The CASE of the Company of VINTNERS, and other Retaylors of Wines.

THE Vintner or Retaylor cannot carry on his Trade with­out having two years Stock upon his Hands, for that few Persons will drink French Wines till it hath been Ten Months Imported.

The Stock now in the several Retaylors Hands is at least 30000 Tuns though less Imported this Year than in any one Year within this five Years, above two thirds whereof was Imported at least Twelve Months since before any thoughts of a War with France.

The whole Stock upon a moderate Computation does lye the Retaylors in Twelve Pence the Quart one with another, there be­ing Four Pence a Quart paid to the King for his Duty.

The Retaylors Charge of Lees, Leakage, Cellerage, House-Rent, Servants Wages, &c. was ever look'd upon to be so great that he was always allowed to sell at a third peny more then the Wines cost him from the Merchant.

That should a Clause now be added to the Bill for prohibiting of French Commodities to enjoyn the Retaylors to sell the Stock of Wines now in their Hands at Twelve Pence the Quart (the Price they cost) for the first Year, and afterwards at Six Pence the Quart (being half the price they cost) it will ruine and destroy many hun­dred Families who now do contribute considerably towards the support of the Government by paying of Taxes, Quartering of Soldiers, &c.

And if the Retaylors be ruined, the Kings Revenue will be ex­treamly prejudiced, for all the Retaylors in England and Wales ex­cept the Free Vintners of London, do draw by License from the Crown at an Annual Rent, but will not be able to pay the same in Case they be constrained to sell their Goods for less than they cost, and so that part of the Revenue will be in great part lost.

All that is desired, is, That the Parliament would be pleased to Grant the Retaylors a Convenient time to dispose of their Stocks at a Moderate Gain, which they Humbly Conceive will no ways pro­mote or advance the French Interest.

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