THat Thomas Davison, Son and Heir apparent of William Davison Gent. about Five years since became seized in Fee of the Mannor of Lang­ton Juxta Partney Com. Lincoln, value 400 l. per Annum, as of the gift of his Father who reserved to himself 140 l. a year for his life, and charg­ed with a Joynture of 60 l. a year to Rachel his Grandmother and an Annuity of 50 l. a year in Fee going out of it to William Lister Esq; and also charg­ed with other Debts and Real incumbrances of the said William the Father, amounting to 2000 l.

That the said Thomas Davison being so seized, and the Estate Charged as aforesaid, did, upon a Marriage with Bridget, Daughter of Thomas Ely Gent. and 700 l. portion, settle the premises by Indenture Tripartite, and Fine Leavied to the uses following (viz.) as to part of the Mannor amounting to 200 l. a year (but chargeable as aforesaid) to himself and the said Bridget for her Joynture; and after their decease, as touching all the premises as well in Possession as Reversion to the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, and other Sons in Tail, with provision for Daughters, failing Issue Male, the Remainder to his own right Heirs.

That Thomas Davison finding the Estate so charged with his Fathers Debts, con­tracted a further Debt, before and since the Marriage, of 1500 l. by Judgements, &c. The whole Debt amounting to 3500 l. (pro ut Schedule) besides the Rent­charge and precedent Estates aforesaid; by reason whereof, there is not sufficient to pay the interest of the debts, much less to maintain the said Thomas and Bridget, who have issue between them Thomas an Infant, in whom the Estate-Tail is vested.

Whereupon, by advice and consent of friends of all sides, it was thought fit that the Premisses should be sold, and satisfaction being given to all parties interested for their respective Estates and Debts, the remainder of the purchase Money to be bestowed in Lands to the value of 200 l. per Annum to be setled upon the Husband, Wise, and Infant, with Remainder in Tail pro ut in the former settlement, which will yield a present subsistence to the Father and Mother, and a better and more advantageous Estate to the Infant, than that he now hath, considering the for­mer Charges.

That to the intent aforesaid, the friends have contracted with one Mr. Langton for the sum of 7500 l. out of which there is agreed to be paid to Rachel for her inte­rest 300 l. to William the Father for his interest 700 l. for the said Annuity in Fee 1000 l. to the several Creditors their respective Debts and Damages; the resi­due of the Purchase-Money to be bestowed in the Mannor of Oxcomb, or other Lands in Com. Lincoln, to the value of 200 l. per Annum, and to be setled as aforesaid.

Wherefore the Bill prays with the consent of all the friends and parties interested, That it my be so Enacted, That the said Mannor of Langton may be vested in Trustees to be sold for the raising of the said Sum of 7500 l. to be disposed of according to the said Agreement; notwithstanding the Uses limited to the said Bridget, and the said Thomas the Infant, in and by the said Indenture Tripartite.

A General saving of all Rights &c. other then, &c.

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