CORANTE, OR, NEVVES FROM Italy, Germany, Hungaria, Polonia, France, and Dutchland. 1621.

From Rome the 8. of Iuly 1621.

THis wéeke commandement is made to all the Cardi­nals, being together Consistory, vpon paine of ex­communication, and to be punished in their bodies and purses, to call in and prohibite all Printed and written Collections of the Declarations, Decisions, and Inter­pretations of the Councell of Trent, therein comprehen­ded also the Decisions of S. Prospero Farinacio, Printed for the same matter.

The Letters of Naples mentioned, that a Register of all the parcels of money, which the Duke of Ossana, du­ring his gouernment in the banks of St. Iacomo had layd vp, was by a Post sent to Spaine.

The Vice-Roy is resolued to raise a new Toll vpon the fruits, whereby the Citie may pay the debts they are owing to the Cauallery and Foote-men, the Battaglioni for keeping the Sea hauens of the same Realme.

From Vianna the 28. of Iuly 1621.

The last Letters from Vianna doe declare, that the old Coun [...] Thorne with 4000. men, and all other things necessary, is ariued without any hinderance within New h [...]usell, from whence since, he hath made a great Sally in­to the Camp, and hath killed a great number of the Impe­riall, continuing to this present to doe the like day after day, bringing backe with him, both Horses, Chariots, and Souldiers into the said Fort. The other Hungari­ans likewise making daily excursons round about the said Towne, doe much indamma [...]e it. The meane while the Imperiallest ioyning together, doe defend themselues the best they can, hauing not had yet any meanes to batter the said Fort with the Cannon, albeit they are very neere 1200. strong.

The Hungarians haue also taken 6. Ships laden with wines and victuals for the Emperors Army, in the which now at last are arriued, the Commissaries or Muster-Masters with pay for their Souldiers.

From Newheusell the 24. of Iuly 1621.

Bethlem Gabor being in the field with 80000. Hunga­rians and Turkes, hath according (as the common re­port went) driuen the Imperiallest from Newheusell, whereupon the Count Bucquoy, who was shot thorough the arme with a Musket, retired himselfe 3. miles from thence, and his people died of diuers diseases. The Em­perour is rather to goe towards Lints, then towards Prague, and there is againe great flying out of Hung [...] ­ria and Creasta, for that the people there are put into great feares.

From Breslaw the 30. of Iuly 1621.

In Silesta the Emperours affaires stand but vpon bad termes, by reason that the rude and bloody Execution at Prague, had brought the Countrey into a new distrust and desperation, and therefore they held secret correspon­dence with the King Frederick and Count Mansfield.

From Lynts in Morauia the 25. of Iuly 1621.

After that the Baron Helmart George was carried prisoner to Lynts, Preaching was forbidden, which had béene continued in the Countries about Vianna, for that there was confiscations made, and the Preachers ex­pulsed.

In the interim was examined at Lynts the Lord Dep­tarenburgh, late Colonell of the said Country, and after­wards was led prisoner vnto the Castle, the chiefe Prea­cher of the said Countrey, and all his goods were seized on, without declaring the cause, and then being arriued all the Imperiall Friers, and it being told them that the Emperour had discharged them of their Oathes, and that thereupon they should take a new Oath to the Duke of Bauaria, that the States of the Countrey should come thither the 14. of that instant.

From Prague the 26. of Iuly 1621.

From Prague it is reported, that the Garison of Mar­quis Iagendorpe at Plarz did sally foorth and defeated neere Konningsgretz some new Companies of the Em­perour.

At Prague they had of late set at liberty the rest of the prisoners being Counsellors and Burgesses, except some which were yet to continue prisoners, for that the Em­periall Commissaries hauing dispatched their Commis­sion there, were to goe to Mora [...]ia, for to performe the like execution vpon the Lords that were prisoners there.

Those of Tabor as yet hold out, expecting daily ayde, because all passages are shut vp against them: the Mar­quis of Iagendorpe as yet hauing in all hast raised more forces, and hauing brought them vnder new Ensignes and Coronets, and caused them to take their Oath to the King Frederick, his people are retired againe from Risen­burgh to Glats, the meane while the yong Count Thorn is entred into the Dukedome of Teschen and Troppen, with 4000. Souldiers, and is Master of the chiefest pas­sages there, the Princes and States of Silesia, there le­uying new Forces there for the defence of their Coun­trey, and to send to the frontiers of Poland.

From Amberg the 29. of Iuly 1621.

The 2. Armies of Bauaria and Mansfield dayly ap­proach, the Count causing his new Fort néere Weithan­sen to be well fortified, & to accomodate his way through the Wood to Bohemia, many thinke that he resolueth to march with his Army forthright to Prague. The mean [...] while his people make diuers excursions vpon the Baua­rians, bringing good booties, and causeth his whole Army to reproach more nearer vnto the Woods of Bohemia. The troops of Weymer haue done great spoile vnder the Countries of the Langraue of Lutzenburgh, and when certaine Coronets of the Bauarian Horse-men approa­ched to take notice of the said Fort of Mansfield, they were not onely chased away, but pursued into Bohemia, and about 300. slaine in the way, those of Count Mans­fields [Page]returning with certaine Prisoners of store of Cat­tell, In the Army of the said Count Mansfield was expec­ted to come 3000. Souldiers from the Prince of Wey­mer.

From Ausburgh the 30. of Iuly. 1621.

Also it is written from Ausburgh, that the Duke of Ba­uaria bad caused to come to his Army the Horse-troopes of his Countrey, the Cloysters of Ausburgh are also to send the Horses they promised, the said Army consisteth of 14000. Foote, 3000. Horse, lyeth neare the Bishop of Archstat, and had they not come an houre to late, other­wise they had ouerthrowne the 700. Mansfieldian horse, which had done there so much hurt, and afterwards re­turned to Amburgh they are now resolued to goe with his Army to the high Palatinat to doe some exploits.

From Cullen the 27. of Iuly. 1621.

They haue already transported their Artillary and Chancery of the Towne and Castle of Cleeues to Em­meric [...]e for the more safety.

From Antwerpe the 1. of August. 1621.

Hauing intelligence from Antwerp that there are come from Genua, 45000. l. for the payment of the Souldiers, the King will also send euery month vnto the last of De­cember, to the end the Souldiers want not then pay, in the meane time they make also prouision for the yeare to come.

From France the 2 of August. 1621.

Furthermore I heard from France that the King hath changed the Magistrate and hath cashered all those of the pretended Religion, and [...]ot in their place great Papists being about to doe thy same throughout all France.

These dayes past the Directors which are appointed for the erecting of the affaires of the West India Com­pany haue caused to be published that all those which de­sire to put in stocke into the said Company there should declarr and specifie the somme & their particuler names the said Directors would kéepe their Session héere at Amsterdam, and else where vntill the last day of Nouem­ber next comming, and they haue already good summes towards the same.

From the Hage the 3. of August. 1621.

Since my last Letter the States and his Excellency haue published all their Frontiers aswell by Land as by Sea, may fréely make excurstions vpon the Spaniard and his adherents, and that notwithstanding they keepe good watch as they doe, and ours doe dayly get good booties.

The Elector of Brandenburgh doth also now leuy forces both héere and in the Countrey of Cléeueland, viz. Two regiments of Foote, and certaine Horse.

From Brussels the 4. of August. 1621.

Spinola's Souldiers especially the Italians doe flye away more and more for want of pay, so they come day­ly hither for a Passe and some small money for their voy­age.

From Brabant we héere that Spinola through melan­cholly is fallen sicke, for that his hopes and affaires an­swered not his expectation, because at this instant there must be a new supply of 10. or 12000. sent to the Empe­rour.

From Amsterdam the 4. of August. 1621.

At Amsterdam & in Zealand, are lately arriued 2. Ships from the East Indyes richly laden, estéemed worth 24. Tonnes of Golde, there being also arriued a Ship from Genua with 400. l. waight of Gold besides other Mar­chandizes.

A particuler Letter from Vienna certifying the Death of Bucquoy the 28. of Iuly, 1621.

THe Generall Count Bucquoy, being [...]one with many of his best Captaines and 400. men. to view the Fortresse of Newheusell to see if be could get any ad­uantage on them, was by the Hungarians surprized and inclosed before he could be rescued, and at last (his Horse being shot vnder him, and hauing defended himselfe vali­antly with his Pistoll and Sword, till he was wounded in 16. places of his body) was there slaine with some of big chiefest Officers and about a 100. of his Souldiers and amongst them an Italian Prince Torquat Conte, with some others chiefest of the Nobility, were taken Prisoners His dead body is carryed away by ours and thus this valiant Captaine lost his life and dyed coura­giously, being much complained. The 14 companies of Horse, that came to his outset, were by 3000. Hungari­ans set and driuen backe, whereby he could not be rescu­ed. At this time the Lord Rudolph van Diepenbach hath the commaundment, but the Wallons will not be ruled by him, and thereupon the chiefe Commander of Staadi­en is yesterday departed hence with money, and many Postes are sent forth againe, perhaps to procure another Generall. The speech goeth that the Archduke Leopoldus should take vpon him the generall Gouernment if peace may be concluded in Vettolina.

The Army is after this retired back, and gone to Pres­burgh, The Emperours Maiesty after this losse hath sent to Merauia a generall pardon for those that were in Pri­sons.

From Collen the 28. of Iuly 1621.

Some fewe dayes past, there came to Collen a holy Italian Frier of the Woldoenders order of the Corme­lites, whom the common people iudgeth to be a Prophet, because that hée had fore-told the victory of the Emperor against the King of Bohemia, and obtained it by his for­uent prayers. He is here receiued with so great deusti­on, that it is almost vnpossible to relate it, because that thorough the great presse of people, hée could not get with his Horse-litter through the stréetes of the Citie, where­vpon some rubbed their Beads to his garments, others cut some small péeces at his holy Cowle, and he that might kisse his hand, estéemed himselfe most happy. In summa, all those that were creeple, deafe, blinde, dumbe, and dis­eased, came running to him, who in time may yet be cured. Our Elector, hauing knowledge of his arriuall, came suddainly to him, who with great intreatings got the staffe of the holy man.

Imprinted at the Hage by Adrian Clarke, the 10. of August. 1621.

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