Courant Newes out of Italy, Germany, Bohemia, Poland, &c.

THe Prince of Conde hath sent in the Church of Santa Loreta / a Forteresse of Siluer broad four hands / wherewithal he hath ful­filled his vowes done in the Bastilles.

Thurs [...]aye last the Pope hath solemnely knighted t [...]e Lords Iustiane / Anthony Gir­many and Reynir Zino Embassadours of Ve­nize / and graunted to every one a chaine of Gold / whereupon they departed.

The Pope during the Germane warres s [...]ould mainetayne for the Emperours Majestie 3000. Footmenne and 1000. Horsmenne / and besides giue a contribution of 50. thausand Crownes monethly.

They of the Cittie of Berne have saccaged a abbey / in the Land of the Grab [...]nders or Gri­zons / and have killed many of the Catholikes / whereupon Leopolds men being 6000. did fall in / and those of Be [...]ne were driven backwart to the Cittie of Chur. Because of this sedition the Gover [...]o [...]r of Milan have sent 2000. Sol­diors in the Forteress o [...] Veltolin / but the Ve­ne [...]ians have hi [...]dered unto them the Passe / but afterward passed by force / whereupon many were slayne / and the deliueringe of Deltoline is also hindered / because the Pope is very angry for the Sayde Saccaginge. In meane time the Archiducke Leopoldus neere to Deltkerc­kan and Lindaw the Bounds of Helvetia cau­sed to bee made twoo skonses.

From Constantinople is signifyet the Greate Turke iourney with many Basses and other Lords towards Adrianopoli / where the Tur­kes make assembly of twoo Armeys / the one of 150. thausand menne the Great Turke should conveye thoroug the Valachie into Poland / the other of 100. thausand menne should take his waye towards the Moldaw / and the reman­ninge part should defend the Pounds of Hun­garia against the force of the Christians. In meane time the Kinge of Poland (wel provided and armed) should haue slaine the Tartarians / and the Cosackes likewise saccaged the Cittie of Travisuntium / and threathned with 300. She [...]s to go for Constantinople / but many ships wel armed with peeces of Ordinance are sent agai [...]st them.

Notwithstandinge that Stensel Thurso hath beene in treatise with the Counte of Bucquoy / the Hungarians never thelesse in Neuheusel would by no meanes yealde or consente / but haue threathned rather to deface the sayd Thurso / then to deliuer themselves / and there­fore this weeke many peeces of Ordinance and munition is conveyed thither / to constraine it with Shoting: Likewise are thither sente 600000. Florines / and 200000. Florines in Iewels / to paye to our Souldiors 3. moneths of wages. In meane time the Hungarians are continually in skirmigges with ours / and Betlem Gabor should fortifye himselfe at Cas­sau to succour and deliuer Neuheusel / but the Lord Setschi should hinder unto him the Pas­sage.

On this part the Earle Colaldo hath taken the goods of Budany out of the invincible Cas­tle of gissingen / and hath gotten a great quan­tity of corne and wine and he proceedeth now forward to Papa and the Cauish Bounds.

In Moravia some notable Lords and Citi­zens are againe emprizoned / with whome the Execution / as likewise with them of Prague / should bee advaunced this weeke / and Eras­mus and Geordge of Landaw schould bee as Prisoners with the first conveyed to this Cittie.

The 7. of this moneth / the ould Martin Fau­wijn / one of the prisoned Directors / leaped from the higest of the white tower into the Moatt and dyed presently / his body is yesterdaye quar­tered / and brought upon the high wayes / but [...]is Head and right hand is fastened upon the gallowes in the New towne / they saye the Exe­cution of the other Prisoners should be done upon Mourdaye or Tuesdaye next.

Because the menne of warre are dismissed in­to Slesia / therefore from hence some Captai­nes are sent thither with money for the states of Bohemia to haue yet a whole Regiment for t [...]e Emp. Maj. But they say that the Marckgrave of Iagerendorp likewise conscribeth of the same menne / with whome are ioyned the iounger Earle of Thurne / the Superiour Scheretin Stabenbol and others. The Citie of Tabor keepes yet / skirmishing dayly with theyr enne­mies / keeping no quarter on both sides / but al Soldi [...]rs that are taken were presently hang­de. The Superiour Frenck is hier also.

The Emperours iourney hither / should bee upon the 5. of Iuly and the Electorial day at Regenspurgh the 1 of September.

The Peasants of Bokemia / that have ioyned them (whereof is rehearsed in former time) in­crease dayly more and more.

The Colonnel of Wallensteen / was wel sent against them to slaye them / but findinge him­selfe to weake / is returned home without any effect.

The Earles of Mansvelt hath conscribed so many of the demissed menne of the Vnions Princes / that he hath now a Armey of fifteene thausand menne / what he schall effectuate with the same / shall appeare heerafter.

The Emperours Majestie hath giuen a Bancquet these oad dayes in the Court unto the Embassadours of the Kinge of Denmarcke / and entertained them through the Superiour the Earle of Vorstenbergh

The Earle Colaldo is with his menne neere Loment / and his matters do not proceed wel / because the Budian fortifyth himselfe more and more / and expected yet 3000. menne / and under­taketh like wise to diverte some Spanschaps of the Emperour / and because the Earle is weake [Page]of Horsmenne / Bucqu [...]y hath sent unto him some more / and the like should be done from Stiria. At Crems haue a congregation of the 7. free Berghtownes / and sent theyr Em­bassadours to the Earle of Bucquoy and the Palatino / and delivered theyrselves in the pro­tection of the Emperial Maiestie / as likewise hath delivered them Coninckgrade and other limites or Bounds. And at Brin and Olmits 20. Lords of Moravia are arrested againe.

The menne of the Duke of Weymaren are already arrived in the Army of the Earle of Mansfelt. The Horsmenne with some Com­pany of Footmenne are neer the Bohemian Bounds or limites / neer unto Tachau and Drouwenberg / and the Horsmenne of the Marc­grave Sigismundus are dayly expected / so that the Earle of Mans felt increaseth in great strength / and conscribed yet 2. Regiments of Footmenne / wee expecte whither it shall bee directed.

And there is a strong mutual Bond and Con­federation betwixt the King of Bohemia / Den­nemarcke / Sweden / Lowsaxonie and the Low Confederated lands erected and confirmed / so that it appeareth that the warre shall rise on al parts. The Duke of Bavari [...] formed his men­ne of warre at 5. Monsterplaces / and taking in hand the Executiō against these lands / hee shall find perhaps resistaunce enough.

Concerninge the matter of warres in the Palts / prolongation is taken until the 30. of this moneth. The Spaniars under the com­maundement of Don Consaluo de Cordua be­ginue to runne away apace / and many passe dayly throug Heydelbergh / where Letters of passage are graunted unto them / to passe tho­roug the Country without any disturbaunce or hinderaunce / many likewise dye for hunger and want / so that the Spanish host mightly decea­seth and affoyblisched in number.

Monsieur Montalon / hath desired and requi­red in his Proposition / that the Grisons should never make any more correspondence / freend­ship / consederation or leagues with any Prin­ces / and specially not with the Republike of Venetia.

Hath required likewise of the 5. places / and of the Cittie of Zurich that they should call bakward theyr menne of warre / which the 5. places have consented and yealded / and a great part of them come homward.

Zurich hath answered / that when the Archi­ducke Leopoldus should take his menne of warre from the limites / and the Kinge of Spai­ne should delivered againe unto the Grizons the Veltoline / that then they are ready to fur­ther bakward theyr Regiment.

The General Veer / traveleth up and down in the Palts to Visite the troupes / and caused li­kewise the Rhyn-bridge at Manheym to bee demolished / but as it is refered / with no other consideration but that the Sulpenlio Armorum should inviolably bee keept / will not permitte neverthelesse that the Spaniards should exact and require any coutribution of the subiects / because they could not maintaine it when Spi­nola was with them. It seemes that the Spa­niards haue no great minde to remayne any longer / because it is al wasted and consumed in theyr quarters / and no Prices are more to bee had.

Of the departinge neverthelesse of the Spa­niards is no newes yet / in meane time the countrey menne are miserably vexed / a nd upon the Limites they beginne to offende one a other which perhaps shall cause greater troubles.

It is signifyed hier that the Marquis Spi­nola should proceede in the Field the 25 of this moneth / h auinge warned and conscribed against that time al his Commaunders / Superiors and force of menne.

The Fortification of Wesel is advaunced mo­re and more / a nd the Earle Henry vanden Berg is expected there with the horsmenne: they haue undertaken likewise to fortifye the Cittie of Rhijnberck.

The Spanish Garrison in the land of Gulick hath receaved as yet no money / but they hope shortly to get it.

At Herentals and some other places the Gar­risons began to murmure / but it is [...]anifested / and many are apprehended / who are in great daunger and trouble / many likewise arun­fled.

The Duke of Nieuburgh is at this time at Dusseldorp.

Printed at Amsterdam, By GEORGE VESELER. The 5. of IULY.

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