THE CASE Of some Thousands of the PEOPLE called QUAKERS, in Great-Britain, who Consci­entiously Scruple the present AFFIRMA­TION.

WE Desire, with Great Humility, to Represent to the Legislature, That many of Our Friends in divers Parts of this Kingdom, have long Laboured under Great Difficulties, by Reason of some Words in the Present Affirmation: And that it is now become more necessary for Us, than it hath been heretofore, to Apply for Relief; because the late Act for laying a Duty upon Hides, &c. (which requires the taking of an Oath, or the Present Affirmation) hath already been the Occasion of the Ruin of some, although they have Paid the Duty, without Fraud, to the Proper Officer; and apparently tends to the Ruin of many more, who Trade in those Commodities, and cannot Use the Affirmation.

Because in the present Affirmation, We are Obliged to mention the Sacred Name of ALMIGHTY GOD; for whose Name We have so Great and Awful a Reverence, that We Conscientiously Scruple to Use it in Cases of Evidence, &c. Conceiving it to be of an Higher Nature than the Simplicity of Yea, Yea, and Nay, Nay, which Our Blessed Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST Commanded His Followers to Observe instead of an Oath: That Simplicity We are afraid to exceed: Our LORD in this, as in other Cases, designing to Exalt the Veracity, and Righteousness of the Gospel, far above that of the Law.

We beg Leave to Say, That We Apprehend the Granting Our Re­quest, will neither make the Government, nor any Person We Deal with, less Secure: For We believe Our Selves as firmly Bound in Conscience to speak the Truth, as any others esteem Themselves Oblig'd to Swear the Truth; and also, liable to as Severe Punishment from the Great and Just GOD, if We Affirm Falsly as they are who Forswear Themselves. And We willingly submit to the same Penalties, if ever any of Us should Falsifie Our Words, which are now by Law Inflicted in Cases of Perjury.

And Permit Us to add, The Indulging Us herein, may be for the Benefit of Our Fellow-Subjects, who are not of Our Perswasion; since ma­ny of Our Friends, before they were Quakers, have been Witnesses in Matters of Importance, to Deeds, &c. And if the Affirmation be not made more Easie, those who cannot take it, will not be admitted to give their E­vidence in any Courts of Judicature, which may tend to the Damage of many who may stand in need thereof.

Wherefore, for Our Relief; and also for the Sake of those who may want Our Evidence: We Humbly Intreat, That such an Affirmation may be Granted Us, wherein the Sacred Name of GOD may not be Used: And that the Benefit thereof may be made Extensive to Our Brethren in NORTH-BRITAIN, who are Generally under the like Dissatisfacti­on, and some of them under present Suffering.

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