[blazon or coat of arms of the City of London]

Commune Concilium tentum in Camera Guild­hald, Ciuit. London, tertio die Octobris, Anno Regni Domini nostri Iacobi, Dei gratia, Angliae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, Regis fidei defensoris, &c. vicesimo, & Scotiae quinquagesimo sexto. Coram Edwardo Barkham Milite, Maiore Ciuitat. Lon­don, Petro Proby Maiore electo eiusdem Ciuitatis, Heneagio Finch Armigero, Recordatore Ciuitat. praedict. Thoma Bennet milite, Thoma Lowe milite, Willielmo Cokaine milite, Martino Lumley, Willielmo Gore, Cutberto Hacket, Richardo Herne, Ricardo Deane, Iacobo Cambell, Edwardo Allen, Roberto Ducie, Georgio Whitmore & Nicholao. Rainton Alder­mannis ac Iohanne Hodges Aldermanno, & Humfrido Hamford milite & Aldermanno dicte Ciuitat. Nec non Maiore parte Communiariorum eiusdem Ciuit. existent, assemblat. &c.

WHereas Blackwell-Hall anciently hath beene, and is a Common Market place, principally instituted and ordained for Clothiers, thither to bring, pitch, put to sale, and sell their Clothes, and the Clothyer by him­selfe or his houshold seruant heeretofore, hath vsed to make his owne sales to the Merchant or Draper, to his profit and good content. But now of late diuers persons haue cunningly interposed themselues to deale as Factors and Brokers between the Merchant, Dra­per, and Clothier in the saide market, and by theyr in­direct meanes working aswell vpon the Buyer as vpon the Seller, do either much aduance or debase the price and value of the Cloth, so brought to the saide market at their pleasure, to the great preiudice and greeuance of both Merchant, Draper, and Clothyer: of which abuse, pra­ctise, and ill dealing of Factors and Broakers, the Clothyers of the Citie of Worcester, vnder the Common Seale of that Cittie, and the Clothyers of the Towne of Redding in the Coun­tie of Berks, haue greeuously complained and petitioned to the Court of Lord Maior and Al­dermen, for some redresse therein.

For reformation whereof, Bee it therefore enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Maior, the Aldermen his Brethren, and the Commons in this present Common Councell as­sembled, and by the Authoritie of the same, That from and after the Feast of All-Saints next comming, no person or persons, shall deale or intermeddle in the saide Market place of Black-well-hall as a Common Broker or Factor, for or between the Clothyer, the Merchant, or Dra­per, or for or betweene the Merchant and Draper, for any Worcester or Redding Clothes, or other Clothes made in either of the Counties of Worcester or Berks; or take vpon him to sell any Clothes of either of the saide makings, other then the Clothyers of the said Counties, or their owne houshold seruants.

And if any person shall offend, contrarie to this Act, hee shall forfeite and loose the summe of fiue pounds for euerie Cloth so sold, contrarie to the intent of this Acte, the one halfe to bee employed to the vse of the poore Children harboured in Christs Hospitall, and the other halfe to him that shall first giue Information of the saide offence, to the Chamberlaine of the said Citie for the time being.

Which paine, penaltie, and summe of money to be forfeyted by vertue of this Act, shall bee recouered by and in the name of the Chamberlaine of this Citie for the time being in the kings Maiesties Court holden before the Lord Maior and Aldermen of the Citie of London, in the Chamber of the Guildhall of the said Citie, by Action, Bill, or Information, wherein no Es­soigne, Protection, or Wager of Law, shall be admitted or allowed for the Defendant. And if the suite shall passe for the Plaintiffe, hee shall recouer against the said Defendant, his ordina­rie Costs of suite. And after the recouerie had, the forfeyture so recouered, to be employed ac­cording to the true intent and meaning of this Act. And if the suit shall passe against the plain­tiffe, the defendant shall recouer his ordinary costs against the plaintiffe.

❧ God saue the King. ❧

London Printed by William Iaggard, Printer to the Ho­nourable Citie of London.

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