THE CASE OF THE Promoter of the Bill for Erecting a Court of Conscience for the Tow­er Hamblets, comprehended with­in the weekly Bills, of Morta­lity, &c.

THat Mr John Caine, ancient Inhabitant, and yet living within the Tower Hamblets, for nigh fourteen years last past, hath concerned himself in endeavouring to obtain an Act of Par­liament, for Erecting a Court of Conscience, for the above-mentioned Tower Hamblets; and hath been at great Pains and Charge, and of­ten, and manifold attendences, Soliciting for the passing a Bill, for the said Court of Conscience in the several preceeding Parliaments, but by the sudden Adjurnments, Prorogations and Dissolutions of the said Parliaments, his endeavours missed of desired effect, to the Damage of the said Undertaker, who now upon a fresh incouragement, and the Request of several of the Inhabitants, of the aforesaid Tower Hamb­lets, the matter is brought to such an Issue.

That the Bill lying before the House of Parliament, likely to pass into an Act, there being several Persons unknown, to the Undertaker, Petitioning and making their Application, to have thir names inser­ted, as Clerk and Register of the Tower Hamblets, although they have not been at one Penny expence, nor taken the least Pains in the ma­nagement of it, &c.

The Undertaker doth humbly refer himself, to the Honour and Justice of this Honourable House, and hopes and prays, as a recom­pence, of his Trouble and Charge, and as an Incouragement for the future to others, to undertake things of the like nature for a publick good, that he may obtain the name of Evan Christian, Barrester at Law, his Son in Law, to be incerted in the Tower Division, as Register and Clerk, he being a person of unquestionable Honesty and In­tegrity, and also sufficiently quallified for the said Office.

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