The BEHAVIOUR, CONFESSION, AND EXECUTION OF The Twelve PRISIONERS That Suffer'd on Wednesday the 22 of Jan. 1678/9. VIZ.

  • Robert Freeman, Drawn and Hang'd neer Little Britain, for Murdering his late Master there.
  • At TYBƲRN,
      • George Brown,
      • John Butler,
      • Richard Mills,
      • Christo Bruncker,
      • George Kenian,
      For a Burglary and Felony in Hatton-garden, taking away 380 ounces of Plate, besides Rings and Money, under pre­rence of searching for Papists.
    • William Brain, For stealing an Horse, having been burnt in the hand formerly.
    • Tim. Smith. and Margaret Wells, For a Burglary and Felony in St. Gileses.
    • William Atkinson, and William Tiney, For a Burglary and Felony in Whitechappel.
    • Francis Jones, For a Felony and Burglary.

Giving a true Account of their Deportment in Prison aster Sentence, and last Words, as far as material, at Execution: Attested by Mr. Ordinary.

LICENSED, Printed for C. L. 1678/9.

I do Attest the Particulars of this Narrative to be true.

Sam. Smith, Ordinary of Newgate.

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