The CASE of the Adventurers in the Million Lottery, Humbly Offer'd to the Consideration of the Honourable House of Commons.

THE Act for this Lottery Establishes a Fond of 140000 l. per Annum. to pay the Adventurers their Annuities for 16 Years.

This is Charged on the Duty on Salt, &c. from the 25th of March 1694, to the Seventeenth of May 1697. And after that, on se­veral Excises on Beer, Ale, &c. which were imposed by a Former Act, and then determine, and are by this Act continued.

In this Act, there is a Clause whereby (in Case of Deficiency) the Lords of the Treasury are injoined to Supply it, by applying to this Fond, some other part of his Majesty's Revenue, not otherwise appropriated.

But since (by Reason of the Insufficiency of the said Duty on Salt, and the diverting of it from this Fond) there has happened these Deficiencies, viz.

Due and Unpaid at Michaelmas 1695. a­bout. 12500 l.
Benefits due at Lady-Day, 1696. 20000 l.
Benefits and Unbenefits Due at Michaelmas, 1696. 120000 l.
Moneys Due, and which ought to have been Raised out of the Duties on Salt, from Michaelmas 1696, to the 17th of May, 1697. 87500 l.
  240000 l.

Now the Adventurers are Inform'd, That this Honourable House have made, or are about to make some Provision for this Deficiency, suppo­sing it to be but 140000 l. Whereas, upon Examination, it will appear, That what Deficiency there has been, and will be on the 17th of May, 1697, amounts to 240000 l. or near thereabouts.

And there is not (that they know of) any part of his Majesty's Reve­nue, out of which this Deficiency can be supplyed.

Many of the Adventurers are Foreigners, and some of them poor. And it would be needless to insist to this Honourable House, how much the Credit and Honour of the Nation, and of Parliamentary Fonds are con­cerned in the due Payment of these Lottery Tickets.

The Adventurers humbly propose, That the said 240000 l. and Inte­rest for each part thereof, from the time it ought to have been, or to be Paid; be Paid by or out of the Moneys to be raised by the Sale of fur­ther and more certain Interests in the Anuities of 14 l. per Cent. per An. And that in Case the same be not raised thereby, that it be made good out of the first, Aid to be granted the next Session of Parliament. And that Tallies of Loans for 50 l. or such like Summs be forthwith struck accordingly.

Or they Humbly desire such other Relief as this Honourable House shall think fit.


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