willing to agree upon these Terms, may be pleased to subscribe their Names, or to order some one for them to accept of these Conditions, for which Books shall be always ready at the said Office in Lothbury, and at Mr. John Gandy's at the sign of the Ship over against the Royal Exchange.

All the above Charges, together with the Price of Firing, and the Interest of the first cost of the Engine and its Appendances, as also the Praemium being duely computed, the VVater notwithstanding will come under one half pen­ny the Gallon, and the Room which the Fewel takes up for Stowage, and the few Casks to be imployed in the making and receiving this prepared Water, will be less then the Vid. Dr. Grew's Treatise, call'd New Experiments, fol. 14. tenth part of the Stowage now imployed for VVater only.

All Persons desirous to deal with the Patentees, whose Occasions will not permit them to come to London, shall have the Agreements which are to be signed, sent to such convenient Places as the said Parties shall desire, which they may communicate to the Patentees by Letters to their Office in Lothbury.

All Parties who please to be further informed of the great Advantages they may receive by this Invention, (both as to Health and Profit) may have delivered to them two Treatises written on this Subject in most Lan­guages now used, at the Patentees Office in Lothbury, or at the Ship in Cornhil, over against the Royal Exchange, London.

  • The Earl of Berkeley.
  • Lord Viscount Falkland.
  • R. Fitzgerald.
  • Nat. Johnson.
  • Theo. Oglethorpe.
  • Tho. Maule.
  • W. Bridgman.
  • P. Trant.
  • George Doddington.

LONDON, Printed by John Haresinch, in Mountague-Court in Little Britain, 1684.

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