SOME QUERIES Proposed by W. A. To the late Flovvn SHEPHERDS, With a desire of an Answer from them to these QUERIES, so that their discontented Sheep may have some satisfaction why they left them, when the Visiting hand of the Lord was amongst them.

1. VVHether those Shepherds as fled when the Lords Visita­tion was amongst the sheep, are not foolish Shpherds, such as the Prophet Zachariah spoke of, and that in these words, The Lord said unto me, Take to thee yet the Instruments of a foolish Shepherd; for lo I will raise up a Shepherd in the Land, which shall not look for the thing that is lost, nor seek to tender the Lambs, nor heal that that is hurt, nor feed that that standeth up. O Idle Shepherds, that leaveth the Flock, his Arm shall be dryed up, and his right eye shall be utter­ly darkned; whether such can be said to pity the sheep, that fleeth? or rather may they not be said to be no Shepherds, but hirelings, according to Christs words, But an Hireling, and he which is not the Shepherd, neither the sheep his own, fleeth; the Hireling fleeth, because he is an Hireling, and careth not for the sheep, Zach. 11. 15, 16, 17. John 10. 12, 13.

2. Whether a true Shepherd abideth not with the flock when the Visita­tion of the Lord is amongst them? And if any of the sheep be sick, and they are sent for, they visit them not? According to the Apostle James's words, Is any sick among you, let him call for the Elders of the Church, and let them pray for him, and annoint him with oyl in the Name of the Lord. And whether this was not the practise of Christ and his Apostles, when on earth they cast out many Devils, and annointed many w [...]th oyl, and healed them? Christ went about doing of good, and healing all that was sick. Whether are not Gospel-Ministers to be like Ch [...]ist and the Apostles? Or, whether are such Shepherds that seeth, like unto Aaron? for he took the Censer, and put fire therein, and went quickly into the Congrega [...]ion, and made an Attonement for them; for there was wrath gone from the Lord, the Plague was begun, he stood betwixt the living and the dead, and the Plague was stayed. This is the advice of the Apostle Paul to the Elders of the Church of God, That they take heed to themselves, and unto all the Flock where­of the Holy Ghost had made them overseers, to feed them, and that so la­labouring, they ought to support the weak. Mind these Scriptures, James 14. 15. Mark. 6. 13. Matth. 8. 16. Numb. 16. 45, 47, 48. Acts 20. 28, 35.

3. Whether Christs Shepherds hearken not to his Voice? And whe­ther this is not the Voice of Christ, that the Shepherd should abide with the Flock, especially when the Lords Visitation is among them? And whether that Complaint may not be made of such as leave their Flocks in this Go­spel Age, as was of them under the Law, and that in these words, The weak have ye not strengthened; the sick have ye not healed, neither have you bound up the broken? And whether the sick hath not more need than the whole, of the Physician? According to Christs words, The whole need not the Physician, but they that are sick: Go ye, and learn what this means, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice, Ezek. 34. 4 Matth. 9. 12, 13.

4. Whether those Shepherds who flee from their sheep when the Lords hand is amongst them, are not destroyers, more than helpers of the Flock, and so not like Christ, the Apostles and Prophets? And whether they are not such as they have prophesied of, who leave their sheep, that rule with cruelty and rigor, that thrust with their side, and with their shoulders, and push all the weak with their horns, till they have scattered them? Whether the Saints are not to be aware of such, according to Christs words, Beware of false Prophets, which come to you in sheeps Clothing, but inwardly they are ravening Wolves. And as the Apostle saith, I know this, that after my departure, grievous Wolves shall enter in among you, Ezek. 34. 4, 21. Matth. 7. 15, 16. Acts 20. 29.

V. Whether such Shepherds may not be said to be more Lovers of themselves, then of God, having but a shew of Godliness, but deny­ing the power thereof? And whether they may not be such as receive the Wages of Unrighteousness, and followeth the wayes of Balaam? And whether the Apostles Words were not verified of such, that the desire of money, is the root of all evil, which which while some have lusted after, they erred from the faith, and pierce themselves through with many for­rows, 2 Tim. 3. 4, 5. 2 Pet. 2. 13, 15. Jude 11. Tit. 1. 11. 1 Tim. 6. 10.

VI. Whether such as flye from their sheep, come in at the door into the sheep-fold, or do not clime up some other way? And whether the sheep of Christ will hear the voice of such? Or, whether they will not flye from such, not knowing their Voice? And whether the voice of Christ, and the voice of such Shepherds, are not contrary the one to the other, John 10.

VII. Whether such Shepherds as leave their Flock, Christ will not say, to such in that day, Go ye cursed; for when I was sick, ye visited me not? And whether that wo as God hath pronounced in Ezek. 34. will not fall on such as leave their Flock? and whether the Lord will not require the sheep at the hands of such Shepherds? Mind Ezek. 34. Matth. 25. 41, 43.

VIII. Whether that Observation by the Shepherd [...] to the sheep, were true, upon the late Commet or Blazing Star, in saying, That it signifies Mercy, and not Judgement; Good and not Evil? and whether the said Shepherd had learned that of God, to quote for the Truth of what he said, The Star that appeared to the wise men of the East, which directed them to Christ? and if so, why then did this shepherd flee from his sheep, when the Lords Visitation was on them? and whether that Shepherd had any sufficient warrant to leave his Flock, from the Apostles words, 1 T [...]. 5. 8. and whether the Flock of Christ, and the shepherd; be not all one Fa­mily? If so, then whether that shepherd as fleeth from his Flock, is not worse than an Infidel, and denieth the Faith, as the Apostle hath said? Or whether that was rightly observed by the shepherd to the Flock, If thou art persecuted in one City, flye to another? whether it is a true Shepherds pra­ctise? Or, whether a true Shepherd counts God his Enemy? Or, whether Christ in the foresaid Chapter, speaks of God, or the Enemies of his Church?

To you, O Shepherds, that did flye, I this do say,
Repent, and turn to God without delay;
For if you do not, sure I am,
Of Gods just Judgment you shall tast ere long.

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