The new way of the bonny Highland Lad­die, &c.

To its own proper Tune.
I Crossed Forth I crossed Tay,
I rest Dundee and Edinborrow,
I saw nothing there worth my stay,
and so I bad them all Good-morrow
O my bonny bonny Highland Laddie,
O my bonny bonny Highland Laddie,
When I'm Sick and like to die,
thou'lt row me in thy Highland pladie.
For on the Cairn-mount I espi'd,
in careless dress a Highland Laddie,
Who briskly said, were't thou my bride
I'de row thee in my highland pladie.
O my bonny bonny, &c.
No Butter-box he seem'd to be,
no England Fop nor Lowland-laddie,
But by his Mein he was well known,
to be some Gentle Hiland Laddie.
O my bonny bonny, &c.
His Quiver hang down by his Thigh,
his mein did show his Bow was ready
A thousand Darts flew from his Eye,
and all fell down before his Lady.
O my bonny bonny &c.
'Tis silken Rooms and pearled Beds,
and laced Shoes is for a Lady,
But he can do't as wantonly,
in highland Trows & Belted-pladie.
O my bonny bonny, &c.
I will have no Commander Man,
Captain Col'nel nor a Cadie,
If all my Friends had sworn & said,
I'l have none but a Highland-laddie.
O my bonny bonny, &c.
But when we came to Stirling Town,
he promis'd to make me his Lady,
But all the Tocher that I got,
he row'd me in his Highland Pladie
O my bonny bonny Lighland-laddie,
O my bonny bonny Highland Laddie,
When I am sick and like to die
he'l row me in his Highland Pladdie.

THE Royal Shepherd's Happy Life

To the Tune of the Yellow haird Ladie: Or Janny Milking the Ewes.
HOW sweet was the time when we keeped our Flocks,
In Shades of the Mountains, and Caves of the Rocks?
How sweet were out Nights, how pleasant our Days,
When we sung till we slept, and pip'd when we raise?
Green Turf was our Bed, and for Break-fast we did
The Accorn and Earth-nut and Sallad provide:
We drank others Healths in the murmuring Stream,
And chanted our Notes to Phillis her Name.
How Glorious was I when dres'd by thy Hands,
With a Crown made of Lawrel and bays of green Wands,
With a Robe made of Rushes and Sword of the same?
No Cesar more happy triumphing in Fame.
My Hook was my Schepter, my Club was my Sword,
My Scrip was my Purse, these laid on the Board,
I presided in Council o're my loyal Band;
My Serjants and Macers were still at Command.
And thou my sweet Princess, how lovely's thy Grace!
Thy Mantle of Cypress, and Gown of the Grass,
Thy Bracelets of Dazies, with the Buds of the Rose;
Never Nymph was so charming amongst her proud shows.
We kiss'd and embraced and never had done,
From rising to setting and rising of Sun:
Had the Day been a Year, we never had pain:
Call back that sweet time, dear Phillis, again.


To its own pleasant new Tune.
AS I came up by Tiviot side
and by the braes of Branksom
There met I with a prettie Lass
that was both neat and handsome:
If that her mother say me nay
Then with the Daughter will I play
Whether that she will or nay
have at the bonnie Lassie.
Dame, gar fill to us more Beer
for lo here is more mony
And for our reckoning do not fear
so long as we have any
Gar fill the cup gar fill the Can,
Here is a health to our Goodman
We shall be merrie ere we gang
have at the bonnie Lassie.
I dream'd before it came to pass
that I would find her willing,
But yet I knew not what she was,
though she and I were wooing,
My thought my mind and mine intent
To seek that Lass was ready bent:
At last by order we were sent;
to quarter up at Branksome.
Her hastily I did espy,
though I was but a stranger,
A Ribband about her arm did ty
and told her of her danger
Sweet heart, I have sought many place
Yet never could I see thy face
Take pity and relieve my case,
my pretty bonny Lassie.
I need not to conceal my name
I'm born within this nation:
Bred in great Honour wealth and fame
and of high estimation.
Great Nobles were my cousins near,
And I a noble man of weir,
Therefore be merrie and make good chear
my pretty bonnie Lassie.
Then did she say, my only joy,
I will give you contentment,
If you will be my Venus boy,
and give me no affrontment,
'Twill credit me and all my kin:
If I your love and favour win:
My hapiness shall then begin,
when you my fancie pleasure,
My Father and mother will be glad;
to you they have relation;
Because you are a bonny Lad;
and well born in this Nation,
You shall dispose of half their geat,
And money get to spend by year
Both Meal and Malt, corn and Beer
for your sweet bonny Lassie.
He says I count not for your wealth,
for I have gold and money;
But I had rather have thy self,
for thou art neat and bonnie:
Sweet heart I'le be content of you,
if that they give me but a Cow
And I to thee do make a vow,
to be thy Venus servant.
It is not for thy Fathers geat,
nor for thy wordly riches,
That I am come a suiter here;
that we two may be matches
For I may have a Lady fair
Whose friends would gladly give me gier
She hath five hundred Merks a yeer,
beside my just proportion.
The lass with smiling lips then said,
this is a true narration,
That many a gallant lusty lad,
to me bears such relation,
Yea many an able prettie man
Would gladly give to me their hand
And bowe and be at my command,
but fortune now doth cross them.
Now wells me of my pretty Lass,
that has so soon consented:
I was but short while in that place,
whill she grew loving hearted
My gallant proper handsome Dove,
That was not strange and ill to woo
But presently did yield and bowe,
and granted me my asking.
Sweet sir, I could not say you nay
you are so well accounted:
My Madenhead had me give way,
When I saw you so mounted,
With Horse and harness speir and Shield
And Venus caused me to yeild,
'Mongst all my wooers I you weild,
because you were so gentle.
There's many suiters came to me,
before your Love began Sir
And bore me frequent companie,
but they no favour wan Sir
Now are they almost gone astray.
with many a shout and wail away,
That e're they should have seen this day
and what you do unto them.
I do disdain no Gentleman
that's born within this Nation,
For I'm a woman of the same
and of high estimation,
My mother says I am very sib
To the house of Branksom by the rib
You will be gallant Weft to Web
if justly put together.
At length into the North I went
to visit Friends and Father,
When I came back; some days being spent
her Mother thought me braver
She to her Daughter says, go down,
Thy lover now is come to Town;
Be kind to him and I a gown,
will give thee for thy pains, joy,
To go with him I will be glad
or do him any pleasure
Let us first wed then go to bed,
where I will wait his leasure.
Ye do me wrong to bid me haste
For I will run as he me chac'd
When shirt is clean, and cloaths unlac'd
from cold I'le strive to keep him.
Her Mothers bidding she obeyed.
and went into the Chamber;
Where he discours'd with her and plaid,
withouten noise or clamour,
He said, my love, thou hast some Skil
And bearest companie with good will
I wish I might remain here still,
it's neither cold nor frostie.
This is the place which I do love:
and is well keept in order:
And no man this will disapprove,
that lives in Southern Border,
Where nothing is of Iron or Brass
Then freely will I let you pass,
And hold you for a pretie Lass
for keeping all so cleanlie,
You Uncle is no friend to me,
I have him at envy:
He said I laid my love to hie,
before some companie.
But what ado had he think ye,
To meddle with my love and me
For love is laid in each degree
have at the bonnie Lassie.
Sweet Sir, I was once sore afraid
you had delay'd your coming
Your tarrying made me sore afraid
I wearie was with mourning
But now I neither tire nor irk
To bear you companie in the mirk
Then gar proclaim us in the Kirk,
and we shall wed together.
Each one said you would not return
nor come into this Nation:
Which daily made me for to mourn,
with grievous Lamentation;
But seeing you'r come back again.
Of your coming I'm right fain,
And altogether free of pain.
ye shall ly in my bosom.
When ye in into the Country came,
o then but ye were bonny,
My Mother took you in hir arms,
and said you were her honey
Then into Hawick did we gang
And of the way we thought not long
Of us composed was the Song
my prety bonny Lassie.

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