‘יהוה’ ‘Christus Lucrum’

Suū Cui (que)

Vita breuis

‘Veritas in Profundo’

WHEREAS great complaint hath been made of divers Undergraduates, Pri­viledge-Persons, and Townesmen of Severall conditions and qualities; some whereof (contrary to that di­stinction and good order which ought to be observed) doe unduely intrude into the Seates belonging to the Ma­sters of Arts of this University at St. Maries; others filling Such disorderly manner, that the Vice-Chancellor, and Doctors cannot without much difficulty, and inconveni­ence come to their Seats. These are therefore perempto­rily and expresly to require and command all such persons for the future to forbeare to come within the said Seates or passages upon paine of being Severely censured for their irregularity; and undergoing such further penalty as shall be thought fit to be inflicted by the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors in case they persist therein. And the Proctors of the University are hereby desired see this Order put in effectuall Execution.

PAƲL HOOD, Vi [...]e-Chan. Oxon.

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