The CASE of GEORGE TAYLOR, Esq; Marshal of the Kings Bench. In Relation to a Clause added to the Bill, Intitled, An Act for Rgulating the Abuses in Prisons and pretended Priviledged Places.

VVIlliam Lenthal, Esq; being seiz'd in Fee of the said Office of Marshal of the Kings-Bench several years since, made a Grant of the said Office to William Briggs, Esq; at the Rent of 1400. l. per Annum. to hold to him and his Assigns for his life.

By Vertue of this Grant, Mr. Briggs held the Office for Six Years, and about a year since made a Grant or Assignment of his Interest in the said Office, to the said George Taylor; for which Mr Taylor paid him 2000 l.and confest a Judgment of 1400 l.Penalty for se­curing the Payment of the same Rent to Mr. Briggs, as Mr. Briggs had Covenanted to pay Mr. Lenthall. and Mr. Briggs is still alive.

In Easter Term last Mr. Taylor war admitted into the said Office, and paid his Rent duly to Mr. Briggs for Four Months, but Mr. Boulter, and others, claiming a Ri [...]ht to the said Rent, under the said Mr. Lenthal,) forbid Payment of the same to Mr. Briggs; and thereupon Mr. Taylor stopt payment thereof to Mr. Briggs; and sometime after agreed to atturn Tenant to Mr. Boulter (upon Mr. Boulters promise to Indempnifie him against Mr. Briggs,) and paid Mr. Boulter 100 l. in part of the said Rent.

Mr. Briggs having notice of Mr. Taylors attorning and paying Rent to Mr. Boulter, about a Fortningt since took Mr. Taylor in Exe­cution upon the 1400 l. Judgment; Notwithstanding Mr. Taylor always was, and still it, ready to pay his Rent, being Indempni [...]ed.

After all this (as is supposed, by Mr. Boulters means) a clause was presented to the Committee of the Right Honourable House of Lords (to whom the said Bill was committed) for making void all Grants heretofore made by the said Mr. Lenthall of the said Office, which clause was received by the said Committee, Notwithstanding it is admitted that Mr. Lenthall had a Right to make the aforesaid Grant to Mr. Briggs, under which Mr. Taylor claims.

This Clause was presented at the Close of the Commttee, and received without any Notice to Mr. Taylor, and he never was heard against it, and if the Clause should pass, Mr. Taylor will thereby be divested of his Freehold in the said Office, (without being heard) and lose his 2000 l Purchase Mony. Of which (with submission) there is no President in Parliamentary Proceedings, Wherefore it is humbly hoped, that this Honorable House wilt be pleased to reject the said Clause, or admit Mr. Taylor to be heard by his Council against the same.

The Clause is as follows;

‘And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that all and every Depu­tation or Deputations, Grant or Grants, at any time heretofore made or executed by William Lenthal, Esq; of the said Office of Marshal of the Marshalsea of the said Court of Kings Bench, is, and are hereby declared Void and of none Effect: And that all and every succeeding Marshal, shall from time to time, and at all times hereafter, be constituted and appointed by the said William Lenthal, his Heirs and Assigns, by and with the consent in Writing under the Hand and Seal of Edmond Boulter, Esq; his Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, until the Debt owing by the said William Lenthal to the said Edmond Boulter, Executor of Sir John Cutler, Bar. deceased, be satisfied.’

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