VVHEREAS most Corporations in England have, in Persuance to the TEST-ACT of the 25th of King Charles the II, turned several Members of their respective Corporations out of their Offices, for not qualifying themselves, as that Act directs; and have elected and admitted new Officers into their Places, who have qualify'd themselves according to that Law, which is known to be the only Bulwark that secures the Church of England against all its Enemies; and was eminently known to be serviceable against the Oppressi­ons of the late Reign. And whereas in the Votes of Thurs­day, the sevent Day of March, there is a Clause ordered to be added to the Bill, to prevent Disputes that may arise by Members of Corporations, having neglected to sign the Association in due time, for indemnifying such Members of Corporations as neglected to qualifie themselves according to that Law.

Its humbly conceived, That such Clause, if is passes into an Act, will be highly prejudicial, not only to all Corporati­ons, but to the Law if self, in the following Instances, Viz.

1st. It will vacate all that has been done in Corporations upon that Act, and will re-instate all that have been turned out of their Offices for their Disobedience thereto.

2dly. It will turn out all such other Members as have been elected and admitted into their Places, and qualify'd them­selves according to Law; and will thereby cast a publick Odium and Reflection on such Persons as if they were Of­fenders, though they have been guilty of no Crime, but con­formed themselves to the Laws of the Realm.

3dly. It will greatly tend to the weakening that good and wholsome Law; and will, in all probability, incourage Persons to decline complying with the Directions of it; and may in time render that Law Useless, which at present, is the greatest Security and Preservation of our Church and Nation.

The CASE of Corporations, ON THE TEST-ACT.

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