The Case of the People Commonly Called QUAKERS. With some REASONS Humbly Offered to the tender Consideration of the Members of the HOUSE of COMMONS To Incline them to Grant the Petition of the said People (which they intend to present unto them) That their Solemn Answers may be allowed without Swearing in the Courts of Chancery and Exchequer.

The said People freely Offering and Consenting, that if any Reputed a Quaker falsify the Truth, and be duly Convicted theroof, every such Person shall under go the like Pains and Penalties as are provided against a Perjured Person.

The Case.

EVer since we were a People it hath been our Principle not to Swear, make or take an Oath in any Case, which HE who is the Searcher of all Hearts knows is no other then purely a Matter of Conscience to Us, and of sincere Obedi­ence to the Mind of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, as we really believe and are fully perswaded; and ma­ny Eminent Martyrs, and Men of holy Conversation, Wisdom and Renown, were of the like Judgement against Oaths and Swearing, in the Gospel Day, and not from any Obstinacy, Disaffection, or Worldly Interest on our Parts, we being really willing and desirous to Answer the Just and good Ends of Law and Government, as a peaceable People fearing God. And for this Cause of not Swearing we have been, and still are exposed to great Sufferings, and extream Hardships in our Persons and Estates, by tedious Imprisonments, Sequestrations and Seizures, which many of us have suffered, and diverse still undergo, tending to our great Ruine; being not admitted by Law, to answer in the Courts of Chancery and Exchequer without Oath, nor to recover our due Debts, or defend our just Titles, Liberties and Properties from vexatious Suites.

The Reasons.

1. Our Solemn Declaration or Answer without Swearing may be made of the same Validity as a corporal Oath, and the fal­sifying thereof Wittingly and Wilfully, as punishable as Perjury it self, and the one is as much in terrorem as the other, to pre­vent Fraud or Falshood: We being also under this Caution, that the righteous God is the Avenger thereof, and will Execute as severe Punishment upon the Lyers as false Swearers, for it is Written in holy Scripture, All Lyers shall have their part in the Lake which Burns with Fire and Brimstone, Rev. 21.8, 27.

2. Tho' the Open penalty of Perjury be Reproachful and shameful, (and sometimes attended with a small Fine) yet our Suf­fering for not Swearing is more heavy, durable, and destructive, by our loss of Liberty, and Sequestration of our Estates; which therefore is an Evidence, that it is really Matter of Conscience to us, and not our Voluntary Choice to suffer such Extremity, because we cannot Swear.

3. The PARLIAMENT Granting an Act for our Relief in this Case, will be a Means to Facilitate the Work of the Judges in the said Courts, for thereby the Merit of the Cause may be judicially searched out, when as otherways we suffer meerly for not Swearing, be our Cause right or wrong.

4. It will be a Means for all Persons concerned, to come easier to their Rights, without the ruine and destruction of the Party Sued who cannot Swear.

5. It will prevent ill Disposed and Malicious persons from Vexatious, unjust and chargeable Suites tending to our ruine; And from taking Advantage against us because of our Consciencious Perswasion, in Cases wherein they have no right of Claim upon us.

6. It will disappoint Fraudulent persons, who being prosecuted for Debts at Common Law, fly into Chancery, where altho their Creditors can Swear, yet joyning a Quaker in the Bill, tho a stranger and unconcerned in the case, knowing he cannot swear they get Injunctions on purpose to defeat their Creditors of their just Debts.

We also propose to your serious Consideration, That this Moderation to persons scrupling to Swear, hath had good Effect in our Neighbouring Countries, as above one Hundred Years Experience hath manifested.

On the 26th. day of January 1577. Guilliaume de Nassaw Prince of Orange and Statholder of Holland, Zealand, &c. G. Brant's Hi­story of the Re­formation in the Low Countries part 1. p. 587. 588. with the consent of the Government and Council, sent his Mandate to the Magistrates, commanding (on behalf of the People call'd Menists, who refused to Swear in any Case) That their Yea should be accepted and taken instead of an Oath, they being subject, in case of falsifying the Truth, to the Pains of Perjury.

In the Year 1593. Prince Maurice Son of the former Prince, with the consent of the States, gave forth a Placate or Mandate in behalf of the said Menist, to the same effect: Which is observed by all Magistrates throughout their whole Government, as ap­pears by the Act of State made in the year 1690. In which, next unto the words Solemn Oath, are these Words Printed [As con­cerning the Menists they shall Declare with true Words instead of an Oath, which shall be holden of the same Effect and value as a Corporal Oath. So that no difficulty in Determining Controversies, nor Obstruction of Justice appearing by their not Swearing; the same Priviledge is still continued to the aforesaid People.

And if you please, upon the Consideration of the Premises, to grant the said Petition, and Relieve us accordingly, we hope you may live to see the good Effects it will have in this Kingdom, and that it will tend to the Service of the Government, the increase of Trade, furtherance of Justice, and Tranquility of the Subject.

We humbly Intreat you tenderly to consider this our Consciencious Case for our Relief, as if it was your own, and thereby to Demonstrate your Christian Charity and Compassion, that in being Merciful you may obtain Mercy.

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