The Complaint of the Shepherd Harpalus,

To a New Tune.
[woodcut of shepherd]

[woodcut of lady]
POOR Harpalus opprest with Love sat by a Christial brook,
Thinking his sorrows to remove oft times therein did look:
And hearing how on pibble stones the murmuring Rider ran,
As if he had bequeath'd his groans unto it thus he began.
Fair streams quoth he that pities me, and hears my matchless moan,
If thou be going to the Sea as I now suppone,
Attend my plaint [...] past all relief which dolefully I breath,
Icquaint the Sea Nym [...]s with y e grief which still procutes m [...] death.
Who sitting in the clifty Rocks may in their Songs expresse
While as they comb [...]heir golden locks poor Harpalus distresse;
And so perhaps some pass [...]ngers that passeth by the way,
May stay and listen for to hear them sing this doleful lay.
Poor Harpalus a Shepherd Swain more rich in youth then store,
Lov'd fair Philenea baplesse man Philenea O therefore.
Who still remorcelesse hearted Maid took pleasure in his pain,
And his good will poor soul repaid with undeserv'd disdain.
Ne'r Shepherd loved Sheperdesse more faithfully then he
Nere Shepherd yet beloved lesse of Shepherdesse could be.
How oft did he with dying looks to her his woes impart,
How oft his sight did testifie the dolor of his heart.
How oft from Vallies to the Hills did he his grief rehearse,
How often ecchoed they his ills a back again alas.
How oft on barks of stately pines, of Béech, of Holly gréen,
Did he ingage on mournful lines, the grief he did sustain.
Yet all his plaints could have no place, to change Philena's mind,
The more his sorrows did increase, the more she prov'd unkind.
The thought thereof hath wearied [...]ate▪ poor Harpalus did move,
That overcome with high despair he lost both life and love.

Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright.

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