The CASE of the PURCHASERS UNDER THE EARL of ATHLONE. WITH The REPORT of the Trustees thereon.

THE House of Commons in the year 1691. voted Thanks to the Earl of Athlone for his great Services in the Re­duction of Ireland, and appoined a Committee to attend, and acquaint him therewith.

In the Year 1693. their Majesties King VVilliam and the late Queen granted to the said Earl, on the said Considerations, part of the For­feited Estates in Ireland, to the value of near 4000 l. per Ann. which Grant was afterwards confirmed by Act of Parliament in Ireland: Under which Security several Persons purchased from the said Earl of Athlone, part of the said Lands granted to him, under certain reserved Fee-Farm Rents; which reserved Rents, together with the Remainder of the Grants undispos'd of by the said Earl, amount to 2220 l. per Annum, VVhich may be sold by the Trustees.

The Trustees for the Forfeitures in Ireland have reported on the Petition of the Purchasers of Inheritance of the said Forfeitures,

That the said Purchasers actually paid the said Earl 17484 l. for their Purchases.

That the Earl of Athlone's Grant is confirmed by Act of Parliament in Ireland;

And that he is now beyond the Seas.

So that the Purchasers under his Lordship can have no Relief a­gainst him.

The said Purchasers therefore humbly hope that the Honourable the House of Commons will allow them to bring in a Bill to enable them to enjoy the benefit of their Purchases and Im­provements, which they made under the Security of a Law.

The CASE of the Purchasers under the Earl of Athlone. WITH The REPORT of the Trustees thereon.

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