THE CASE of the Innholders, Of the City and Liberty of Westminster, and of the Parishes of St. Giles's in the Fields, and St. Andrew's Holborn, in the County of Middlesex.

THAT the Innholders here in Town, being at much greater Charges for all sorts of Provisions and necessaries, and pay­ing greater Rents by far for their Houses, than those living in the Country; It was therefore thought reasonable by the late Queen (of blessed memory) who accordingly gave order that 8d. per night for Hay should be allowed and paid to the said Innholders living in Town, from each Trooper of the Earl of Oxfords Regiment, to be Quarter'd on them, the which said Order was confirm'd by his pre­sent Majesty since the Decease of his said Royal Consort.

Notwithstanding which several of the Officers will only pay the said Innholders 6d. per night for each Trooper, tho' they have the attendance of Servants as others, &c. to wait on them, and the use of Kitchens, Firing, Candle, &c. which proves a much greater Charge to the said Innholders than the 6d. per night allowed them.

That the Innholders did formerly provide all Oates as well as Hay for the Horses of His Majesties Guards that were Quarter'd with them as Guests, but now the Officers do provide Corn for the Troopers in the Inns, and make Granaries of their Chambers, and do thereby much Impoverish them.

That there are great numbers of Livery-Stables, for the most part kept in private places, who have most of them no Soldiers Quar­ter'd on them, Notwithstanding the direction of a late Act of Parlia­ment in that behalf made: And that many of them have entertained Highwaymen, and Horses to Carry beyond Seas, and by reason of the retiredness of their Scituation, are more apt to harbour Highway­men (and their Horses) and other ill affected Persons, than Publick Inns are or can be: And that most of them pay no Taxes nor bear any Office in the Parish; whereas contrarywise the Innkeepers pay all Duties, and are at great Expences in serving of Offices and other­wise, whilst their dayly bread is taken from them by such as keep Livery Stables.

IT is therefore humbly pray'd that Care may be taken for the due Execution of the Act in force for the said Livery-Stables, to Quarter Troopers equally with the Innkeepers, and that such Troopers may be as Guest with them as formerly at 8d. per night, And that such further Redress may be given to the said Innholders in the matters aforesaid as shall be thought reasonable.

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