Corrant out of Italy, Germany, &c.

BY Civita Vechia / are passed by som certaine Captames / who have convoyed the Duke of Offuna in to Spaine / the foresaid Captames shall serve in the Catholike Armado against the Spring / which shall com to gither at Messina.

The Cardinal Borgina / is earnest at Napels / to receive the usua [...] gift / which the sam Kingdom doth present every 2. yeares unto the King of Spaine / he hath also caused the Beutylitie to com togither about the same.

The Prince of Daudemont who is heere pre­sent / doth view all things / hath beene the last Munday in the Castle S. Angelo / and gave the Souldiers 200 Crownes.

The extraordinarie Venetians Ambassador hath had Audience by the King of Fraunce / and seeing his Comm [...]ssion doth concerne the Busi­nesses in Veltan / and that the Crowne of France depends much upon the same / therefore it is thought that the said Ambassadoure shall have A speedie Answere.

Because the Speech goeth that the King will Admit those of the Religion at Rochell and els where in his dominions no assembl [...]s / therefore those Citties of the Religion strengthen them selves dayly / in the meane while they have sent theire Deputies to his Maj. att Court.

The last Munday arrived heere 11 Ships la­ded with woll and other Marchandises / from Alicanten.

The King of Spaine hath desired of all the Princes of Italy / that they should have in A readines those Souldiers which they are indeb­ted / to assu [...] him with and against the soring shoulde com to gither 7000 horse and footemen under the commaund of the Millanes.

Advise out of Switserland that the Cantons have begon another Meeting day at Vessell and received the French Ambassador very Lordly / there propositiō / is that they wil shake of frend­ship with Spaine / and eleave only to Fraunce / they hope through such meanes to get Veltolin againe / and likewise to bringhe other Matters in quietnesse / because the King of Spaine with the Nobility seeke onely but a free pas to Tyrol.

Bethlem Gabor Requires 500. Musquettiers for his gard / and many Hungarians gather to­gother and do intend to go in to Moravia to help them / the Generall Breyner lieth at Bruck / And there are 300 Souldiers frosen dead againe in the snoe / and likewise so many slaine / besides those that are taken Prisoners and sent to Pres­burgh.

It is confirmed out of Poland / that the same Camp is wholly overthrowne of the Turkes / and the Tarters do greate harmes through bur­ning and roving. Therefore A Meeting day at Marschow is kept. In like manner Bethlem Gabor doth threaten these Lands / if they make not peace.

The Lord of Seratin / is as a Moravish Am­bassador arived here uppō certaine condition it is hoped that he comes to make peace / the Earle of Buequoy lieth at the Fronters of Moravia / what he will bring to passe / time will reveale.

The Emperours Iourney is prorogued fom few dayes / because it is understood that the Duk of Beyeren / and the Duke of Nieuburghe are expected heere with the first / it seemes they shall be made Gouvernours in Bohemia.

The Mintmaster is som few daies since fetcht out of the quoyning house by the Gouverneur of the Cittie and with souldiers / and caried in to the Counsel House / there to be kept in holde.

Seeing the Emperours Strangs Souldiers have done greate hurt here this 5. weekes with roving and spoyling therefore the Duke of Lichtensteen ha [...]h caused proclamations to be sett A broad / and for bidden the foresaid roving upon greate punishment / also published that those that will com togither to buy and sell / and Trafficque may travaile in safty. And hath published cita­tions / that all the Bohemish States that are gone away must upon forfet of theire honour and goods appeare upon the appointed time.

Here is arrived a Post from weenen / with Letters from the Emperour to the Duke off Lichteusteen / and the speech goeth that the Em­perour wil shortly com hither / to keepe a meeting day in Bohemia / and to set the whole Kingdom in the former state and rest / there after shoulde also be A Parlement.

After that the States of Bohemia had sat in Counsel concerning our payment / and the Earle of Mansvelt besides other artikels unto the said States / he desired 12. hundred thousand Flo­rijns / but there is profferd them 800 thousand Florijns / of Don Mertin / and the Cittie there uppon to be givē over to the Emperour / and be­cause the tresuror of the Emperour is arived heer two dayes Agon / but hath not brought the fore­said promised payment with him / therefore the Earle of Mansvelt hath commaunded all the Captaines / to make timber ready to fortify the Cittie / so thar the accord is wholy broken again.

This Cittie is strongly fortyfied / and is dayly made stronger / and hier stand 13 very faire pee­ces of ordnaunce / and here is as yet noe want of provision / in the meane while these Souldiers run dayly out / bring in greate store of cattle / so that a Cowe is soulde for halfe a floryne / and an Sheepe for 12 Krijtsers.

The Earle of Mantsvelt shoulde goe to Sa­voy / and doth cause his Bagadge to be sent to Amberghe alreddy / and seeing that certaine en­couradgements are com from Amberge hither / that the Earle Sigmont of Brandenburg is exspected dayly to com hether / with 500 thousād Florijns for the Earle of Mantsvelt and for payment of the Souldiers.

Who begin to be encouradged thereby: after the arrivement of the foresaid / the Earle of Mantsvelt shal goe forward on his iourney and the said Earle of Brādenburg besides the Earle of Leeuwensteen shal be made General. And seeing our King hath 36000 men together in Moravia / and that Betlem Gabor shall com to him with 40000 men / and that the Moravians and Syle­sians have gathered A greate som of money / so shall not this Cittie be given over / and if so be the united do holde them by our King [...] then ther is good hope / that there cause shall have a good end.

A few dayes agon are 1000 horsemen / and 500 Musquettiers of Marquis Spinola folke sett over the Rijne with 4 peeces of ordnaunce / they give to understand that they will visite som vil­ladges that ly in Wetteraw be longing to the Palsgrave / as also the Graveship Hannaw.

This night they have beene at Wassenheym belonging to the Lantgrave Mauritius of Hes­sen / also at Niewēhaen and there abouts / which is the Palsgraves / they doe greate hurt / and in the mean while are those Townes wherein ly Spannish Garrishon very highly taxed / Oppen­heym must give 5000 Dallers / and other Tow­nes and jurisdictions pro rato.

The Duke of Saxen is arriveded heere yesterday aboute noone / he saith that Iglou have gi­ven themselves over unto the Emper: and those 700 Souldiers which lay there in / have sworne to the Emperour.

Also the Emperours Armey have parted them selves in to two Companies / the on beeing un­der the Duke Marimilian of Lichtesteen mer­ched to Zuaim in Moravia / and the other un­der the Generall Diepenbach is Marched against.

Brin also in Moravia / what they wil bring to passe / time wil re veale / for the Moravians ly in the said Citties very strong.

At Tirna / there is question fallen betwixt Bet­lem Gabor and the Nobles of Hungaria / aboute the caring away of the Crowne frō Presburge / which the said Betlem hath promised to bringh thither againe / he reports also amongst other things that he will remaine on the King of Bo­hemias side.

The olde Earle of Turne is at this present with in Tabor / for feare that the same Cittie shoulde give themselves over to the Emperour / and that then it shoulde goe with them as with those of Prage / he hath nine thousand men with in Tabor / the which he hath paid 4. moneths wages / and is resolved to defend himselfe to the vttermost toe / the speech goeth that the Mora­vians have taken in Cremys.

Wee vnderstand that the Marquis Spinola hath commaund from the Emperour / to Procla [...] ­me all those Citties for enimies / that have given themselves in to the Vnion / he hath ceased upon som certaine waggens loaded with MerchandI­zes going to towards Straufburghe / and sent them to Oppenheym / he doth purpose to doe the like against those of Vlm Worms / Nurenderghe and other the like places. The said Marquis hath taken in the Castle and towne Bilsteen / and found there in much grame and wine as also the Towne and Castle Meysenheym / be longing to the Duke of Twe-Bruggen lying not far from Keysers Lauteren.

We understand from Prage that the Sicknes ād dearth increaseth there very much which cau­seth the Cittizens and inhabitants to fly away dayly more and more / and forsaeke house and land / and give much money for A free paspot.

The King of Bohemia was pet at Breslaw / but the Queene was gone to Brandenburg there ly in Childebed / and is certaine that those of Sy­tesia and Moravia have promised to live and die with the King / here is writing also out of Mo­ravia / that his Armey is more then thirty thou­sand strong they exspect dayly more assistaunce from Hungaria / which Bethlem Gabor hath promised hence forth to pay / who makes greate preparation for warre against Austria.

Imprinted at Amsterdam by George Veseler, Ao. 1621. The 4 of Nanuari.

And are to be soulde by Petrus Keerius, dvvelling in the Calverstreete, in the uncertaine time.

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