THE COPIE OF THE Kings Maiesties Letters Patents for the making of Allomes, in ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, and IRELAND, or in any other his Maiesties Dominions made to WILLIAM TVRNOR, &c.

THis Indenture made the one and twentieth day of Aprill, in the yeeres of the raigne of our Soueraign Lord IAMES, by the grace of God King of England, Scotland, Fraunce, & Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. That is to say, of England, Fraunce & Ireland the eighth, of Scotland the three and fortieth. Betweene our said Soueraigne Lord the Kings Maiestie on the one part, and William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler and Thomas Iones of London mar­chants on the other part witnesseth: That wherea [...] our sai [...] Soue [...]igne Lord the Kings [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] Maiestie,The letters Patents to the Lord Sheffeylde and others. by his Highnesse letters Patents, sealed with the great seale of England, bearing date at Westminster the third day of Ianuary in the fourth yeere of his Raigne of England, Fraunce and Ireland, and of Scotland the fortieth: For the considerations therein expressed, did giue and graunt vnto his trustie and right welbelo­ued Edmond Lord Sheffeild, Lord President of the North parts, and to sir Thomas Challoner knight, sir Dauid Fowlys knight, and sir Iohn Bourchier knight, then by the name of Iohn Bourchier esquire, and to euery of them, their and euery of their executors, administrators, and assignes, diuers absolute, full, and free li­censes, powers and authorities as therein are mentioned, for touching or concerning the sole and onely making of Allomes and the li­quors thereof within the Realmes of England, Scotland, & Ireland, and euery or any of them, and in all other his Maiesties dominions, for the terme of one and thirty yeeres next ensuing the date of the said letters Patents (except as in the same letters Patents is excepted) yeelding & paying therefore yeerely vnto his Maiestie,31. yeeres. his heires and successors, from and after the terme [Page] of two yeeres next comming after the date of the said letters Patents, the yeerely rent or yeer­ly summe of seauen hundred pounds of lawful English money, at such place and times, and in such maner and forme as in and by the said let­ters Patents the same is limited and appointed to be paid, as, in, and by the said letters Patents more plainely appeareth.The Paten­tees grant to the Mer­chants vn­dertakers. And whereas the said Edmond Lord Sheffeild, sir Thomas Challoner, sir Dauid Fowlys, and Iohn Bourchier by their In­denture bearing date the third day of Februa­ry, in the said yeeres of the raigne of our said Soueraigne Lord the Kings Maiestie that now is, of England, Fraunce and Ireland the fourth, and of Scotland the fortieth, did grant to the said William Turnor and vnto Nicholas Crispe, Ellys Crispe, William Hynde, and Abraham Chambrelane of London Merchants, and to euery of them, their executors, administrators and assignes, and to their deputies, factors, seruants and as­signes, and to all and euery of them full and absolute power and authoritie, that they their executors, administrators, factors, deputies, ser­uants & assignes, should or might at all times, and from time to time during the said terme [Page] of one and thirtie yeeres in the said letters Pa­tents mentioned, digge open and worke for all maner of mines and ewers of Allomes, and the liquors thereof, aswell within all or any the se­uerall lands or grounds of the said Lord Shef­feild, sir Thomas Challoner, sir Dauid Fowlys, and Iohn Bourchier, or any of them within the Countie of Yorke and elsewhere wheresoeuer within the said Realmes of England, Scotland and Ireland, as in & vpon such other grounds, lands and possessions within any his Maiesties dominions, as they the said William Turner, Ni­cholas Crispe, Ellys Crispe, William Hinde, and Abra­ham Chambrelan, or any of them, their or any of their executors or assignes should agree and compound for with any the owners thereof in as large and ample maner as the said Edmond Lord Sheffeild, sir Thomas Challoner, sir Dauid Fowlis and Iohn Bourchier, and euery or any of them their heires or assignes, could or might in al such places as are mentioned in the said reci­ted Indenture (except as in the said Indenture is excepted) together with such free ingresse, egresse, and regresse, and such other authority, benefit, libertie and priuilege as in the said In­denture [Page] is at large expressed and declared. By which Indenture it was couenanted, conclu­ded and agreed by and betweene all the par­ties to the same Indenture: That from and af­ter all allowances, paiments, disbursements, and deductions of all such summe and sums of money as they the said William Turnor, Nicholas Crispe, Ellis Crispe, William Hinde, and Abraham Chambrelan, their executors, administrators or [...]ssignes, had or should pay or disburse in or [...]bout the making of Allomes, or the liquors [...]hereof, together with the interest thereof after [...]he rate of ten in the hundred for the forbea­ [...]ance of one whole yeere. That the twentieth part of all such cleere gaines and proceed of all such Allomes as should be made vpon the grounds of the said Edmond Lord Sheffeild, sir Thomas Challoner, sir Dauid Fowlis, and Iohn Bour­ [...]hier, or any of them, which vpon euerie ac­count to be made, should appeare to remaine or come of the sale of the said Allomes to bee made, should be yeerely during the residue of [...]he said terme, vpon euery account to be made paid and allowed vnto such of the said Edmond Lord Sheffeild, sir Thomas Challoner, sir Dauid [Page] Fowlis, and Iohn Bourchier, their heires, execu­tors or assignes, as should haue any houses built or erected vpon any of their grounds rateablie and proportionably according to the number of tunnes of Allomes that should bee made vpon such their grounds respectiuely in liew and recompence of such their grounds and buildings thereupon made or to be made, for the making of Allomes. And the said Willi­am Turnor, Nicholas Crispe, Ellis Crispe, William Hinde, and Abraham Chambrelan, did in and by the said Indenture for them and euery of them their heires, executors, and administrators by seuerall couenants, couenant and grant to and with the said Edmond Lord Sheffeild, his execu­tors and assignes, and to and with the said sir Thomas Challoner, his excutors or assignes, and to and with the said sir Dauid Fowlis, his executors and assignes, and to and with the said Iohn Bour­chier, his executors and assignes, that they the said William Turner, Nicholas Crispe, Ellis Crispe, William Hinde, and Abraham Chambrelan, their ex­ecutors, administrators or assignes, should from time to time after all allowances, paiments, dis­bursments, and deductions of all such summe [Page] and summes of money as they the said William Turnor, Nichollas Crispe, Ellis Crispe, William Hinde, and Abraham Chambrelan, their executors, admi­nistrators or assignes, had or should pay or dis­ [...]urse in or about the making of Allomes, and [...]he liquors thereof together with the interest [...]hereof after the rate of ten in the hundred for [...]he forbearance thereof for one whole yeere, [...]ay vnto the said Edmond Lord Sheffeild, sir Thomas Challoner, sir Dauid Fowlis, and Iohn Bour­ [...]hier, and to euery of them seuerally and re­ [...]pectiuely, and to the seuerall and respectiue [...]xecutors, administrators or assignes of them, [...]nd euery of them one seuerall and respectiue [...]ourth part of a moietie, or of one halfe of the whole cleare gaines and proceed thereof re­ [...]aining, by the making, vttering and sale, ei­ [...]her within any the Kings Realmes or Domini­ [...]ns, or without, of all or any Allomes, and of [...]ny profit which should be or appeare to haue [...]ome vnto the hands of the said William Turnor Nicholas Crispe, Ellis Crispe, William Hinde, and [...]raham Chambrelan, their executors, administra­tors and assignes, or any of them by any Al­ [...]omes, by them or any of them, made, vttered, [Page] transported, sould, or remaining vnuttered o [...] vnsould.The release of Magda­len Hinde. And whereas since that time the said William Hinde made and declared his last will & testament and thereof ordained one Magdale [...] late his wife to be his Executrix which Magdale [...] by her deede bearing date the twentith day o [...] Aprill now last past, did grant & release to th [...] said William Turnor Nicholas Crispe Ellys Crispe and Abraham Chambrelan all her interest in and to th [...] said letters Patents and Indenture before menti­oned? and in and to the licenses powers priuiledges and authorities thereby or by either o [...] them giuen and granted as aforesaid, by vertu [...] whereof they the said William Turnor, Nichola [...] Crispe, Ellis Crispe, and Abraham Chambrelan, wer [...] lawfully possessed of all the licences, powers priuiledges and authorities by the saide Edmond Lord Sheffeild, sir Thomas Challoner, sir Dauid Fowlis, and Iohn Bourchier, by the said Indenture graunted and of all that other moitie of th [...] cleare gaines that had or should arise, come o [...] grow by the said letters Patents, and the licen­ces, priuileges and authorities thereby granted or by the making of any Allomes or liquor thereof. And whereas the said sir Thomas Cha [...] loner [Page] being by vertue of his Maiesties said let- Patents,Sir Thomas Challoners fourth part. and the graunts and couenants of the said last mentioned Indenture lawfully interes­sed, in and to haue one fourth part of the moy­etie or one halfe of the whole cleere gaines and proceed comming arising and remai­ning, by the making, vttering, or sale within any the Kings Realmes or Dominions, or with out, of any the said Allomes, or the liquors thereof, at any time during the said terme of one and thirtie yeeres in the said letters Patents mentioned, and of all such profit as should be or appeare to haue come to the hands of the a­foresaid William Turnor, Nicholas Crisp, Ellis Crisp, William Hinde deceased, and Abraham Chambrelan their executors administrators and assignes or any of them, by any Allomes by them or any of them during the said Terme of one and thirtie yeers, made, vttered, transported or sold, or remayning vnuttered or vnsould by his In­denture tripertite, bearing date the last day of February in the yeeres of the raigne of our said Soueraigne Lord King IAMES of England Fraunce and Ireland the fifth, and of Scotland the one and fortieth. For the causes and consi­derations [Page] therein expressed, did grant, bargayn and sell, conuey, assigne, and set ouer vnto Sir William Fleetewood Knight, his executors admi­nistrators and assignes, two parts of his the said Sir Thomas Challoners fourth part into three parts being deuided of the said moyetie, or one halfe of the said whole cleare gaynes, proceed, and profit, and all the estate, right, title, terme, in­terest and demaund of him the said Sir Thomas Challoner, of, in, and to the said two parts of his the said Sir Thomas Challoners fourth parte into three partes being deuided.L. Sheffeilds fourth part. And whereas the said Edmond Lord Sheffeild, being by vertue of his Maiesties said letters Patents and the graunts and couenants before recyted, lawfully inte­ressed in, and to haue one fourth part of the moietie, or one halfe of the whole cleere gains and proceed and profit aforesaid, by one In­denture bearing date the first day of March, in the yeeres of the raigne of our said Soueraigne Lord King IAMES, of England, Fraunce and Ireland the sixt, and of Scotland the two and fortith: For the considerations therin expressed, did giue, grant, bargaine and sell vnto Christopher Turnor of Reading, in the Countie of Barkshire [Page] Clothier, the moietie or one half of his said Pa­tentees part, which is the moietie or one halfe of the fourth part of a moietie or one halfe of the cleare gaines, proceed, and profit aforesaid, & by one other Indenture bearing date the ele­uenth day of the said moneth of March, for the considerations therein expressed, did giue, graunt, bargaine and sell vnto Alexander Stafford of Holborne in the Countie of Middlesex gen­tleman, his executors, administrators, and as­signes, all that other moietie of his said Paten­tees part, which is the moietie, or one halfe of the fourth part of a moietie, or one halfe of the whole cleere gaines proceed and profit which [...]hould come by the making of Allomes, & the [...]iquors thereof; and also one equall third part of one other fourth part of one other moie­ [...]ie or one halfe (being the one third part of the [...]aid Iohn Bourchiers patentees part) of the whole [...]leare gaines proceed and profit which should [...]ome by the making of Allomes, & the liquors [...]hereof, which said third part was granted, or [...]entioned to be granted by the said Iohn Bour­ [...]hier, in or by his deed vnto the said Lord Shel­ [...]eild his executors and assignes during the term [Page] in the said letters Patents mentioned, and also the said twentieth part of all such cleere gaines, and proceed of all such Allomes as should bee made vpon any the grounds of the said Lord Sheffeild, during al the residue of the said terme, by vertue of the said letters Patents, and of all or any the Indentures in the said last recited In­denture mentioned and recited, which should be or appeare to haue come to the hands of the said William Turnor, Nicholas Crispe, Ellis Crispe, William Hinde deceased, and Abraham Chambrelan their executors, administrators, and assignes, or any of them, by any Allomes by thē, or any of them then to fore, or then, or then after to be made vttered, transported, or sould: to be had & holden to him the said Alexander Stafford his executors, administrators and assignes for and during so long time as in the same last recited Indenture is limited and expressed: both which said last recited Indentures made by the said Edmond Lord Sheffeild vnto the said Christopher Turnor and Alexander Stafford, were made vn­to them at the onely instance and request of the said William Turnor vpon trust & confidence reposed by him the said William Turnor in them [Page] the said Christopher Turnor and Alexander Stafford, and to and for the onely benefit and behoofe of him the said William Turnor his executors, admi­nistrators, and assignes.Articles quadripar­tite. And whereas in and by certaine articles of agreement, indented quadripartite made, concluded and agreed vp­on the sixt day of May, in the yeere of our Lord God one thousand six hundred and nine, be­tweene the right Honorable Robert Earle of Sa­lisburie, Lord High Treasurer of England, and sir Iulius Caesar knight, Chauncelor, and vnder Treasurer of his Maiesties Exchequer of the first part; and the said Edmond Lord Sheffeild, Iohn Bourchier then esquire, and now knight, Christopher Turnor, and Alexander Stafford of the second part, the said sir Thomas Challoner, sir Da­uid Fowlis, and sir William Fleetwood knights of the third part: And the said William Turnor, Nicholas Crispe, Ellis Crispe, and Abraham Chambrelan of the fourth part, reciting as therein is recited, and reciting also:The Stocke. That wheras there was a stocke & diuers other disbursments of money laid out by the said William Turnor, Nicholas Crispe, Ellis Crispe, William Hinde deceased, and Abraham Chambrelan, for the perfecting & effecting of the [Page] said works, concerning the making of the said Allomes, and the liquors therof, which stocke, and other the disbursments laid out by the said William Turnor, Nicholas Crispe, Ellis Crispe, William Hinde deceased, and Abraham Chambrelan, in, and about the making and perfecting of the said Al­lome works, amounting to a great summe of money, as it had beene alreadie audited, exa­mined, and allowed. The said William Turnor, Nicholas Crispe, Ellis Crispe, and Abraham Chambre­lan, for the considerations therein after in the said articles quadripertite mentioned, did bar­gaine and sell vnto our said Soueraigne Lord the King, together with the interest & increase growing by the said disbursments then alrea­die past. And also all that the said moietie and hal [...]e part to the said William Turnor, Nicholas Crispe, Ellis Crispe, and Abraham Chambrelan, be­longing of all the cleare profit which might or should grow, for, by, or in respect of the said stocke, disbursments, and increase, and all the benefit of all that moietie which they the said William Turnor, Nicholas Crispe, Ellis Crispe, and Abraham Chambrelan, then had, or should, or might then after haue by vertue of the said let­ters [Page] Patents, or by reason of any composition then to fore made, with the said Lord Shef­feild, and others the said Patentees or any of them, for, and concerning onely the said moie­tie of the benefit of the said letters Patents, or by any other meanes whatsoeuer: In consi­deration whereof, the said Lord Treasurer and sir Iulius Caesar knight, by the said articles of a­greement quadripertite, did agree for, and on his Maiesties behalfe, that our said Soueraigne Lord the Kings Maiestie, his heires, and succes­sors should pay or cause to be paid; and the said William Turnor, Nicholas Crispe, Ellis Crispe, and Abraham Chambrelan, their executors, admi­nistrators, and assignes, should haue & receaue of his Maiestie, his Heires and successors, as­well the yeerely summe of six thousand fortie [...]nd foure pounds of lawfull English money to [...]e paid yeerely to the said William Turnor, Nicho­ [...]as Crispe, Ellis Crispe, and Abraham Chambrelan, [...]heir executors, administrators or assignes, by [...]is Maiestie, his Heires or successors, as the same [...]hould arise out of the Allomes which should [...]hen after be made, during so many yeeres as [...]ere in the said letters Patents mentioned, and [Page] which were then to come and vnexpired: as also the summe of one thousand and seuen pounds of lawfull money of England to bee paid in such maner and forme as in the said ar­ticles of agreement quadripartite is mentioned and expressed.Particular paiments and charges. And the said William Turnor, Ni­cholas Crispe, Ellis Crispe, and Abraham Chambrelan, did thereby for them their executors, admini­strators and assignes, couenant and promise to saue, and keepe harmelesse our said Soueraigne Lord the King, his Heires, and successors, of and from the particular paiments & charges therin after particularly mentioned. And in conside­ration of the paiments of the said yeerely sums last mentioned, and of the discharging of his Maiestie his Heires and successors, off and from the paiment thereof, the said Lord Treasurer and sir Iulius Caesar, by the said articles of agree­ment quadripartite, did agree for & on his Ma­iesties behalfe, that his said Maiestie, his Heires and successors should paie, or cause to be paid [...] and the said William Turnor, Nicholas Crispe, El [...] Crispe, and Abraham Chambrelan, their executor [...] administrators or assignes, should haue of hi [...] Maiestie his Heires or successors out of the Al­lomes [Page] to be made as is aforesaid, the summe of one thousand pounds of lawfull English mo­ney (ouer and aboue the summes aforesaid) to be paid vnto them or some or one of them, at or before the first day of Maie, which then should be in the yeere of our Lord God, accor­ding to the computation of the Church of England, one thousand six hundred & sixteen; And also that his Maiestie his Heires or suc­cessors should pay or cause to be paid;Fower thou­sand pound. And that they the said William Turnor, Nicholas Crispe, Ellis Crispe, and Abraham Chambrelan, their executors, administrators, or assignes, should haue of his Maiestie his heires and successors, the summe of fower thousand pounds of like lawfull money of England, to be paid out of the Allomes as aforesaid, (ouer and aboue the summes afore­said) to be paid vnto them or one of them in manner and forme in the said articles of agre­ment quadripartite mentioned.One thou­sand pound per annum. And also that from, and after the first day of May, in the yeere of our Lord God one thousand sixe hundred and seuenteene, our said Soueraigne Lord the Kings Maiestie, his heires, and successors, should pay, or cause to be paid. And the said [Page] William Turnor, Nicholas Crispe, Ellis Crispe, and A­braham Chambrelan, or some, or one of them, their, or some or one of their executors, admi­nistrators, or assignes, should haue and receaue of his said Maiestie, his Heires, and successors, the yeerely summe, or paiment, of one thou­sand pounds of like lawfull English money, to be paid out of the said Allomes, as is aforesaid, (ouer and aboue the summes aforesaid) to bee paid yeerely, & euery yeere vpon the first day of May, yeerely and euery yeere, for and during so many of the yeeres as were in the said letters Patents, mentioned, and which from and after the said first day of Maie, in the said yeere of our Lord God (according to the computation of the Church of England) one thousand sixe hundred,3. Ian. 1637 666. pound, 13. shillings, 4. pence. and seuenteene, should by efflucti­on of time be then to come & vnexpired. And at or before the third day of Ianuarie, which then should be, in the yeere of our Lord God (according to the computation of the Church of England) one thousand six hundred thirtie and seuen, being the full end, and determinati­on of the said terme of one and thirtie yeeres mentioned in the said letters Patents, as the [Page] same by time should expire the summe of six hundred, threescore and six pounds, thirteene shillings, and foure pence, of like lawful English money (ouer and aboue the summes aforesaid, the said seuerall paiments to be made at such place, and places, as in the said articles is expres­sed and specified; And in and by the said arti­cles of agreement quadripartite it is mentio­ned, that the said William Turnor, Nicholas Crispe, Ellis Crispe, and Abraham Chambrelan, Houses, im­plements, stocks, and profits of W. Turner &c. sould to his Maiesty. did also for the considerations therein mentioned, bargain, sell, and assigne, vnto our said Soueraigne Lord the King, all those houses, implements, horses, stockes, necessaries, commodities, profits, and things, by them, the said William Turnor, Nicholas Chrispe, Ellis Crispe, and Abraham Chambrelan, or a­ny of them there then vsed, imploied, or occu­pied, for, with, or about, or in respect, of the working, or making of Allomes, or the liquors thereof. And also all contracts, couenants, pro­mises, assurances, conueiances, rights, titles, accounts, and demands, which they, or any of them, could, or might haue, take, or vse, with, [...]ouching, or against any person, or persons, [...]or, or in respect of any matter, or thing con­cerning [Page] the said making of Allomes, or the li­quors thereof, for which purpose they should allow all things done by his Maiestie in their names in these behalfe.His Maie­stie to dis­charge W. Turnor, &c. of al charges. In respect whereof, the said Lord Treasurer, and sir Iulius Caesar, by the said articles of agreement quadripartite, did al­so agree on his Maiesties behalfe, That hi Ma­iestie, his heires, and successors, should free, ex­onerate, and discharge the said William Turnor, Nicholas Crispe, Ellis Crispe, and Abraham Cham­brelan, their, and euery of their executors, admi­nistrators, and assignes, against all other per­son and persons, whatsoeuer, for, or in respect of any thing to be performed on the parts, or behalfe of the said William Turnor, Nicholas Crisp, Ellis Crispe, and Abraham Chambrelan, their execu­tors, administrators, or assignes, or any of them, for, or in respect of any such contracts, couenants, promises, assurances, conueyances, rights, titles, actions, or demaunds, before bar­gayned, sould, graunted, or assigned to his Maiestie as is aforesaid. And the said Lord Shef­feild, sir Thomas Challoner, sir Dauid Fowlis, sir William Fleetewood, Iohn Bourchier, Christopher Tur­nor, and Alexander Stafford, by the said articles of [Page] agreement quadripartite (for the considerati­ons therein after mentioned) did bargaine, sell, and assigne ouer vnto our said Soueraign Lord the King, all those foure parts of the aforesaid moietie, which they, the said Lord Sheffeild, sir Thomas Challoner, sir Dauid Fowlis, sir William Fleetwood, Iohn Bourchier, Christopher Turnor, and Alexander Stafford, or any of them, then had, might, or ought to haue, by vertue of the said letters Patents, and by reason of the said In­denture, composition, and agreement, made betweene them, the said Lord Sheffeild, sir Tho­mas Challoner, sir Dauid Fowlis, and Iohn Bourchier, and the said William Turnor, Nicholas Crispe, Ellis Crispe, William Hinde deceased, and Abraham Chambrelan, as is aforesaid, or betwixt any of them,Three thou­sand pound to be paid to sir Thomas Challoner and others. or by vertue of any the before recited Indentures. In consideration whereof the said Lord Treasurer of England, and sir Iulius Caesar knight, by the said articles of agreement qua­dripartite, did agree for, and on his Maiesties behalfe, that his Maiestie, his heires and succes­sors, should pay, or cause to be paid, and that the said sir Thomas Challoner, sir Dauid Fowlis, sir William Fleetwood, Iohn Bourchier, Christopher Tur­nor, [Page] and Alexander Stafford, their executors, ad­ministrators, or assignes, should haue, and re­ceaue of his Maiestie, his heires, and successors, the full summe of three thousand pounds, of lawfull money of England (ouer and aboue the six thousand fortie fower pounds, and the o­ther summes to be paid as aforesaid) to be deui­dedly paid to them, the said sir Thomas Challoner sir Dauid Fowlis, sir William Fleetwood, Iohn Bour­chier, Christopher Turnor, and Alexander Stafford, and to euery of them seuerally, and respectiue­ly, and to their seuerall and respectiue execu­tors, administrators, and assignes, in maner and forme in the said articles expressed and speci­fied. And also that his Maiestie, his heires and successors, should paie, or cause to be paid; And that the said Lord, sir Thomas Challoner, sir Dauid Fowlis, sir William Fleetwood, Iohn Bour­chier, Christopher Turnor, and Alexander Stafford, their executors, administrators, or assignes, should also haue, and receiue of his Maiestie, his heires, and successors, yeerely, and euery yeare, during the residue of the said terme of one and thirtie yeares in the said letters patents mentioned, from & after the said first day of [Page] May,Sixe thou­sand pound per annum to the Lord Sheffield and others after the first of May 1617. in the said yeere of our Lord God (accor­ding to the computation of the church of Eng­land) one thousand sixe hundred and seuen­tene, the yeerely sum of sixe thousand pounds of like lawfull money of England, to be seue­rally and deuidedly paid to them, the said Lord Sheffeild, sir Thomas Challoner, sir Dauid Fowlis, sir William Fleetewood, Iohn Bourchier, Christopher Turnor, and Alexander Stafford, their executors, administrators and assignes, in manner and [...]orme in the said articles also mentioned and [...]xpressed.1000 pound to the Lord Sheff [...]ild and others 3. Ian. 1637. And that our Soueraigne Lord the King, his heires and successors, should likewise [...]ay, or cause to be paid: and that the said Lord [...]heffeild, sir Thomas Challoner, sir Dauid Fowlis, [...]r William Fleetewood, Iohn Bourchier, and Christo­ [...]her Turnor, their executors, administrators, or [...]ssignes, should also haue, and receiue from [...]ur said Soueraigne Lord the King, his heires [...]nd successors, at, or vpon the third day of Ia­ [...]uary, which shalbe in the yeere of our Lord [...]od (according to the computation of the [...]hurch of England) one thousand sixe hun­ [...]ed thirtie and seauen being by effluction of [...]me the full end, and determination of the said [Page] terme of one and thirtie yeeres mentioned in the said letters patents, the sum of one thou­sand pounds of lawfull English money to be paid vnto them, the said Lord Sheffeild, sir Tho­mas Challoner, sir Dauid Fowlis, sir William Fleete­wood, Iohn Bourchier, and Christopher Turnor, and to their executors administrators, or assignes, at the place, or places in the said articles men­tioned, deuidedly, respectiuely, rateably, and proportionablie, according to the seuerall summes to them quarterly paieable in maner and forme as is aforesaid: as in and by the said articles of agreement quadripartite,His Maie­sties letters patents of his royall assent to the arti­cles quadre­partite. amongst o­ther things therein contained more at large it doth and may appeare. And wheras our said Soueraigne Lord the Kings Maiestie, by his highnesse letters patents, sealed with the great seale of England, bearing date at Westminster the Nine and twentieth day of October now last past before the day of the date of these Pre­sentes, hauing had consideration of the pre­misses, hath for his highnesse, his heires, an [...] successors, of his especiall grace, certain [...] knowledge, and mere motion allowed, ratifi­ed, approued, and confirmed, all and singula [...] [Page] the said agreements made betwixt the said Lord Treasurer of England, and Chauncelour of the Exchequer on his Maiesties behalfe, and and the said Edmond Lord Sheffeild, sir Thomas Challoner, sir Dauid Fowlis, sir William Fleetewood, sir Iohn Bourchier, William Turnor, Nicholas Chrispe, Ellis Crispe, Abraham Chambrelan, Alexander Staf­ford, and Christopher Turnor, in maner and forme as is aforesaid, and all & singular the articles in­dented therein before, in, and by the said letters Patents recited, and to the same articles inden­ted, and to all, & singular the agreements therin conteined according to the tenor, forme, and effect thereof, did giue his royall consent, and agreement; and did by the same letters Pa­tents will, and command, that the same, and e­uery of them, should be duly performed and executed, according to the tenor and true mea­ning of the same, as in, and by the said letters Patents at large it also doth and may appeare.

Now this Indenture further witnesseth,His Maie­sties grant. that our said Soueraigne Lord the King, for, and in consideration of the summe of three thousand pounds of lawfull money of England, into the receit of his Maiesties Exchequer, to his High­nesse [Page] vse, by the said William Turnor, Richard Bow­deler, and Thomas Iones, before the date of these presents, well and truely paid, and for, and in consideration of the yeerely rents, or summes of money heereafter, in, and by these presents reserued, and couenanted to be paid, and also for diuers other good causes, and considerati­ons, his Highnesse heereunto especially moo­uing, of his especiall grace, certeine knowledge and meere motion, and also by, and with the aduise of the said Robert Earle of Salisburie, Lord high Treasurer of England, and sir Iulius Caesar knight, Chauncelour and vnder-Treasu­rer of his Maiesties Exchequer: Hath giuen, graunted, assigned, and set ouer, and by these presents, for his Highnesse, his Heires, and suc­cessors, doth giue, graunt, assigne, and set ouer, vnto the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administra­tors, and assignes, all that the said stocke, and other the disbursements laid out by the said William Turnor, Nicholas Crispe, Ellis Crispe, Willi­am Hinde deceased, and Abraham Chambrelan, or any of them, in, and about the making, and per­fecting of the said Allome works, together [Page] with the interest, and increase, growing, and to grow, by the said disbursments:Moietie of the cleere profits. And all the said moietie, and halfe part, of all the cleere profit which hath growen, or shall or may grow, for, by, or in respect of the said stocke, disbursements, or increase, and all the benefit of the same moietie, and all the houses, imple­ments, horses and other stockes, necessaries, profits, commodities, and things, and all con­tracts, couenants, promises, assurances, conuei­ances, rights, titles, actions, and demands what­soeuer, in, & by the said articles of agreement, indented quadripartite graunted, bargained, sould, assigned, or set ouer, or mentioned, to be graunted, bargained, sould, or set ouer, by them the said William Turnor, Nicholas Crispe, El­lis Crispe, and Abraham Chambrelan, or any of them, vnto our said Soueraign Lord the Kings Maiestie, and all those parts of the aforesaid moietie, or one halfe of the cleere gaines, pro­ceed, and profit remaining, or comming, or which shal come by the making, vttering, trans­porting, or sale of all, or any Allomes within a­ny his Maiesties Realmes or Dominions, or without, & of all, or any other Allomes what­soeuer, [Page] in, and by the said articles of agreement indented quadripartite, graunted, bargained, sould, assigned, or set ouer, or mentioned to be bargained, sould, assigned, or set ouer by the said Edmond Lord Sheffeild, sir Tho. Challoner, sir Dauid Fowlis, sir William Fleetewood, Iohn Bourchier esquier, now knight, Christopher Turnor, and A­lexander Stafford, vnto our said Soueraigne Lord the King. And also all the lands, mines, hou­ses,Landes, mines, Al­lomes. buildings, powers, priuiledges, authorities, liberties, bargaines, contracts, stocks, goods, chattles, debts, profits, commodities, and ad­uantages whatsoeuer, concerning the Allome, mines, and works in the said Countie of Yorke or elsewhere, together with all Allomes heere­tofore made, and to be made, from and after the said eighteenth day of December now last past, and the making of Allomes, and the li­quors thereof, within the said Realmes & Do­minions, and al other things whatsoeuer which were graunted by the said Edmond Lord Shef­feild, sir Thomas Challoner, sir Dauid Fowlis, sir Wil­liam Fleetewood, Iohn Bourchier, Christopher Turnor, Alexander Stafford, William Turnor, Nicholas Crispe, Ellis Crispe, and Abraham Chambrelan, or any of [Page] them, vnto our said Soueraigne Lord the King, in, or by the said articles of agreement, inden­ted quadripartite heerein before mentioned. And all the right, title, terme, interest, benefit, profit, remedie, aduantage, and demaund whatsoeuer of our said Soueraigne Lord the King, his heires and successors, of, in, to, and for the same, and euery of them, and euery part and parcell thereof. And also our said Soue­raigne Lord the King for the considerations a­foresaid, of his further especiall grace, certaine knowledge, and meere motion, hath, with, and by the aduice of his Priuie Counsell; Giuen and graunted, and by these presents, for him, his heires and successors, doth giue and graunt absolute, full, and free licence, power, and au­thoritie vnto the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, and euery of them, their, and euery of their executors, administra­tors, and assignes; That they, and euerie of them, their, and euerie of their executors, admi­mistrators and assignes by themselues, or any of them, or by their, or any of their Deputies, Factors, assignes, or seruants, shall and may at all times, and from time to time during all such [Page] and so much of the said one and thirty yeeres to be accounted from the said third day of Ia­nuary as by course and effluction of time is yet to come and vnexpired,Authoritie to digge and worke. digge, open, & worke for all maner of mines, and oares of Allomes, and the liquors thereof, and the same to con­uert and vse to their and euerie of their most profit and commoditie, aswell in, and vpon all, or any the lands, grounds, and possessions of the said Lord Sheffeild, sir Thomas Challoner, sir Dauid Fowlis, and sir Iohn Bourchier, and euerie, or any of them, within the said County of Yorke, as in, and vpon such other lands, grounds, and possessions, within the said Realmes of England and Ireland, and either of them, and in all o­ther his Maiesties dominions, belonging or ap­pertaining to them, or either of them, as they, or any of them shall agree or compound for with the owners thereof, where it shall bee thought fit by them, the said William Turnor, Ri­chard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, and assignes, or any of them, to be most meete and conuenient, aswell within liberties as without. And to the intent that the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas [Page] Iones, and euery of them, their, and euerie of their executors, administrators, deputies, fa­ctors, and assignes, shall and may enioy the sul and sole benefit and profit of making and dig­ging of and for Allomes, & liquor for Allomes within his Maiesties Realmes and dominions, during all the residue of the said terme of one and thirtie yeeres;Prohibition and restraint for all others but the Pa­tentees. his Maiesties will and plea­sure is, and by these presents his Highnesse of his especiall grace, certaine knowledge, and meere motion, and of his supreme and absolute power and authoritie, which he forbiddeth to be disputed, argued, or brought in question, doth straightly charge and command all, and and euery person, or persons whatsoeuer, of what estate, degree, or condition soeuer, he or they, or any of them be, that none of them, other then the said William Turnor, Richard Bow­deler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, admini­strators, deputies, seruants, factors, or assignes, or some of them, shall during the residue of the said terme of one and thirtie yeeres, attempt, presume, or goe about any maner of way, di­ [...]ectly or indirectly, in any lands, grounds, or [...]ossessions, within this his Maiesties Realmes [Page] of England and Ireland, or either of them, or any other his Maiesties dominions, thereunto belonging, to digge, open, or worke for any mines, or aores, of the said Allomes, or the li­quors thereof, or any thing belonging to the same, vpon paine of forfeiture, of all and euery such Allomes, and the liquors therof, for which any person or persons shall so digge, open, or worke, in any lands, grounds, or possessions, within his Maiesties said Realmes of England or Ireland, or either of them, or in any his Ma­iesties dominions thereunto belonging, contra­rie to the true intent and meaning of these pre­sents. All which said forfeitures, the Kings Ma­iestie, for him, his heires, and successors, doth by these presents giue and graunt vnto the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, & Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, or assignes. And also vpon such further paines, penalties, and imprisonments, as his Maiestie his heires or successors by any the lawes or statutes of this Realme of England, or by his Highnesse prorogatiue and roiall iurisdiction, may any way appoint, assesse, or adiudge in that behalfe. And also that it shall and may be lawfull to [Page] and for them the said William Turnor, Authority to transport. Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, and euery of them, their, and euerie of their executors, administra­tors, deputies, factors, and assignes, at all and euery time and times heereafter, during all the residue of the said terme of one and thirtie yeeres, to transport, carrie, and conuey any Al­lome or Allomes, to any place or countrie whatsoeuer, or wheresoeuer, and the said Al­lomes and the liquors therof, so by them trans­ported, to vtter, sell, and put to sale to any per­son or persons, at, and for their most benefit, profit and aduantage, according to the true meaning of these presents. And that they the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, and euery of them, their, and euerie of their executors, administrators, deputies, fa­ctors, and assignes, at all times heereafter, du­ring all the said terme, shall be free, and dis­charged of, and from, all, and all maner of cu­stomes, subsedies, impost, and other paiments and duties whatsoeuer, due or paieable to his Maiestie, his heires or successors, for, or in re­spect of the importation or transportation of a­ny Allome, made, or to be made within his [Page] Maiesties said Realmes of England or Ireland, or the dominions of the same, or any materials necessarie for the vse or making of the same to any place or countrie whatsoeuer, or whereso­euer, any law, statute, ordinance, prouision, re­straint, or any other matter or thing whatsoe­uer to the contrarie thereof in any wise not­withstanding.A warrant to all officers to suffer the Patentees to transport their Al­lomes. And therefore our said Soue­raigne Lord the King doth by these presents for him, his heires, and successors, straightly charge and command all and singular his Ma­iesties Customers, Comptrollers, Surueiers, Searchers, Waiters, and other the officers and ministers of his Highnesse, his heires and suc­cessors, to whom in that behalfe it shall & may appertaine, that they, and euery of them, doe quietly permit and suffer the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, and euery of them, their, and euery of their executors, ad­ministrators and assignes, from time to time & at all times during the residue of the said term [...] of one and thirtie yeeres in the said first recite [...] letters Patents, graunted or mencioned to be [...] graunted, which are yet to come and vnexpi­red, to shippe, lade, fraight, transport, conuey, [Page] and carrie out and from any porte, hauen, creeke, or other place of lading, or vnlading, within the same his Maiesties Realmes of Eng­land and Ireland, or any of them, or any other his Maiesties dominions, to them, or either of them, belonging, or appertaining [...] any Al­lomes, or the liquors thereof by them made or wrought, within his Maiesties said Realmes of England or Ireland, or any part thereof, into a­ny the parts beyond the seas, as is aforesaid, without any custome, subsedie, or other duties [...]herefore, or for any part or parcell thereof, to be rendred, yeelded, answered or paid vnto his Maiestie, his heires, or successors, of, or for the same. And these presents, or the inrolements [...]hereof, shall be from time to time to the said Customers, Comptrollers, Collectors, Suruey­ors, Searchers, and other officers and ministers a sufficient warrant and discharge in that be­halfe.The Paten­tees to haue place in the Custome to appoint of­ficers and to examine Masters & Owners of Ships. And furthermore our said Soueraigne Lord the King for him, his heires, and success­ors, of his highnesse especiall grace, certaine knowledge and meere motion doth by these presents giue, and graunt vnto the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their [Page] executors, administrators, and assignes, and to all, and euery other person, and persons which by them, or any of them, by writing vnder their, or any of their hands and seales, shalbe in that behalfe deputed, and assigned full, and free power, licence, and authoritie during the continuance of this present graunt, and demise at their pleasures as well to be present, and at­tendant and to haue place in all maner of Cust­ome houses, Ports, Hauens, Creekes and pla­ces of lading, and vnlading of any manner of goods, wares and marchandizes, into, or out of the said Realmes and Dominions: As also to be present with all and euery the Customers, Collectors, Comptrollers, Serchers, Surueiers, Waiters, and other officers and ministers, ha­uing charge for and concerning the lading, or vnlading of any goods, wares, or marchandi­zes whatsoeuer, Or of the Custome, Subsedie, or Impost due vnto his Maiestie. For, or vpon the same for their better receauing, and enioy­ing of the benefit of this present graunt, at all times, and places when, and where the said Officers, or ministers, or any of them shall by reason of their said seuerall Offices, haue cause, [Page] or occasion to be; And also in euery place, or places as well in ships arriued with Allome & riding in any Port, Rode or Riuer as on the land, to make and appoint such, and so many watchmen, waiters, and officers, and to see pro­uide, and vse such reasonable waies, orders, and meanes as they the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, ad­ministrators, deputies, and assignes, and euery of them, shall and may be iustly, and truely in­formed of all and singular such parcells, and quantities of Allome as shall at any time, or times during this present graunt, be brought into or transported from any port or place of the said Realmes and Dominions or any of thē, And also that it may be lawfull, to and for the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones their executors, administrators, deputies, and assignes, and to, and for euery of them, from time to time during this present graunt, to examine such and so many Masters and Ow­ners of Ships, Ba [...]kes, and Lighters and all Key-keepers and Mariners for, and concerning any maner of Allome which may happen to be brought into, or transported from or out of [Page] some or any of the said Ports, Hauens, Creekes, and places of lading, and vnlading, or the mem­bers of the same, vpon their seuerall oath, and oathes, in as large and ample maner and degree in all things as any Customer, Collector, Comptroller, Searcher, Surueyer, Wayter, or other Officer of the Customes in whatsoeuer Port, Hauen, Creeke, place, or places of this Realme haue, might, or ought to haue done, or hereafter shall, may, or ought to doe, with­out the let, disturbance, or deniall of any Offi­cer, or other person or persons whatsoeuer. And that all Masters of Ships shall answere in this behalfe as well for euery person of their company of Mariners,Authority to take bonds in the Kings name for payment of moneys vpon the sale of Allomes, or any thing thereunto belonging, & may sue exe­cution there­vpon with as large a pri­uiledge as his Maie­sty may do in his own case. and Saylers as for them­selues according to the lawes in that case made and prouided. And that the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones their execu­tors, administrators, and assignes shall, and may from time to time during this present graunt take sufficient bond, or bonds obligatory in the name of his Highnesse, his heires, and success­ors of all and euery person and persons whatso­euer, with suerties or otherwise for the paiment of all, and singular summe and summes of mo­ney [Page] which are or shall be, or may grow due for or vpon the sale of any Allome, or for, vpon, or by reason of any bargaine, sale, or contract made, or to be made of, or for any other goods cōmodities, or things whatsoeuer touching or concerning the said Allome mines, or Allome work, or any part or parcel of the same, or tou­ching or concerning any thing thereunto be­longing, by these presents demised or mentio­ned to be graunted as aforesaid, as to them the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas [...]ones, their executors, administrators, deputies, factors or assignes, or any of them, shall seeme meete and conuenient: And to deteine & keep the said bonds, and euery of them, in their or some of their owne hands, and to demaund, sue for, receaue, haue, and take the full benefit, and aduantage of the same, and of euery of them, to [...]heir owne proper vse. And that the said Willi­am Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, and assignes, and euery of them, shall haue full power and authoritie in his Highnesse name, at their plea­sures to implead, sue, prosecute, all and euerie such person and persons, their heires, executors, [Page] administrators and assignes, which shall so be­come bound as is aforesaid, of, and for all and euerie such summe and summes of money, pe­nalties, and forfeitures, as shall grow, or be­come due, or paiable by reason, or meanes of any such bonds or writings obligatorie; And also all and euery person and persons, their heires, executors, administrators, and assignes, who shall by any meanes be found to be in­debted, chargeable, or answerable to our said Soueraigne Lord the King, his heires and suc­cessors, or to the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, ad­ministrators, or assignes, or any of them, for, or in respect of the said Allome mines, or Al­lome works, or any part thereof, or of any thing or things whatsoeuer concerning the same or any part or parcell thereof, And the same summe or summes of money, penalties, forfeitures, and all and euery part and par­cell thereof which shall bee recouered or had of the bodies, goods, landes, tene­ments, or hereditaments of any of them the said person, or persons, their heires, executors, and assignes, and euery of them, to leuie, hold, [Page] and take execution thereof to the vse of the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, and as­signes. And furthermore to doe make, take & prosecute in such and the like maner and forme as our said Soueraign Lord the Kings Maiestie, his heires, or successors, in or by, his or their royall prerogatiue, power, and authoritie in his Highnesse, or their owne proper name, or names, or any other whatsoeuer right or title should or might haue done if this present grant to the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, or assignes, as before in this behalfe made, had neuer beene had, nor made according to the true intent and meaning of these presents. And also that these presents or the inrolement ther­of shall be from time to time aswell to the Chauncelor, Treasurer, and Barons of the Court of Exchequer for the time being, and to all other the officers and ministers of the same Court, as also the Barons Iustices and ministers of his Maiestie, his heires, and successors, of a­ny other Court of Record for the time being, and to euery of them, and to the Attorney and [Page] Counsell learned in the law of his Maiestie, his heires and successors, and to euery of them, a sufficient warrant and full discharge, to heare, determine, sue, prosecute, leuie, and make exe­cution against all and euerie person and per­sons, their heires, executors, administrators, and assignes, by, or vpon whom any of the said sum or sums of money, penalties, or for­feitures due or paieable vpon, or by reason of any such bonds, for or concerning Allome, or the said Allome mines, or works, or touching or concerning any thing thereunto belonging before by these presents demised and graun­ted, or mencioned to be demised or graunted, or any part or parcell thereof be or shall be charged, due, liable, or demaundable in the name of our said Soueraigne Lord the King, or in the name of his Highnesse heires, executors, admi [...]istrators, or succ [...]ssors, at the pleasure of them the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administra­tors or assignes, or any of them, to the proper vse and behoofe of them the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their execu­tors, administrators, or assignes in maner and [Page] forme, and according to the true intent & mea­ning of these present Indentures without any accompt, or other profit or thing whatsoeuer, to our said Soueraign Lord the King his heires, executors, administrators or successors therfore to be had, paid, or done. The yeerely rents or paiments by these presents reserued, and coue­nanted to be paid, alwaies excepted, and fore-prised. And that the said William Turnor, The Paten­tees may as­signe ouer bonds taken in their owne names to the King, and ue out exe­cution in the Kings name, to their owne vses. Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, ad­ministrators, and assignes, shall, and may from time to time during the continuance of this present graunt, assigne and conuey vnto our said Soueraigne Lord the King, his heires, and successors, all, or any Bonds or Obligations made or to be made, for, or vpon any bargaine, sale, or contract made, or to be made, for, or concerning the said Allomes, mines, Allome workes, and the forfeitures, penalties, and summes of money, in the said Bonds, or Obli­gations, or any of them conteined, and there­upon to sue and take execution in the name of our said Soueraigne Lord the King, his heires, or successors, against any person or persons whatsoeuer, their goods, chattels, lands, tene­ments, [Page] or hereditaments, whatsoeuer liable to the paiments of the said summes of money, pe­nalties, or forfeitures in the said bonds, or obli­gations conteined, and the same summes of money, forfeitures, and penalties, to receaue, haue, and take to the onely proper vse and be­hoofe of them the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, ad­ministrators, and assignes, in manner and forme and according to the true intent, and meaning of these present Indentures, and ac­cording to the course of our Court, or Courts of Iustice without any account, or other pro­fit or thing whatsoeuer to our said Soueraigne Lord the King, his heires, or successors, there­fore to be had, paid, or done, the yeerely rents or paiments by these presents reserued and co­uenanted to be paid alwaies excepted,Authoritie to search, sease, make confiscate, take and carrie away all Allomes brought in, and a grant therof of the Kings part to the Pa­tentees. and fore-prised. And our said Soueraigne Lord the Kings Maiestie for his Highnesse, his heires, and successors, couenanteth and agreeth to & with the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, and assignes, and euerie of them; That they, and euery of them, their and euerie of their ex­ecutors, [Page] administrators, and assignes, deputies, seruants and factors, shall, and may from time to time during the residue of the said one and thirtie yeeres before mentioned; with a Con­stable of the place, or officer of our Customes, respectiuely at their will, and pleasure, as well by night as by day goe aboard, view, search, and suruey euery shippe, vessell or bottome, ri­ding or lying within any the ports, hauens, creekes, or places of lading or vnlading, within the said Realmes and dominions, & at all times to enter & go into any celler, vault, warehouse, shop, or other place or places, to search & see, if any sort or kind of Allome in the said ships, vessels, or bottomes, cellers, vaults, ware-hou­ses, shoppes, or other places, bee, or shall bee there hidden and concealed, hauing been made or brought in, or shipped or laden to be trans­ported from, or out of any his Maiesties said Realmes or Dominions, contrarie to the te­nor heereof, and to open any cases, caskes, chestes, fardels, packs, fats, or any other bulke whatsoeuer, wherein any Allome shall be su­spected to be laid vp, packed or concealed; And also to seize and make confiscate, and to take [Page] and carrie away all and euery quantitie and quantities of Allomes so found, & to be found to be made, brought into, or shipped or laden to be transported or carried from, or out of a­ny his Maiesties said Realmes, or dominions, contrary to his Maiesties said pleasure, as afore­said, all and euerie which said Allomes and the liquors thereof so forfeited and confiscate, his Maiestie doth by these presents as much as in his Highnesse is, giue and graunt to the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, and as­signes, to the vse of the said William Turnor, Ri­chard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, deputies, factors, or assignes, without any accompt, or other thing therefore to his Hignesse, his heires or successors, to bee rendred,A Prohibi­tiō that none shall bring in any Allomes or vse, or spend being brought in, other then the Paten­tees. or made for the same. And our said Soueraigne Lord the King, for him, his heires, and successors, doth by these presents, straight­ly prohibite and forbid all & euery person, and persons whatsoeuer, other then the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, and assignes, that they, nor any of them, doe or shall at any time [Page] or times heereafter during the residue of the said terme of one & thirtie yeeres before men­tioned, vse, spend, or occupie within his Maie­sties Realmes of England or Ireland, or either of them, or any the dominions belonging to the same, or either of them, any Allomes or any liquors of Allomes, which shall heereafter bee brought, either from or out of the Realme of Scotland, or from or out of any the parts be­yond the seas, into the said Realmes of England and Ireland, or either of them, or any of the do­minions thereof, vpon paine of his Maiesties high displeasure, and vpon such further paines, penalties, & punishments, as by any the lawes or statutes of this Realme, can, or may be in­flicted vpon them for their contempt and diso­bedience in that behalfe.None shall transport Allomes brought in other then the Paten­tees. And also that no o­ther person or persons whatsoeuer, other then the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, and assignes, shall at any time or times heereafter during the residue of the said terme of one and thirtie yeeres, transport, conuey, or carrie out of any the said Realmes of England or Ireland, or any the dominions thereof, any Allomes or [Page] liquors of Allomes, which shall at any time heereafter be brought into the said Realmes of England or Ireland, or either of them, contrary to the true intent & meaning of these presents: And further, that if any Allomes at any time or times hereafter during the said terme shal hap­pen to be by any means whatsoeuer brought in or imported into any his Maiesties said Realms or dominions, last before mentioned, and shall be there sould, spent or vsed by any other per­son or persons, other then the said William Tur­nor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their exe­tors, administrators or assignes, or any of them contrarie to the true intent & meaning of these presents:Defalcation out of the rent for all Allome brought into this Realme. That then his Maiestie, his heires and successors, shall and will defalke and allow vn­to the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, & assignes, and it shal & may be lawful to and for them, and euerie of them vpon the passing of their accompts, or paiments of the rents heere­by reserued, and vpon such proofe made of the selling, spending, or vsing of any such Al­lomes brought into the said Realmes or domi­nions, and not by him or them seised as afore­said, [Page] contrarie to the true meaning of these pre­sents, as by the Lord Treasurer of England for the time being shall be allowed to be sufficient to defalke and deteine in their owne hands, and to their owne vse so much of the yeerely rents and paiments due and paieable, or coue­nanted to be paid vnto his Highnesse, his heires or successors, by vertue of these presents, as the value of the Allomes so to be brought in and sould, spent, or vsed contrarie to the true mea­ning of these presents as aforesaid, shal amount vnto after the rate of fiue and twentie shillings the hundred waight for all such Allome as shal be so brought in or imported into any his Ma­iesties said Realmes or dominions, and there sould, spent, or vsed by any person or persons, other then the said William Turnor, Richard Bow­deler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, admini­strators or assignes, at any time or times before the foure and twentieth day of Iune now next comming: And for all such Allome as shall be so brought in or imported sould, spent or vsed as aforesaid, at any time or times after the said foure and twentieth day of Iune now next com­ming after the rate of six and twentie shillings [Page] the hundred waight: and so from time to time according to such prises as for the time being Allome shall be sould for within this Realme. And his Maiestie for him, his heires, and suc­cessors, doth by these presents will, require, and authorise the Lord high Treasurer of Eng­land for the time being, the vnder-Treasurer, Chauncelour, and Barons of the Exchequer of his Highnesse, his heires and successors for the time being, to giue full allowance thereof ac­cordingly; And that these presents or the in­rolement thereof, shall be a sufficient warrant and discharge as well to the Lord Treasurer, Chauncelour, and Barons of the Exchequer of his highnesse, his heires, and successors for the time being, as to the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, ad­ministrators, and assignes, and euery of them, to make and haue such allowance and defalca­tion as is aforesaid, any thing or matter what­soeuer to the contrarie thereof, in any wise notwithstanding.The graunt to set aliens & strangers on worke. And further our said Soue­raigne Lord the King, for the considerations a­foresaid, for him, his heires and successors of his highnesse especiall grace, certaine knowledge, [Page] and meere motion, doth also by these presents giue and graunt vnto the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, and euery of them, their executors, administrators and as­signes, and euery of them: That they the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators and assignes and euery of them, at all times heereafter, and from time to time during all the residue of the said terme of yeeres in the said first recited letters Patents graunted, or mentioned to be graunted, shall haue full and free libertie, license, power, and authoritie to imploy, hier, and set on work, all, and all maner of strangers, as well aliens as Denizens, being in league or amitie with our said Soueraign Lord the K. Maiestie, his heires & successors for the carriage, shipping, lading, transporting, and vnlading of Allomes, coales, vrines, and all and all maner of other matters, materials; or things whatsoeuer being fit or ne­cessarie, in, or about the working or making of Allomes, or the liquors thereof, or any waies or meanes whatsoeuer incident or belonging thereunto: And also that they the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their [Page] executors, administrators, and assignes, and all and euerie other person or persons whatsoe­uer, that they or any of them shall imploy, in or about the carriages or transportation as a­foresaid, according to the true intent and mea­ning of these presents, shall and may also at all times heereafter, and from time to time during the said terme aforesaid, quietly and peaceably passe by sea with all their allomes and all other their prouisions of coales, vrine, and all other things which shall be requisite and necessarie to be vsed and imploied in or about the making or working of the said Allomes, or the liquors thereof.Habendum. To haue, hold, and enioy all and eue­rie the said licenses, powers, priuiledges and authorities, and all and singular other the pre­misses heerein before mentioned, to be heereby giuen, graunted, assigned or set ouer, and eue­rie part and parcell thereof vnto the said Willi­am Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, and assignes, from the fower and twentieth day or Iune last past before the date heereof, for and during so many yeeres of the said terme of one and thirtie yeeres to be accompted from the third [Page] day of Ianuarie, in the fourth yeere of the raign of the Kings Maiestie ouer the Realme of Eng­land, being the day of the date of the said first mentioned letters Patents, as aforesaid, as from the said foure and twentieth day of Iune shal be behinde or vnexpired; to the onely proper vse and behoofe of them the said William Turnor, Ri­chard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their execu­tors, administrators, and assignes, without any accompt or other thing thereof or therefore to be rendred or paid to our said Soueraigne Lord, the King, his heires, and successors, or a­ny of them (otherwise then according to the true intent and meaning of these presents) and in as large, ample, and beneficiall maner and forme, according to the true meaning of these presents as his Maiestie, his heires, successors, or assignes, or any of them, may, might, or ought to haue take or enioy the same. And as largely amplie, & beneficially as his Maiestie may giue, grant, or assign ouer the same, or any part thereof, any law, statute, act of Parliament, ordinance, proclamation, letters Patents, re­straint, & imperfection of, or in these presents, or other thing had, or made, or to bee had, [Page] made, committed, or omitted, to the contrary of these presents, in any wise notwithstanding, yeelding and paying.Redd. And the said William Tur­nor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, for them­selues, their, and euery their heires, executors, administrators and assignes, and for euerie of them doe couenant, graunt, and agree, to and with our said Soueraigne Lord the King, his heires and successors by these presents, well and truely to pay, to our said Soueraigne Lord the King, his heires, or successors, at the receipt of the Exchequer of our said Soueraign Lord the Kings Maiestie, his heires, or successors, for and in the name of the rent of the first yeere to be accompted,First yeere 5. thousand pounds. from the said foure and twen­tieth day of Iune now last past, the summe of two thousand pounds of lawfull money of England, at, or vpon the foure and twentieth day of Iune next comming after the date here­of:2. yeere three thou­sand pounds. And for and in the name of the rent of the second yeere, the summe of three thousand pounds of like lawfull money of England in maner and forme following; (That is to say) on the fiue and twentieth day of December, which shall be in the yeere of our Lord God, [Page] one thousand six hundred and ten: one thou­sand and fiue hundred pounds of lawfull mo­ney of England; and on the foure and twentith day of Iune then next following the like sum of one thousand and fiue hundred pounds of [...]awfull money of England; and from thence­ [...]oorth for and in the name of the rent of euery [...]eere, for and during the terme of fiue yeeres, [...]hen next ensuing after the said first yeere, and [...]econd yeere, lastly aboue mentioned,11000. li. per annum, during fiue yeeres. the [...]eerely summe of eleuen thousand pounds [...]eerely of like lawfull money of England, [...]t two daies or times in euerie of the same [...]ue yeeres by equall portions, that is to saie, [...]t and vpon the fiue and twentieth of Decem­ [...]er, and the foure and twentieth day of Iune, [...]nd then and from thencefoorth from and af­ [...]r the end and expiration of the said fiue yeers [...]st mentioned, for the rent of euery yeere of [...]he then residue to come and vnexpired of the [...]id terme of one and thirtie yeeres,10000. li. per annum, after seuen yeeres. the yeerely [...]mme of ten thousand pounds yeerely of like [...]wful money of England, at two daies or times [...]n euerie yeere by euen and equall portions: That is to say, at and vpon the fiue & twentieth [Page] day of December, and the foure and twentieth day of Iune by euen and equall porcions, yeer­ly to be paid, at the place aforesaid: Prouided alwaies, and it is couenanted, graunted, con­discended, and agreed by and betweene the said parties, to these presents: That if the said seueral yeerely rents,Prouiso to sequester, for non paiment of rent. and summes of money by these presents reserued, or couenanted to be paid to our said Soueraigne Lord the King, his heires or successors, or any of them shall hap­pen to be behinde, vnpaid, in part or in all, by the space of fortie daies next after any of the daies aforesaid, in which the same ought to be paid, during the residue of the said terme of one and thirtie yeeres, before, in, and by these pre­sents granted or mentioned as aforesaid: That then, and so often it shall and may be lawful to & for our said Soueraigne Lord the King, his heires, and successors, to sequest [...]r, and expell the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, & Tho­mas Iones, their executors, administrators, depu­ties, assignes, and euerie of them, of and from the possession and receit of all and singular the premisses by these presents graunted, and the same to resume and take againe into the hands [Page] of his Highnesse, his heires, and successors, vntil all and euerie the arrerages, of the same yeerely rents or summes of money by these presents re­serued, or agreed to be paid to his Maiestie, his heires, or successors, shall bee vnto his High­nesse, his heires, or successors, well and truely paid, or otherwise actually and truly to his Ma­iestie, his heires, and successors, out of the pro­fits of the same, remaining in the hands of his Highnesse, his heires and successors, shall bee truely answered and paid.The Paten­tees to reen­ter after paiment. And that yet ne­uerthelesse from and immediately after ful pai­ment of the same arrerages of the same rents or summes of money, and not before, it shall and may be lawfull to, and for the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, and assignes to haue againe, and repossesse the premisses to them by these presents graunted, according to the true intent and meaning of these presents:The Kings charge to all Officers. And our said Soueraigne Lord the King intending that this present graunt, and the couenants therein conteined, shall take the better effect, doth by these presents of his especiall grace, certaine knowledge, and meere motion for his High­nesse, [Page] his heires, and successors, straightly charge and command all and all maner of Of­ficers, Clarkes, Ministers, makers and keepers of the entries of ships and shippers, and other officers, Clarkes and Ministers whatsoeuer to whom it shall appertaine: That they, and eue­rie of them shall quietly permit and suffer the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Tho­mas Iones, their executors, administrators, and assignes, and their deputies, and factors, and euery of them to see, and haue and at their wils and pleasures to make, and take at all times, from and after the date heereof true copies of all entries of shippes, and Shippers, entries within any the Ports, Hauens, Creekes, and places of lading, and vnlading, and the mem­bers of the same, or to them, or any of them, belonging within his Maiesties, Realmes and dominions for the certaintie, and content of al maner of Allome, which shall be arriued, ship­ped or brought to be discharged, or which shal be shipped, or laden to be transported contra­rie to the Orders in that case prouided, or contrarie to his Maiesties proclamations lately published for the generall and absolute prohi­bition [Page] and forbidding of the bringing in of Al­lome into the same his Maiesties Realmes and dominions, and contrary to the true intent and meaning of these presents: And that no Cu­stomer, Collector, Comptroller, Searcher, or o­ther officer or minister of the Customes, & Im­posts, shal take or receaue any entry, or entries, or suffer any entry or entries to be taken, or any composition to be made directly, or indirectly for the Custome, Subsedie, or Impost of any parcell or quantity of Allome, to be brought in, or carried out as aforesaid, nor shall by any meanes giue any warrant, or in any maner giue tolleration, or sufferāce for the lading or trans­porting of the same: And that all the Key-kee­pers, and keepers of Wharfes, or other places, of, or within these Realms & dominions afore­said, or any the Ports, Hauens, or Creeks of the same, from time to time during the continu­ance of this present graunt, shall not suffer a­ny parcel, or quantitie of Allome brought from any the parts beyond the seas as aforesaid, to be landed, or discharged, and laid on land at any key, wharfe, or place within their seuerall charge. And that no ship or other vessell what­soeuer, [Page] which during this presents graunt shall ariue, and come into any part of his Maiesties said Realmes, or dominions from any the parts beyond the seas laden, or fraughted with Al­lome, more or lesse, shall be suffered to dis­charge by Lighter or otherwise, any Allome whatsoeuer, or to come or to fall vnto anie Key or Wharfe whatsoeuer to discharge and vnlade any part of her said lading, before such time as the keeper of euery such Key, or wharfe from time to time hath giuen notice therof vn­to the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, and administra­tors, deputies, seruants, or factors, or any of them, and shall haue order, and commaund from them the said William Turnor, Richard Bow­deler, and Thomas Iones, their executors or admi­nistrators, or from some or one of them, for the landing and disposing of the Allome so brought in as is aforesaid, vpon paine of our dis­pleasure, and of such paines, penalties, punish­ments, and imprisonments, as by any lawes, or statutes of this Realme, can or may be inflicted vpon them for such their offences committed, contrarie to the said orders, and Proclamation, [Page] and contrarie to the true meaning of these pre­sents. And that no Water-man, Marriner, or other person or persons, shall carrie, receaue, or conuey, any maner of Allome, from, or out of any shippe or vessell, contrary to the said or­ders and proclamation aforesaid, or any of them, and contrarie to the true intent and mea­ning of these presents, vpon paine of imprison­ment, and of his Maiesties indignation and dis­pleasure, and of such further punishments as by the lawes of this Realme of England may be inflicted vpon him or them so offending for such their contempt.A warrant and charge to al Officers to aide and assist the Patentees in this behalfe. And our said Soueraign Lord the King of his further especiall grace, certaine knowledge, and meere motion, doth for his Highnesse, his heires and successors, straightly charge and command, aswell all and euery Iustices of Peace, Maiors, Sherriffes, Con­stables, Bailifes, Headboroughs, and other of­ficers, of, and within all and euery Citie, Bor­rough towne, or place, within his Highnesse Realmes and dominions: And all and euerie the Customers, Comptrollers, Searchers, and other the officers & ministers of his Highnesse, his heires, and successors, within any the said [Page] Portes, Hauens, Crekes or places whatsoeuer: As also all and euery the officers, and ministers which now haue, or at any time during this present grant, shal haue any office, or authority from or vnder the iurisdiction of the Lord high Admirall of England, for the time being, that they, and euery of them shall from time to time during the said terme by these presents graun­ted, be aiding and assisting to the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, and assignes, and e­uery of them, and to their and euerie of their factors, deputies, and seruants, in the due exe­cution of all, and singular the premisses, accor­ding to the true intent and meaning thereof, for the most benefit of the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their excu­tors, administrators, and assignes, their and e­uery of their deputies, and factors, in as bene­ficiall and diligent wise, order, degree, and ma­ner whatsoeuer, as they, and euery of them, should, or ought to haue beene to our said So­ueraigne Lord the King, his heires, and succes­sors, by any maner of meanes, if this present graunt had not been had or made, vpon paine [Page] of his Maiesties indignation, and displeasure, & vnder such paines, and penalties by fines, im­prisonments, or otherwise as by the lawes and statutes of this Realme, or by his Maiesties Pre­rogatiue Royall, can or may be inflicted vpon them, or any of them, for their negligence, or contempt in that behalfe.The King will not dis­charge the Allome for­feited. And our said Soue­raigne Lord the King of his farther especiall grace, certaine knowledge, and meere motion doth for his Highnesse, his heires, and succes­sors, couenant, graunt, and agree to and with the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Tho­mas Iones, their executors, administrators, and assignes, and euery of them, by these presents: That our said Soueraigne Lord the King, his heires, or successors, shall not, nor will, at any time heereafter during the terme, in, and by these presents graunted, pardon, release, or in any sort discharge any Allome so forfeited, or any penalties or duties, due for the same, nor shall or will at any time or times disanull, re­uoke, or countermaund the said authorities, li­censes, or liberties heerein before especiallie mencioned, or graunted, for and concerning the sole and onely making of Allomes, and the [Page] liquors thereof, nor make or graunt any other license, or tolleration whatsoeuer to any other person, or persons whatsoeuer, for or concer­ning the making of Allome within his Maie­sties said Realmes and dominions, or any of them, or for or concerning the bringing in of Allome, from any forrain parts into his High­nes said Realms and dominions, or any of them or the transporting or carrying of Allome from or out of the same Realmes and domini­ons, or any of them, contrarie to the true mea­ning of these presents; Nor shall commaund, doe, or execute, or cause to bee commaunded, done, or executed any other act, or acts, thing, or things, whatsoeuer, whereby, or by meanes whereof any decay or hinderance shall grow or happen, of, or in the said sole and onely ma­king of Allomes, or the liquors thereof, or of the said prices of the said Allomes, or of any part thereof, or whereby, or by meanes where­of, they the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administra­tors, and assignes, or any of them, shall not, or may not take the ful and whole benefit of these presents, according to the true intent & mean­ing [Page] heereof.If the King shall not per­forme these graunts and couenants vpon decla­ration, &c. the Paten­tees shall haue recom­pence by de­falcation out of their rent. And our said Soueraigne Lord the King, for him his heires, and successors, doth further couenant, promise and graunt, to and with the said William Turnor, Richard Bow­deler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, admini­strators, and assignes by these presents; That if our said Soueraign Lord the King, his heires, or successors, shall doe, or cause to be done, or wittingly suffer, or permit to be done, any mat­ter or thing whereby, or by meanes whereof the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Tho­mas Iones, their executors, administrators or as­signes, shall be restrained, hindered, or barred from the enioying, or hauing of any benefit, profit, priuiledge or libertie, which by and ac­cording to the true intent & meaning of these presents, and according to the couenaunts, graunts, or agreements in these presents men­tioned, and of the part and behalfe of his Ma­iestie, his heires and successors, they the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, and as­signes, ought to haue and enioy: That then in such cases vpon declaration made by them the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and [Page] Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators or assignes, or any of them vnto the Lord Trea­surer of England, and Chauncelour of the Ex­chequer of his Maiestie, his heires, and succes­sors for the time being, of the losses, damages, and hinderances which they, or any of them shall receaue for want of due performance of any the said graunts, couenants, promises, or agreements, on the one part of his Maiestie, his heires or successors to be performed, obser­ued or kept, and such proofe made thereof as by the said Lord Treasurer and Chauncelour for the time being, shall be allowed to be suffi­cient, that then and in such cases, the said Willi­am Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, and assignes, shall from time to time haue recompence and satisfaction, for and in respect of all and euerie such their said losses, damages and hinderances, by defalcation of so much money out of their yeerely rents then next paieable vnto his Maie­stie, his heires, or successors, for, or in respect of the premisses: As by the said Lord Treasu­rer, and Chauncelour of the said Exchequer, for the time being, shall be thought fit and reaso­nable. [Page] And his Maiestie doth by these presents for him his heires, and successors, charge and command the Treasurer and Chauncelour of the said Exchequer for the time being, from time to time to make deduction, & defalcation vnto them the said William Turnor, Richard Bow­deler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, admini­strators and assignes accordingly: And these presents or the inrolement thereof, shall bee from time to time vnto the said Treasurer, and Chauncelour of the said Exchequer, for the time being, a sufficient warrant and discharge in that behalfe.The coue­nant for the waies. And further his Maiesties will and pleasure is; And his Maiestie doth by these presents of his especiall grace, certaine know­ledge, and meere motion, for his Highnesse, his heires, and successors, graunt vnto the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, and as­signes, and euery of them by these presents, that they, and euery of them, their, and euerie of their seruants, deputies, and ministers, which are or shall be vsed or imploied in, for, or about the said Allome workes, or Allomes, or the bu­sinesses of the same, shall and may at all times [Page] heereafter, during the continuance of these pre­sents, graunt, haue, and enioy sufficient way-leaue and stath-leaue, and free egresse, regresse, way, and passage, and power, libertie, license, and authoritie to goe, passe, stay, or abide with their, and euerie of their Carts, Waines, Carri­ages, and otherwise, in, by, and through all place and places, meete and conuenient within his Maiesties said Realmes and dominions, and and euery of them, without let, deniall, or in­terruption. And that neither they the said Wil­liam Turnor, The Paten­tees & their partners to be freed frō seruice. Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, and their partners, or any of them, their, or any of their executors, administrators, assignes, ser­uants, deputies, and ministers, or any of them, nor their, nor any of their goods, cattle, or car­riages, shall at any time heereafter be charged, or taken to seruice, or for any seruices or vse of or for his Maiesties, his heires, or successors, whereby, or by meanes wherof, the said works, or any of them, shall, or may be in an wise let­ted or hindered: But for the better furtherance & aduancement of the said works;To take car­riages. The Kings Maiestie doth also further of his especial grace, certaine knowledge, and meere motion, charge [Page] and commaund all Iustices of Peace, Maiors, Sheriffes, Bailiffes, Constables, and other his Maiesties officers, and ministers whatsoeuer, to whom in that behalfe it shall or may appertain, That they, and euerie of them, shall, and doe from time to time, doe their best endeuors, fur­therances, and assistances, for, and on the be­halfe of the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administra­tors, deputies, factors, and assignes; That they may from time to time, and in all places, be fur­nished and prouided of all such, and so many Cartes, Waines, Ploughes, Teames, and other waies for carriages, as shall be fit, conuenient, and necessarie to be imploied, vsed, or occupi­ed, in, or about the said Allome works or hou­ses aforesaid: The said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, ad­ministrators, seruants, or assignes, paying such rates, prices, or wages, for the same as by the said Iustices and other officers shall be thought reasonable and conuenient; And to the end that the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, To be freed from bear­ing Offices. and Thomas Iones, their, and euerie of their exe­cutors, administrators, partners, deputies fa­ctors, [Page] agents, seruants, and assignes, may the more freely, and with the greater libertie, im­ploy their whole endeuours, in and about the working and making of the said Allomes, and the liquors thereof, during all the residue of the said one and thirtie yeeres before mentioned: We do by these presents, of our especial grace, certaine knowledge, and meere motion, giue and graunt, to the said W [...]lliam Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, ad­ministrators, Partners, deputies, factors, agents, seruants, and assignes, and to euerie of them, That they the said William Turnor, Richard Bow­deler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, admini­strators, Partners, deputies, factors, agents, ser­uants, and assignes, and euery of them, at all times heereafter, and from time to time, from and after the day of the date of these presents, for and during so long time of all the residue of the said one and thirtie yeeres before menti­oned, as they or any of them shall be interessed in, or imploied in or about the said Allomes, or Allome workes, shall not be called nor com­pelled to vse, exercise, or serue in any publicke or priuate office, or other seruice, either to vs, [Page] or to our heires, or successors, without the con­ [...]ent, and good liking of him, or them that shal [...]r may be so called; But shall be free, and free­ [...]y acquited, exonerated and discharged, of, and [...]rom the bearing, executing, or vndergoing, of [...]ll, and all maner aswell of publicke, as priuate, Office, and Offices, place, function, or seruice, [...]hatsoeuer, either to vs, or to our heires, or suc­ [...]essors, or in any publicke, or priuate Office, [...]eruice, and imployment, whatsoeuer, in the Common-wealth: Sauing onely, and except [...]uch Offices, seruices, and imployments, as are [...]nd heereafter shall be fit and necessarie to bee [...]xercised, and vsed in and about the working [...]nd making of Allomes, or the liquors there­ [...]f, or, in, or about such other necessary imploi­ [...]ents touching or concerning the same.Couenants to discharge his Maiestie of all paie­ments and charges &c. in the Arti­cles quadri­partite. And [...]he said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and [...]homas Iones, for themselues, their, and euerie [...]heir heires, executors, administrators, and as­ [...]ignes, and for euerie of them doe also coue­ [...]aunt, graunt, and agree to and with our said [...]oueraigne Lord the King, his heires, and suc­ [...]essors, by these presents, That they the said [...]illiam Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas [Page] Iones, their heires, executors, administrators, o [...] assignes, or some of them, shall and will from hencefoorth yeerely, well and truely satisfi [...] and paie, or cause to be satisfied and paid, a [...] and euery the said seuerall summe and summe [...] of money, paiments and charges whatsoeue [...] in and by the said Articles of agreement qua­dripartite, indented, expressed, mentioned, an [...] heerein before in these presents particularly recited, which on the part and behalfe of our sai [...] Soueraigne Lord the Kings Maiestie his heires and successors, or any of them, are to bee pai [...] and performed and that in such sort maner an [...] forme, as in and by the said articles of agreement quad ipartite, the same are of his Maiesties behal [...]e agreed, limited, or appointed to b [...] paid or otherwise, of, for, and concerning al [...] and euery the said seuerall summe and summe [...] of money, paiments, and charges, and eueri [...] part thereof, shall and will from time to time [...] and at all times hereafter, acquit and discharge [...] or well and sufficiently saue and keepe harmelesse, our said Soueraigne Lord the King, h [...] heires and successors, and euerie of them. An [...] further, the said William Turnor, Richard Bowd [...] ler, [Page] and Thomas Iones, do couenant, graunt, and agree, for themselues, their heires, executors, administrators, & assignes, to and with our said Soueraigne Lord the King, his heires, and suc­cessors by these presents: That they the said W. Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors or administrators, shall before the end and expiration of two yeeres and a halfe next after the date heereof, erect and builde so many Allome houses, more within the realmes of England or Ireland, or the dominions of the same, as with those alreadie erected will be suf­ficient for the making of the quantitie of two thousand tunnes of Allome yeerly at the least. And for that his Highnesse out of his Princely care of his subiects good,Price of Al­lomes. will not admit the price of Allome spent within his Maiesties do­minions, to be by this meanes enhaunced: The [...]aid William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas [...]ones, do couenant, graunt, and agree for them­ [...]elues, their executors, administrators, and as­ [...]gnes, and euery of them,W. Turnor &c. their co­uenant for the quanti­tie of Al­lomes. to and with our said [...]oueraigne Lord the King, his heires, and suc­ [...]essors by these presents: That they the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Th. Iones, [Page] their executors, administrators, and assignes, shall and will from time to time during all the now residue to come of the said terme, haue in their custodie, in knowen warehouses, or cel­lers within the Citie of London at all times, the quantitie of one hundred Tunnes of good, ser­uiceable, and marchantable Allome. And that from the said warehouses, or cellers all persons residing within his Maiesties Dominions, shall and may freely and at their pleasure, buy and haue thereof for fiue and twentie shillings of lawfull money of England the hundred waight, from the day of the date hereof vntill the said fower and twentith day of Iune now next en­sueing. And from, and at, all times after the said fower and twentith day of Iune next comming during the residue of the saide one and thirtie yeeres last mentioned, for and at the rate of six and twentie shillings of lawfull English money the hundred waight as aforesaid: And so after that rate for any greater or lesser quantitie without any farther or other cha [...]ge or paiment, vnlesse his Maiestie, his heires, o [...] successors, shall at any time heereafter think [...] fit and suffer them the said William Turnor, Richard [Page] Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their execu­tors, administrators, and assignes, to sell Al­lome to be spent within his Maiesties domini­ons, at any higher price, then is heerein before expressed; And then in such case for and at such higher price, as his Maiestie, his heires, or suc­cessors, shall so thinke fit, and suffer Allome to be sould for, and not otherwise; And to that intent the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, doe also couenant, graunt, and agree for themselues, their heires, execu­tors, administrators, and assignes, and for eue­rie of them, to and with our said Soueraigne Lord the King, his heires, and successors, by these presents: That if his Maiestie, his heires, or successors, shall at any time heereafter think fit, and shall license and suffer the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, and assignes, to sell Allome to be spent within his Maiesties domi­nions, at any higher price then is herein before expressed, and shall cause the same to be signi­fied vnto the said William Turnor, Richard Bow­deler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, and Ad­ministrators, vnder the hand of the Lord Trea­surer [Page] of England for the time being in writing: That then, and from thencefoorth, and for so long time, onely as they shall be so suffered, or licensed, to sell at any higher price, they the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Tho­mas Iones, their executors, administrators, or as­signes shall pay yeerely vnto his Maiestie, his heires or successors, so much good and lawfull money of England, as shall be at any time rai­sed, improoued, and aduaunced by reason of such signification giuen, as aforesaid, aboue the prices, before limited. And shall pay the same vpon due accompt at such place and daies as in these presents are formerly mencioned, for the other paiement to be made vnto his Highnesse as aforesaid, And that they the said William Tur­nor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their ex­ecutors, administrators, or assignes, or anie of them, or any other person or persons, for them or any of them, shall not at any time or times heereafter, during the now residue to come of the said one and thirtie yeeres last before men­tioned, receaue nor take from the day of the date heereof vnto the foure and twentieth day of Iune now next ensuing, aboue or any more [Page] then fiue and twentie shillings of lawfull Eng­lish money for one hundred waight of Al­lome, and so after that rate, nor from and after the said foure and twentieth day of Iune next ensuing after the date heereof aboue, or any more then six and twenrie shillings of lawfull English money for one hundred waight of Al­lome, by them sould to be spent and vsed with­in his Maiesties said dominions, and so after that rate for a greater or lesser quantitie (for­reine Allome being at this time neere about the same price) vnlesse the pleasure and allow­ance of his Maiestie, his heires and successors, of some greater or higher price, shall vnder the hand of the Lord Treasurer of England for the time being be signified vnto the said William Tur­nor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, or the suruiuers or suruiuer of them, their, or any of their executors, and administrators, for the same as aforesaid. And to the intent that the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, or as­signes, may furnish the Realme of Scotland from time to time with allomes made in Eng­land, Scotland, or Ireland, or some of the domi­nions [Page] of the same, and not be hindered or dam­nified by the importation of forraine Allomes, or the liquors thereof into his Highnesse said Kingdome of Scotland, or any the domi­nions thereof, Our said Soueraigne Lord the King willeth and graunteth by these pre­sents; And the said William Turnor, Richard Bow­deler, and Thomas Iones, for them, their heires, executors, administrators, and assignes, do co­uenant, promise, and graunt, to and with our said Soueraigne Lord the King, his heires, and successors by these presents: That they the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, or as­signes, shall and will from time to time, and at al times, from and after the foure and twentieth day of Iune next comming after the date here­of, prouide and procure at their own costs and charges, that there shall be and remaine in rea­dinesse at all times, and from time to time du­ring the residue of the said terme of one and thirtie yeeres within some conuenient store­houses or other places within his Maiesties said kingdome of Scotland, fit and commo [...]ions for the accesse and repaire of his Maiesties said [Page] subiects of Scotland; and not farre from the citie of Edenborough, so many tunnes of good marchantable allome made within his Maie­sties said kingdome of England or any other his Maiesties kingdomes or dominions; as by the Priuie Counsell of our said Soueraigne Lord the King, his heires, or successors of the said kingdome of England for the time being, or a­ny three or more of them, whereof the Lord Treasurer of England for the time being to be alwaies one, shall from time to time be ordered, appointed, and commanded, and the same Al­lomes to be from time to time vttered & sould, to all, or any of his Maiesties said subiects of his said realme of Scotland, for the vse of the said Realme of Scotland, at such low and vnder pri­ces as by the said Priuie Counsell of his Maie­stie, his heires, or successors of his said king­dome of England, or any such three or more of them as is aforesaid, shall from time to time be limited, set downe, and appointed, which prices his Maiesties will and pleasure is, shall be from time to time so low, and vnder the prices for which like Allomes brought from beyond the seas thither, can be sould or vttered for, as [Page] that marchants and others may be discouraged and forbeare to bring any Allomes into the said Realme of Scotland. And his Maiestie doth further, for him his heires, and successors, couenant, promise, and graunt, to and with the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Tho­mas Iones, their executors, administrators, and assignes, by these presents, That they the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, and as­signes, shall from time to time during the resi­due of the said terme of one and thirtie yeeres, haue defalcation, allowance, and deduction out of the yeerely rents, summes of money and paiements, by these presents, reserued of so much money as shall make vp euerie hundred waight of Allomes which shall be so sould in the Realm of Scoland by the direction, and ap­pointment of the said Priuie Counsell of his Maiesties said kingdome of England, to be of the full value and price of six and twentie shil­lings for euerie such hundred waight. And that these presents, or the inrolements, or exempli­fications thereof shall be from time to time as­well to the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, [Page] and Thomas Iones, their executors, and admini­strators, to retaine, hold and keepe in their own hands as to the Lord Treasurer and Chaunce­lour of the Exchequor of his Maiestie, his heires and successors for the time being, from time to time, to make defalcation and deduction ther­of, accordingly out of the said yeerely rents, summes of money and paiments, before by these presents reserued: And his Maiesty doth further by these presents, for him, his heires, and successors, couenaunt and graunt, to and with the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administra­tors, and assignes: That if any allomes or li­quors of allomes shall at any time or times du­ring the residue of the said terme of 31. yeeres before, in, and by these presents, graunted, or mentioned to be graunted, be brought from a­ny the parts beyond the seas, into the said realme of Scotland, or any the dominions or parts thereof, & shall there be vttered, sould, or spent, that then vpon such proofe made of the importation, selling, vttering, or spending of a­ny such forraine allomes within the said realm of Scotland; as by the Lord Treasurer of Eng­land, [Page] a [...]d Chauncelour of his Maiesties Exche­quor shall be allowed vnder their seales to be sufficient, they the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, ad­ministrators, and assignes, shall and may haue, keepe, and reteine in their owne hands: And our said Soueraigne Lord the King, for him, his heires, and successors, doth will and command the Lord Treasurer of England, and Chaunce­lour of the Exchequor for the time being from [...]e to time to deduct and allow vnto them the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, and as­signes, so much money out of the rents and summes of money by these presents reserued and paieable as aforesaid, as may counteruaile and recompence the losses and hinderances which they the said William Turnor, Richard Bow­deler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, admini­strators, and assignes, shall receiue in respect that they or any of them shall and may sell and vtter the lesse there. And that these pre­sents shall be as well vnto the said Lord Trea­surer of England and Chauncelour of the Exchequor for the time being: As also to the [Page] said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Tho­mas Iones, their executors, administrators, and as­signes, a sufficient warrant, exoneration, and discharge in that behalfe. And furthermor [...], our said Soueraigne Lord the Kings Maiestie, of his especiall grace, certeine knowledge, and meere motion, for him his heires and succes­sors, doth promise and graunt to and with the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, and as­signes, by these presents; That in case at an [...] time or times heereafter, during the residue of the said terme of one and thirtie yeeres, there shall happen any warre, hostilitie, restraint, prohibition, or great and important impedi­ments, of trade or intercourse of marchandise to rise, grow, or continue in forreine parts, or within his Maiesties said dominions, by reason whereof the trade and entercourse for the said Allomes so to be made within his Maiesties said Dominions shall be diminished, letted, or pro­hibited: That then in such case, from time to time, it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Tho­mas Iones, their executors, administrators and [Page] assignes, and euerie of them vpon notice of their, or any of their intention and determina­tion in that behalfe to be giuen to the Lord Treasurer of England for the time being vnder their, or any of their hands and seales in wri­ting, to relinquish and forbeare to make or worke all or any Allomes, or the liquors there­of by force and vertue of these presents, to or for their owne vse, or to transport or carry by force or vertue of these presents, any Allomes, or the liquors thereof into any the parts be­yond the seas, to or for their owne vse for the terme of one or more whole yeere or yeeres, of the residue of the said terme of one and thir­tie yeeres, before by these presents mentioned to be graunted, the yeere or yeeres to begin from any feast of the natiuitie of Saint Iohn Bap­tist, during the residue of the said terme of one and thirtie yeres before by these presents men­tioned to be granted as to them or any of them from time to time s [...]all seeme good. And that then the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administra­tors, and assignes, for and during such and so much of the residue of the said terme of one [Page] and thirtie yeeres, before by these presents, mentioned to be graunted. As they the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, and either of them, their, or either of their executors, administrators, or assignes, shall after such notice made, so relinquish and forbeare the said making and working of Al­lomes, and the liquors thereof within the said Realmes of England and Ireland, or either of them, and the dominions thereof, to their own vse, and shall also forbeare the transportation of any allomes, or the liquors thereof out of the said Realmes of England and Ireland, and the dominions thereof, to or for their own vse, stand and be acquited and discharged by and against our said Soueraigne Lord the King, his heires and successors, of and from the paiment of the said yeerely rents or summes of money, by these presents, reserued or agreed to be paid for and during such whole yeere or yeeres as a­foresaid, and no longer, as [...]hey the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their excutors, administrators, and assignes, and eue­rie of them, from and after such notice giuen as aforesaid, shall relinquish and forbeare to make [Page] any such Allomes or the liquors thereof to their owne vse, and to transport the same or a­ny part thereof into any the parts beyond the seas, by vertue of these presents, to and for their owne vse; And yet neuerthelesse, his Maiestie is pleased and contented. And the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, for them, and euerie of them, their, and c [...]erie of their executors, administrators, and assignes, do couenaunt and graunt by these presents to and with our said Soueraigne Lord the King, his heires and successors, that they the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, and assignes, and e­uerie of them, after such relinquishment and forbearing, and during the time of such hosti­litie, prohibition, restraint, impeachment or staie as aforesaid, shall and will at the only cost and charges of our said Soueraigne Lord the King, his heires, and successors, well and truly make and worke for the onely vse and behoofe of our said Soueraigne Lord the King, his heires and successors, within the said Realmes of England and Ireland, and the dominions thereof, such and so much quantitie of good [Page] and marchantable Allomes, and the liquors thereof, as may and shall serue for the expen­ces and vse of the said kingdomes of England and Ireland, and the dominions thereof. And also for transportation as in former yeeres (com­munibus annis) shall haue beene vsed, & the same to vtter and sell for the vse of his Maiestie, his heires, and successors, at and for such prices as by the priuie Counsell of his Maiestie, his heires and successors, shall in that behalfe be from time to time directed, and shall also halfe yere­ly at all times during the continuance of such warres and hostilitie, prohibition or restraint of intercourse and trade, yeeld vp to the Kings Maiestie, his heires, and successors, before the Barons of the court of Exchequor, for the time being, vpon their corporall oathes, a iust and true view of accompt, and a iust & true accōpt as well of all such benefit, profit, and commo­ditie, as shall arise, grow, or come of or by rea­son of all or any Allomes or the liquors, there­of, so by them the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, or any of them, their or any of their executors, administrators, depu­ties, factors, seruants, or assignes, to be made [Page] and wrought within the said Realmes of Eng­land and Ireland, or the dominions thereof, to be spent or vsed within the same. As also of all such Allomes, and liquors thereof, as shall from time to time during the time of such relinquish­ment be transported out of any the said realms of England and Ireland, or either of them, or a­ny the dominions of the same, into any the parts beyond the seas, as also of all other pro­fit and benefit whatsoeuer, that shall any way be made, and which should haue acrued [...]o the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, & Tho. Iones, their executors, administrators, and assignes, if such relinquishment had not beene, and the money thereupon arising comming or grow­ing to be due ouer and aboue the summe or summes of money in and by the said recited In­denture quadrupartite before mentioned to be paid by our said Soueraigne Lord the King, his heires and successors, then being in their or any of their hands, or which they or any of them haue receiued, shall yeeld, satisfie and pay into the receit of the said Exchequor at the times and feasts in which the rents or summes of mo­ney before in and by these presents are mentio­ned [Page] and reserued to be paid as aforesaid, And that if the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, or either of them, their, or either of their executors, administrators, or as­signes, shall at any time after such relinquish­ment, or forbearing, as is aforesaid, vnder their or any of their hands & seales in writing, giue notice vnto the Lord Treasurer of England for the time being, that they, or any of them shall and will make & worke allomes, and the liquors thereof for their owne vse according to the former graunts, couenaunts, and articles before in these presents mentioned, and also transport the same without paiment of any sub­sedies or custome, as by the said former graunts and couenants before in these presents menti­oned they may lawfully doe; That then and from thencefoorth it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said William Turnor, Richard Bow­deler, and Th. Iones, and either of them, their & either of their executors, administrators, & as­signes to make & worke Allomes to their own vse and also to transport the same or any part therof without paiment of any Custome, subse­die or other dutie, in as ample maner as by any [Page] former graunts, couenants, promises or articles before in these presents mentioned, and accor­ding to the purport and true meaning of the same, they may and ought to doe during the residue of the said terme of one and thirtie yeeres before by these presents mentioned, to be graunted to the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, vnder their reser­uations, couennants, graunts, articles, and a­greements, in these presents conteined, so al­waies as the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, or either of them, their, or ei­ther of their executors, administrators, or as­signes, shall after such notice as is aboue men­tioned, accompt the beginning of their or any of their continuance of their or any of their making or working of the said Allomes or the liquors thereof, to their owne vse and trans­portation thereof, without paiment of Subse­dies, Custome, or other duties from some feast of the Natiuitie of Saint Iohn Baptist which then shall happen during the residue of the said terme of one and thirtie yeeres, before by these presents mentioned to be graunted: And fur­thermore his Maiesties will and pleasure is, and [Page] his Maiestie of his more especiall grace, certaine knowledge, and meere motion, for him his heires, and successors, doth by these presents require, and charge and commaund aswell the Lord Chauncelour, or the Lord Keeper of the great Seale of his Maiesties Realme of Eng­land for the time being; The Chauncelor or Keeper of the great Scale of his Realme of Ire­land for the time being, and also the Chaunce­lor of his Dutchie of Lancaster for the time be­ing, and euery of them, that they, and euery of them doe make, or cause to be made vnto the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, administrators, and as­signes, such, and so many seuerall letters Pa­tents, duplicates, constutes, and exemplificati­ons, vnder the seuerall great Seales of his Ma­iesties said Realmes of England and Ireland, and either of them, and vnder the Seale of his Maiesties said Dutchie or Countie Palatine of Lancaster, of and concerning all and singular the graunts, articles, matters, gifts, authorities, liberties, and things in these presents contei­ned to be had, taken, executed, and performed in his Maiesties said Realmes and dominions, [Page] and euerie of them, as they or any of them shal require. And that these presents or the inrole­ment therof shal be as well to his Maiesties said Chauncelors of his said realmes of England and Ireland, & either of them, as to his said Chaun­celour of his Dutchie of Lancaster, a sufficient warrant & discharge in that behalfe, without any further or other warrant frō his Highnesse, his heires or successors, to be in that behalfe had and procured or obtained. And moreouer our said Soueraigne Lord the King of his especiall grace, certaine knowledge, and meere motion, doth for his Highnesse, his heires & successors, graunt vnto the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, their executors, ad­ministrators, and assignes: That these presents or the inrolement of the same, shall stand and be in all and euerie thing firme, strong, suffici­ent, and effectuall in the Law, to and for all re­spects, purposes, constructions, and intents, for and against his Maiestie, his heires and succes­sors, as well in all Courts as elsewhere within his Highnesse Realmes and Dominions, with­out any other confirmations, licenses, or tolle­rations, from his Maiestie, his heires, or suc­cessors, [Page] heereafter in any wise to be procured, had, or obteined. In witnesse whereof to the one part of these present Indentures remaining with the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, our said Soueraigne Lord the King hath caused the great Seale of England to be put. And to the other part thereof, remain­ing with our said Soueraigne Lord the King, the said William Turnor, Richard Bowdeler, and Thomas Iones, haue put their seales. Yeauen the day and yeere first aboue written.

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