[depiction of a crown]

❧ By the King.

IT is so manifest to the world by all our procee­dings hitherto towards those Subiects of ours, which doe professe the Romish Religion, how slowe Wee haue been to extend the seue­ritie of our Lawes (in matter of life) euen against the Romish Priests themselues, who seditiously incite and warrant the ignorant Papists to forsake their naturall loue and loyaltie; as We assure our selues that all which Wee shall now require hereby at the hands of our people, will appeare most iust by the Lawes of Nature, and by the straight bonds of our peoples affections to Vs their Soueraigne, and to their Countrey (although there were no such certaine positiue Lawes as there are, so straightly to enioyne the same, and vnder so hea­uie paines.) And therefore seeing it is now made plame and euident by diuers examinations of many of those Prisoners that haue been the principall Conspiratours in the barbarous prac­tise to destroy (with Powder) our owne Person and Posteritie, with the whole State of the Realme in Parliament assembled, that those three Iesuites vnder named, Iohn Gerrard aliâs Brooke, Henry Garnet aliâs Walley, aliâs Darcy, aliâs Farmer, Oswald Tesmond aliâs Greenway, haue all three peculiarly been practisers in the same; and being throughly perswaded that (in this Treason so foule and odious to euery good Subiects eares and hearts) We shall find no man so blind or im­pious, as for any distinction whatsoeuer to forbeare to doe their vttermost dueties for the disco­uerie and apprehension of them that haue so extraordinarily sinned against GOD, and be­trayed Vs:

We haue now thought good (in that consideration the rather) not only to make knowen to all men, the bloody and cruell crimes wherof these particular persons are guiltie, but also to declare to all our Subiects hereby, That although the conformitie of all our Subiects to our com­mandements herein, shall be no more then that which we do assuredly promise our selues from such louing people, of whose fidelitie we haue had so extraordinary experience in like cases; Ne­uerthelesse wee are resolued, that whosoeuer shalbe found to haue beene the particular occasion or instrument of their apprehensions, or any of them, shalbe particularly rewarded by vs, as di­uers haue beene already, that haue shewed their zeale and forwardnesse for the prosecution and apprehension of some of these Conspirators: Adding thereunto this further protestation, That if it shall appeare by any confessions hereafter, that any persons within our Dominions or Countreyes (after this declaration of these mens guiltines in crimes so farre beyond example) [Page]shall presume to be a Harbourer, mainteiner, or Concealer of any of these three persons, or shall not doe his best for their discouery and apprehension, That we are resolued (without hope of mercy or forgiuenesse) to suffer the Lawes of the Realme, to be most seuerely executed vpon them, as vpon those whom we esteeme to be no lesse pernitious to our Person, State and Com­mon wealth, then those that haue beene Actours and Concealers of the maine treason it selfe.

God saue the King.

Description of the seuerall parties aboue named.

IOhn Gerrard, aliâs Brooke, of stature Tall, and according thereunto well Set: his complexion Swart or Blackish: his Face large: his Cheekes sticking out, and somwhat Hollow vnderneath the Cheekes: the Haire of his Head long, if it be not cut off: his Beard cut close, sauing little Mustachoes, and a little Tuft vnder his lower Lippe: about fourtie yeeres olde.

HEnry Garnet, aliâs Walley, aliâs Darcy, aliâs Farmer, of a middling Stature, full Fa­ced, Fatte of body, of Complexion faire: his Forehead high on each side, with a little thinne Haire comming downe vpon the middest of the fore­part of his Head: the Haire of his Head and Beard grifeled: of Age betweene fif­tie and threescore: his Beard on his Cheekes cut close, on his Chinne but thinne, and somewhat short: his Gate vpright, and comely for a Fatte man.

OSwald Tesmond, aliâs Greenway, of meane Stature, somewhat Grosse: his Haire blacke: his Beard bushie and browne, something long, a broad Fore­head, and about fortie yeeres of age.

❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. ANNO DOM. 1606.

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