THE CASE OF The Duty on Molosses.

2o. W. & M. ACT for Granting certain Impositions upon East-India Goods, and other Goods, &c.

Molosses 8 s. per C. For every hundred weight of Molosses imported within the time aforesaid, from any other place than the English Planta­tions in America, 8 s. ober and above what the same is charg­ed with in the Book of Rates.

4o. & 5o. W. & M. ACT for Granting certain Additional Impositi­ons upon several Goods and Merchandizes.

fol. 252. There shall be answered and paid for the several Goods and Merchandizes hereafter mentioned, over and above all Impositions, Duties and Charges already imposed and pay­able upon and for the same in the Book of Rates of Mer­chandize by Act of Parliament established, and the direction therein contained or otherwise, the further Rates and Duties following, That is to say —

fol. 264. Vpon all French Goods and Merchandizes (except Wine, Brandy, Salt and Vinegar) five and twenty pounds for eve­ry hundred pounds value thereof,25 per C. more than the same are charg­ed with in the said Book of Rates.

4o. & 5o. W. & M. ACT for Continuing the Acts Prohibiting Trade with France, and Encouragement of Privateers.

fol. 498. And be it further Enacted, That out of the proceed of such Sale, the Subsidy of Tunnage and Poundage, and all other Duties and Impositions payable to their Majesties for such Goods, Merchandizes and things, shall be deducted and an­swered to their Majesties, and the Neat proceed divided, &c.

Upon some Doubts from the abovesaid Acts, Molosses imported from France have been admitted to pay but 25 per Cent. of the Value; and that not of their true Value, as other Goods are valued upon Oath, but upon the Valuation in the Book of Rates, in time of Peace, when they were much less worth, and so they pay only about 3 s. per C. wt. besides 8 d. per C. wt. by the Book of Rates, to the great Prejudice of our own Plan­tations.

THE CASE OF THE Duty on Molosses From FRANCE.

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