THE CASE of my Lord ROOS.
Anno v. Edw. vj. An Act touching the Marriage of the Lord Marquess of Northampton, and the Lady Elizabeth his Wife.

THe Lord Roos did in the Court of Arches Cant. London, sue his Lady in a Cause of Separation and Divorce propter Adulterium.

The Lady his wife appeared to that suit in the Arches.

The Lord Roos libelled against her in that Court.

Witnesses were in that Court examined.

There was Publication.

The Cause was afterwards in that Court concluded and assigned for sentence.

Information upon the whole matter was had.

And the Dean of the Arches after such Information had upon the merits of the Cause, gave Sentence of Divorce against the Lady propter Adulterium.

WHere the Right Honorable William Marquess of Northampton, by lawful Sentence before Competent Judges, according to the Ecclesiasticall Laws used in this Realme, was and is most justly divorced from the Lady Anne Bowrgsher, one of the Daughters of Henry, late Earle of Essex, sometime his Wife, for her dissolute living and manifest Adultery, And so being Separate, Divorced, and at Liberty, by the Laws of God to marry, about Four years past, Solemnly and Lawfully did Marry the good and Vertuous Lady Elizabeth, Daugh­ter to Sir George Brooke, Lord Cobham. The KINGS most Excellent Majesty tendring as well the honorable Estate and Fame of the said Marquess and Elizabeth his Wife, as the Continuance of the Family and Po­sterity of the said Marquess and Elizabeth in honorable and lawful Succession: And that such Issue as should come betwixt the said Marquess and Elizabeth should be counted, reputed and taken of all His Subjects for Lawfull, as by the Law of God they be in very deed, is pleased and contented, That it be enacted by the Assent of His High­ness, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That the said Marriage solemnized and had betwixt the Marquess and Elizabeth, shall be adjudged, deemed, reputed and taken in all places of this Realme and else where, and in all his Highnesses Courts Ecclesiastical and Temporal for Lawful, to all Intents, Constructions and purposes; and that the said Elizabeth shall, as well in the Life of the said Marquess, as after his death, if she happen to overlive him, be inabled by the Authority of this Act, to demand, have and enjoy as well her Ioynture or Dower of, in, and to all the Mannours, Lands and Tenements which the said Marquess shall have of any State of Inheritance, whereof any his Lawful wife is, may, or ought to be Dowable, As also all such Honour, Place, Dignity, Preheminence, Profit and Commodity, as she might in any wise aske, Challenge or Demand, as if the said Lady Anne had been naturally dead before the Intermarriage of the said Marquess and Elizabeth, and in as large and ample manner as any other lawful Wife to any of the KINGS Subjects ought, should or might, either in the Life of her Husband, or after his Death claim, challenge, demand or have: And that such Issue as shall happen to be betwixt the said Marquess and Elizabeth, shall by th Authority of this Act be adjudged, dee­med, reputed, and taken for Legitimate and Lawfully begotten of the Bodies of the said Marquess and Elizabeth, to all In­tents, Constructions, and purposes in the Law, and otherwise. And for all manner Degrees, Dignities, Stiles or Prehemi­nences belonging to any Child or Children lawfully begotten by such men and personages of Degree, as the said Marquess is or hereafter may be, And shall by the Authority of this Act, as well be inabled to claime, challenge and demand after the death of the said Marquess and Elizabeth, or either of them, as heire and heirs to the said Marquess and Elizabeth and either of them, all such Mannors, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments and Rights, as they or either of them shall Dye Seised of, of any estate of In­heritance, as also be inabled as heir and heirs, and to be Inheritable to any of the Anceffors, Coliateral or Lineall of the said Mar­quess and Elizabeth, or either of them, in as large and ample manner to all Intents, Constructions and Purposes, as the Children born in lawful Matrimony betwixt any other of the Kings Subjects be, and ought to be: And that it shall be lawfull for such Issue as is aforesaid to use for the Recovery of any Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments and Rights, all and every such Action either of his and their own Possession and Seisin, or of the Possession and Seisin of the said Marquess and Elizabeth, or either of them, or of the Possession and Seisin of any Ancestor Coliateral or lineal to the said Marquess and Elizabeth, or to either and every of them, and to make their title as heire or heires to them or any of them, in as large and ample manner as any other of the Kings Subjects, born in lawful Matrimony, might or ought after the death of any their Ancestors; The said former Marriage betwixt the said Marquess and Anne, or any Decretal Canon, Constitution. Ecclesiastical Law, Common Law, Statute, Vsage, Preseri­ption or Custome of this Realme to the Contrary in any wise Notwithstanding.

Copia vera.
Jo. Browne, Cleric. Parliamentorum.

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