CORANTE, OR, NEVVES FROM Italy, Germanie, Hungarie, Poland, Bohemia and France. 1621.

From Venice the 1. of Iuly 1621.

HEre the longer the more, preparation is made for warres.

There was a Commission sent to Naples, and from thence to be sent to Millane, which is a bad token that Valtolina shall be restored.

It is written from Turnio, that the Duke thereof hath mustred all his Horse-men, and the greatest part of his Foote-men at Miraflores, and hath sent them to Cutri and Zenda, to what intent it is not knowne.

Letters from Genouo certifie that in the Sea by Cor­sica: There are 8. Turkish Shippes that doe great hurt, and from Bergamo it is written, That the Prouediteur Contarini hath sent men into Martinengo, whether most of the Commaunders, besides 6000. Foot and 2000. Horsemen are already come, it is thought they will for­tifie Romano, or some other places vpon the frontiers.

To Millane there are 500. crownes come by Letters of Exchange, and there are 4. Companies of Souldiers sent to Valtelnia.

The Duke of Sauoy hath committed the gouern­ment wholly to his sonne, and onely reserued the orde­ring of the warres vnto himselfe.

From Vianna the 29 of Iune 1621.

The 18. of this moneth, this Emperours Maiestie with a great houshold trayne rod to Sel, and in the morning betimes, before hee departed, the Denmarke Ambassadors tooke their leaues, and went from hence, but haue done nothing in the Palsgraues behalfe.

The Generall Bucquoy lyeth still before Newheusel, and makes strong sconces about it: Those of Diepen­bach haue cut downe the Milles, and those that are be­sieged expect 8000. men to relieue them, they issue out dayly. Bethlem Gabor is yet at Cascow, staying for the Turkish helpe.

The Earle of Colalde is yet with his Army at Reg­nitz vpon the Budianers Country There is Hongarian helpe come vnto them, and thereby they encountred together, and fought, in which fight there are many on both sides slaine, the certainety whereof is dayly ex­pected.

The 19. of this moneth, the Lord Helmhert Georg, was carried prisoner from hence, to the Duke of B [...]ua­ria, and there are also 9. persons of good quality cho­sen here out of 16. men to be examined, and are com­mitted prisoners.

The newes continueth, that the Marquis of Iagers­dorp hath the Princely Castle of Neusz, and hath taken the three Princely Officers and the Counsell into his security, that there are men taken vp openly in Neusz for Bethlem Gabor, and there is a thousand Ritters, and 1000. Muskatieres already entertained, and that the Colonell Lohuysen hath brought 30 thousand Duckets from Bethlem to Neusz, to take vp more Souldiers.

From Vianna the 30 of Iune 1621.

From Comorra Letters of the 19. certifie, that Buc­quoy, Maximilian van Lichtensteyn, and the Lord Die­penbach, with 40. Horsemen went out of the Campe before Newheusel, and were by the Hongarians that lay in the Woods set vpon and enclosed on all sides, so that none of them could escape away but hee was ta­ken, so that of them there is 18 of the principallest per­sons slaine, and those in Newheusel doe great hurt vnto our side.

From Prague the 29 of Iune 1620.

After the Emperours Commissioners had examined the prisoners here, this rigorous sentence was pronoun­ced against them, and sent vnto the Emperor.

A Register of the imprisoned Directors and others Sentence publiquely proclaimed in Prague the 19. of Iune, 1621.

1. Chiefe Landhoof Master. VVIlliam Poppel of Lobkowitz condemned to forfait life, honour, and goods, and to be beheaded, but by grace shewed him by the Emperour, he is condemned to perpetuall imprisonment.

2 Paul Ritschen condemned as before, Chiefe Chancelor but fauoured also as before.

3 Ioachim Andreas Schlick condemned to haue his right hand cut off, to be quartered, Burggraue of Carle­steyn. and his quarters hanged in foure places in the Streetes, his head to be set vpon the Bridge Tower, but grace being shewed him, hee is to haue his right hand and his head cut off, and set vpon the Tower.

4 Wentzel van Budowith condemned to haue his right hand, and his head to be cut off, and quartered, his quarters to hang in the Streetes, but grace being shewed him, he is to haue his head cut off, and set vpon the Tower, and his goods confiscate.

5 Christopher Harrand condemned to lose his life and goods, and to be beheaded. President of the Bo­hemian Chamber. Chiefe Se­cretary of the land. Vnder Chamber- r laine. Old Bur­graue of Carlestone

6 Casoer Capler, a man of 80 yeeres old, condemned to lose life and good, to haue his head cut off, and his body quartered, but grace being giuen him, hee must only haue his head cut off, and set vpon the Tower.

7 Procop Dihowfetzky, condemned to lose life and goods, to haue his head cut off, and set on the Tower.

8 Bobuflaw Michalowitzsch, to forfait life & goods, with the Sword to haue his head cut off, and his body quartered: but grace offered his head onely to be cut off, and set on the Tower.

9 Frederick Buchlau, to haue his head cut off, his body quartered, and to be hanged in the Streetes, but grace offered him, he is to haue his head onely cut off, and set on the Tower, and his goods confiscate.

10 Otto van Loss, quartered aliue, and his body han­ged vp, his head set on the Tower, but grace shewed, his head only is to be cut off, and set vpon the Tower, and his goods confiscate.

11 Hans Westrowetz, to bee executed with the Sword, and his goods confiscate, but grace offered, hee is condemned to perpetuall imprisonment.

12 Felix Wentzel, Pieto Petzschky, body and goods lost, to be beheaded, but grace offered, the execution is suspended.

13 Dionisius Escherin, Castle Hoffman body and goods forfaited, his two first fingers and his head to be cut off, and cast downe into the Castle ditch, but grace offered, his head shal be cut off, & his goods confiscate.

14 Wolfgang Haslawer sent to Raab in the frontier house.

15 Wilhelm Coningh Clunisby life and goods lost, to haue his head cut off, but his wife shall haue the goods that she brought restored vnto her.

16 Valentin Cochan goods forfaited, his head cut off, and set on the Tower.

17 Theodorus Sixts goods forfaited, but he is to re­maine in prison.

18 Tobias Steffegh, to haue his head cut off, and set on the Tower, his goods confiscate.

19 Christoph Keber as aforesaid.

20 Iohan Schultheitz van Katenbergh, beheaded, and set vpon the Tower, his goods confiscate.

21 Maximiliaen Hoshalig primas van Satz, as a­foresaid.

22 Iohn Iessenius Doctor his tongue cut out, quar­tered aliue, but grace giuen him, he is first to haue his [Page]tongue cut out, then his head cut off, and his body quartered, and the quarters hangd before the gallowes gate, and his head set vpon the Tower.

23 George Hauenschilt, beheaded, the right hand cut off, and both set vpon the Tower, his goods con­fiscate.

24 Leander Ruppel, as aforesaid, but grace offered his head is pardoned, and his hand is to be naild in the counsell House of the old Towne.

25 Hans Kuttenaver, to be hangd by a cord out of the window in the counsell House of the old Towne, his goods confiscated.

26 Simon Ruszschizky, as aforesaid.

27 Nathanael Wodinantzky, hangd on the gallowes, his goods confiscate.

28 George Sabiota, banished for euer out of the land, but grace offered the execution is stayed and hee rem [...]nes prisoner.

29 Melchior Tunprecht, banished out of the land, but grace offered, he is to lye a yeare in Irons, and to be sent to Raab.

30 Wentzel Washarky, his goods lost, and his head cut off.

31 Paul Pritzka, condemned to be prisoner a yeere.

32 Nicholas Altzstatter Raetsdiener, his tongue cut off, and naild vpon the gallowes, and after sent to be kept in Irons at Raab, but grace offered, his tongue to be nailed vpon the gallowes, an houre long, and then to be sent perpetuall prisoner to Raab.

33 D Borbanus his goods forfeited, and his head cut off, but grace offered he continewes perpetuall prisoner.

34 Gasper Casler, his goods lost, he must be hangd out of the counsell House in the new Towne, but vpon grace it is referred to a further time, and he must re­maine prisoner.

35 Elias Rossin the elder, his goods confiscate, and his head to be cut off, but grace offered, he shall stand in person till further Commission.

36 Hendrich Bock, shall be hangd out at the coun­sell House in the new Towne, his goods confiscate, but is stayed in person till further order taken.

37 Lucas Carbam behead, his goods confiscate.

38 Elias Kalzaver beheaded, his goods confiscate.

39 Ioseph Cubin. whipt & banished for euer.

40 Hans Sirela and whipt & banished for euer.

41 Nieen Heeren Dienaer whipt & banished for euer.

42 George Setzitzky, beheaded, his goods con­fiscate.

43 Michael Wedman, as aforesayd.

44 Simon Wakatsch, as aforesaid.

45 Iohn Cammaret banished a yeare out of the land.

The Lords, Princes, and States of Silecia hauing payd and discharged their Souldiers: The Marquis of Iagersdorp hath entertained the most part of them in his seruice, he hath besieged Neusz and other Bishops Townes as also the Earledome of Glatz, and after that entred into Behemia with tenne thousand men, with whom also foure thousand peasants haue ioyned, vpon Coning-Greetzer Creitz: and now they are in Smir­sisky borders; and hath already taken some Townes as Reisenberch, Castlitz and others where the Colonel of S [...]xon, with his seuen company of Ritters, and the Valstenie Souldiers are appointed to meete with the Margraue and to resist him, whose Souldiers runne o­uer all the Countrie, and kill all they meet: whereupon it is feared that the Earle of Mansfield will ioine with the sayd Marquis.

Colonel Frenck is suffered to enter into Tabor vpon condition, whereunto he is bound, to defend the same to the last man; and therefore Don Balthasar doth lit­ [...]le, hauing lost a great many men before it already.

Heere there is great griefe a [...]d sorrow made be­cause of the [...] Execution, and sixe women are al­ready dead of griefe, for their husbands Execution.

At Brin and Olmitz in Morauia; there shall also 20. principall persons be execrated: to morrow the Scaffolds shalbe puld downe againe in the old Towne.

From Welis the 2. of Iuly, 1621.

The Lord Helmhaert George, is brought into Lintz, where also other Lords are attached, and other lands Heren of the principalest persons, are noted and set downe of what religion they are; for that vpon the 9. of Iuly: the feoffment of the whole Countrie, ouer the Eus shall be made to the Duke of Bauaria, whereupon there is nothing to be expected but a whole refor­mation.

From Lintz the 2. of Iuly, 1621.

The 21. of this moneth, the Lord Eras [...]nus of Star­renberch, as also the next day, after the former Laner. Hofman Sigismund, Lodowicke van Palheim, was brought prisoner, as also Heer Helmaert George, who is the richest Lord in these Countries, also brought prisoner hether; as also Heer Christophel Bucher, and others also shall follow, and the Duke of Bauaria hath taken a note of the Emperiall Officers in the land, that vpon the 29. of this moneth, there shall be at his en­feoffment, vpon paine of 28000 Florins, and then hee will leaue this Countrie.

From Weidhuysen the 9 of Iuly, 1621.

Here in the Villages bordering vpon the Bohemi­an frontiers the Earle of Mansfields armie is freely quartered: The enemy daily shewes himselfe out of our sconses, that gaue many blind Alarums, vntill they fall to it earnestly.

Yesterday the Prince of Wiimaren with 1400. foot and 6. Cornets of horse came to vs, and there is yet a faire sconse by our men, made vpon the frontiers of Bohemia against the enemie, and euery Souldier that workes there on, hath 3. Batsers giuen them besides meat and drinke, when the sconse is ready, we shall see what will be done; specially when all our men are come together, as already againe there are 7. Cornets of horsemen with whom Captaine Paap at Ambergh, being ordained to ioine; there enterprise is [...]yet secret, the Souldiers are put in good comfort, but haue no money, the want of that makes the time long.

There is newes out of Constantinople: That the great Turke, is marcht forward, and hath caused a great somme of money, to be carried with him in his Armie, in Sultanes and Asperi, about 400 Tunnes of gold, he hath with him 300. great peeces of Ordinances, and a great Armie.

O [...]t of Polonia it is written, that the great Turkes Armie marcheth forward, and that he hath already sent 80. peeces of great Ordinances ouer the Riuer of Do­nau; it is sayd that he meanes not, to inuade Poland, but rather to enter into Hungaria.

By letters of the first of Iuly, from Roane it is certi­fied, that there is an agrement made by betweene the King and those of the Religion; that the Towne of S. Iohn de Angely, should yeild vnto the King, vpon con­dition that the Souldiers should goe out with bagge and baggage, and matches burning, that the gouernor Subise, should be made gouernor of Samue: Peter Armout a Iesuite confessor to the King, hath absented himselfe from the Armie, and is gon from it.

At Stockeholm there is a rickes day to be holden, where the King of Swethland, will be present: what will ensue thereof, we know not.

Printed at Amstelredam by Broer Ionson, Corranter to his Ex­cellencie, the 20. of Iuly.

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