The CASE of divers Persons Entitled to the Benefit of Articles, Proclamations, and Declarations, &c. in Ireland; in Relation to a Bill for Vacating all Grants of Estates and other Interests Forfeited in Ireland, since the Thirteenth day of Fe­bruary, One Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty Eight: And for appropriating the same to the use of the Publick, now lying before the Honourable the House of Commons; Humbly Offer'd to the Consideration of the said House.

THAT in all Bills hitherto prepar'd in this Honorable House, for applying the Forfeited Estates in Ireland to the Use of the War, there has been special Provision made to preserve the Articles of Lymmerick, Gallway, and all other Articles, and Agreements made upon the surrender to their Maje­sties of any City, Town, Fort, or Garrison in Ireland, and also all the Declarations and Procla­mations relating to that Kingdom Issued out by His Majesty during the War there in their full force; But by the Preamble and Vesting Words of the said Bill, there is, as humbly conceived, so great a latitude of construction left, that it may become very doubtful, if such as are compriz'd within the said Articles, and are in due form adjudg'd so to be, and have thereupon reversed their Outlawries, and such others as upon other good and equitable Grounds, and Reasons appearing to His Majesty, have also actually reversed their Outlawries, shall be Exempted from the Penalties of said Bill, It is therefore Humbly Submitted to the Consideration of this Honorable House, if it may not be Reasonable to Insert in the said Bill an Excepting Clause, in favor of all such as have reversed their Outlawries.

THAT of those Entitled to the Benefit of the said Articles, there are some, who as such, have so lately had their Adjudications, that they have not as yet had time to Reverse their Outlawries. Some likewise who have long since Exhibited their Claims, to the said Articles, and (though no default of theirs) are still Kept in Suspence Without being Heard or Adjudg'd, so that their Attainders continue still unreversed; some who have been duly adjudged in Ireland, to be Comprized within Articles, and have thereupon Reversed their Outlawries there, are Outlaw'd in England for the same Crime, and have not had time to Reverse the said Outlawries in England. Some comprized within Articles, others Entitled to Declarations and Proclamations, who are not as yet attainted, if hereafter attainted on account of the late War in Ireland, are by the said Bill Disabled from ever Reversing the same, and all and every of these will as conceived be utterly Foreclosed if not specially provided for in the said Bill.

THAT upon passing a late Act of Parliament in Ireland, to prevent the Reversing of Outlawries for Treason there, it having been Evidently made out, that of those Outlaw'd there for Treason commited in that Kingdom during the late War, there are some who never were in that Kingdom, some who have not been there at any time during the said War, some who were Infants and utterly incapable of being any way concern'd in the same. There was special Provision made by Name for such of the said Persons, and others, as then made their Appli­cation, whereby they may at any time after Reverse their said Outlawries, so unduly had against them, notwith­standing the said Act, but by this Bill all these Persons shall in like manner, become for ever foreclosed and loose the benefit of the Provision made for them in the said Act, if not specially provided for.

MANY also in that Kingdom Entitled to their Estates by their Early submission to the Government, pursu­ant to Declarations, and Proclamations, &c. whilst under the Kings Protection, and daily to be seen there, most of them never in Arms, nor any other way concern'd in the late War, but as suffering Spectators, were promis­cuously Outlaw'd without any regard of Sex, Age, or Condition; many amongst them being Infants, Men Superannuated, and Bedridden, Persons under Bayle upon their Indictments: Some in Custody of the very Sheriffs in the Countryes where they were Proclaim'd, others in the Kings Bench Prison, sundry for being only in Civil Employments, so that though the Laws for Outlawries be the same in Ireland, that they are in England, the Method used there for attainting, was so far from agreeing with that in England, that it was altogether contrary to the [...] course of Justice. By the said Bill all the said Persons are not only for ever foreclosed from bringing [...] of their said Attainders in question, to have their Tryals, or be restored to their Properties, but even the small fruits of their Industry acquired since then, are to be forfeited.

IT is therefore Humbly Offered to Consideration, that these being the most Innocent, and the most Inoffen­sive Persons in the said Kingdom, during the said late War, and the Readiest and Earliest in their Obedience, such Provision may be made for them in the said Bill, as to this Honorable House may be thought Reasonable.

THE CASE OF Divers Persons Entitled to the Benefit of Articles, Proclama­tions, and Declarations, &c. in Ireland, in Relation to a Bill now before the Honoura­ble the House of Commons, for Vacating Grants of Estates in Ireland, &c.

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