THE CERTIFICATES OF Several Captains and Masters of Ships, and others, both at Sea and Land, who have used the Patentees Engine for making Salt Water Fresh.


THIS serves only to acquaint you, that since I have been on board, in our Pas­sage to the Downs, I have us'd the En­gine off the Long-Sand-Head, and we made as much fresh Sea-water as boil'd Pease for the whole Ships company, they being boil'd as well as ever I see any; I find we can make above one hundred Gallons in 24 hours, if the Ship have no great motion, but if it hath much motion, then it will not make full so much Wa­ter. I believe it will prove a very useful thing at Sea. This being all needful from

Your very humble Servant, John Kempthorne.

THESE are to acquaint you of our pro­ceeding with our Engine. I will give you a good Account of it, I find no otherwise by it; the Water we find very wholsom and benefi­cial, and the Engine works as well in foul Weather as in fair. We find that the more it is wrought the better it worketh, and the Wa­ter is the better. It is much esteemed on here, and abundance of People of all sorts resort dai­ly to see it, and drink of the Water; and we have wrought it most of the way hither.

Jonathan Martin.

AS for the Engine, it works very well, and I have made use of it in my Passage near the Tropick in the Long Reach; and I find I can make above forty Gallons in twelve hours after it begins to work. I made in the Long Reach two Casks beside what I used, thinking to have brought one of them home; but the Gentlemen of Antegoe, and the strangers that came on board, desired so much to drink, and to have some in Bottles, that I spent them both. And since I came here, I have caus'd it to be wrought three several days on purpose for Merchants and Planters to see it, and a great many of them approved of it very well.

Simon Corbin.

WE Jonathan Martin, Master of the Pink Elizabeth, and Simon Corbin, Master of the Pink May-flower, having aboard each of our said Ships an Engine bought of the Paten­tees for making Salt-water fresh, do certifie that we have made use of the said Engine going to and coming from the West-Indies, viz. Barba­does, Mevis, and Antego, and have found the Water prepared by them very wholsom, plea­sant and useful, and resolve for the future to continue the Use of such Engines.

Jonathan Martin. Simon Corbin.

I Evan Seyes, Master of the Jane of London, having sailed a long time in Company with a Ship furnish'd with an Engine for making Salt­water fresh, do hereby testifie, that having fre­quently drunk of the Waters so prepared a­board that Ship, and in several Climates, found the Men of the Ship in perfect good Health, and much pleased with the Water, which they made Use of, having no Meat or Drink, but what was prepared by the said Water.

Evan Seyes.

Extract of a Letter to a Merchant in London.

I desire that you will acquaint the Patentees that we have made Use of their Engine ever since we left the Coast of England, and that we find our Men very well pleased with the Use of it, being all in very good Health. Sign'd by John Clive, Supercargo of the Spanish Mer­chant.

John Clive.

I Do hereby certifie, that in the time of my being in the Leeward Islands, I did several times drink of Sea Water made fresh by the Patentees Engine, on board some Ships that came into those Parts; and found not only the Men who sailed in the said Ships, but those Persons on Shore, who drank frequently of the said Water, in good Health, notwithstanding the heat of the Climate, and great change of the Air, in which the Water was prepar'd: and am of Opinion that the use of the said Water is of great Advantage, not only to Ships, but to several parts of the World lying near the Sea, where the Water is Brackish, or there is no fresh Water.

Signed by Sir William Stapleton Knt. Governour of the Leeward Islands.

I John Frost, Captain, Master, and part Sharer of the Aleppo Factor, having receiv'd an Engine from the Patentees, for making Salt water Fresh, do hereby certifie, that many Months in the Streights and other places, I made use of Sea-water prepar'd on board my Ship by the Engine and Ingredients received from the Patentees, which Water I found by my self, Sea-men, and several other Persons, to be very good and wholesome; and the Engine to answer all that was promised in the Books printed by the Patentees.

John Frost.

I Do hereby certifie, that having put on board a Ship, bound out on a long Voyage, an Engine bought from the Patentees for making Salt-water fresh, I receiv'd Letters from on board the said Ship four Months after her departure, [Page]dated in April last past, which gives an account that the said Engine makes the Sea-water fresh in great quantities; and answers all the good Effects undertaken by the Patentees, and has been of great Use and Advantage to the said Ship, without any Inconveniencies.

Witness my Hand, this 25th of November. Geffery Nightingale, Merchant.

HAving the Honour to command his Ma­jesties Ship Tiger, the last Year in the Streights, meeting with a Merchant-man tra­ding in those parts, I had the Curiosity to go and see his Engine, which he receiv'd from Mr. Fitz-Gerald, and the rest of his Partners, for turning Salt-water into fresh; which I found so well disposed of, before the Fore-mast in the Fore-Castle, that its Room was inconsiderable and out of Danger: and from the Captain, and the Men in particular, (in which I took some pains to ask Questions) I was well assu­red that the prepared Water was very good, and that they liked it as well as Thames Wa­ter, and had as good Health as ever they used to have. To which I set my Hand this 10th of Decemb. 1685.

Signed by Sir Francis Wheler.

I Peter Pickard, Commander of the Hunter, did furnish my self with a Salt-water En­gine from the Patentees, in Decemb. 1684. and do hereby certifie, that having made use seve­ral times of the said Engine in my last Voy­age, I found it to make the Sea-water very fresh, and good for dressing Victuals, and Drinking; which occasion'd me to recommend the same to be useful for the Royal African Company, in their Castle on James's Island in Gambo River; they accordingly agreed with the Patentees for an Engine to send along with me to the said Place. Witness my Hand this 20th of Decemb. 1685.

P. Pickard.

I Matt. Tennant, having lately commanded His Majesties Ship the Guernsey, do hereby certifie, That in the time of my being at Sea, I met with several Ships, furnish'd by the Pa­tentees with an Engine for making Salt water fresh, and there received Account from the Persons who sailed in the said Ships, that the said Engines did make fresh very great quan­tities of Water, and were very useful and con­venient; and that the Persons in the said Ships, who had lived upon the Water so prepar'd, had very good Health, and were freet from the Scurvy than they used to be.

Matt. Tennant.

THese are to certifie, that in February last: by His Majesties Commands, the Paten­tees for making Salt-water fresh sent down, and for present Use fix'd in this place two of their En­gines; which made such good and acceptable water, that it was chosen rather than our Rain o [...] Thames Water, for any Use; especially to drink simply, or make Punch withall.

Robert Crawford Lieutenant-Governour.

The Opinion of several Eminent Physicians of the Colledge, and others, concerning Sea-Water made Fresh.

BEsides the Experience of the fore-going Sea-men in great and long Voyages, several Emi­nent Physicians of the Colledge, and others, have so well approved of this prepared Water, that they have directed the Use thereof in Diet-Drinks, Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, instead of Fountain-Water. And the Physicians under written are of opinion, that it may be useful to the said purposes. And all agree, That Water prepar'd according to the Patentees way, is un­doubtedly good against Scurvys, and other Diseases.

Sir Thomas Witherly, Praeses Collegii.
  • Dr. Peter Barwick
  • Dr. John Betrs.
  • Dr. Humphry Brook
  • Dr. Thomas Burwel
  • Dr. Francis Bernard
  • Dr. Edward Brown
  • Dr. R. Blackbourn
  • Dr. Walter Charleton
  • Dr. Andrew Clinch
  • Dr. Daniel Cox
  • Dr. Theodore Colladon
  • Dr. Andrew Creagh
  • Dr. Edmund Dickinson Med. Reg.
  • Dr. William Denton
  • Dr. John Downes
  • Dr. William Dawkins
  • Dr. David Abercromby
  • Dr. Charles Goodal
  • Dr. Nehemiah Grew
  • Dr. Philip Guide
  • Dr. Edward Hulse
  • Dr. Walter Harris
  • Dr. George How
  • Sir Edmund King, Eq. Aur.
  • Dr. John Lawson
  • Dr. Richard Lower
  • Dr. Martin Lister
  • Sir Thomas Millington Eq. Aur.
  • Dr. Samuel Morris
  • Dr. Richard Morton
  • Dr. Walter Mills
  • Dr. Walter Needham
  • Sir William Petty, Eq. Aur.
  • Dr. Robert Pitt
  • Dr. George Rogers
  • Dr. James Rufine
  • Dr. Richard Robinson
  • Sir Charles Scarburgh Eq. Aur. Med. Reg. prim.
  • Dr. William Stokeham
  • Dr. H. Sampson
  • Dr. Thomas Sydenham
  • Dr. Hans Sloane
  • Dr. Frederick Slare
  • Dr. David Thomas
  • Dr. Edward Tyson
  • Dr. William Waldgrave
  • Dr. John Windebank

Printed by John Harefinch in Mountague-Court in Little Britain. 1685.

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