Courant Newes out of Italy, Germany, Bohemia, Poland, &c.

From Venize the 25. of Iune, 1621.

AT Mylane are come bills of Exchange frō Spaine / conteyning 500000 Crownes / and foure Compagnies of Souldiors are sent to Deltlin.

The Duke of Savoye hath given over his ru­ling to his Prince / and onely retained to him selfe the Government of warre.

From Leon, the 20 of Iune.

On Frydaye last is the declaration of the King in favour of the Protestants published / and they that will gaine the contents thereof / must declare whether they will hould with the King or them of Rochel / wee thinke that the Kinge will not besiege it this yeare / but onely cause some For­tresses to bee made before it / and keepe some men of warre before it. To the ende there may no­thing come into it.

From vvelis the 25. dito.

The Lord Helmhart Georg is brought into Lints / where more other Lords also are arrested many other Lords are likewise sent for thither / for upon the 9. of Iuly the whole Land over the Ens shall acknowledge his Highnesse in Beye­ren for their Prince / as an unobligated pane / af­ter which there is nothing to bee expected but a generall Reformation.

From vvaid hausen, the 27 hereof.

The whole Army of Mansvelt is inquartered here / and in the Villages heere abouts against the Borders of Bohemia. The Enimie sheweth himselfe dayly without our skonses / which doth give blynde allarmes untill it is once in earnest. Yesterdaye is the Prince of Wymeren with 1400 Footemenne and six Cornetts Horsmen come un­to us. There is making a faire Schonce for us before the nose of the Enimie / upon the borders of Bohemia / and every Souldior that laboureth thereon is payd above his meat and drinke 3. batses a day / when this Fortresse is finished wee shall see whether it will be intended especially / when all the Souldiors bee together. There are also 7. Cornets of Horsemenne ordayned by the Captaine Paap at Amberg / the Enterprize is yet unknowne. The souldiors receive good com­fort / but as yet no monnye / by reason whereof the tyme might fall them to long.

From Vienna the 23. of Iuny.

The Emperours Majestie (accompanied with many Nobles / is gone from hence the 18. hereof yearly in the morning to Zell / before the Empe­rours departure the King of Dēmarkes Ambas­sadours tooke there leave / and so departed home­wardes / it seemes they have not effected much for the King of Bohemia.

The Generall Bucquoy lies yet before Nieu­heusel / ād proceedeth dayly in making of Schon­ses / the Governour Diepenbach hath taken from them the milles / though the besiedged have re­ceived 8000. Men to there assistannce / they fall dayly out uppon the Enimie / and doe him great hurt.

Betlem is at Cascau / where he expecteth Turkey assistance.

The Earle Colaldo is yet by his Armie not far from Regnits / upon the Budeans goods / and the speach goeth that the same Budeany should also have some Hungerish assistannce to him / En they countred with on another / so that many are slain on both sides.

The 19. hereof is the Lord Helmsart George caried prisoner from hence to the Duke of Ba­varia. In like manner 9. worthy persons of the Wenegers taken prisoners out of 16. which were Examined.

It continues / that those under the Earle of Iagersdorp have over com the Dukely Castle Neus / and taken 3. of the Chiefest Dukely Offi­cers in apprehension.

At Neus are (as the speech goeth) openly folke levied for Betlem / and there is taken on allreddy 1000 Horsemen and 1000 Muskettiers / and the Governour Losuisen hath brought 30000 Duc­kets from Betlem to Neus / to conscrive more Souldiors.

From Prage the 25. herof.

The Execution at Prague over the imprisoned Lords Knights and Cittizens is accomplished upon the 21. of Iune / in manner as followeth: Diz. The 19. heereof are those of the old and new Cittie caried into the Castle / with a strong Convoy or watch / and there the Emper. Com­missioners reade apart every ones Sentence / which beeinge done / they were caried againe in­to there Costodie / and there (through promission of the Commissioners) went too and fro unto them Dutch and Bohemish Preachers. The twenty heereof are the Prisoners which lay in the Castle caried into the Cittie house of the Olde Cittie / where they passed the whole night with singinge and praying / untill the Exe­cution began / which was at 5 a Clocke / upon a Schaffold afore the Cittie house / and lasted till 9 a Clocke / being al fynisht by the Hangman / over these 25. specified persons / as followeth: Viz.

The Lords of the Cittie-house.
  • 1. The Earle Iochim Andrew Slyke (Direr­tor in the Olde Cittie) was first beheaded / and the right hand chopt of / the which with the head were set upon the steeple / by the Bridge / and the body buried.
  • 2. The olde Lord Mentzell of Budweys / was beheaded / and his head was sett uppon the said steeple.
  • 3. The Lord Christopher Harrant (lately Chamber President of Bohemia) was behea­ded.
  • 4. Caspar Kapliers / beeing olde 80. yeares / and the head sett up.
  • 5. Iacob Swersenksy.
  • 6. Frederick van Bisan.
  • 7. Hendrick Otto van Los.
  • 8. William Cornet Clumpsky.
  • [Page] 9. Bousion van Michalowits / these were be­headed / and theire hands chopt of / and sett up the said steeple.
  • 10. Dionisius Tscheruin / lately Staes / Chiefe Officer / he was beheaded.
Cittizens of the Olde Cittizens.
  • 11. Valesyn Kochen.
  • 12. Tobias Steffens.
  • 13. Christopher Coler.
  • 14. Iohn Schietheys / Pr o. of Kuttenbergh.
  • 15. Maximilian Haselleck Susat / Pr o. of Sta­tes / these were all beheaded / and their heads stuck out upon poules.
  • 16. Doctor Gessenius / lately Professor in the Colledge of Caroline in the olde Cittie / first hts tongue was cut out / then beheaded / quartered and hong uppon 4. stakes / in the passadge to­wards Weenen by Raben.
  • 17. Leander Roppell / Hedelverghes and other Printes Counseller and Agent.
  • 18. Hans Guttenau / Kaptaine of the Cittizens in the old Cittie.
  • 19. Symon Sitzky / one of the Counsell / these were hanged out of the Windowes afore the olde Counsell house.
  • 20. Nathaniel Botniaulksy / Bohemishe Pro­curor / is hanged uppon the olde Citties Gal­los / uppon the same place.
Counsellors and Cittizens of the new Cittie.
  • 21. Wentzel Matschuropsky.
  • 22. Hendrick Bacle.
  • 23. George Resisky.
  • 24. Michell Witman / and
  • 25. Symon Hocheketsch / these are all beheaded.

Lord William Poppell / is yet kept prisoner untill hes Majesties Resolution.

The same day was also in a Counsell Servant Niclaes Nailde unto the Gallos by his tongue / where he stood so an houre long / and thereafter condemned in the prison / he did the second day.

More others were whipt / and certaine banisht the Land.

Tabor remaines yet strongly against the Em­perour / they fall out dayly / and Schirmidge with the besiegers / likewise the Country men in Co­ningreetzer Creyts doe holde them selves in Armes against the Emperour.

From Prague the 26. hereof.

The Nobles of Silesia have paid all there Souldiors and casshierd them / but most of them are entertained againe of the Marckgrave of Iagersoory / who hath invaded Neus / and other Bisshoply townes / as also the Earleship Glats / and presently after he marched into Bohemia with 10000. Men / unto whom 4000 Country­men have joyned them selves in the Shire Co­ningreyts / and at this present are in the Domi­nions of the Smirsisky / they have surprised some certaine little townes already / as Reysenberghe / Costelits and others / wherefore the Governour van Sassen hath Commission to meete the said Marckgrave / with his 7. Companies of Horse­men / and the Souldiors of Walsteyne / to in­counter with him. Whose Folke doe pilladge every where / and flaye al they can lay hands on / wherefore heere is great feare that Mansvelt will joyne him with the said Iagersdorp.

The Governour Frenck is let into Tabor / because he hath highly bound himselfe to stand it out to the last man. Don Balthasar brings little to passe / but he hath lost 400. of his Men before Tabor.

Heere is great sadnes by many / conterning the Execution last / and 6. of the Executed Mens Wife are disceased for griefe of the losse of theire Husbands.

At Brin and Olmits in Morabia shall like­wise 20. Lords be Executed.

To worrowe the Schaffolds shall be broake downe heere.

The Walsteynish Souldiors would this day have saccaged the Iewes / but agreement is con­cluded by the Generall / and the Iewes shall pay 12000. Florines.

Fom vienna the 24 of Iune.

From Comorra is written the 19. of this pre­sent / that Buequoy / Maximiliaen van Lichten­steyn / and the Lord van Dieppenbach / had given themselves out of there Camp before Nieuheusel / and the Hungarians which lay in the woods / sal­lied out / and so invaded and circuled thē round a­bout / so that they very narrowly eschapped from beeing taken prisoners of the Hungarians / for 18. Chiefe persons were taken pr [...]foners / and those af Nieuheusel doe ours great hurt.

From the Hague the 5 of Iuly.

In the Hague is arrived a Gentleman from the Kinges Camp before S t. Iean d'Angely in Fraunce / he hath obtained audience the 4. hereof with the ordinarie French Ambassadour in the Hague / by the Highe and Mightie States / and as it is for certaine reported he hath sought for 4000. Souldiors and certaine Ships of warre to goe against the Protestants in Fraunce / which did seeme very strange to the States Generall / it is thought that he will not obtaine any thing.

The third heereof the said States have given the Polish Ambassadour his full expedition / and it is thought he hath obtained nothing, upon al his propositions.

We heare from Brabant / that Spinola makes him ready to mnster his souldiors / and to march into the Fields / the said Spinola hath received 3. Millions of Golde and Iewels brought upon Asses from Spaine / to pay his Folke with all / wherefore the Spaniards have received twoo Monethes wages / and the other as yet have no­thing. It seemes Don Louys de Valasco, is sett of from his Generallship over Chavillrie, and the Earle Hendrick vanden Berghe is sett in his place / whereupon he is gone to Spaine. It is thought that Spinola hath wronght him this deede.

Printed at Amsterdam, By GEORGE VESELER. The 15. of IULY.

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