The CASE concerning the Election of Burgesses of PARLIAMENT for EYE in SUFFOLK.

AT the Election, the Persons that stood in Competition, were Sir Charles Gaudy K nt. and Bar t. Sir Robert Reve Bar t. Charles Fox Esq; and George Walsh Esq;

Sir Charles Gaudy, and Sir Robert Reve had the Majority of Votes; And thereupon by both the Bayliffs were Proclaimed Duly Elected, without any Contradiction.

Yet the Junior Bayliff afterwards refused to joyn with the Senior Bayliff; who thereupon, alone, returned Sir Charles Gaudy, and Sir Robert Reve; And the Junior Bayliff unduly Returned Mr. Fox, and Mr. Walsh.

The Right of this Election is to be heard the First Cause before the Committee of Elections and Priviledges on Monday the 29th. day of this instant November, 1680.

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