THE CASE Concerning the Election of BARNSTAPLE, Devon.

AT an Election for the Burrough of Barnstaple in the County of Devon, of Burgesses to serve in the present Parliament; the Competitors were, John Basset Esq; Arthur Acland Esq; Richard Lee Esq;. The Electors are the Freemen of the said Burrough, of which there were at the Election about One hundred eighty seven; of these, One hundred and nineteen gave their Voices for Mr. Lee, and yet the Mayor refused to Return him, but returned Mr. Basset, and Mr. Acland, onely because Mr. Lee was no Freeman of the said Bur­rough, as he then openly declared.

The Merit of this Election is to be heard before the Committee of Elections this present Wednesday, be­ing the 15th day of December, 1680. on the Petition of the said Mr. Lee.

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