The Captives Complaint, or the Prisoners Plea, &c.

FOrasmuch as it hath pleased the in­comprehensible wise God (who made Heaven and Earth, and all that is therein) to create man, and set him apart for his own service, worship and glory, as the most competent Creature, whereby to [...]dvance his glorious, dreadfull Name over all his Creatures upon the Earth, over whom he gave man dominion; and for the better ruling and governing his Creatures, and worshipping and glo­rifying himself, (the Author and Creator of all) he hath indued man with Reason and Understanding, and infused into him a Principle of his own Life, and stamped, or set his own Image in him, thereby to beau­tifie his Creature man, giving him domi­nion, power, and liberty over all that he had made, both the Fruits of the Earth, and every Creature moving thereon; the [Page 4] Fishes of the Sea, and the Fowls of the Air, and every Creature moving therein; save onely of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, he was not to eat: Now the Serpent being more subtil, then all the Beasts of the field did insinuate if self into the affections of the woman, and having got room in the weaker Vessel, did induce both the man and the woman through feigned smoothes words (and not by direct opposition, mark that) into disobedience to the Lord God of Heaven and Earth, whose image they then lost, by the Ser­pents transformation; who raised the dis­contented, aspiring, self-seeking principle, that desired to be equal with God, which they soon received, and obeyed; thereby losing the happy, blessed, and good estate in which he was placed, and thereby fell into the knowledge of Evil, and naked miserable estate with God, being trans­formed into the image of the Serpent, was captivated in the Curse, and so came to be driven out of the Garden of Eden, (in which he was placed) and to be fenced out from the Tree of Life, and from the Presence of the Lord in that state for ever.

And because the Serpent had done this, the Lord cursed it above all Cattel, and every Beast of the Field, and put enmi­ty between its seed, and the Seed of the woman, saying, The Womans Seed shall break its Head, and it should bruise his Heel; so the Enmity being placed between the Seeds, the warfare was begun, which ever since hath continued through the Ge­nerations of mankind; and hence the striving between the Twins in the womb comes to be known; and the Elected and Reprobated Seed is known; and the Seed of the Bond-woman, and the Seed of the Free-woman is known; and the Fleshly Birth persecuting that which is born of the Spirit is known; and the Promise of the Lord to the Seed of the woman is known, and fulfilled in those that witness the Se­cond Adam, the Lord from Heaven to be come; and the Seed of the Covenant is known to such, in which all the Nations of the Earth is blessed; and blessed and happy are they that are apprehended, and over­comes in this Seed, for they shall again come to eat of the Tree of Life, that is in the midst of the Paradice of God, and their names shall be written in the Book [Page 6] of the Life of the Lamb, from henceforth and for ever.

It being my aim and intent at this time to present unto publick view, and to the manifested Light, and Judgment of all pi­ous and sober men, not onely my dis­cent, state, and condition from my child­hood, but rather my estate and condition in Spirit, in all the gentle leadings, draw­ings, and carryings on of my soul, by the Lord, from the day of the dispensation of the tender Mercy and Love of God, (by his Light dispensed, and made known in me) unto this present day of my suffer­ing for his Name and Gospel; and al­so to give a Relation of the ground and cause of my Sufferings, the Person by whom, and the manner how, with a bre­viate of my Testimony, and Judgment in the matters of this Treatise, in as much brevity as possible, whereby to clear my Conscience (and answer the witness in others) in the sight of God.

AS for my discent (to speak after the manner of men) I sprang of mean (though honest) Parents according to the flesh, my Father being a Husbandman in [Page 7] the County of Cumberland, I (according to his pleasure) was educated sometimes at School, sometime with Herding, and tend­ing of Sheep, or Cattel, sometime with the Plow, Cart, or Threshing-Instrument, or other lawfull Labours, according to the manner of that part of the County in which I lived; yet such was the Love and tender Mercy of the Lord, (who alwayes had respect unto the meek and lowly in heart, and dwells with the contrite and humble in spirit, and shews kindness and mercy to them of low degree) that he was pleased to visit me with his everlasting Love, which often presented unto me my state and manner of life, and by the same Love and Light he made known unto me, that his Way and Worship was a purer, ho­lier Way, and cleaner Life, then yet I had attained unto, and withal gave me to see the evils, and miserable effects of that state and condition in which I lived according to the Fashions, Customs, Wayes and Worships of the formal World, which se­cret drawings I felt time after time (as a small still voice behind my back) observe this, inwardly calling for righteousness, and holiness of life, and as it were, saying, [Page 8] This is the Way, walk in it; read your own, for thus I was induced to seek after the Lord, and to make further enquiry into the Way of God; (out of which I per­ceived my self) and then not knowing where the Lord was to be found, nor that it was he that stirred, and drew by his Love in me; I gave my self to reading and searching of the Scriptures, which was then preached (by the man-made Ministers, and also generally believed by the people they taught) to be the Word of God, and the alone way to the Kingdom, and to the knowledge of God, his Way, and Wor­ship; and believing their Doctrines, I did with much diligence and zeal press after the knowledge of the Scriptures, giving up my self to hear Sermons, learn Cate­chisms, and the like, after the manner and general practise taught by the then Prea­chers, sometime more strickt then the rest, whose comliness seemed to transcend the precedent Generation of Priests, and their way of worship; yet it pleased the Lord not onely inwardly to break my rest in spirit, but also outwardly to afflict me with bodily afflictions, for I was afflict­ed from my youth up, and from my child­hood [Page 9] the rod of correction was upon me inwardly and outwardly; inwardly known to my self alone, and outwardly apparent to most, or all that knew me after the flesh; some concluding I was in a Consumpti­on, some in one disease, some in another; and then by the advice and will of my fa­ther (according to the Flesh) I sought to (and proved) many Doctors and Physici­ans, for the restoration of the health of my body; but they (like the Priests) were all Physicians of no value, for none did remove the cause, nor take away the effect, which still remained with me, and upon me, as a motive spur, or whip, to drive me forward to get an interest in the Lord, who through the riches of his Love did spiritually apply my bodily af­flictions for the health and Salvation of my soul, inwardly drawing my affections and desires after him, still presenting to my view, and raising in my understanding a Way more holy, and pure, and more a­greeable to his Will, then the way I was in, drawing me from one degree of Grace to another, and from one Dispensation to another, according to his good pleasure and will; then I began to affect those (that [Page 10] separated from the formal worships, and publick people) who seemed to be a peopl [...] of more reformed lives, and judgments and of more circumspect conversations and chused rather to settle and joyn with those called Independants, who at that day was beautifull and glorious to that glim­mering twilight estate that I was in, they being then pretty tender and low; I often adjudged my self inferiour, unworthy, and undeserving the Fellowship and Society o [...] such a people; yet still I pressed for­ward desiring to attain unto that stat [...] which was before me, (which by the ey [...] of Faith I saw) and to apprehend that fo [...] which I was apprehended in the Love o [...] God; yet was I often tossed in my self, like restless waves in a troubled Sea; not feel­ing peace nor stability with the Lord, I of­ten besought the Lord in secret, in th [...] brokenness, and contrition of spirit, to clea [...] my understanding and judgment, and mak [...] me to know his one Living Way, Truth and People; Sects and Opinions then a­bounding, one saying, This is the way another saying, That is the way; one say­ing, Lo, Christ is in this, or here; ano­ther saying, He is in that, or there; thu [...] [Page 11] every Denomination and Judgment con­ [...]uing, wresting, and interpreting the [...]riptures to their sundry Tenents, and [...]rcing meanings from them to answer [...]eir Principles, and to maintain eve­ [...] of their interpretations as authentick [...]ruths; in all which I was as one without [...]oundation, tossed with every of their [...]indy Doctrines; it still rested with me, [...]an was created for Gods glory; I being [...]ver and anon judged and condemned in [...]y self for sin and disobedience, for the [...]aw was come, by which is the knowledge [...]f sin; and the Commandment being [...]ome, sin revived, and I died, and sin ha­ [...]ing as it were wrought death in me by [...]at which was good, then sin by the com­ [...]andment became exceeding sinfull; and [...]hen was I driven to seek for peace night [...]nd day, early and late, in publick and [...]rivate Fastings, or Feastings, or Family Devotions, whatsoever, running from one [...]ouse to another, and from one Town to [...]nother, from one Assembly and Worship to [...]nother, even as it were from Sea to Sea, [...]eeking the Word of the Lord, as Amos [...]aid, Amos 8.12. in all their Sabboths, [...]ectures, Humiliations or Thanksgivings, [Page 12] diligently observing every Ordinance ( [...] called) in which the Ministers said Go [...] was to be found, and all to obtain pea [...] with my Maker, but it, as it were, fle [...] from me, and was not to be found among [...] them; and then this cry was great in m [...] O, that I knew the Truth! Oh, that I kne [...] the True and Living Way to the Kingdo [...] of God! O, that I could feel that testimo [...] of Spirit which they so much spoke of, beari [...] witness with my Spirit, that I was in th [...] Sonship! though I felt and knew, I was i [...] the way according to their Judgment, an [...] had the signal tokens of a Christian, a [...] they produced from that spiritual progress and operation the Saints and Servants of God went through in Ages pas [...] which was as Way-marks, set up by th [...] Patriarchs, the Prophets, and Children [...] Israel in their travel to Canaan, and by th [...] Apostles, and Servants of our Lord Jesu [...] Christ in their Spiritual travel to th [...] Heavenly Canaan, through the Regeneration and New Birth.

But being as I said before, often deepl [...] humbled before the Lord, and tendre [...] and broken in my spirit, distressed in m [...] Soul, aflicted in my Body, day and nigh [...] [Page 13] panting and breathing after the Lord, as [...]e Hart panteth after the water Brooks, [...]ing many times deprived of my natural [...]st and sustenance, mine eyes preventing [...]e night watches, as David said, watering [...]y Bed with my tears, being almost over­ [...]helmed in the Floods, multitudes of Af­ [...]ctions compassing me about, Wars and [...]ommotions on every side, Famine, and [...]stilence, and Earthquakes, fearful Sights, [...]d great Signes appearing from Heaven, [...]ese were the beginning of Sorrows, and [...]ys of great Tribulation; then did the sign [...] the coming of the Son of Man appear in [...]e Clouds of Heaven, with Power & great [...]ory, whose appearance was as the Light­ [...]ng, that appeared from the East, and [...]ined unto the West; by which it pleased [...]e Father to manifest the Way of Life, [...]d to reveal his Son in me, and by his [...]ght that gives the knowledge of the Glo­ [...] of God in the face of Jesus Christ, [...] Cor. 4.6. he was pleased to give me a [...]mpse of that Heavenly Land, and of the [...]ay to the Kingdom of God, which I saw [...] be in and through the Light of Christ [...]sus, which ligheth every man that com­ [...]h into the World, as it was then preach­ed [Page 14] and testified by the Servants of th [...] Lord, a measure of which I felt in my sel [...] which told me all that ever I did, secretl [...] condemning every work in me, with ever [...] word and action that was against, or contrary to the mind and will of the Fathe [...] and also justifying every good word an [...] work that was according to his will; Thu [...] the Lord having opened my understan [...] ing, and given me in measure a feeling [...] himself, I was forced to conclude (as th [...] woman of Samaria did) that this was th [...] Christ, this was the Way, this was th [...] Truth, as by daily experience I found b [...] the operation of the Light in my ow [...] heart, compared with the testimony th [...] the Saints and Servants of God had give [...] in Ages past, and thus in the mouthes [...] two or three witnesses this Testimony w [...] established and confirmed in me, but ho [...] to receive and give obedience I knew no [...] the Enemy often raising doubts and fea [...] in me, often disswading me from embracin [...] the Light, with much questioning wheth [...] it were the Truth yea or nay: Then [...] soon as the Seed, the Man-child appeare [...] the Dragon appeared also ready to devo [...] the Man-child; then the Red-Sea was, [...] [Page 15] [...]t were, before, and Pharaoh and his Host [...]ehind, and fear fell on every side; then [...]ppeared Father against Son, and Son [...]gainst Father, one Nation against ano­ [...]her, and still the greatest Enemies were in [...]ine own house; and then was I in great [...]istress; then was the dayes of great Tri­ [...]ulation, perceiving the Way strait and [...]arrow, being to forsake Father or Mo­ [...]her, House or Lands, Friends and Rela­ [...]ons, and all old acquaintances, and cast [...]own all Crowns, Dignities, Wisdom, [...]iches, or what other Enjoyments what­ [...]oever, and deny my self, and become a [...]ool, and a Reproach, a Scorn, a By-word, [...]nd a Hissing to the men of the World, and [...]ake up the Cross daily, and follow the Lord [...]hrough great Tribulation, through the [...]ed-Sea, through the Wilderness, yea, [...]ven through death it self; then was I rea­ [...]y to faint, and to say with them, This [...]as a hard saying, who can hear it; then [...]he Dragon cast out Floods after the Man­ [...]hild, but God prepared a place in the Wilderness, and the Child was preserved; [...]hen was the warfare great between the [...]lesh and the Spirit, the Law in my Mem­ [...]ers waring against the Law in my Mind; [Page 16] doing that which I allowed not, and lea­ving undone that which I allowed; wit [...] my mind I served the Law of God, bu [...] with my flesh the Law of Sin; the Spiri [...] indeed was willing to drink that bitte [...] Cup, but the Flesh was weak; then whe [...] I would have done good, evil being pre­sent, prevented me; then I became as on [...] destitute of all succour, comfort and support, not knowing whether to fly, or how to escape from the dreadfull wrath of Go [...] that was then impending over me if I dis­obeyed; then was I forced in the fulnes [...] of time, not onely to stand still and se [...] the Salvation of God, but also to resig [...] my self into his blessed Will, and sweetly to drink that bitter Cup that was given me to drink, allowing that the Will of the Lord, and not my will should be done, be­ing willing to undergo any thing, so the Lord be glorified, and my Soul might rest in peace, being that for which [...] had long travelled in spirit, having been often as it were at the Pits brink, and as it were at the mouth of the Furnace, having drunk deep of the Cup of Judgment, and of Indignation, and of the Wrath of the Lord for Sin, and for Iniquity, often tra­velling [Page 17] as with my hands upon my loyns [...]ained, and crying out in my soul, as a wo­ [...]an in travel, that longeth for the appoint­ [...]d hour of her deliverance, often in that [...]ate blessing the Lord for the ministration [...]f condemnation, which at that day was glo­ [...]ious to me, often doubting, and fearing in my self lest the Lord should cease striving with me, and have left me, and given me up [...]o a reprobate mind, and to hardness of heart, being often ready to dispair of obtain­ [...]ng the promised Land, that was before m [...], considering the many lets, impediments, obstructions, hazards, dangers, which like mountains of opposition appeared as high as the top of Carmel And thus being assault­ed by the Enemy, reasoning in my self, I was at a point what to do; to turn back to E­gypt, the Land of Darkness, or House of Bondage again, I durst not; knowing the Light in me, the Piller of fire that appeared for my Guide, and Leader, led me Canaan-ward, and knowing the Terrors and Judg­ments of the Lord, that had not onely pas­sed upon me, but was still impending over me for sin and disobedience, because I offer­ed not up freely, nor sacrificed not freely, nor did not forsake all freely, but like Ana­nias [Page 18] and Saphira (though I had parted with much yet) would have kept a part back; and if the Lord had cut me off, as they were, I must have justified the justice of the Lord in my Soul and Conscience which dai­ly witnessed against me, as it were sealing and confirming this testimony to me, and in me, that I should never find peace nor reconciliation with the Lord, until I gave obedience to the Light, and came into so­ciety with the Children of Light, (viz. the People by the World called Quakers) and came to the Worship that stood in Spi­rit, contrary to all the Wayes, Worships and Services of the World, set up in the wills and limitations of men, which I saw to be onely formal and traditional, and no less then Idolatry, as they then stood in the will-worship, being prescribed, and set forth at the wills and pleasures of men, and esta­blished by the then present Powers, Go­vernment and Authority; as by the Indepen­dant Church Faith, the Presbyterian Directo­ry, the Episcopals Common-prayer-book, and such like, may more fully testifie; none being to question, or object against any thing that was, or is believed by their several Churches and Assemblies, or prescribed in [Page 19] their Rules or Cannons, Directories, or [...]ervice-Books (though never so much dis­ [...]tisfied in Conscience) without undergo­ [...]ng the Censures, or Abjudications of their [...]articular Societies, and Churches, so called: [...]ut they that are come to the Light and Li­ [...]erty of the Sons of God, and to live and walk in the Spirit, and by the Spirit, they [...]now the Anointing which abideth in them, which is Truth, and no Lye, which teach­ [...]th them in all things to follow the Lamb only, whithersoever he goes, and the lead­ [...]ngs of his Spirit, and not the formal trash and traditional precepts of men; and so they are ceased from man, and his teach­ [...]ngs, knowing the Lord is come to teach his people himself; whereof I being per­swaded in my own heart, and this testimo­ny aforesaid standing in me, (viz.) that I should never know peace with God in my Soul, until I obyed and followed the Light, (which I daily felt striving in me, and with me, in my meditations and communications with my own heart, secretly condemning me for my disobedience and works of dark­ness) I was (in the fulness of time) con­strained to yeild, and resign my self into the Will and Lap of the Lord, as Esther [Page 20] did, either to live or perish; resolving, a [...] I said before, freely to drink that Cup which had so long appeared bitter, bu [...] was then made sweet and wholsom, as th [...] waters of Jericho, being seasoned with tha [...] power that makes every bitter thing sweet and hard things easie; then was the Arm of the Lord made bare, and stretched forth for my deliverance, and his strength was perfected in weakness, being brought into subjection, and made willing to bear his Cross, then his Yoke was made easie, and his Burden became Light; then he that sate in darkness saw great Light, and he that dwelt in the Land of the shaddow of death, upon him did the Light shine; in that day did he cause the deaf to hear, the blind to see out of obscurity, the lame to walk, the dumb to speak, and the tongue of the stammerer to speak plainly; even then when mine ears hearkned to the Word that was near, in the mouth and heart, the righ­teousness of Faith which the Apostle preached, Rom 10.8. even then when I cast away my Jewels, Ornaments, Images, &c. as menstruous cloathes, Isa. 30.21, 22. and my own righteousness, faith, and best performances, which was but as filthy rags, [Page 21] in comparison of the excellency of that glory revealed in and through the Son of [...]ighteousness which arose with healing in [...]is wings, then did he give rain unto his Seed, even the former and the latter in his season, and upon every mountain and hill made he rivers and streams to run; [...]hen was the light of the Moon as the light of the Sun, and the light of the Sun was [...]evenfold, even in that day when he bound up the breach of his Servant, and healed [...]he stroke of his wounded; he opened the prison doors also, and set the Captive at [...]iberty, and let the oppressed go free; then he made the lame to leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb to sing for joy; the crooked paths did he make strait, and the rough wayes plain and smooth; he brought down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree; then he filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he sent empty away; then did joy spring forth as the morning, and gladness did arise as the Sun, even then when peace did run down like a river, and Salvation as a mighty stream; then was the time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord, even then, when the Bridegroom came out [Page 22] of his Chamber, and the Bride out of [...]he Closet; then was the marriage Supper o [...] of the Lamb at hand; then was the day of joy and gladness, when sorrow and sighing fled away; then was the day o [...] mine espousing, when my Maker becam [...] my Husband, Hesea 2.19, 20, 23. and th [...] Bridegroom and Bishop of my soul; whe [...] I was betrothed unto the Lord, then wa [...] the Marriage in Cana of Galilee known [...] John 2. which was the only Marriage Chris [...] and his Disciples were called to, where al [...] the water in the vessels was turned int [...] Wine, which maketh glad the heart o [...] man, and comforteth the living, Psal. 104 15. Eccles. 10.19. such did Israel of ol [...] drink in the Land of Promise, Deut. 32.14 here was the first, and beginning of Mira­cles that Jesus wrought, shewing forth hi [...] glory; it was here also he healed the Ru­lers Son which was ready to die, his se­cond Miracle wrought in Galilee, John 4 50, 54. here also was his first appearanc [...] to his Disciples after he was risen from th [...] grave, Matth. 28.7, 10, 16, 17. here also was his first appearance, and working o [...] wonders in me, and to me, which when I saw I believed, as his Disciples and the Ga­lileans [Page 23] did, John 2.11. and 4.45. then he [...]hipped out the Buyers and Sellers out of [...]he Temple, and overthrew the Tables of [...]he Money-changers; then I knew the Tabernacle of the Lord was with men, [...]nd that he was come to teach his people himself, and great was the Peace of his children, as Isaiah said, chap. 54.13. then did I witness the Covenant changed, the Law changed, the Priesthood changed, the Offerings, Oblations, Sacrifices and Or­dinances changed, the Service and the Worship changed, and all the Shadows, Types, and Figures abolished, which was but a Shadow of good things to come, Hebr. 10.1. and the Tabernacle and San­ctuary changed, Heb. 10.20. and the vail removed, and the New and Living Way to be revealed (which he hath prepared for us) through the Vail, that is to say his Flesh; for even to this day, while Moses, and the Old-Testament and the Law is red, the same vail remains over, and un­taken away, 2 Cor. 3.14, 15. as is evident, and clearly seen to be the very state and condition of the Ministers and People of England, to whom the Way of Life (of Regeneration, of Light, of Righteousness, [Page 24] of Peace, of having their hearts sprinkle [...] from an evil Conscience, and of witnessin [...] Redemption and Remission of sins) is hid and to them the covering is not yet take [...] away; for the vail is over their hearts, an [...] what they see and know of God is but by the seeing or hearing of the outward eye o [...] ear, as Job said, chap. 42.5. knowing nothing but what they know naturally, in a litteral, historical, notional external sense, and in these things they foyl and corrupt them­selves, never owning or obeying the Light that leads out of darkness, and discovers all the works thereof, which makes all things manifest, and gives the knowledge of the Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (which till then is vailed) through which we draw nigh unto God, and makes bold to enter into the inner Sanctuary, even the Holy Place, being purified through his Blood, having our Consciences purged from dead works, Hebr. 9.14. which is not yet made manifest, where the Taber­nacle is standing, Hebr. 9.8. neither do they know the power which through his death, hath rent the vail; but we that are come to believe in the Light, and to witness the New Covenant which God promised to his [Page 25] People, Jer. 31.31, 23, &c. Rom. 11.27. [...]br. 8.8.10, &c. Hebr. 10, 16, 17. they [...]hose hearts are turned to the Lord know [...]e vail taken away, according to his pro­ [...]se, 2 Cor. 3.16, 17, 18. and we all with open [...]ce behold the glory of the Lord, and are [...]anged into the same image from glory to [...]ory, as by the Spirit of the Lord; now [...]e Lord is that Spirit, and where the [...]irit of the Lord is, there is Liberty: [...]ow being born of the same Seed, and not [...]nother, and regenerated by the same Life [...]nd power, and because we have the same [...]pirit of Faith which the Apostles and [...]ervants of the Lord had, as it is written, [...] Cor. 4.13. Psalm 116.10. I believed, [...]herefore have I spoken, we also have be­ [...]eve, and therefore speak; now we have his treasure in earthen vessels, that the ex­ [...]llency of the power may be of God, and not [...]f us, 2 Cor. 4.7. and having this hope [...]nd trust we use great boldness and plain­ [...] [...]f speech, and are not ashamed of that worthy Name by which we have been [...]alled, nor of the glorious Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto all [...]hose that believe; and this mystery (viz. Christ in us the hope of glory, Col. 1.26, 27.) [Page 26] hid from Ages and Generations) hath opened and revealed in us, blessed, hon [...] red and glorified be the sweet and pre [...] ous Name and Love of our God for ev [...] that hath opened the mysteries of his Kin [...] dom, and hath revealed them unto Bab [...] Sucklings, and to the little and lowly spirit, and yet hath hid them from t [...] wise and prudent of the Earth, this is t [...] Lords doing, and is marvellous in our eye [...] blessed, yea, everlastingly blessed be his h [...] ly, living, eternal Name, Love, Life a [...] Power, who alone is worthy of all Glor [...] Rule and Dominion for evermore.

And having this testimony, and for th [...] testimonies sake, and for our love an [...] faithfulness thereunto we suffer, and a [...] brought into bonds by the chief Priests an [...] Rulers of this Generation; for as it w [...] in the Apostles dayes, so it is now, Th [...] that will live godly in Christ Jesus mu [...] suffer persecution; and as Christ said, In th [...] world you shall have tribulation, but i [...] me you shall have peace; and if you love m [...] the world will hate you; and even so persecuted they the Prophets that went before us this persecuting spirit (getting a place an [...] room in the woman, as I said before) [Page 27] broke forth in Cain, the third person in the [...]th, & he slew Abel his only brother, and [...]e the enmity between the Seeds appear­ [...] [...] (which I mentioned in the begin­ [...]g) and this envious persecuting spirit [...]th had a place and descent through all [...]e Generations of man-kind to this very [...]y, as the Scriptures are full, how they [...]at served and feared the Lord did suffer [...]rsecutions, afflictions, tribulations re­ [...]oaches, spoiling of goods, buffettings, [...]prisonments, yea, even to the death, [...]nd all for following the Lord in the Re­ [...]eneration, and for serving and obeying him [...] heart and spirit, and for departing and [...]parating themselves from the wayes, [...]orships, customs, traditions and begger­ [...]y rudiments of the World; and as they [...]ersecuted the Prophets and Apostles of Christ that went before us, even so do they [...]ersecute us, and yet they will profess they know God, but their works deny him; [...]or I was no sooner turned from darkness to light; nor from Satans power to God; nor from sin to righteousness; nor from the lusts and pleasures of the flesh to serve the Living God; nor no sooner come to deny my self, and take up the Cross of [Page 28] Christ, and follow him, through tribula­tions, reproachings, revilings, mocking fastings temptings, or what other suffer­ings soever, or through death it self unto Life; yea, no sooner I say was I given up to follow him, but persecution arose for the Gospel sake, notwithstanding my long travel and p [...]lgrimage in the Wilderness, (neither considering the faintings, the hungrings, the thirstings, the jeopardies, perils, the many desperate dangers, the dark disconsolate dayes, the long and wea­risom nights my poor soul sustained, with many a sigh and heavy groan, with many a dolefull lamentation, with much broken­ness of heart, and contrition of spirit, when Rivers, as it were, run down from mine eyes, when my heart failed me for fear, in the day of my spiritual progress from Egypt to Canaan) I say never consi­dering the afflictions I had gone through; the enmity in Gods enemies without arose against me, to reproach, revile, and perse­cute me, and (as I said before, having with­drawn, and separated my self from them, their way and worship) I was hated, envi­ed and threatned by them, but especial­ly by one of Englands chief Priests, named [Page 29] Lewis West, a man whose life and Conver­ [...]ation doth more fully declare him to all [...]hat knows him; part whereof I may set [...]own in this following Treatise, and shall [...]eave it to the view, judgment and consi­ [...]eration of all sober juditious men, that [...]nows any thing of the Way and Worship [...]f God; but especially to those my Neigh­ [...]ours and Country-men that hath known [...]oth him and me according to the flesh; [...] though he be a man in esteem, honour and [...]epute amongst men, and the children of [...]his World, and hath attained to his seve­ [...]al titles, and degrees of honor and prefer­ment, being reckoned one of their chief [...]nd learnedst Orthodox Divines; being (as his wife once said to me [...]contemning [...]e as audatious, and for my puerility and [...]lliterateness, far inferiour to argue, or di­ [...]putes matters of Conscience with him) brought up at his Book and School from his childhood; and I being but a Child, as she said, and indeed sprung of mean pa­rentage, and low degree according to the flesh; and in my minority educated a little at School, but the most part about Hus­bandry, tilling, or herding, or the like; being an inferiour weak child in compari­son [Page 30] of thousands; but what I now am is by the Grace and sweet Love of God, for which I have cause to bless and magnifie his Name for ever) and let such I say as hath known both him and me, and not only such, but all that have any feeling or sense of the Way and Work of God judge of us, and between us, in every thing, either be­fore or hereafter inserted or recited; be­ing for my own part, (according to the Principle of Light and Truth I profess) willing to recommend my self to every mans Conscience in the sight of God, and also to give a reason to any man, that shall in truth and soberness demand a reason of me of the Faith and Hope that is in me (according to the manifestation of the Grace of God received.)

Now I say, the said L. W. was no sooner setled in his place, and I set to follow the Lord, but he began to menace and threat­en me, together with other Professors, to bring us under Conformity; and by and by shewed his austerity, by which he made many Professors (and others inclining to reformation) bow and conform, who came in by degrees, and yeiled conformity at one time or other, in one thing or other, [Page 31] which strengthened his lordly spirit in [...]verity, (who should have been Minister [...]d Servant to all) thereupon perswading [...]mself, that a little more rigor, a little [...]ore severity, one twist more i'th rod, [...]e cord more i'th whip would subject all [...]s Parishoners, and make them conform; [...]metimes he would have drawn me with [...]ft words, pretending great kindness to [...]e, or any of my mothers children, &c. [...]or our Parents sake, the smalness where­ [...]f may appear by and by; for he having [...]o occasion at all against me, save touching [...]he Law of my God, (being that which [...]as matter of Conscience and weight to [...]e) yet it seems occasion must be had, [...]nd small ones must be taken where great [...]nes are not; and therefore he took it [...]gainst me, because, for Conscience sake I [...]ould not pay him Tythes.

A thing never challenged nor paid (for [...]ught I know) by any Gospel Minister, [...]or any other under a Gospel Dispensati­ [...]n, what ever any man may pretend; so [...]e that flattereth, and smootheth deceitfully, [...]rying peace, peace to the wicked, bccause I cannot now run with them to their excess, nor cannot return to their vo­mit [Page 32] again, but especially because I could not stop into his mouth, as Micah said, Mic. 3.5. he now forthwith prepares open wa [...] against me; and thus he begins for my firs [...] years denial of Tythes to him, he present [...] me to the Jury, at a temporal Court, held at his own house, in the Mannor of Litle-Salkeld, by the Dean and Chapter (so cal­led) of Carlile, he himself being one of the Lords of the Court; so being called by the Jury, I told them that for Conscience sake I could pay him none, often saying to them that that Court had nothing to do to de­termine matters of that nature, the Ec­clesiastical Courts being provided for that purpose, unto whom such things more pro­perly belonged; yet the Jurors slighted me, and said I was a fool, it was better for me to have them determined there, &c. So being willing to do the Priest a pleasure, they proceeded ro cast it for him, and gave a precept against me of One pound one shilling, or thereabouts, for which the Prebends Bailiff took a Cow from me worth Three pound three shillings, or up­wards, I having but one other; the Priest called me to him, required me to pay him, I said no, I could pay him none; then he [Page 33] beckened to one of his Fellows another Prebend, being then present, to reason and expostulate with me, endeavouring to per­swade me to pay him, and in our dispute he pleaded the Civil Law; a third Priest standing by, by way of interlocution, promp­tingly said to the ear of the other, Jure Divino Sir, Jure Divino, to whom I an­swered, either of you prove Tythes Jure Divino, here before all this people, and I will pay them, which thing they stayed not to do; for immediately the aforesaid L. W. taking one of them by the arm, drew them away, and they all three went to an Ale­house, leaving me to the Court, with whom I reasoned a while, clearing my Conscience, (which I valued more worth then a Cow) and then left them: The Ju­ry meeting at other times, I still warned them not to meddle with it, being it apper­tained to another Court; nevertheless they proceeded as above; but mark what befel about the very time the Jury deliver­ed in their Verdict, the Fore-man had a Barn burned by a sudden hand from the Lord, as was believed, amounting to a con­siderable dammage; which thing I often pondered in my spirit, though few looked [Page 34] on it otherwise then a common accident. This being done, from that time forward he proceeded to take my Tythes in kind, as they fell due, &c. his Collectors taking Hay and Corn at their pleasure, sometime going in at the wrong end of the Dale, contrary to the order of tything, so ta­king the best of the Grain; other some­times taking three or four Stooks, or a Cart-load together off at one end; and if I carried away any untythed, they were sure to please themselves in the next dale of mine where they came: Thus they continued, not shaming to bear and drag away by force what they could apprehend: [Mark] even as the Priests (viz. Eli's Sons) and their Servants did in Israel of old, who were Sons of Belial, and with their flesh-hooks dragged out of the Pan, Pot, or Caldron either boiled or raw; and if any denied to give them, they took it away by force, read 1 Sam. 2. from verse 12. to 17. but mark their end, for the Lord was grieved with them, and said, he would cut them off, that there should not be an old man left in Eli's house, and verse the 35, 36. I will raise up a Priest saith the Lord, that shall do according to all that is in mine heart; [Page 35] and it shall come to pass that every one that is [...]ft in thine house (speaking to Eli) shall [...]me crouching to him for pieces of silver, and [...]orsels of bread: Mark the end of these [...]riests (Sons of Belial) who served them­ [...]elves with the fat, and kept Servants as [...]ile as themselves, who violently pulled [...]nd reaved away by force from the People, [...]ven as the tything polluted Priests and [...]heir Servants doth now in our dayes; [...]re they not pulling, rending and reaving [...]hroughout this Nation of England, so [...]arbarously and inhumanely, that they have made their name to stink, and they are become contemptible and base before all people, read Mal. 2. to verse 9. and will not their end be like those Sons of Be­lial: and also what becomes of the Poste­rity of many of the Priests that are gone? are they not already in many places crouch­ing for pieces of silver, and morsels of bread; yea, even to such as their Fathers persecuted? search and see if it be not so. But to proceed; this not answering his de­sire and end, more mischief resting in his heart against me, he cited me to the Bi­shops Court but for what I know little, save that he himself said, for all manner of [Page 36] Tythes since he became Incumbent in th [...] place, (notwithstanding what was done a [...] aforesaid) his Libel I never got, the [...] commonly being Scrools of Lyes; so th [...] Court proceeded to Excommunication whereupon he procured a Writ, calle [...] Excommunicato Capiendo, and thereb [...] cast me into Prison about the latter end o [...] the 7th Moneth 1663. where I have continued these four years, during all whic [...] time he never did so much as give me a vi­sit in my Prison-house, nor never laboure [...] to convince me, or regain me either by ex­hortation, information, or instruction, &c as is provided and enjoyned in the Article [...] to be enquired of in their Visitation; read Article the 10th, concerning Minister [...] duty to Popish Recusants, and other Secta­ries; nay, he would never so much as allow me a fair sober discourse to reaso [...] the case or matter in difference; but when I have met with him, (having sometime gone to his house) as soon as ever my judgement differed from his, or that I either opposed, or questioned any thing he said, or held out, forth-with he broke into passion, and fury, sometime buffetting me with his fist, (as he hath often done [Page 37] both to his own hearers, and others) o­ [...]her times calling me Rogue and Rascal, with such like vilifying tearms, in great fury [...]hreatening he would humble me, &c.

But still all this not answering his ambi­ [...]ious spirit, and covetous ends, he yet [...]eviseth more mischief, and presently he [...]asts about to compass my little parcel of Land, (as Ahab did Naboth's) yea, worse [...]hen Ahab, for he never proferred me the [...]ate in money, 1 Kings 21.1, 2, &c. I read Ahab being sad and dejected because of Naboth's answer, Jezebel his wife could [...]oon cure that malady, saying to Ahab, What, art not thou King? Arise, and be merry, and Ile give thee the Vineyard; so [...]he soon devised a way to kill and take pos­ [...]ession, &c.

And indeed whether L. W's wife hath not been a deviser and abetter against me, [...]t is questioned by some, but I leave it to the Lord and themselves: and he goes on in Law until the Sheriff returned I could not be found; (although I was in his cu­stody, and that the Priest L. W. knew well enough) upon which false return a Writ of Outlawry came forth against me, and then they knew where to find me; for [Page 38] thereupon the Sheriff's Clark gave anothe [...] Mittimus to the Goaler for me. And un­til that time I never had the least notice neither from him, or any one of the Kings Officers (save only that his wife did once say I laid for contempt, and that her Hus­band would take another course for his Tythes, &c.) and the Jayler keeping me more strict then my Fellows, I required a reason of him, he said he had received another Mittimus for me; I asked him for what cause, he said, he knew not, but it was at L. W's suit; I desired a sight of it if he pleased, he said, yes, if I would give him thirty pence; I said, it were but rea­sonable that I knew upon what account I was so deal with; but no account could I have until I bought a Copy thereof of the Sheriffs Clark; yet being (as a child) ve­ry ignorant in matters of Law, (having ne­ver been concerned in matters of Law, nor never had occasion at any Court with any person whatsoever, save this with him) I let it go on in singleness of heart, resol­ving to leave the issue to the Lord, know­ing he was all-sufficient, and chusing rather patiently to suffer, then to involve my self into such dubious unseen troubles, and vast [Page 39] expences, as oft the Law doth produce, [...]specially being so uncapable of things of [...]hat nature; and thus it continued in sus­ [...]ence (I still waiting to see the effect) un­ [...]il about a year after he stirred again, and [...]ought through smooth words subtilly to [...]ave enticed some of my Relations, to have given him a Composition for me, [...]elling them one while▪ Ten pounds, ano­ther while Twelve or Sixteen pounds would do it, pretending to shew them all the fa­vour imaginable, if they would do any thing; and when his blandilocutions could not prevail, then he sought to terrifie them with threats, saying, he had a Writ ready, and the Sheriff would come and take posses­sion, and all I had would be confiscate to the King, &c. also the People and Neigh­bours adjacent, with great exclamation pressing them to compound; saying, it was pity it should be forfeit, which put them to a point, not knowing what to do, some of them give me an account once and again with tears, and great grief and vexation; I (as often before) desired, and also dis­charged them not to meddle in it; it was my own, and I knew not that it could go for a better testimony; I had nothing but [Page 40] what I had received of the Lord, the los [...] was like to be solely mine; so let him an [...] me alone, for what he could inflict I wa [...] to bear, and that he could go no furthe [...] then the Lord permitted, and what he in­tended for evil the Lord turned to good and I hoped to be preserved and provided for; upon which they were disswaded, and would not be induced by him: So by the aforesaid Writ he called a Jury, and by compulsions summoned my Brother, and others that farmed my Land, to give an estimate of the annual value of it, and also what Goods ard Chattels I was pos­sessed of about two years before, (viz the time when he began that Suit) intend­ing to make all confiscate from that day forward; so the Jurors gave in their Sur­vey at Six pound per annum, &c. in the year 1666. Then after he had done all this, (what through the exclamation of my Re­lations and Neighbors, for the satisfying of them, and what through the advice of others my Friends) I procured a Reversal, resolving to joyn Suit, and try with him; (and never more I did, neither to this day, nor before, in matters of Law proceedings in my own defence) and how the Lord [Page 41] prevented or confounded him in his pro­ceeding I know not, but to this day his ex­pectation hath perished, and it is between three or four years since he begun; and in­deed [...] can truly say, it was freely offered, and not it only, but liberty and life also (if it had been required) into the Will of the Lord, feeling and enjoying his peace and presence I am satisfied, and can say, it is enough, and in the uprightness of my heart I desire I may honour him with life, liberty and substance while this tabernacle of clay is undemolished, for he alone is worthy of all glory and thanksgiving from me for evermore; For he brings to nought the understanding of the Prudent, and turns the wisdom of the Wise men backward, and confounds the wisest Ahithophels, so that their vain hope perisheth, and their expecta­tion is cut off.

Now all this he hath wickedly done against me, and that for no just cause as in the sight of the Lord, nor no cause pre­tended, save some small Tythes, as Hens, Easter-Reckonings, &c. which was no doubt very inconsiderate in comparison of what he hath done; for I have been much perswaded that when he begun with me, he [Page 42] could no way reckon Five shillings, for his Collectors took in kind that which was most material, as Corn, and Hay, as I have before related; and for Wool, and Lamb, I had none, and for other goods I had but a few; it may be a Cow or two, but sel­dom, if ever three, which things could amount to no great value, suppose it were for two or three years; an account where­of I have often required of him, I have also written to him for an account; also my Relations have desired an account of him, but to this day none could I have from him; also I have written to him, that we might fairly and soberly discourse of the Title of Tythes, proferring, if I were convinced that they were lawfull, to pay them without all that to do, and with­al warned him to cease from his wicked proceedings, being perswaded they should not go unpunished by the Lord; a true Transcription whereof hereafter follows, as they were sent him in several Papers, at several times, which I have inserted for the Readers better satisfaction.

LEwis, I am informed there is a design in thy heart to deprive me of mine [Page 43] Inheritance left me by my Father, Is this the fruit of thy Ministration? and in this dost thou do as thou wouldst be done unto? Hath Satan filled thine heart, and rooted Covetousness so deep in thee? Take heed to thy wayes, search and see what spirit thou art of, and what spirit it is that sug­gesteth this in thee: enter into considera­tion with thy self, and commune with thy own heart, whether thou wouldst be done unto so, yea or nay; or whether it be thy place to covet thy Neighbours Goods, or Inheritance? me-thinks thou shouldst not be ignorant what became of that wo­man Jezabel, for coveting Naboth's Vin­yard, and what the reward of Covetous­ness is, the Scriptures are full; observe the advice of the Wise man, that said, Lay not in wait, O wicked man, against the dwel­ling of the Righteous, spoil not his resting place; enter not into the Field of the Father­less, &c. and whatsoever is written, is writ­ten for our learning; thou hast often re­peated that Command that saith, Covet not thy Neighbours Goods, not any thing that is thy Neighbours; and is thy heart now going after thy covetousness? Weigh these things with thy practise; Why shouldst [Page 44] thou destroy thy own soul? thou that holdst Scripture for thy Rule, will it justi­fie thee in this thing? Or where hast thou any such rule in it amongst all the conver­sations of the Saints? And do not think but thou must be brought before the Tri­bunal of God, there to give an account of all thy deeds done in thy body, and there thy Person will have no more respect then mine, (though now it may) all thy pomp, thy dignity and riches will stand thee in no stead, neither justifie thee in his sight, who hath said, The Wicked shall not go unpunished; thou hast deprived me of my just Liberty already, and if that cannot content or satisfie thee, surely no more will mine Estate; for the more thou obeyest that envious and covetous spirit, the more it will draw thee on, until thy soul be shut up in the Grave, out of which there is no redemption. So I desire thee, have respect to thy Souls everlasting health, for these, and such like as thou art often found in, are not the fruits of a Gospel Minister, for Christ and his Apostles never taught any such Doctrine; and truly, whilst thou art of this spirit and conversa­tion, thy Ministry will not profit towards [Page 45] God, nor thou canst never turn many un­to righteousness (its true, thou mayst make some Proselites, but I think few Converts) it appears thou came not to seek nor ga­ther us but ours, so that thy end is thy own, and therefore accursed; so unless thou repent thou shalt certainly bear the indignation of the Almighty, for little or nothing hast thou ministred unto me either in doctrine or practise but that which sa­vours of death, and such Ministration de­serves no maintenance: So I desire thee, as one that respects thy Souls everlasting wel­fare, and in love thereunto I send this un­to thee, and not in any respect to my own interest, as the Lord whom I serve knoweth, in whose presence I am, but that thou mayst cease to bring so deep guilt and weight upon thy Soul, but rather repent of thy wicked purposes, and seek unto the Lord, if paradventure the thoughts of thine heart may be forgiven thee; for ac­cording to outward appearance one would think thine estate were sufficient to satis­fie thee, that thou shouldest not reap where thou sowedst not, and covet my penny that hast so many pounds; remember the Parable of Nathan to David.

But thou may object and say, there is a reason, thou hast a proper right and due unto it; To this I answer, (as I have for­merly done) if thou or any of thy Functi­on will appoint the time and place where I, or some other of my Companions in bonds may meet with you, and according to Scripture, sound Doctrine, and the Spi­rit of Truth convince me or us that such things is just and due, and properly belong to your Ministration, or that Christ and his Apostles did ordain constitute or allow any such Ministry or Maintenance after he had offered himself a perfect Sacrifice, ha­ving thereby abolished all Types, and the Law that made nothing perfect: I say, if thou, or any of you can, or will convince me or us of the lawfulness of paying Tythes, we should neither suffer Impri­sonment, loss of Estate, or Goods, nor the Execution of any Law to pass upon us for denial of Tythes, but rather pay them as conscientiously as any one whatsoever: And this were but the place & duty of your Function, and indeed, if it were not matter of Conscience to me, I could not have suf­fered such detriment, loss and imprison­ment in the patience and content as I have [Page 47] done by thee, and I am yet resolved to suffer more before I offend Gods Witness in my Conscience.

And further I demand of thee what the sum or value is that thou claimest of me, being reckoned up together, for I have been deprived of my just Liberty a full year and upwards, which is a penalty be­yond my offence, or any pretence of of­fence that thou hast shewed me; so that I think thou needed not a proceeded to have damnified me any further: so seeing thou yet intendst to add weight and op­pression to the afflicted and oppressed, lit­tle enough, if thou give me a true account of my supposed transgression, which I ex­pect thou wilt forthwith do by this Bearer, either in word or writing, without any further deferring; for sure thou hast not gone about to impose all this upon me that thou hast done, and yet intends to do by ad­ding affliction to my bonds, but thou canst and will give a reason in every particular wherefore; which I expect of thee without any further evasion, or otherwise I may conclude thou canst not: So that I say again in tender love to thy Souls eternal [Page 48] peace, do I desire thee to ponder well these things, and receive the advice of thy Friend herein, for I know there is a witness in thy Conscience that will receive me, from which thou canst not flee, nor hide thy self day nor night, to it I appeal; and know thou, that its not that I am weary of Sufferings, or am so married to the World that I cannot part with it; for though the Devil may have power to dispossess me of an external Inheritance, as he hath had power to cast into prison; yet will I wait upon the Lord, knowing he is able to subdue Satan under his feet, and thou could have had no power against me if it had not been given thee; so if thou wilt not be advised for thy good, do what thou hast power to do, as for me I have so much Faith as to Trust in the God of Jacob, and patience to endure all these things, knowing the Captain of my Sal­vation was made perfect through Suf­ferrings, who will be glorified in the Sufferrings of his Saints, whom my Soul honours and glorifies above all: So be exhorted and warned in time, lest this stand as a Witness against thee in the [Page 49] day of the Lord's Indignation, for this [...]as in my heart from the Lord to [...]arn thee of, so I shall be clear of thy [...]lood.

By one that desires from my heart the welfare of thee and thine, and to be found in the exercise of love to Enemies. Tho. Carleton.

This second I sent to him after I was Outlawed.

L. West,

HEar and understand, let thy patience shew forth it self a little, to hear, read, & receive home this herein inserted direct­ed to thee; how long will it be ere thou cease to add oppression to the oppressed? Wherfore hast thou Outlawed me, and had [...]n Prison? Hadst thou no way to accom­plish thy design, and obtain thy covetous desire and end, but by treachery and de­ceit, and by stealing Law against the In­nocent? Oh, how eager hath thy desire been after the dwellings of the righteous, [Page 50] and that without any just cause; [...]r which thou hast often refused to give a reason, o [...] shew the cause! Thou knowest on the day of my commitment I asked thee what thou couldst demand, before many witnesses; also I wrot to thee for an account, and my Relations desired an account of thee, bu [...] none yet wouldst, (or rather couldst) thou truly and justly give: Oh! be ashamed, be ashamed, and blush that ever thou should profess a Priests Function, and dea [...] so treacherously as thou hast done: Wa [...] thy cause so evil, and thy plea so bad, tha [...] thou must steal Law to obtain thy greedy desire? Is thy love (so much profes­sed) to my Fathers children at an end? and is envy, wrath, and malice crept in instead thereof? Oh! the Heathen shal [...] condemn thee for this; yea, the Earth shall open her mouth, and the very Beast [...] of the Field, and Fowls of the Air shal [...] abhor and be astonished to hear and see thy proceedings herein: the Tribe of the Priesthood will be ashamed of thee, and all such Sons of Levi; well did Jacob say Instruments of Cruelty was in their hands; yea, I may say Cruelty in the highest de­gree, pride, tyranny and oppression is their [Page 51] way and path; well speak the Prophets, that which is now come to pass, yea, seen and felt, Micah 3.5, 11. Ezek 13.18, 19, 22. and chap. 22.25, 26, &c. Isa. 56.11. Oh, the oppression of the Priesthood of Eng­land, the Earth can scarce bear them; and among them all canst thou produce a pre­sident for covetousness, cruelty and op­pression? surely thou knowest not what spirit thou art of; but thy fruits will disco­ver thee by and by; if a man should tell of thy dealings to thy Function (how thou hast beat with the fist of wickedness; per­secuted with all thy might; sworn, or caused to swear deceitfully; and how ille­gally thou hast done, and that for filthy lucre sake, to obtain the gain of oppressi­on) would they tollerate thee, and not be ashamed? Oh, blush to hear of thy cor­rupt conversation! thy own hand shall witness against thee, and thy own heart shall condemn thee for these things; thou hast not only dealt treacherously with me, but with the Kings Officers also, by cau­sing them to return, I could not be found, when thou hadst me in Prison, and they had me in custody; surely thy Master will de­ceive thee, and thy nakedness, treachery [Page 52] and deceit is, and will be laid open, and made more publick then thy Proclamation was, that I might either render my body or be outlawed, which thing was done in ob­scurity and deceit; but I must be more publick and plain with thee, it may be to rip up thy skirts, that thy nakedness may appear, thy filth and putrifaction, though as a chief Priest, yet one of the Whores Children; for the Light manifests thee so to be, and all thy crooked deceitfull Ser­pentine paths; and by the Children of Light thou art seen, and shalt be made ap­parent to them that is yet under the yoke of oppression; thy name shall rot, and the memorial of thy Seed shall stink in the Ge­nerations to come; a testimony I have to bear against the Workers of Iniquity, and for that end the Lord hath called me forth, and brought me not only to be­lieve, but also to suffer for his Name, which Name I have as a Rock, a Shield, and Hel­met of Salvation in this day of great Trial; and in the strength of the Lord am I re­solved to hold forth my testimony, valuing all with it as dross and dung, and doth be­lieve, that through it I shall undergo all, and be able to make war in righteousness, [Page 53] and by his Power shall tread upon the neck of the Scorpion and Adder, and on the crown of the head of thee, and all the Op­pressors of the Lords Seed, who at this day is made objects of your cruelty; yea, by the Power of the Living God we both do, and shall tread you as chaff in the Streets: So take heed how thou proceedest, lest Gods Witness in thy own heart break thy rest; for the first Priest that imprisoned for Tythes in Cumberland was made a spectacle of his wrath, and he is the same God to day, and can save; so take heed betime lest the Judgments of the God fall heavy upon thee, and labour not to incur the wrath and displeasure of the Almighty upon thy Soul; for thy deceit, violence, spoiling, and perse­cuting is and will be a token of perdition, when my innocent suffering is and will be a token of Salvation, and that in Christ Jesus. So be warned I advise thee once more, and repent and amend speedily, lest the Plagues and Arrows of the Almighty fall heavy upon thee; for this I am bold to tell thee in the Name of the Lord, That the Lords wrath is kindled against such, which will not cease nor quench till the Workers of Iniquity be cut off, that have [Page 54] added affliction to the afflicted, and usurp­ingly exercised lordship over the Heritage of God; for your treachery, deceit and folly hath and is appearing to all men, and Gods controversie against you is be­gun▪ for your end is destruction, whose god is your gain, and your belly, whose mind is on earthly things; yea, the stone of your wall, and the beam of your tim­ber, the very materials of Babel's Build­ing shall cry out against the Builders, and the Stone you have rejected is become Head; (viz. Christ Jesus the Light) and if thy patience can read it, and apply it, so do, if not, how wilt thou bear and an­swer the Lord when these things fall upon thee.

From a Sufferer for Truth and Righteous­ness, Tho. Carleton.

These Queries following I propounded to him, occasioned by some discourse be­tween us, about their Sacrament and Con­formity, which he seemed to charge upon me, as the sole cause of my imprisonment; [Page 55] having like the confounded Architectors of Babel, either lost the original cause, else finding the weakness and inconsiderateness of it, was ashamed, and so let it fall: For I said to him, that I never thought non-conformity to their Church and Sacra­ment had been the cause, but rather Tythes, as my Mittimus signified; he an­swered, no, no, it was it, and nothing but it, (meaning non-conformity.)

L. West,

PErceiving thou blamest me for want of Conformity to the Church Ordinan­ces and Sacraments, as if that were the sole cause of my imprisonment, and thou preten­ding to be a Minister in the Church, and to the Church, give me a full and positive answer to these following Queries, according to Scripture, sound Doctrine, and the Spi­rit of Truth, that so my judgment may be rightly informed, and if I have been erro­neous and schismatical, I am willing to re­form when I am thereof convinced.

1. What is the qualification of a Mini­ster of Christ; what is his Gifts and En­dowments; and how, and from whom are they obtained?

[Page 56]2. How is a Minister of Christ to be cal­led and sent, what is their Ordination; or whether thy Call, Ordination or Ministry be from him; to whom wast thou sent, and to what end; or whether there be not some that run unsent, and never profit the people? according to Jer. 23.32.

3. What dost thou minister from in thy self, or what dost thou minister to in the people, or wherein doth thy gift and mini­stration consist?

4. What is the Gifts and Parts of a Mi­nister of Christ, what is the gifts and parts of a Minister of Antichrist, or how do they differ one from another?

5. Whether is a Minister to be Servant to, and in the Church, or to exercise lord­ship over the Church and Heritage, &c. as the manner of the Gentiles is?

6. Whether is covetousness, pride, wrath, malice, envy, swearing, lying, drunkenness, fornication, oppression, robbery, theft, idle and corrupt communication, and such like, of the Spirit of Christ or Antichrist?

7. Whether they that do such things do believe in God, and have Faith in Jesus Christ, or can be either a Minister or Mem­ber in his Church and Body, having not [Page 57] obtained Remission, Redemption, and Sal­vation from those things?

8. What is the Church of Christ, or how many Churches is there, whereof doth it consist, whereon doth it stand, where, and by whom is the Foundation thereof laid, and how is it preserved holy and without spot, or whether is it subject to corrupti­on and change yea, or nay?

9. What are the Ordinances of the Church, what are the Precepts, Rules and Cannons therein to be observed; and to whom doth the Rule and Government thereof belong?

10. Whether doth these Ordinances of the Church belong unto all men, or whe­ther is all men under the Rule and Govern­ment thereof, or what is the Qualification of those that have a right therein, and the Priviledge of those that are governed thereby?

11. How many Ordinances are in the Church, when, and by whom were they instituted, to what end, and for what time?

12. What is Baptism, who is the Bapti­ser, with what, and to what are men bap­tized?

[Page 58]13. How many Baptisms are there, and how do they differ one from another?

14. How are they baptized that are baptized into the death of Christ, and are buried with him in Baptism; or how is the baptizing with Fire and the Holy-Ghost?

15. Whether doth dipping and sprink­ling in water (England's present Church-Form in Baptism) make one a Member of Christ, or whether is any unclean thing [...] Member of Christ, yea, or nay?

16. Whether they that were baptized, (and ingrafted as a Member in the Church) if they perform what was therein promi­sed, (viz.) forsake the Devil and all his works, the pomps and vanities of this wicked World, and all the sinfull Lusts of the Flesh, and believe all the Articles of the Christian Faith and keep Gods holy Will and Commandments, and walk in the same, whether they must not be excom­municated, and cast out of your Church, and into Prison, and suffer loss both in bo­dy and estate, yea, or nay, according to John 16.2?

17. What was those Ordinances and Traditions that Paul forbad the Collossians [Page 59] to touch, taste, or handle, which (though [...]ommanded by men) was to perish with [...]sing, which Ordinances Christ blotted [...]ut, and nailed to his Cross, as being [...]gainst such as he had quickned and raised [...]y his Spirit?

18. What was those Meats and Drinks, [...]hose Holy-dayes, New moons, and Sab­ [...]oth-dayes, which was but Shadows of good things to come: or is not the Churches yet under those Ordinances, Traditions and Shadows, and knows not the Light of the glorious Gospel revealed which Christ commanded to believe in?

19. What was the Philosophy, Traditi­ons and Rudiments of the World which had like to have spoiled some, and which those that were dead with Christ were not to be subject to; but if Pope and Turk should have power to set up their Tradi­tions and Rudiments, would you not be subject, and preach them up for Do­ctrine?

20. What is the Sacrament of the Lords Supper which thou would have me re­ceive; how is it distributed and received, or what is the qualifications of the worthy Receivers, and if I eat and drink the thing [Page 60] signified (viz.) the Body and Blood Spir [...] tually, and so desist from the Sign, mu [...] I not be cast out of your Church, and i [...] to Prison?

21. What is the Body of Christ, and wh [...] is his Blood, whether is his Body Spiritu [...] or Carnal, or how is the Lords Body t [...] be discerned?

22. Whether is his Body one, or ho [...] many Bodies hath he, or how do they ea [...] and drink his Blood that Eternal Life ab [...] deth in?

23. How did they eat the same Spirtiua [...] Meat, and drink the same Spiritual Drink which were Baptized under Moses; for the [...] drank of that Rock which followed them and that Rock was Christ?

24. What is the difference between th [...] Cup of the Lord, and the Cup of Devils and the Table of the Lord, and the Tabl [...] of Devils?

25. Whether are the worthy Receive [...] purified from their sins, and sanctifie through his Blood, seeing his Body wa [...] broken, and his Blood shed for the remission of sins?

26 Whether they that are yet in their sin do not eat and drink their own condemna­tion, [Page 61] not discerning the Lords Body?

27. Who is the Head of your Church [...]nd Body, (or who is King, Priest and Prophet) whether Christ, King, Pope, or Bishop; or how many heads is there?

T. C.

Another sent after, about the 4th Moneth, 1667.

L. W.

I Having all along a desire to be edified in the true Way and Worship of the Living God, and an inclination from my childhood, to follow after that which is good, righteous, and unreprovable in the sight of the Lord, and to keep my Consci­ence undefiled, and my judgment clear and uncorrupted, as the Lord God of Heaven knows, from whom nothing can be hid: and seeing the ground of the con­troversie between thee and me is matters of Faith or Worship, and so matters of Conscience to me, and such as I cannot easily renounce, nor dare not turn from, [Page 62] unless my judgment were otherwise perswa­ded; I therefore sent some Proposition [...] to thee, to that effect, an answer whereo [...] I expected from thee before this time which thing I thought but requisite, and very consistant with thy Office and Profes­sion, being that which the Ministers o [...] Christ was alwayes ready to do, being willing to render a reason of their Faith and Hope to any that should demand it; and also to exhort, inform, and instruct in the Doctrine and Principles of Truth, with all meekness, gentleness, and long-suf­fering; which thing if thou refuse to do, let me know upon what grounds, for I have not straitned thee for time, but thou mightest have done it with deliberation; so I desire a sober answer of thee of all and every particular to be propounded, or else a reason why thou wilt not, and it may suffice for the present.

T. C.

Now having as briefly as possible given a true and impartial Relation of all the differences, states and proceedings on both sides that is of most importance and con­cernment, and the ground and cause of all, [Page 63] as things hath passed and been carried on between us, plainly and honestly, so far as I know, and do remember; I shall leave all, both his and mine, causes and pro­ceedings, with all that hath been done, to the Witness of God in all Hearts and Con­sciences, that gives a true sence and un­derstanding of the nature and property of every word and work; and accordingly let the sober, moderate and unbyassed Reader or Hearer judge of us, and between us, and especially such as have known us both after the Flesh, and the lives and conversations of us both among them (viz) the Parishio­ners of Addingam, and others in the Towns and Parishes adjacent, amongst whom we have lived, and with whom we have had to do, many of them being privy to the most part of those things, and so may the better bear witness to the truth or falsehood of them, being (as I have said elsewhere) willing to recommend my self to every mans Conscience in the sight of God; and as I own and acknowledge the Light for my Leader, Guide and Sal­vation, so I am willing that all my deeds should be brought to the Light, and that which I do or have done that is not justifi­able [Page 64] in the Light, let it be condemned by Light, and I ashamed, and this is to do as I would be done unto; also these my Papers that I have sent to him, they are now made publick, and so are no longer his and mine only, but other mens to judge and consider of.

In my first I desired (as I would often have willingly imbraced) that he, or any other of his Function and Profession would give me or us a sober moderate visit or meeting, at their own time and place, al­lowing us person for person, that there we might dispute the differences in Religion between them and us, in a sober moderate spirit, which to us is of great price; and if in the Spirit of meekness he or they could convince us, that we are schismatical and erroneous, &c. (as they have frequently affirmed, and preached behind our backs) whether in denying of Tythes, or in any other thing whatsoever; I can say it for my self, and believe it for many others, that if in our Consciences we were convin­ced thereof, we would reform our Judge­ments, and pay Tythes, and submit in any other thing whatsoever, as really and con­scientiously as any people in the Nation, [Page 65] without either suing at Courts, spoiling of goods, Excommunications, Cominati­ons, Imprisonments, or the execution of any Law whatsoever; and if this be not very equal and reasonable, let all sober people judge, and whether it be not the part and place of men professing that Fun­ction, and to be Ministers of Christ, and Overseers in the Church, that Spiri­tual men might war and overcome with Spiri­tual weapons, and by the Armor of Light, and the Power and Demonstration of the Spirit of Christ Jesus? that as the said L. W. hath oft preached, it may be known, to whom the Lord hath given the Urim and the Thummim; but these they use but in words only, but instead of dealing so with us, they'l turn us over to a Consistory, Spiritual or Ecclesiastical Court, (so cal­led) which, as I may truly say is as Car­nal and Earthly a corrupt Court at this day, as any in the world I know of) and to the Secular Powers, and Civil Magi­strate, &c. and when we are brought be­fore them, and answers to what is charged against us, pleading matters of Consci­ence, the Doctrine of Christ or his Apo­stles, or the Priviledge of the Church in a [Page 66] Gospel Dispensation; then they cry, hold your peace, we have nothing to do with that, dispute it with your Ministers, you shall not preach here, &c. And all we can get of their Ministers is, Rogue and Rascal, erroneous and schismatical Fellow, or audacious saucy youth, I'll humble you▪ we'll take a course with such refractuary Fanatick as you are ere long, &c. So ha­ving the Sword by their thigh, and the Law by their side, thus are we preyed up­on by every one of them; and if any one do plead himself free by their Law, then (as some of them hath said) they know what to do, they have another bait to catch us with, which they know will hold, and that is, tender us an Oath, and because we will not swear like themselves, then either fine or imprison, or banish, &c. and ha­ving got us into Prisons for Tythes, or such things, there they let us lie as dead men out of mind, never owning nor regarding us in any thing from year to year, unless to envy and straiten our Liberty, &c. by stirring up and provoking the Goalers a­gainst us, who being willing to do the Priests and Magistrates a favour, hath of­ten shown their severity, to the hazard [Page 67] of the lives of the Innocent in their custo­dy, (whom they have called sometime their Sheep) & yet preyed upon us, not allowing us the liberty they allowed to Fellons and Murderers, &c. yet still the Lord was with us, and wonderfully preserved us to his praise, when men rose up against us to have swallowed us up with open mouth, blessed be his Name for evermore.

And also whether it were not requisite that he gave me a true & particular account of every of his demands and claims what­soever or of any other difference (if any had been) betwixt us, before he had thus far proceeded to have damnified me, ha­ving done what in him lay, to deprive me of all, save only my life, which I have yet for a prey? And also whether it had not been his place and duty, pretending to be a Teacher and Instructer of others, a Mi­nister and Pastor, or Elder in the Church; being reputed a Learned Orthodoxical Di­vine? (and sometime professing himself my spiritual father) but such measure as I have had from him are no spiritual in­structions to me) I say, if so, whether he ought not to have answered my Queries, and also my other Papers sent to him; [Page 68] (which he never would do to this day) thereby to have informed and cleared my judgment and understanding, being things appertaining to Faith and Religion, and the Profession and Worship of Christianity, and so matters of Conscience to me, let all sober wise men judge?

Also, I shall appeal unto all sober and conscientious men and women, and refer my self to the Witness of God, and the illuminated understanding in all, whether ever any of the Holy men of God did so with any person in the Church, or out of the Church, Believer or Infidel, as he hath done with me, yea, or nay? or whether ever you read of any of the Apostles or Ministers of Christ in Ages past that de­nied to give a reason of their Faith and Hope in Christ Jesus; and to instruct, ex­hort, inform, teach, reprove, rebuke, &c. as he hath done? or whether you read of any Ministers of Christ that sued at Law for the maintenance of their Bellies, spoil­ed and persecuted, excommunicated out of their Church into Prison, sought mens Liberty, Heritage and Estate, and yet can shew no fair nor just cause, as he hath done, yea, or nay? Whether ever any Mi­nisters [Page 69] of Christ did swear, lye, and beat with the fist of wickednes, as he hath done, yea, or nay? or whether ever any Ministers of Christ, was so inclined to drunkenness, and to frequent Ale-houses, that they needed to be restrained by a Fine, as his wife hath done with him, yea or nay? All which, (with several such like deeds, which I shall now omit) I need not go far to prove, be­ing his own practice doth notoriously evi­dence, and testifie the same, sufficiently known to many that knows both him and me, and by what is before related.

Now considering the many Disputes, Contentions, Strifes, suing at Law, spoiling of Goods, casting into Prisons, and the great unparalell'd sufferings that have been occa­sioned in this Nation in these late years about Tythes, and the great objections and exclamations made against us for de­nying them, (about which I have a share, being deeply concerned and involved there­in) together, for the quietness and peace of my spirit, upon which this thing hath long rested, excites me to cast in my mite, and lay down my reasons and grounds whereupon I have denied them, and suf­fered for the non-payment thereof; though [Page 70] the weakest and unfitest of many thou­sands for such a work; yet, according to what I have received, and am perswaded of, I shall lay down in truth and simplicity; and that chiefly for the satisfaction of such as desire to be satisfied, and for the stopping the many objections and maledictions of o­thers made in secret behind my back by some of my Neighbours, especially the people cal­led Independants in that part, who most of any hath condemned me for suffering so much for such small trivial matters, as they say, being as it seems a small scruple in their Consciences, and such a mote as they can easily swallow now, though in the beginning rise and growth of their Re­ligion, their Judgment was wholly against Tythes in a Gospel day; yea, some of them preaching in great zeal against them, con­demning the institution of them, saying, They were clear contrary to the maintenance of a Gospel Ministry; and yet when they saw that Tythes were like to be the only wages, maintenance and reward of their preaching; (being generally established by the Laws and Cannons of England for that end) rather then they would want that sweet morsel, and goodly garment, [Page 71] and the fleshly ease that came thereby, and suffer any thing for the denying of the same, they could soon (through their Christian prudence or policy) cure that Malady; and for the better digestion of that Diet, make to themselves a stomack Pill, or two, to cure that crudity; and so rather suppress, extirpate, hide, or let fall one of their Principles, then either want that delightsome livelihood, or beloved Be­nifice, or yet either suffer any thing either in liberty or estate for the holding that Principle throughout.

So for the considerations aforesaid, I shall endeavour to answer the general Ob­jections principly made against me and my Brethren in this case, and what I hold and believe concerning them.

1st Objection, is, Abraham's returning from Chedarlaomer from rescuing his Nephew Lot, Melehisedeck met him, and blessed him, and blessed the Lord in his behalf, and brought forth Bread and Wine and set before him, &c. and to him Abraham gave a Tenth of the Spoils, Gen. 14.18. Hebr. 7.4.

Answer, To this I say, I never find it a president or rule for me; suppose he gave [Page 72] a Tenth, it was a voluntary gift, he was nei­ther commanded by God, nor compelled by man, and if he had not given, I think he had not sinned, and that which he did give was but a Tenth of the Spoils, taken at the victory, and so no rule for me, being no Souldier at any such slaughter, and so not partaker of any such spoils; so if it be binding to any, (as I think to none) it is to Souldiers, and not to Plowmen: and what if he in gratification of his love (in meeting him, and setting Bread and Wine before him) had given him one half of the Spoils, this had been no binding rule to Posterity.

2d Objection, is, Jacob's Vow when he went to Padan-aram: If God, said he, will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on, so that I come again to my Fathers house in peace; then shall the Lord be my God, and this stone my pillow, which I have set for a pillar, shall be Gods house; and of all that thou givest me, I will surely give a Tenth unto thee, Gen. 28.20.

Answ. Here Jacob being gone from his Fathers house; for, its said, he lighted on a certain place (it seems between Beersheba [Page 73] and Haran, I suppose it was either in the Fields, or Desart) on the South-side of Luz, [...]oshua 18.13. however I suppose Jacob was [...]n a desolate disconsolate condition, Gen. [...]5.3. for, it is said, he took of the stones of [...]he place, and laid them for his Pillow, and [...]ay down to sleep, Gen. 28.11. Now the Lord appeared to him, (in a Vision) as he hath oft done to his Servants in such dis­consolate conditions, which makes his ap­pearance more glorious) saying, I am the Lord God of Abraham, and of Isaac thy Fa­ther, the Land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy Seed after thee; and thy Seed shall be as the dust of the Earth, and shall spread to the East, West, North and South; and in thy Seed shall all the Families of the Earth be blessed: And behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places, and will bring thee again into this Land; I will not leave thee until I have done as I have spoken. And he awaked, and said, Surely the Lord is in this place, and I knew it not; and he was afraid, saying, How dreadfull is this place, it is none other but the House of God, this is the Gate of Heaven, &c. [Mark] the Lords appearance in an hour of great di­stress is very comfortable, and also fear­full; [Page 74] this is true fear indeed, here is fear mixed with love; here Jacob lays hold forthwith upon the Love and Promise of the Lord, and said, If the Lord will do so, &c. then shall he be my God, and this ston [...] my pillow, which I have set up for a pillar▪ shall be Gods House, and of all that he giveth me, I wil surely give a tenth unto him. [Mark] I say, Jacob being possessed with fear, and overcome with love, he vows and promi­ses unto the Lord again; this was a volun­tary act in Jacob, he obliged himself to the Lord after the Lord had promised to bless him, and he performed his promise; for after twenty years he purged his house of Idols, and built an Altar unto the Lord at Bethel, Gen. 35.6. which he called El-beth-el, (viz.) The God of Bethel: But who did he give his Tenth unto, or when did he give it, that is yet disputable? but suppose it had been to the Priesthood, (which some hold was annexed to the First-born of Families) what, will that argue for me to do so? Jacob vowed but for himself, not for his Posterity after him, and it was vo­luntary, (being filled with the Lords ap­pearance in a day of distress) Gen. 35.3. and not commanded by God, neither com­pelled [Page 75] by man, and so not binding to any save Jacob alone; only this may be obser­ved, if any one have vowed as Jacob did, let such perform also: also, it was but once in Abraham, and once in Jacob, and that in cases extraordinary; and who, or what is he that can plead for annual payment of Tythes of every of a mans increase from these two places; what, suppose I being in distress (as I have often been, and few of Gods Servants are exempted) should vow a vow unto the Lord, that if he will preserve me this one time, or deliver me from this great danger, &c. then will I give him one half of all that I enjoy, or have received of him; would this my vow (being performed) be binding to my chil­dren, and their children after them from Generation to Generation for ever.

Object. 3. Now in Exodus 23.19. it is said, The first of the First-fruits of the Land thou shalt bring into the house of the Lord thy God. This is the first express com­mand, but here is no certain dividual part expressed, only the first of the First-fruits, Exod. 34.26.

Again, Levit. 23.10. Moses instituting the Feast of First-fruits; When ye come [Page 76] (saith he) into the Land which I will give you, ye shall bring a Sheaf of the First-fruits of your Harvest unto the Priest, and he shall shake it before the Lord, verse 14▪ This shall be a Law for ever in your Gene­rations.

Again, that which is more express is Levit. 27.30, 32, 33. All the Tythe of the Land, both of the Seed of the Ground, and of the Trees is the Lords; and every tythe of Bullock and Sheep, and all that goeth under the rod, the tenth shall be holy unto the Lord; this is a more positive command then any before.

Again, Numb. 15.20. it is said, Ye shall offer a Cake of the first of your Dough for an Heave-offering; as the Heave-offering of the Barn ye shall lift it up, and give it to the Lord in your Generations.

Again, Moses being the Son of a Levite, Exod. 2.1, 2. Aaron was his Brother, chap. 4.14. the Lord bids Moses separate Aaron and his Sons for the Priests Office, Exod. 28.1. and appoints him to make them holy Garments, The Ephod and the curious Girdle, &c. and Aaron was to wear the Brest-plate of Judgment upon his Heart, and upon it the names of the Children of [Page 77] Israel; and in the Brest-plate of Judgment, Moses was to put the Ʋrim and the Thum­ [...]im, which he was to bear upon his Heart when he went in before the Lord, &c. Exod. 28. throughout.

So the Priesthood being setled to Aaron [...]nd his Sons, as a Statute, and an Ordi­nance for ever, throughout their Genera­ [...]ions, he was to take unto him his Bre­thern the Tribe of Levi, the Family of his Father they were to be joyned with him, and to minister unto him, and were to take the charge of the Sanctuary of the Ta­bernacle, and of the Altar; only he and his Sons was to execute the Priests Office in all things, Numb 18.2. to verse 7. then all the Heave-offerings, and the holy things that the Children of Israel offered to the Lord, was to be Aarons and his Sons for ever, by a perpetual Covenant of Salt, as in verse 19.

And Aaron and his Sons was to have no Inheritance in the Land▪ neither any part among the children of Israel; for the Lord was their part and Inheritance for ever, Deut. 18.1, 2. And to the Children of Levi the Lord gave the Tenth in Israel, for their Inheritance, and for their Service [Page 78] in the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and they were to have no Inheritance a­mong the Children of Israel, Numb. 18.20, 21, 23, 24. for the Tythe which the Children of Israel offered was to be the Levites Inheritance, and out of them they were to extract a tenth, which they were to offer as an Heave-offering unto the Lord, which was to be given unto Aaron and his Sons, vers, 26.28. only when they were come into the Land of Canaan, Jo­shua by the appointment of Moses set forth Forty eight Cities, with their Suburbs, which the Children of Israel gave of their Inheritance at the Command of the Lord, Joshua 21.1, 2, &c.

Then again, I read Deut. 14.28, 29. beside the Tythe they were to bring year by year unto the Lord, at the end of every three year they were to bring forth all the Tythe of their increase, and lay it up with­in their Gates, and thither should the Le­vites come, (because they had no Inheri­tance among them) and the Strangers, the Fatherless, and the Widows, and should eat and be filled, that the Lord might bless Israel in all the works of their hands, Deut. 26.12, 13, &c.

Again, Deut. 18.3, 4. They which of­fer Sacrifice, whether Bullock or Sheep, shall give unto the Priests the right Shoulder, and the two Cheeks, and the Maw; and the First-fruits of the Corn, the Wine, and Oyl, and the first of the Fleece of the Sheep, &c.

Then again, Nehemiah when he came he saw the House of God was forsaken, and the Portion of the Levites had not been given, but every one was fled to his own Land; he reproved the Rulers, and set the Levites in their places, and caused all Judah to bring their Tythe of Corn, and Wine, and Oyl into the Treasuries, &c. and appointed the Wards of the Priests, and of the Levites every one in his Office, Nehem. 13.10, 11, 12, 30, &c.

Also King Hezekiah appointed the Courses of the Priests and Levites by their turns, every man according to his Office, (hence it is said Zacharias was of the Course of Abia, and executed the Priests Office before God as his turn came, Luk. 1. 5.8.) and commanded the People to bring in part for the Priests and Levites, that they might be encouraged in the Law of the Lord; So the Children of Israel brought in abundance of First-fruits, Corn, Wine, [Page 80] Oyl and Hony, and of the increase of the Field, and the Tythes of Bullocks, Sheep, and of the holy and consecrated things; the Tythe of all things in abundance: yea, so much, as they eat and were satisfied, and there was many heaps laid up in store; and Hezekiah commanded them to build Chambers, and in them they laid up all their Tythe, and their First-fruits, and their dedicated things, and set Overseers over them, to whom they committed the charge of them, who destributed with fi­delity to their Brethren great and small by course, 2 Chron. 31.2, 4, 5, 6. to vers. 14. &c. And in Nehemiah 10. they were all sworn, and sealed to fidelity both Priests and Levites, Porters, Singers, Nethinims, and all the Children of Israel to keep the Law, and the Ordinances of it, and to bring in all the First-fruits, the Tythe, and the dedicated things, Corn, Wine and Oyl, &c. into the Chambers and Treasu­ries, &c.

Then, Ezekiel setting forth the glory of the Temple, and measuring it with the measuring Reed, he shews who shall be ad­mitted to the service of the Temple, and who not; he also divided the Land into [Page 81] four Portions, one for the Priests, one [...]or the Levites, one for the House of [...]srael, and one for the Princes, Ezekiel [...]4. and chapters 45, 46. also he sets [...]orth the Offerings of the Princes, and [...]heir Ordinances, as Meat-offerings, Drink-offerings, Burnt-offerings, Sin-of­ [...]erings, Trespass-offerings, and Peace-offerings, &c. also the Sacrifices of their New-moons, their Sabbaths and solemn Feasts, &c.

Also Amos coming to cry against the [...]dolatry in Jeroboam's time, and against the Princes and Prophets of Bethel, he calls their Princes Kine, they oppressed the poor, and destroyed the needy, and mul­ [...]iplied transgression in Gilgal, and said, Bring, and let us drink, &c. and yet they would go to Bethel, and bring their Sacrifi­ces in the morning, and their Tythes after three years; they could offer Thanksgi­ving, and proclaim Free-offerings, and this they liked then, (as the Priests of our Age loves Free-offerings, and give ye now) so they might live in their sins; but the Lord swore by his Holiness, he would take them away with Thorns, and their Poste­rity with Fish-hooks, and he gave them [Page 82] cleanness of Teeth, and scarceness of Bread he with-held the Rain in its season, and h [...] sent Blasting, and Mildew, and Pestilence, and Sword amongst them.

Then again, the Prophet Malachi cries out against the Priests, how they despise [...] the Name of the Lord; they said the Ta­ble of the Lord was not to be regarded; and said, it was polluted, and snuffed at it; when as it was they that polluted it, by of­fering unclean Bread, the Blind the Lame, the Torn, and the Sick for Sacrifice, Mal. 1.6, 7, 8. Go offer it to your Princes saith the Lord, and see if they will accept it from you; you have fed your selves, and served your selves, and not the Lord: For who among you, saith he, will shut a door, or kindle a fire on mine Altar for naught, verse 10. Cursed be the Deceiver that hath in his Flock a Male, and sacrificeth a corrupt thing. And chap. 2. O ye Priests (saith Malachi) this Commandment is for you, ye have broken the Covenant of Levi, even my Covenant of Life and Peace; ye have been partial in the Law; if you will not hear and consider to give glory to my Name, I will corrupt your feed, and cast dung upon your faces, and will curse your Blessings, chap. 2, 2, 4, 5, &c. for [Page 83] the Priests lips should preserve knowledge, and they should seek the Law at his mouth, &c. but ye are gone out of the way, ye have broken Covenant, and caused many to fall, &c. And in chap. 3. he saith, Behold the Lord whom ye seek shall suddenly come to his Temple; but who may abide the day of his coming, for he sitteth to try, and fine as silver; yea, he will fine and purifie the Sons of Levi: [Mark] it is the Sons of Levi; that they may bring Offerings of Righteousness; and he will come near (them) to Judgment, and will be a swift Witness against the Adulterer, false Swearer, and those that keep back the Hire­lings wages, that vex the Widow and the Fa­therless, and oppress the Poor and Stranger, and fear not me saith the Lord; for from the dayes of your Fathers (saith he) ye are gone away from mine Ordinances, and have not kept them: Will a man rob God, (saith he) yet ye have robbed me in Tythes, and Offer­ings, ye are cursed with a Curse: Bring all the Tythe [...] into the Store-house, that there may be meat in my House, and prove me therewith; and see if I will not open you the Windows of Heaven, and pour you out a Blessing, &c. But your words have been stout against me, saith the Lord; ye have said, [Page 84] It is in vain to serve God; and what profit is there in keeping his Commandments, and in walking humbly before him? And therefore ye count the proud happy; and sets up them that work wickedness; and those that tempt God are delivered.

Now the next place which some account as formidable as all the rest is, Luke 11.42. Christs own words, saying, Wo unto you Pha­risees, ye tythe Mint and Rue, and all manner of Herbs, and neglect and pass over Judgment, and the Love of God; these things ye ought to have done, and not to have left the other undone. These are the main grounds (be­ing under the Law of the first Covenant) upon which the Ordinations, Titles, Claims and Propriety of Tythes do, or ever did arise or spring; and upon which all the Disputes, Acts, Decrees, Laws, and Tryals at Law, Differences and Sufferings, of what kind soever, do origionally arise and descend, by which the Reader may observe the rise and institution of Tythes, and the end thereof, and the observation of them from Moses, or the Levitical Law down­wards till Christ the end of the Law for Righteousness sake, to all them that believe, Rom. 10.4.

I shall now proceed to give my Rea­sons whereupon I deny the payment of Tythes.

First, The Reader may take notice of the Institution of Tythes, and by whom; Here is Moses the Servant and Prophet of the Lord, who was faithfull in all his House, and was a Witness through Faith of those things which should afterward come to pass, Hebr. 3.3, 4. this was he whom the Lord chused and sent into Egypt for a Pro­phet, Prince, and Deliverer to the Chil­dren of Israel, Exod. 3.10. Acts 7.34, 35. and having brought them to Mount-Sinai, the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Tell the Children of Israel, You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I have carri­ed you on Eagles wings, and brought you to me: Now if you will hear my voice indeed, and keep my Covenant, then ye shall be my chief treasure above all people, though all the Earth be mine; and ye shall be to me a Kingdom of Priests, and an holy Nation. Then Moses proposed to them what the Lord had said to him; and the People an­swered unanimously, All that the Lord hath commanded we will do: and Moses reported their words unto the Lord, Exod. 19.3, 4, [Page 86] 5, &c. So the Lord calling Moses and Aaron only up into the Mount, said, I am the Lord thy God that have brought thee out of Egypt, &c. Thou shalt have no other Gods besides me; and he delivered to them his Precepts and his Law by the dispensation of Angels, Exod. 20. &c. Also he com­manded them not to make unto themselves gods of Silver or Gold, vers. 23. Then he commanded Moses to make an Altar of Earth, or Stone, whereon to offer the Burnt-offerings, and Peace-offerings, &c. And see, saith he, that a Tool be not lifted up upon it, vers. 24, 25. Then he delivered to him the Temporal, or Civil Laws, Exod. chapters 21, 22, 23, &c. So Moses wrote all the Laws, and erected them an Altar under the Mount, and Twelve Pillars, ac­cording to the Twelve Tribes of Israel; and sent of the Children of Israel, who offered Burnt-offerings, Beaves and Peace-offerings, &c. and with half of the Blood he sprinkled the Altar, and the rest he put in Basins: And he read the Laws, and all the Words of the Lord to the People; who said, All that the Lord hath said we will do, and be obedient: So Moses sprinkled all the people with the Blood, and said, [Page 87] Behold the Blood of the Covenant which the Lord hath made with you touching all these things, chap. 24. Then the Lord called Moses up into the Mount, saying, I will give thee Tables of Stone, and a Law, and Commandments which I have written, that thou mayst teach them to the People: And Moses took his Minister Joshua, and went up; and Moses was in the Mount forty days, and forty nights; and God speak unto Moses to speak unto the Children of Israel, that they should offer unto the Lord an Offering of Gold, Silver, Brass, Purple, scarlet, and fine Linnen, Oyl, and Spices, and precious Stones, &c. And that they should make the Lord a Sanctuary, that he might dwell amongst them; and that it should be according to the express Patern shewed to him: and also that he should make an Ark, in which the Testimonies of the Covenant should be placed; descri­bing the fashion of the Tabernacle, and the order, place and fashion of all the ap­purtenances thereunto belonging; every thing was to be made, placed and erected according to the express Patern shewn to him in the Mount, chapters 25, 26. Mark what I say, Moses having read the Law, [Page 88] and the Book of the Covenant in the au­dience of the people, they said, All that the Lord hath said will we do, and be obedient, chap. 24.7, 8. Then he took the Blood of the Covenant, having with the one half sprinkled the Altar, with the other half he sprinkled the people, and the Covenant was confirmed; for almost all things were by the Law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission, Hebr. 9.22. [Mark] here is the establish­ment of the first Covenant, which stood in meats, and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal Ordinances, which was imposed until the time of Reformation, Hebr. 9.9, 10. [Mark here again] which was but a Figure for the time then present, and could never make the Comers thereunto perfect, as per­taining to the Conscience: But Christ being come an High Priest of good things to come, [Mark] by a greater and more perfect Taber­nacle, that is not made with hands, nor not of this building. I say also, Christ Jesus be­ing come (who was the end of the Law for Righteousness sake, to all that believe, and the Substance of all Shadows, Anti­types and Figures) he hath brought in a more excellent Ministry, being a Mediator [Page 89] of a better Covenant, established upon better Promises; wherefore, coming into the World, he saith, Sacrifices, Offerings and Burnt-offerings for sin, thou wouldest not, (which are offered by the Law) but a Body thou hast prepared, (as it is written) Lo I come to do thy Will O God; by the which Will we are sanctified, saith the Apostle; [Mark] He taketh away the First, that he might establish the Second; Now if the First Covenant had been faultless, there should no place have been for the Second; but finding fault with them under the First Covenant; (and why? because it was not possible that the blood of Bulls and Goats should take away sins; for in those Sacri­fices there was (yea, and is) a remem­brance of sins every year; so that the Commers thereunto is not made perfect) so finding fault with them, he saith, Be­hold, the dayes come, that I will make a new Covenant with the House of Israel, and with the House of Judah, not according to the Covenant that I made with their Fathers when I took them by the hand, and led them out of Egypt; (for because they abode not in my Covenant, I regarded them not saith the Lord) But this is the Covenant that I will [Page 90] make with them after those dayes, I will put my Law in their hearts, and write it in their inward parts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people, Jer. 31.33. Ezek. 37.26, &c. Hebr. 8.8, 9, 10. and 10.16. They shall not need to teach every man his Neighbour, or every man his Brother, saying, Know the Lord, for they shall all know me, even from the least to the greatest of them; and their their sins & their iniquities will I remember no more: [Mark] Their Sins & their Iniquities will I remember no more; here suffer me to enlarge a little by the way: Now where Remission of sin is, there needs no more Offering for sin; and for this end was Christ made manifest to take away all sin, & in him was no sin; howbeit the Children of Darkness, who are Strangers to the Covenant of Promise, being never yet come to the Light, nor to the Second Co­venant, the New and Living Way; they, I say, that have not received this, they say there is no redemption from under sin; there is none, say they, can be set free from iniquity while on this side the grave; there is not an upright man upon the Earth, say they, that doth good, and sinneth not; there is none righteous, no not one: a [Page 91] strange Doctrine in a Gospel Day; this Generation used to bless the Name of the Lord for this Glorious Day, and Golden Age, and time (said some) wherein his Gospel was so purely taught and preached; [Mark this confusion] Is the Gospel purely taught them, when they are yet in their sins; but it may be they have not received the Gospel in Power and Purity, but in name and word only; for the Gospel is the Power of God, Rom. 1.16. or Christ Je­sus the Light of the World, the Power of God, and the Wisdom of God, 1 Cor. 1.24. who was manifested to take away sin; but these will pretend to be Gospel men, and Christians, who say none can be purified from sin, and thereby frustrate the end of the Lord, and make void his coming, who came to save his People from their sins; and he is able to save to the utmost them that come unto God by him: but, may it not be said, they come not unto God by him, and they enter not in at the Door, but climbs up some other way, that holds sin for tearm of Life, which the Devil is Author and Lord of; then whose Servants are they, let wise men judge; a smokey Tenent, a principle of Darkness assended out of the Bottomless [Page 92] Pit; sure, no Christians, what ere they may profess: What, hath Christ suffered in vain? What, hath the shedding of his Blood no more effect? What, is he not able perfectly to save those that come unto God by him? Is he not able to save his people from their sins? Is he not able to redeem from death? Is his Hand short­ned? Or his Power weakned? Is he not the same he was in the Apostles dayes? Is not his Power the same yesterday, to day, and for ever? [Mark] Was he not given for Salvation to the Ends of the Earth? Was he not sent to redeem those that were under the Law? Was he not sent to save his people from their sins? Was he not ordained a Light to lighten the Gentiles, and the Glory of the People of Israel? Yea, a Light to lighten those that sit in Darkness, and the Regions of the shadow of Death, and to guide their feet in the Way of Peace: Was he not manifested to take away our sins? And was not his Blood shed for the remission of sins? the Apostle said, yes: And if it be not so that our sins be done away, nor we not sanctified, purified and clensed through his Blood, nor do not witness remission nor forgiveness through [Page 93] his Sufferings and Death, and our Consci­ [...]nces purged from dead works, and our [...]ins done away in him: I say, if none have his benefit by him, then is our Faith vain, [...]nd we are still in our sins, and both the [...]postles and we are found false Witnesses [...]f him; but neither they nor we are false Witnesses, for we know, (and they knew [...]efore us) That Life and Salvation is mani­ [...]ested, and we have seen it, and that which [...]e have seen and heard we do declare, that ye [...]ight have Fellowship with us; [Mark] [...]hat ye might also obtain remission and re­ [...]emption with us And this indeed is the Message that we have heard of him, and re­ [...]eived from him, and declare unto you, that God is Light, and in him is no darkness at [...]ll; and if we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lye: But [...]f we walk in the Light, as he is in [...]he Light, then have we fellowship with [...]im, and one with another, and the Blood [...]f Jesus Christ clenseth from all sin, &c. [Mark] ye Sons and Daughters of Dark­ness, that say none can be clensed from [...]ll sin; but no marvel if Infidels say so, [...]hat never owns the Light, that never came [...]o the Blood of Sprinkling; that never [Page 94] came to the Blood (the Life) of the Co­venant that clenseth and purifieth from al sin, but are stumbling and groping in dark­ness, imagining in their dark minds tha [...] all is like themselves; and these will pro­fess they know God, but they are Lyars; (1 John 2.4.) for they neither keep, no believe that any can keep his Command­ments; but they seeing but in part, be­lieves that a man can but be in part purifi­ed, and in part sanctified, but not through out: Now I would ask them one Questi­on, wherefore none can be sanctifie [...] throughout? Is not that which sanctifie [...] in part able to sanctifie throughout? Is no [...] the Blood of Christ able and sufficient to clense and purifie from all sin? Was he no [...] able perfectly to save those that come unt [...] God by him? Yes, surely he was, else b [...] had been an imperfect Sacrifice; but th [...] cause is, either they will not come to hi [...] for Life and Salvation; or else, when the do come, they abide not with him, no continue not in obedience, to press for­ward to the high calling that is in Chri [...] Jesus; they sit down short of the prize; the go not on unto perfection; they faint, an [...] are weary before the work be compleated [Page 95] and finished, like foolish Builders, and then content themselves in their own vain ima­ginations, and pleads inability, weakness, and failing, which (say they) is insident to all men, thinking all like themselves; but they measuring all by themselves, and comparing themselves with themselves, (viz.) with their own imaginations, are not wise, as said the Apostle; but John said, As many as received him, to them he gave power to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe in his Name, John 1.12. and if Sons, then Heirs, and Joynt-heirs with Christ; now Heirs doth inherit, but no unclean thing doth inherit; therefore Sons and Heirs must needs be sanctified throughout, and must needs be born again of the holy clean Seed that inherits; and the Apostle said, Ye are the Off-spring of God, and the Off-spring of God must needs be holy; for as the Root is, so are the Branches; and as the Tree is, so is the Fruit. But I shall return to my former Subject again (viz.) the Second Cove­nant, the Light or Law written in the heart, which we have received, and there­fore are not looking up to the Mount that might not be touched, and that burned [Page 96] with fire, nor at Blackness, and Darkness, and Tempests, nor at Figurative and Sha­dowy things, Hebr. 10.1. and 12.18, 22, &c. but we are come to Mount-Sion the City of the Living God, to the New and Heavenly Jerusalem, &c. and to Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant, and to the unchangeable Priesthood, that endureth for ever; for the Law maketh men high Priests that have infirmities, that continueth not by reason of death; but the Word of the Oath which was since the Law, maketh the Son High Priest, who is consecrated for ever; and therefore he is the surety of a better Testament; and such a high Priest becomes us, and such a one have we need of, who is holy, harmless, undefiled separate from Sinners: Yea, this was his work, I say, still, and the end of his coming to separate and save his people from their sins; and this is Christ Jesus an high Priest of our Profession, a Priest for ever after the order of Melchisedeck; who is worthy of more glory then Moses, inas­much as he that buildeth the House is wor­thy of more glory then the House; now Christ is a Son over his own House, which House are we, if we hold fast our confi­dence and hope to the end; wherefore he [Page 97] is able to save to the uttermost those that [...]ome unto God by him, seeing he ever [...]veth to make intercession for them; but [...]his they still doubt of, and cannot believe; who are yet wading in the frothy unstable Waters, and stumbling in the dark being [...]ossed with every windy vanishing Do­ [...]trine, and is not come to the breakings of [...]he Day, to the Light, the Son I mean; [...]or its the Son and Light that makes Day, [...]nd makes all things manifest, Ephes. 5. [...]3. John 12.36. I say they cannot believe [...]hat Doctrine, that any should be saved to [...]he uttermost; and no marvel, for they [...]re strangers to the Covenant of Promise, [...]he Light, and to the vertues and effects [...]f the Light, which until I received & obey­ [...]d, I was as doubtfull as they, and did object [...]gainst it as incredible; but I was of them [...]he Apostle foresaw, that spoke evil of things [...]hey knew not; for I had not then known nor tryed the Light, though it was in me, [...]et I loved darkness rather; even so do they now, who speaks against Light, and the sufficiency of it, they speak evil of that [...]hey know not, &c. in that thing they cor­rupt themselves.

But to proceed, I say Christ Jesus is [Page 98] come, the New and Living Way, who i [...] King, Priest and Prophet; so the Cove­nant is changed, the Priesthood is chang­ed; so there must of necessity be a chang [...] of the Law also, and then Tythes an [...] Oblations must needs cease, Hebr. 7.12. Fo [...] verily they that were of the Sons of Levi [...] who received the Office of the Priesthood had a commandment to take Tythes of th [...] People; but it is evident, that after th [...] similitude of Melchisedeck there ariset [...] another Priesthood who is made not by the Law of a carnal Commandment, as the Sons of Levi and Aaron was, nor conse­crated by a carnal nominal Bishop, (as Priests are now) but he was made and or­dained by the Power of an Endless Life; and this is no other then the Son of God, who is consecrated for evermore; and saith the Apostle (with this assertion) There is verily a disanulling of the Commandment going before, because of the weakness and un­profitableness thereof: [Mark] here is a dis­anulling of the Commandment, what Com­mandment? The Law of the Carnal Com­mandment by which the Priests (the off­spring of Levi) received their Office, and the Commandment by which they took [Page 99] Tythes of the People, read Hebr. 7. throughout; so the Priesthood being no more of Levi, nor the Sons of Aaron, then there is no more Law, nor no more Tythes after the First Covenant; for the New Covenant is established, the New and Living Way is made known, and the un­changeable Priesthood being brought in, the First Covenant and Priesthood must needs give place, the Law must needs be abrogated, and the Commandment disa­nulled, and the first Tabernacle and San­ctuary must needs be turned out; and then all the Rites and Ceremonies, and all the Appurtenances and Ordinances of that Priesthood, Tabernacle and Sanctuary must needs be turned out also; then no more room for Tythes, (being an appurtenance or Ordinance of that Covenant) when Christ the Spiritual, Eternal, and Unchang­able High Priest is come, (and we say he is) a greater and more perfect Tabernacle; for the First that stood in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal Ordinan­ces, was but imposed until the time of Re­formation, being Figures for the time then present, [Mark] and but Shadows of good things to come, Hebr. 9.10. and 10.1. [Page 100] and 8.5. Now, when doth the time of Reformation enter, that you may shake of the first Priesthood, Tabernacle and Ordi­nances? Is it not now high time for people to amend, repent and reform? Is it not time for men to work out their Salvation? Is it not time to make their calling and election sure? Is it not time to turn from Darkness to Light, and from Satans power to God? Is it not time to seek the Kingdom of God, and the Righteousness thereof? If so, then is not the time of Reformation come? Is not the Spiritual appearance of the Son of God come? Is not the Comforter that leads into all Truth come? Is not the sound of the Everlasting Gospel come? Is not the time in which the true Worship­pers shall worship the Father in Spirit and Truth come? Is not the Light that was gi­ven for Salvation to the Ends of the Earth come? Is not the Light that gives the knowledge of the glory of God come? Is not he that convinces the World of Sin, of Righteousness, and of Judgement come? Is not he that is the Way, Truth, and Life come? Is not he that saves his People from their sins come? And is it not now a time of Reformation? Is it not now time to die [Page 101] unto Sin; and awake unto Righteousness? [...]s it not time to put on the New Man, which [...]enews into the Image of God, and brings [...]nto righteousness and holiness? else in vain hath the many and large Professions of England been; and to what purpose hath it [...]arried the name so long of a holy and re­ [...]ormed Nation, if the time of Reformation [...]e not come? Indeed there is little more [...]mongst many of the Tollerated Churches [...]n England but Profession only; amongst [...]ll the Lo here's, and Lo there's; amongst [...]ll the many Divisions, Denominations, Sects and Separations; amongst all the Gatherings, Societies or Assembles, how few hath the Womb of Reformation [...]eally brought forth? and how many hath [...]roved Abortives? Yea, how many is strangled i'th Womb? Oh! he wist well what he said, who said, Strait is the Gate, and narrow is the Way that leadeth unto Life, and few there be that find it: yea, may I say, few there be that seek after it; [...]nd therefore must needs be few that find [...]t. Oh! who can but lament, yea, mourn [...]nd sorrow in secret to see the present sad [...]nd miserable estate of England, who was [...]ormerly accounted as a Nursery of Chri­stianity [Page 102] and Godliness; and how is it now grown over with Weeds, Briers and Thistles? Oh, who doth not see how wick­edness is established, and sin increaseth as a flood; how the Workers of Iniquity are set up, and the proud called happy! Oh, how doth Idolatry grow and flourish, and all manner of Abomination abound! yea they work wickedness greedily, making hast to do evil, and are skilfull to trans­gress; yea, they improve both wits, life time and estates in the lusts and pleasures o'th Flesh; they commit lewdness with heart and hand, their feet run to evil, and they are not at all ashamed, neither do they blush; they sport themselves with their abominations, and the fear of God is not before their eyes. Oh, the unparallell'd abominations that swims in England is un­declarable! Oh, how doth the Vessels of the Whore flote upon her Waters! surely, surely, the just God will be avenged on her, and will recompence her for all her abominations, and notorious evils; he will bring down the pride of her stout-hearted, and humble the heady high-mindedness of her high ones, and lay low the lofty looks of her lordly Leaders, and severely punish [Page 103] the pride of her Princes; Yea, his anger is already kindled, and his wrath shall ballance her wickedness, and who shall withstand his Power, or who can divert his Decree: in that day the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him, for neither Rock nor Mountain shall save them, they'll find no cover from the Storm, nor no hiding place from the Tempest, though they now flatter themselves with their own imaginations, and heal themselves with smooth words, and fortifie themselves with the arm of Flesh, sitting like a Queen that shall see no sorrow, making merry over the Wit­ness which lies slain in their Streets; yea, they hate to be reformed; The Judges judge for Reward, the Prophets divine for Money, the Priests preach for Hire, and bare rule by their Means, and the People love to have it so.

I remember Malachi complaining, cri­ed out, O ye Priests this Commandment is for you, and if you will not hear, neither lay it to heart, I will bring a Curse upon you, and I will Curse your Blessings; for ye have de­parted out of the Way, ye have caused many to stumble; therefore have I made you con­temptible and base before all the People, Mal. [Page 104] 2.1, 2, 8, 9. And is not this the state of the Priesthood of England, who is ready enough [...]o cry, Bring ye all the Tythes in­to the Store-house, (viz. into their Kitchins, Purse and Pocket) and pay them (say they) duely, and truely, liberally, and with a chearfull heart, for God loves a chearfull giver; and then, say they, God will remove his Judgement [...] from amongst you; and those (let them be as vile as they will) that will pay them liberally (and that with the better) and is ready to stop in­to their mouthes, and labour, and give it to them; to such they will cry Peace, peace, and say such a one is a very honest man, and they will befriend him in any matter of concernment before Magistrates, &c. but he that ceaseth to stop into their mouths, (let him be as honest as he will) against him they prepare war, and cry, Bring ye all the Tythes, &c. when as it was they that Malichi complained of, that robbed God in Tythes and Offerings, Mal. 2.1. and 1.6. it was they that dispised his Name; it was they that offered polluted bread, and the blind, and lame and sick for Sacrifice, &c. Who amongst you, saith he, will shut a door for naught, or will kindle a fire on mine Altar for naught, [Page 105] verse 10. and are they not so now, who amongst them will shut a door for nought? which of them hath any thing to preach, if the people have nothing to give? nay, they cannot relie of the peoples gift, but they must know what Revenue belongs un­to the Incombent, or Minister of that place, and how it doth arise; and it must be confirmed to them either by the Bishop, Magistrates, or Donators, &c. thus they Bargain, yea, they are as expert Mer­chants as ever Babylon bred, observing their time for trading; and when they have en­ [...]oyed a Benefit Ten, Twenty or Thirty years, if another fall vacant of a greater Revenue, Stipend or Value, then they be­ [...]tir themselves, with all diligence, by wri­ [...]ing, running, riding, &c. (yea, some will not let to ride Post to and again) to [...]he Donators, Bishops, or such as can [...]mpower and invest them in such a place; [...]nd having obtained it, then they will be gone; there, say they, a man may live com­fortably, this is a poor sorry mean place, [...]aving this or the other inconvenience: [...]nd thus they shew themselves unto all; [...]or it appears their comfort is fleshly ease, [...]nd their end is great Benefices, and their [Page 106] gain is filthy lucre, their god (they chiefl [...] serve) is their belly, and what will be thei [...] reward? hence they fulfil the old pro­verb, No Penny, No Pater Noster; nay, not so much as a Homily, or Farwel Ser­mon; Benefit taken away, they are struc [...] dumb.

And they are so far short of the Priest [...] in Malachi's dayes, that they will kindle n [...] fire at all; they will keep no Store-hous [...] at all, neither for the Poor, Widow, Fa­therless, Orphant or Stranger; (these mus [...] beg in the Country) Tythes is confirmed to us, say they, for our maintenance and livelihood by the Law of God and man, that so we may be less cumbred in the World, and may devote and give up our selves more to the Service and Worship of God, and attend the Church: And thus they claim Tythes to be theirs, and yet (as I said before) they will keep no store-house to maintain the poor out of, as they did under the Law; nor they'll kindle no fire on the Altar, neither will they sacrifice or offer any thing unto the Lord out of their Tythes and First-fruits; they'll neither sacri­fice Bull nor Goat, Lamb nor Dove, neither Cake nor fine Flower, nor Bread leaven­ed [Page 107] nor unleavened, neither meat-offering [...]or drink-offering, sin-offering, peace of­ [...]ering nor trespass-offering, nor any man­ner of oblation according to the Levitical Law, and yet they must have Tythes paid [...]hem as they were then; all that Law, say [...]hey, is abolished since Christ came in the Flesh, save that sweet morsel of Tythes which is so pleasant to their pallat, like Acham's wedge of Gold, and Babylonish Garment, Josh. 7.21. which they covet as much as he did, and would save alive, as Saul did the King of the Amalekites, and the best of the spoil as Sheep, Oxen and Fatlings, &c. 1 Sam. 15.9. even so they would have Tythes kept up above all the rest of the Ordinances, Ceremonies, and Services of the first Tabernacle, and that shadowy Dispensation, Tythes is the sweetest of all, many of the rest would be trouble and cost to them, and diminish their Revenue: So these they confess to be abolished, and why not Tythes say I? Of what institution was Tythes▪ or for what term more then the rest, that they must not be abolished with the rest? I know no cause but the reasons aforesaid crept in amongst their Ancestor, or Mother the Church of Rome in the Night of Apostacy.

Then again, there is that in Luke 11.42 where Christ said, Wo unto you Scribes an [...] Pharisees, &c. from which they infer that Christ allowed the payment of Tythes un­der the Gospel; indeed so say I that Christ there allowed the payment of Tythes, (the Scribes and Pharisees being as under the Law) but not under the Gospel; its true, he condems them for the neglect of weigh­tier matters, as Judgment, &c. may not accordingly condemn both Priest and Peo­ple now; he said, they strained at a Gnat, and swallowed a Camel; may not I say so now to them that makes so much ado about Tythes, and neglects things of great­er weight, as departing from Iniquity, as Swearing, Lying, Coveting, Stealing, Op­pressing, Defrauding, Cozening, Drinking, Cheating, Adultery, Fornication, and ma­ny more things of greater weight, walk­ing in disobedience to what God hath ma­nifested by his Light in their Consciences; doing that which they ought not, and leaving undone what they ought, they are (at best) but like the Pharisees, stick­ing at the outside things, as Tythes, Ordi­nances of the Church, so called, Confor­mity, and the like Traditions required by [Page 109] men, but never shew so much zeal and di­ [...]gence to keep their Consciences clear, [...]nd to observe what is required of them by [...]he Lord; they'll pretend a great zeal for [...]he Church and Government, &c. but [...]hen appears so much zeal for God, and [...]he keeping of his Commandments, and of [...]oving him with all their heart. But to [...]ome more positively to the point of his [...]llowing of Tythes in this place, I say, I [...]rant it, for they were then under the Law, [...]nd the Law was but a fulfilling, For he came [...]ot to destroy the Law, but to fulfil it, which [...]e did observe in the dayes of his Flesh, [...]ntil he had offered up himself a perfect [...]nd everlasting Sacrifice; then he said, It is [...]nished; then came in the Second Cove­ [...]ant, and took place of the First, (it being [...]isanulled▪) the Second was established [...]hen his Blood was shed, by which Salva­ [...]ion was obtained, for without shedding of [...]lood there is no remission: So may not we as [...]ustly condemn then the Tything Priests, [...]nd other fiery Zelots in our Age, who is [...]o exact for their Tythes, as if Salvation [...]epended in that particular, and is very [...]egligent in seeking after righteousness, [...]iety and reformation of life; but contra­rily, [Page 110] if any seek after God, or the know­ledge of his Way and Truth, the [...] they cry out of [...]uch with open mouth, as Fanaticks, Schismaticks, Seducers, Erroneous per­sons, who seek to he wiser then their fore­fathers: What is become of them, say they, that the Way and Worship that served them cannot serve you, but you must have a new Way of your own, con­trary to Church and State? I now remem­ber some of the same spirit said to the Apo­stles, They were setters up of strange gods bringers in of new Doctrine, turners of the World upside down; away with them, they taught the people against the Law and th [...] Customs of the Place and People, they we [...] not worthy to live; so that I see by experi­ence, They that live after the Flesh persecu [...] those that live after the Spirit in every Age but I shall not here insist, but as I have sai [...] before (to that of Luke) he spoke to thee that was yet under the Judaical Law (but so am not I) and was a fulfilling them, as appears elsewhere by his saying t [...] John about Baptism, Suffer it to be so now for so it becomes us to fulfil all righteousness so he was but a compleating that Dispen­sation; but when he came to suffer, and [Page 111] was lifted up upon the Cross, he said, Its finished; then he put an end to all the Or­dinances of the First Tabernacle, and brought in the Second, the unchangeable Priesthood, which stands for ever after the order of Melchisedeck. Thus much for Tythes as they were due under the Law, and no where else, and as they were an Ordinance amongst the Jews only in the Land of Canaan, and no people else; for its said, He gave his Statutes and his Judg­ments to Israel, to every Nation he did not so; but I am no Jew, therefore not under that Law, but rather of the stock of the Gentiles, (as is believed) and Tything among the Gentiles I never yet read of; and Christ the end of the Law for righte­ousness sake (and the Heart and Life of what the Law figured out) being come, neither Jews nor Gentiles ought to be any longer under Shadows and Figures, &c.

But again, when their claiming of Ttyhes by vertue of the Mosaical Laws is over­turned, and will not hold plea Jure Divi­no, (as they say) then they betake them to another, that is, Jure humano, or The Civil Laws of this Nation, by which Laws, say they, Tythes is established and setled to [Page 112] them (say the Priests) by vertue of their Place and Office) as a most competent livelihood for them and their Families: In answer whereunto I say, that the radix and grand original property of this Title and Claim did and doth still arise from the Mosaical or Levitical Law, (which is dis­anulled and done away in Christ, as is before proved) and hence they are ac­counted a Spiritual propriety, and therefore a (pretended) Spiritual or Ecclesiastical Law and Court is kept and appointed (by Episcopal Authority, within their several Jurisdictions, distinct from the Civil Laws) only for the trial and recovery of Tythes, and such other matters as they account Spiritual; and this Levitical Institution is the sole Basis and Foundation upon which their Civil Law depends, & the Foundation being taken away the Structure or Build­ing falls; so that being disanull'd in Christ, the Civil Law hath no more power, so that the Title of Tythes is lost. Now again, every Law is or ought to be grounded up­on Equity, and sound Reason, and Righte­ousness, and for some conso [...]entious and pious, honest end and purpose, as the Pre­amble to all Laws do hold forth, which is [Page 113] the Key that opens the mystery, ground, [...]ntent and end of every Law and Statute [...]hatsoever; so that of Henry the 8th [...]bout Tythes, doth not institute, enact or [...]rdain, settle or impose them as a Tempo­ [...]al Civil Injunction, but they are there called Spiritual Gifts belonging to holy Church, and because many doth deny the payment, &c. so this Act doth but enjoyn the payment of them; as a supposed due and right formerly belonging to holy Church; and therefore doth but (at the utmost) repair, strengthen and preserve that which was like to decay, but doth not set up any new structure, property or title; so the reasons of this Law being taken away (which is, that they are a supposed due) this Act is nulled.

These before mentioned being the only main Grounds and Reasons whereupon Tythes are claimed and payed, which I hope is satisfactorily answered; indeed, some more frivilous Objections are made; (as, what will not many say to save them­selves when they are in an exigent? yea, brawl, menace, perhaps beat with wicked fist, revile or scoff, and it may be set an Officer on one, and hale him before a Ma­gistrate, [Page 114] &c.) I say many more they make to little purpose, as that in Luke 18. where the Pharisee payed Tythes of all he posses­sed, which hath little in it, unless they would be condemned (with him) as a Pha­risee with their outside holiness: others say, Thou shalt not muzle the mouth of the Ox that treadeth out the Corn; I say so too; if they be Oxen let them be unmuzled, and live of what they tread out, which is so little that they never durst rely upon it yet, but they are more idle then such Oxen, &c. this is like their plowing in hope, and sow­ing in hope, which for the most part fails before they either plow or sow; for in which of the Priests did ever the hope en­dure until he reaped the fruit of his plow­ing or sowing? but rather first he must know what stipend there is, what Tythes or Grebe-lands, or other Revenue belongs to the incombent, and how it doth arise; this you may say is too true: Again, say they, He that gathers a Flock, let him eat of the milk of the Flock; (indeed so say I) but they either get no flock gathered, or else their Flock is barren, and gives no milk, or otherwise the milk they give doth not satisfie, which makes them pull, tug and [Page 115] draw so hard for milk, meat and mainte­nance from others pertaining to another Flock which they never gathered, as daily experience teacheth to their shame, and to the shame of all that are gathered by them: Again, (say they) If we have sown unto you Spiritual things, is it a great mat­ter if we reap your Carnal things? I say its no great matter, but rather the part and duty of a Christian; but to whom have they sown Spirituals? I am sure not to me, for L. W. hath ministred nothing to me, but that which is earthly, and savours of death, (as I have elsewhere said) which de­serves not my Carnals, nor any other main­tenance from me; not that I am strait­handed, or so knit and joyned to the things the Lord hath endued me with, but I can distribute them freely to such as sow Spirituals, and ministers freely from the Mouth of the Lord, or to any other in necessity; but L. W. (as is well known) hath no such necessity, for all his eager pursuit after my Carnals these Three or four years last past; but he hath coveted an evil covetousness, to set his nest on high, but thereby hath not delivered his Soul from the power of evil, but hath consulted confu­sion to his shame.

So still I say the grand Title stood in the Mosaical Institutions, all which pointed at Christ, and Christ being come, they fall flat, and to them a period is set; for its evident for some hundreds of years after Christ, their was neither Claim nor Pay­ment of Tythes, nor no setling or con­fining of Ministers to such and such Pa­rishes or Places, but they that received freely, preached freely, and went from one Country to another, and from one people to another, as they were drawn by the Spi­rit of the Lord; and in those dayes th [...]se was no setled nor forced maintenance be­longed unto them, but they who received Spirituals, and were brought into the Faith and Fellewship of the Saints they admini­stred of their Temporals freely without any injunction, (as many hath done in Eng­land these late years) and the Lord having opened the hearts of many (as Lydia) they called them into their House, being open to distribute to their necessities; so that they that set forth without money or scrip, &c. wanted nothing: yea, I be­lieve many of the Lords Ministers and Ser­vants (called Quakers) hath travelled (in these late years) many hundred of miles, [Page 117] from one people and Nation to another, having been persecuted, and beat, and haled to Prison, and out of Prison, here and there amongst a strange Nation and People which they knew not, who when they set forth could not assure themselves of one nights lodging, or one meals meat, and yet they were in every place sufficient­ly provided for, and had no want, they only cast their care upon the Lord, and lived upon the Gospel, being preachers of it, and by the Faith of the Son of God, as did the Primitive Christians in the Apostles dayes, and some hundred of years after, until the Power of Christianity was lost, and the Apostacy crept in, and then they fell into Forms and Immitations, Rome being the leading Church setled Bishops, Vicars and Priests, and erected Monastreys, Abbeys and Religious Houses, and placed them there, and brought in the old Rites and Customs of the Jews again, (under a co­lour of Zeal and Piety) perswading the People to give gifts to pious uses; so en­joyning them to one thing after another, until their Traditions were received as Ca­nonical, and amongst the rest brought in this of Tythes again, which for a long time [Page 118] was payed at the Owners pleasure, either to the poor, or to the aforesaid Monaste­ries and Religious Houses for pretended Spiritual uses; and when they saw that the greater part distributed their Tythes to the poor, Pope Alexander the third did restrain the peoples freedoms, Anno 1180. And Pope Gregory ordained that Tythes should not be distributed to the poor, but to the Mother Church, Anno 1274. And Pope Pius the fourth ordained the pay­ment of Tythes upon penalty of Excom­munication by a Council at Trent, about the year 1560. And thus they crept in again, (as they fell from the Power of Godliness) then they began to build again that which was before destroyed, and so brought in these old Ordinances again, in immitation of the Mosaical Law, and so came to force and compel a Maintenance (for a Priesthood and Ministry which was not of Levi's Linnage) which was never used nor known amongst the Christians in the purity of the Gospel; but being little acquainted or read in the State of the Church as it did descend from the Primitive times downwards to this day, I shall be more sparing in things there­unto [Page 119] pertaining, and for the further sa­tisfaction therein, (and how Rome, and other Churches, fell from their Primi­tive purity, and how they brought in Tythes and the Relicks of Judaism again) and every external extant Ordinance or Tradition now allowed and established throughout all Europe) I refer the Rea­der to A. Pearson's Book, called, The Great Case of Tything, and also to Francis How­gill's Books, the one, called, The Glory of the True Church Discovered in its Pu­rity, where he proves Tythes no Gospel Ordinance; the other, called, The Great Case of Tything once more Revived, &c. where the State of the Church in the Pri­mitive times, and downward from year to year, and the bringing in of all the Romish Stuff, and Superstitious Trash is sufficient­ly treated of, and may be satisfactory to any sober Reader that desires to be in­structed.

Now it appears clear, that that Law by which Tythes was payable and due under the First Covenant was only established among the Jews, (as I said before) and that in the Land of Canaan, being a pe­culiar people, to whom he gave his Laws [Page 120] and his Statutes for ever, as its said, Psal. 147.19. and its believed we are not of the Jews Genealogy, neither of the Off­spring of any of the Tribes of Israel ac­cording to the Flesh; and therefore (if Tythes were yet an Ordinance in force) as to the contrary is sufficiently proved) ought not to be paid by us by vertue of that Law and Covenant, we being of the Gentiles Stock by Nature, (is authentical) and so hath nothing to do with the Or­dinances of Israel according to the Flesh, who was the natural Branches unto whom pertained the Law, and the Covenant, and the Oracles of God, and they fell through unbelief, and by their fall we came to be ingrafted, and we stand by Faith, which is the Gift of God, a Mystery held in a pure Conscience, and not by the observation of the Ordinances of the Jews, and the First Covenant: So let the blind Priests and Doctors lay their hands upon their mouthes, and be ashamed of their gross absurdity, and stupid Sences being mudled and jumbled in obscurity with their many Arts and Sciences, multiplicity of Tongues, and divided Languages, one pleading one thing, and another pleading another, un­til [Page 121] they become like Froth upon the Wa­ters, which while not touched appears material and substantial, but if once hand­led wasteth and vanisheth away; so doth their windy deformed Doctrine, and typi­cal Tenents, who hath long preached and talked of a Covenant of Grace, which is still a Mystery, or as a Book Sealed to them while they are studdying and musing in their Greek and Latine Libraries, not at all perceiving the Vail, or the Wall of Partition that stands between them and the Covenant of Grace unbroken down and removed.

One other Objection is in my mind, which is this, speaking of Melchisedeck who received the Tenth of the Spoils from Abraham, its said, Levi, who received Tythes payed Tythes in Abraham; and further he saith, Here men that die receive Tythes; but there he received them of whom it is Witnessed that he liveth; now, what objection can be made from these words, Here men that die receive Tythes, but there, &c? the words hath relation to two times or places, or as here or there; as here in this time, and there in that time; for the Law being 430 years after [Page 122] Abraham, or after the Promise was made to Abraham, Galat. 3.17. must needs be nearer to the Apostle, or to the dayes of the Apostle, then the day that Abraham gave the Tenth of the Spoil to Melchise­deck, by so many years; so that he might well say here when he spoke of the Sons of Levi, and there when he spoke of Mel­chisedeck; but if any say it hath relation to the very Age and Day when the Apostle spoke it, (which is disputable) yet I may say now as he said then, Here men that die receive Tythes (yea such as are dead while they live) and not onely receive Tythes, but persecute, imprison, and in a manner rob for Tythes such as doth not give con­trary to Law or Custom, but I allow not such: I may say here Ministers in England Swear, Lye, Covet, Oppress and Persecute exceedingly for Tythes, and yet pretend to be Gospel Ministers; but I say again, I allow not such, neither believe they are Gospel Ministers; so this makes little (in my judgment) for Tythes under the Go­spel: Then again, there he received Tythes (viz. Melchisedeck) of whom it is witnessed that he liveth; and Christ is said to be a Priest for ever after the Order of Melchse­deck; [Page 123] Now if any infer from hence that Tythes or First-fruits belongs to Christ, as being, or coming in Melchisedeck's Or­der; I say, rather it hath reference to his immutability and unchangableness, then taking of Tythes; for its said, He was without descent, without beginning or end of dayes; and if it related to Tythes; first, I say to that, it was but the Tenths of the Spoils, and not of all his Estate and In­crease, clean and unclean, as they are now claimed: And secondly, I hope you'll grant Christ a Spiritual Priest, and there­fore, if any will give, it must be the First-fruits and Tenths of things Spiritual, and not Carnal, else there is no agreement nor coherence; For Sacrifice and Offerings he would not, for he being Spiritual accepts nothing but what is Spiritual, and pro­ceeds from the measure of his own Spirit and Truth in every one; and herein let as many offer and give unto the Lord as will, and as much, and as often as they will, I allow of it, if it be a Spiritual Offering in­deed.

Thus much in Defence of my Innocent Suffering, being thus far convinced in my [Page 124] Judgment, and perswaded in my Heart and Conscience, I dare not allow not yield to anything so noxious to my Con­science, and contrary to the Gospel Dis­pensation and the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus, being (as is before proved) in the first place figurative, im­posed for the time then present, until the time of Reformation: Secondly, being only an Ordinance among the Jews, and such as were under the Law, and not to the Gentiles, nor such as are under the Gospel. Thirdly, being claimed as Spiri­tual by Divine Institution, when as the extent and scope of the Institution is finish­ed and ended, and is therefore now no more Spiritual then the rest of the nine parts. And lastly, being generally dedicated, payed and received for the use and main­tenance of an Antichristian, dark Man-made Ministry, who only seeks ours, and not us; for which, the wisest and learnedst of them can neither produce precept nor president from Christ, or any other his Apostles, Ministers and Servants in the Primitive purity of the Church, being an old Ordinance of Moses renovated in the Romish Apostacy, and Traditionally dispers­ed [Page 125] by Papistical Authority over all the Europian Nations, as doth fully and larg­ [...]y appear in those pithy and ponderous works of the before recited Authors A. F. and F. H. this Title of Tythes having such a pleasant delightsom relish, it hath been still retained amongst all the Reformed Rulers in Church and State, who hath so largely professed to cast off the Papisti­cal Yoke.

Now I shall proceed to say something to those my Neighbours and Parishoners, amongst whom I have had my conversati­on in times past, and a society when I wrought the will of the Flesh, who have known my manner of life from a child; I say to such, what have I done? what have I thought? what have I acted or spoken that hath deserved any such measure as I have received from L. W? or what evil have I done? or what occasion have I given to any mans person, good name or estate at any time? especially since I associated amongst the People called Quakers, let him, you, or any of you, or any other person come forth, that can justly charge any thing against me, wherein I have dam­nified [Page 126] any one the value of a penny, and have denied to give satisfaction, or have offered violence to any one ones Dog, and I shall willingly (upon due proof) make acknowledgment and satisfaction to the ut­most of my power; for blessed be the Lord my Righteousness and Redeemer, there is no thing upon my Conscience and spirit, but what is between the Lord and my own soul in matter of my Testi­mony; yea, everlastingly magnified be the Righteous Lord my Preserver, to whose praise I desire to speak it, that though L. W. and many others have sought occa­sion, and have waited for my halting or falling, they have not yet seen it, nor got no occasion against me (save about the Law and Worship of my God, or the holding forth my Testimony and exercise of my Conscience towards him, for which I have been reviled, mocked and reproach­ed amongst you; yea, the Children in the Streets have played upon me with their tongues; this I speak to their (or their Parents) shame, but was as joy and rejoycing to my Soul, being for righteous­ness sake, the Blessing of the Lord was with me, and mine Enemies knew it not, [Page 127] nor they that dwelt in darkness saw it not.

This further I have to propound to you, whether ye can allow of it? or that it would be justifiable in the Law of Equity and true Judgment, that my Servant should sue you at Law, make spoil, and carry away your goods, and cast your per­sons into Prison, and after all seek to make your estates forfeit and confiscate, and all for the wages and recompence of the ser­vice he hath done for me? which of you would approve of such work, or of me in keeping such a Servant? I would you not rather say to me, if I have hired a Ser­vant, and imployed him, pay him and maintain him also; why doth he trouble you? what have you to do to pay him for my work, seeing he is my Servant? Is not this the case between me and you? Is not L. W. your Minister, and also your Ser­vant? And by what Law or Reason ought I to pay him for doing your service? Hath either you or he a president in all the Scriptures of any such unequal deeds? Did ye ever read of any of the Churches, or Servants of God in Ages past that used such things? I trow not; If I had distri­buted [Page 128] voluntarily it had been one thing, but being sued and compelled thereunto, therefore I complain; may not I say to you, why do you hire more Servants then you can pay? Or why do you keep more then you are able to maintain? Else, why am I thus persecuted for his maintenance? May not I speak this to your shame? be­ing so many (as I may say) for one Servant, you are either hard Masters, and very pe­nurious and strait-handed to your Servants, or else your Servants are very lavish, proud, profane and prodigal, and hath much maintaining: Did ever any Minister of ours (called a Quaker) come among you to sue & cast into Prison for their Maintenance and livelihood? or what would you say if they should? I believe you would con­demn both us and them; and indeed we should be greatly ashamed, if they should; for my part, I had rather administer to the last mite, then any such cause of aspersion should be given against us, and also testifie against them as no Ministers of Christ that preaches for any such ends; if they be Gospel Ministers, let their Gospel main­tain them, or let them labour with their hands; though many have said, we are a [Page 129] disorderly and unmannerly People; but I affirm we have better orders and manners amongst us then you have; for your Ser­vants are become your Masters, and Lords it over you, and both in that, and many other things, disorder and confusion is come over you, as they that built Babel of old.

I remember well what Malachi saith, complaining of the Priests, Mal. 2.2, 3, &c. to verse 9. I will send a Curse upon you, I'll Curse your Blessings; yea, I have Cursed them already: Behold, I'll eorrupt your Seed, and spread dung upon your Faces, and ye shall know that I have sent this Com­mandment unto you, that my Covenant might be with Levi; my Covenant was with him of Life and Peace, the Law of Truth was in his Mouth; for the Priests Lips should preserve knowledge; but ye are departed out of the Way, ye have caused many to stum­ble at the Law; ye have corrupted the Co­venant of Levi, (saith he) therefore have I made you contemptible and base before all the People. [Mark, now] Is not this the case and condition of the present Priesthood and Clergy of England, those neutralists, that are neither Ministers of the Law nor [Page 130] Gospel? hath not the Lord made them contemptible and base before all the peo­ple; yea, where shall a man come and have any discourse about them, but the most part, if not all, doth generally con­clude they are covetous, vile, proud and profane persons, Oppressors, Drunkards, Men-pleasers, Time-servers, Turn-coats, Heady and High-minded, lovers of pleasures and filty lucre more then of God, having a Form of Godliness, but denying the Power; but their folly shall be, (and is) made ma­nifest, it shall proceed no further, said the Apostle.

May not I say the Merchants of this last Age hath exceeded all that ever went be­fore them, they can trade on those dayes called their Sabboths, or Lords-dayes, and prohibit all others from either trading or labouring in their lawfull and honest voca­tions (but if they'll Play, Drink, Revel, Swear, and be Profane, there they may have liberty enough) on those dayes? Al­so, whether any have need of their Mer­chandice or not, or will come and Trade with them or not, or will take any of their Commodities from them or not; yet they have a Law, and by that Law [Page 131] compel them to pay, and that even their own rates what they demand; and if any refuse, then they'll menace and thunder out their Comminations, and Excommu­nications, and some they'll cast in Prison, it may be till death, and yet cloke them­selves over with the name of Gospel Mini­sters, and plead innocency, and say its the Law that requires it, and binds men to be subject to Ecclesiastical Cannons and Cen­sures; now, wherein doth their innocen­cy appear, unless in putting a white Coat above a black one, a Popish dress? and if the Figure be true, they are but out­side Pharisees, appearing white and clean without, and that in apparel only: Yea, I may say they are as expert wise Marri­ners (in that Babilonish wisdom) as ever Trafficked or Sailed upon the Waters of the Great Whore, they can Sail with any Wind that blows within the Circuit of Babylons Coasts; but that Prophesie comes to be fulfilled upon them, Evil men and Seducers shall wax worse and worse, decei­ving, and being deceived, &c. But blessed be the Lord the Day is dawned that de­clares them, and the Light that makes them manifest, with their all Abominations, [Page 132] and the Son is appeared that will disperse them as the morning mist, so that their skirts shall be uncovered, and their naked­ness shall be laid open, and their visage shall be no more vailed, for the Judgment of the Great Whore is come and coming, wherein all her Merchants shall weep and mourn, because no man buyeth their Mer­chandice any more.

So this Mite of my Testimony I have cast in, being but a Mite indeed in comparison of the many weighty, praise-worthy works, given forth by many of the dear and faith­full Servants of God upon this very Sub­ject in this very Age, from the breakings forth of the glorious Light in them re­vealed and made known; And for the clearing my Conscience in the sight of the Lord, I refer this to publick view, and give this Testimony to my Country­men and Acquaintance, or any others that yet see not the difference between us and the Priests in this very point; and partly for satisfying or silencing of others, especially the People of the Independants, or Congregational Church at Melmerby, (so called) who though (as I have said before) they once made the non pay­ment [Page 133] of Tythes an Article of their Judg­ment; yet have of late (since I became a Sufferer for them) whisperingly or clan­destinely condemned me in secret more then many (if not all) others that have less profession, and seem more profane, rendring me foolish, and unwise to suffer so much, and so long for such a trivial, external, tempory matter, as they call it; but to me it was and is no small matter, being to the contrary perswaded in my Conscience, and knowing by good ex­perience, and assured Testimonies, that I must stand or fall by obedience or diso­bedience to the manifestation of the Lords precious Gift and Light in my own Soul and Conscience; I therefore value not the Judgment of any Man, or People, (be­ing from the Light, the Line of True Judgment, and Rule of Life to me) and to be accounted a Fool is no new nor strange thing, for a Fool I am to their wisdom, as was the good and precious Servants of God in Ages past, For the Wisdom of God is foolishness with men; and casting things upon me behind my back, be­comes them not, it were more Christian­ly for them to admonish, or instruct me [Page 134] face to face, and to give me their advice and reasons in matters of this nature, which if I found to be more weighty, sound, and agreeable to the Witness of God in my Conscience, I should be very ready, willing and glad to receive them, and be informed by them; I am neither so far remote, nor so much a Stranger to them, (though my Principle may) but this way they chuse not, but makes war and fights as men that beat the Air hiddenly, or afar off, slighting and contemning my Princi­ple, and me for its sake, above most of People, as though I had been poysonous and infectious where I came, prohibiting some of their Society, (and Members so called) to have any fellowship or converse with me, or to receive either Books or Papers from me, or come where I was; and one of their leading Teachers (G. Nicholson by name) denied to make good their own Principles and Tenents, held forth in their own defence against us; and also to make good several contume­lious aspertions cast upon us (in my hear­ing) by him and others; and also denied to give an account of his faith and hope in Christ Jesus, saying, It was in vain, &c. [Page 135] with several such like matters which I shall now omit; and yet these People will be slighting and villifying us in secret; in­deed we have much more cause to have dis-esteemed them and their Principles, having more knowledge of both them and it, when we were amongst them, then ever they had of us or ours; and in vili­fying our Principles they speak evil of things they understand not, being a Trea­sure whose worth and value they never knew, the mystery whereof is hid and seal­ed from that state and nature they live in; we have known theirs, but they never knew ours; yea, for my own part I can truely say in the Light and Presence of the Lord, that I had more love and affection in my heart for those people, then any other Profession that was from the Light; yea, many a time I could have mourned in secret, & been willing to have undergone great hardship that they might have been won and gained to the Lord; yea, I could, as it were, have plucked them out of the fire many a time; other times my spirit hath been weighed and burthened, yea, filled with indignation against some of them that were Elders, Teachers and [Page 136] Leaders that caused the rest to err, who like the Pharisees of old, have shut the Kingdom of God, as it were; but I am sure they have drawn backward and hindred the Work of the Lord, both in them­selves and others; for they would neither enter themselves, nor suffer those that would, but have made war against the Light in themselves and others; and I testifie they are Strangers to the Covenant of Pro­mise, Christ Jesus the Light, the New and Living Way, who is the Light of the World, John 8.12. Who is in the World, and the World knows him not, and lighteth every man that comes into the World, John 1.4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. unto whom John came to bear witness, and yet how few will be­lieve? how few doth receive John's Testi­mony, though he was sent from God to bear witness of the Light? and all hold John as a Prophet; also, how few do re­ceive Christs own Exhortation, who said, While you have the Light believe in the Light, that you may be Children of the Light, John 12.36. no marvel if they receive not ours? may it not well be said unto them, Behold ye Dispisers and wonder, I will work a Work in your day, which [Page 137] though a man declare it unto you, yet will you in no wise believe, Acts 13.41. [Mark] ye Despisers that despise the Light, ac­counting it as as a thing of nought, (cal­ling it Natural, or Diabolical, or an unho­ly thing) esteeming it too mean a meat for your stuffed up stomacks, and cannot yet be digested by you; what better Te­stimony would you have? would you have one arise from the dead? here's John a man sent from God, and here's Christ Je­sus which rose from the dead, which death could not hold; also we have the Testi­mony of the Spirit of Truth, and having received this Testimony, we have the Witness in our selves, and can set to our Seals that God is true, John 3.35. and that there is no other way to the Father, but by Christ Jesus the Light, which is the Life and Blood of the everlasting Covenant, though ma­ny set it at nought, and will not stoop to so small a thing, yet all the Powers of Dark­ness cannot comprehend it, it will break thorow them all to your condemnation that are disobedient; and for proof there­of I appeal to every of your Consciences in the sight of God, and let the Light therein, which abideth in you, which [Page 138] is Truth and no Lye, John 2.27. let it declare for me whether any of you can hide you from it; If you take the Wings of the Morning (as David said) and fly into the uttermost parts of the Earth, it will find you out; do what you will it will declare the nature of your deeds; when you do evil at home or abroad, never so secretly, when no man sees, it will con­demn you, and when you do well it will justifie, and you will feel peace and joy in that work; it will tell you all that ever you did, as the woman of Samaria said, Is not this the Christ, come and see; then they came and saw and believed also, not because of her words, but by what they heard from him themselves, saying, they knew indeed that this is the very Christ, John 4.42. So be intreated (as a man would intreat his Friend whom he loveth) to come with the Samaritans, and see whe­ther it be not so as we have said; she was but one, and that a woman, yet they came forth with her to see if it was he, and it was he, and they believed; but we are many Witnesses, and testifie what we have heard, and seen, and handled of him: So once more (I say) be intreated to come [Page 139] and see; not to come forth after us, and fol­low us, as he said, Luke 17.21, 23. but to turn in your minds (I mean) to the Light of Christ Jesus in your own hearts, for the Kingdom of Heaven is within you, and there hearken to him that is the Light of the World; (Mark, the World is set in mans heart, Eceles. 3.11.) and when you have heard and obeyed, (for that is believing indeed) I question not but you will be ready to say with the Samaritans, That ye know that he is indeed the very Christ. So put not off by delays, but while the Lord calls do you answer, and while he seeks be you gathered, Prov. 1.24, 26. yea, while the Light and Love of God is with you believe in it, receive it, and walk in it; for darkness comes when no man shall walk or work, Joh. 22.35, 36. And the Light of the wicked shall be put out, and the Spark of his fire shall be quenched, Job. 18.5, 6. Then shall his Wrath and Fury increase, which will torment the Conscience for ever, where they shall feel the Worm that dies not, and the Fire that never goes out; then Sorrow, Mourning and bitter Lamen­tation shall fall upon them; then may they cry to the Mountains fall on us, and to the [Page 140] Hills to cover us; even they (I mean) that slighted their day of their Visitation, and hate to be reformed; For behold the dayes come that shall burn as an Oven, wherein all the proud, and all that do wickedly shall be as stubble; the day that cometh shall burn them up, and shall leave them neither Root nor Branch; but to them that fear my Name, saith the Lord, shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his Wings, and they shall go forth and grow as Calves in the stall; and they shall tread down the wicked; yea, the wicked shall be as Ashes under the soles of their feet, in that day when I shall do this saith the Lord; he that can believe it let him.

This is my Testimony given forth in the same Love wherewith the Lord my God hath loved me, not desiring to eat my morsel alone, nor yet to conceal the loving-kindness of the Lord, (which is held forth freely unto all) of which I am made a par­taker, according to the measure of that Grace and Love received in Christ Jesus, who would not that any should perish, but that all men might come to the know­ledge of the Truth and be saved; who was the First-fruits of Righteousness, leaving us an Example to follow his steps: So de­siring [Page 141] that all might come to partake of the same Grace with us, and walk in the same Light with us, where there is no oc­casion of stumbling; and come to drink of the same Living Water with us, which who­soever drinketh thereof shall never thirst again, but is satisfied for ever; this none knows save they that drink thereof, and they are but a few.

Having, for the Reasons aforesaid, com­mitted this to publick view, its now other mens (as well as mine) to judge of, and no doubt may be by some opposed, as well as by others approved; I therefore desire the discreet Reader (having soberly and piously pondered this short Treatise, in the fear of the Lord) not rashly to asperse either me or it behind my back, thereby to make my Principle or Testimony odious in the eyes of such as are weak and unstable in Judgment, but rather (having any thing to object against the Truth of any particular herein) to make known their Objections to me, either by word or writing, and I shall be ve­ry willing to be Christianly informed, or else to give a Christian information, and sober Reply for their satisfaction, and [Page 142] for the clearing and vindicating of every particular herein, according to that Ta­lent of knowledge that is given me to im­prove; and this I hope will be easily granted by such as is willing to do un­to me as they would have me (or others) to do unto them, which is according to both Law and Prophets.

Tho. Carleton

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