SHORT Questions and answeres to be learned of such as be Ignorant, before they be ad­mitted to the Lords supper.

Whereunto are added certain obseruations necessarie to be vsed of euerie Christian.

By Giles Whiting.



LONDON, Printed by Thomas Orwin, for Robert Dexter. 1593.

Short questions and an­sweres, to be learned of such as be ignorant; before they be admitted to the Lords Supper.

WHat Religion doe you professe? Christian Religion. Act. 11. 26.

What is Christian Religion? It is the true profession, belee­uing, Rom 10 9. 1 [...] Act. 4. 12. and following of those things, which are commanded and taught vs by God in the holy Scriptures.

What call you the holy Scriptures? The word of God contained in the bookes 2. Tim. 3. 16. of the old and new testament.

Doth this Scripture or word of God containe in it all poynts of true Religion, and euerie thing necessarie for the saluation of a Christian? Yea.

Tell me then from this Scripture, how many 2. Tim 3. 16. 17. Deut. 4. 35. 8 [...] 6. 4 Gods be there? One.

What is God? An euerlasting Spirit, immortall, invisible, Eph. 4. 6. 1. Tim. 1. 17. Iohn. 4. 24. most strong, onely wise.

[Page 4] How many persons are there?

Three. [...]. [...]. 7. [...]. 3. 16. 17.

Which be they?

The Father, the Sonne, and the holy Ghost. [...]. 28. 19. Iohn. 5. 7. [...]. 19. 1. 7. & 29. 3. 4. 5. [...]om. 1. 19. & 10. 18. Heb. 11 3. Gen 1. 1. [...]. 11. 3.

How is God knowne?

By his workes, word and spirite.

Who created the world?


Whereof did he create it?

Of nothing, and that by his word.

Who made you?

God the Father. Gen. 1. 27. [...]. Cor. 8. 6.

How did he create you?

In holinesse and righteousnesse.

Why were you thus created? Ephe. 4. 24. Gen. 1. 27. Rom. 11. 36.

To glorifie him.

Are you able to doe this of your selfe?

No. Rom. 3. 10, 11. 12. Rom. 3 23. [...]. Ioh. 1. 8. 10.

Why so?

Because I am a sinner.

How come you to be a sinner, seeing you were so perfectly created?

By the fall of Adam. Rom. [...]. 12. 1 [...] 19.

What was his sinne?

Disobedience against God, in eating of the Gen. [...]. [...]. Rom. [...]. 12. forbidden fruite.

How commeth i [...] to passe, that you are be­come a sinner in Adam?

[Page 5]Because he was the Father of all mankinde. Rom. 5 12.

How doe you proue that you are a sinner?

By the testimonie of mine own conscience, Rom. 2. 1 [...]. [...] 3. [...] ▪ Gal. 3. [...]9. and by the lawe of God.

What is the lawe of God?

A perfect rule of righteousnes commaund­ing Psal. 19. 7. good, and forbidding euill: the summe whereof is contained in the commaunde­ments.

How many be there?

Tenne. Exod 34. [...].

Rehearse them? Exod. 20. 10

Then God spake all these words and said. I am the Lord thy God, &c.

Are these wordes, I am the Lord thy God, &c. A commandement or preface?

A preface to the whole law. Leuit. 1 [...]. 2. 9.

How be the commaundements deuided?

Into two tables or parts. Exod. 31. 1 [...]. & 34. 26▪

How many be there of the first table?


How many of the second?


What doe the commaundements of the first table teach you?

My duetie towards God. Ma [...]. 22. 35.

What doe the commaundements of the se­cond table teach you?

[Page 6]My duetie towards my neighbour. [...]. 22. [...]9.

Are you to vse the commaundements as prayers?

No, because they bee no petitions but com­mandements.

Are you able to keep them, without breaking any one of them, in thought, word, or deede?



Because I am readie & disposed by nature, Eph. [...]. [...]. Rom. 3. 10. to offend both God and my neighbour.

To what end then serueth the lawe? Rom. 3. 10. Gal. 3. 24. Pro 2, 1▪ [...]. Psal 119. 10 [...].

To shew vs our miserie, and so leade vs to Christ: and to bee a rule euer after for the well ordering of our liues.

What is the punishment for the breach of the law?

Eternall destruction both of body & soule. [...]om. 6. 23.

Is there no way to escape it, and be saued?



By Iesus Christ. Act. 4. [...].

Who is this Christ?

The sonne of God, perfect God and perfect Mat. 3. 17. Rom. 9. [...]. [...] [...]. 9. [...]. Heb. 1. 6. man.

Could there no other meane, nor person bee found in Heauen or Earth, to saue you, but the sonne of God must doe [...]

[Page 7]No verely.

Must he needes be God and man?



First, because hee must die for vs, and God Heb. 9. 22. cannot die, therefore he must bee man.

Secondly, he must ouercome death, which Heb. 2. 14. being onley man, he could not, therefore he must also be God.

How did he saue you?

As he was man 1. Pet. 1. 1 [...]. & 2. 22. Heb. 4. 1 [...]. perfectly righteous, he per­formed the perfect obedience of the lawe, and satisfied the 1 Pet. 2. 24. & 4. 1. 1. Pet. 3. 18. iustice of God for mee. And as he was God, he ouercame death, and raysed vp his bodie the third day.

Are all men partakers of this benefite of re­demption purchased by Christ? Mat. 25. 46. & 7. 23. Reue. 22. 15.

No, there are a number that shall haue their parte in hell with the diuel and his Angels.

Who are they that haue their parte in the death of Christ? Iohn. 3. 16. Gall 3. 26.

Onely such as truely beleeue.

What is faith?

Faith, is Heb. 10. 22. Rom. 4. 20. 21. a full assurance of Iohn. 1. 12. my saluation in Iesus Christ Act. 4. 12. alone.

Hath euery man this faith in himselfe?

No, for it is the 2. Thes. 3. 2. Phil. 1. 29. gift of God, and not of Mat. 16. 17. na­ture.

[Page 8] How is faith gotten?

By the outward hearing of the worde of Rom. 10. 17. 2. Cor. 1. 21. Acts. 2. 41. 2. Cor. 4. 1 [...]. Acts. 16. [...] Iohn. 8. 31. & 6. 17. 1. Pet. 2. 2. God preached, and the inward working of the Spirite.

How is it strengthned & increased in you?

By the same preaching of the word, and the vse of the Sacraments▪ and prayer.

How shall a man know whether he haue this true and sauing faith, or no?

By the fruites and markes thereof.

What be the fruites of faith?

A hatred of all sinne, a continuall care to Act [...]. 2. 37. Heb. 11. 7. Psal. 119. 113. [...]. Iohn. 314. please God in the dueties commaunded, an vn [...]ained loue to Gods word and to his people.

Rehearse the summe of your Faith?

I beleeue in God the Father, &c.

How many partes be there of this Creede?


Which be they?

The first is of GOD, the second is of the Church.

Let vs now come to the meanes of strength­ning our faith, as of the Sacraments and prayer: and first what is a Sacrament? Rom. 4. 11.

A Sacrament is a seale and pledge of those benefits of my saluation, which I receiue by Christ.

[Page 9] How many Sacraments bee there in the Church of God?

Two. Mat. [...]8. 1 [...]. & 26. 26.

Which be they?

Baptisme, and the Supper of the Lord. 1. Cor. 11. 23.

Who ordayned them? Mat. 26. 26. 1. Cor. 1 [...] [...].

The Lord Iesus.

To what end?

To strengthen our faith, and to further our repentance.

How many things are to bee considered in a Sacrament?


Which be they? Gen. 17. 11. Rom. 4. 11.

The signe, and the thing signified.

In Baptisme, which is the signe that may be seene? Acts. 8. 26.


What is the thing signified? Iohn. 3. [...].

The washing away of my sins by the blood of Christ.

How is your Faith strongthened by Bap­tisme?

By Baptisme I am receiued into the familie Mark. 16. 16. and congregation of the Lorde▪ and am thereby fully assured, that both my sinnes Act. 2. 3 [...]. are forgiuen me, and the punishment due to the same.

[Page 10] What doe you professe in Baptisme?

To die vnto sinne, and to liue vnto righte­ousnesse. Rom. [...]. [...].

In the Supper of the Lorde, which bee the Signes that may be seene?

Bread and Wine. Mat. 26. 26. 27. 1. Co [...]. 11. 23. 24. [...].

What doe they signifie?

The bodie and blood of Christ.

How is your Faith strengthned by the Sup­per of the Lord?

By the Supper of the Lorde my Faith is strengthned, that as I receiue the bread and wine into my body to become mine: so doth my soule receiue withall Iesus Christ▪ with all the benefites of his death to bee wholy mine.

Is the bread and wine turned into the natu­rall bodie and blood of Christ, flesh, blood, and bone?

No, the bread and wine of their owne na­ture are not changed, but in vse they differ from other common bread & wine, because they be appointed of God to bee signes of the bodie and blood of Christ.

Why then doth Christ say▪ This is my body?

It is a figuratiue speech vsuall in the Scrip­ture, as circumcision is called the couenant, Gen. 10. 10. 11 Exod. 12. 11. the Lambe is called the passeouer: and yet [Page 11] it is not the couenant, nor the passeouer, but a signe of it.

How doe you eate Christs bodie, and drinke his blood?

Spiritually, and by Faith. Iohn. 6. 63.

Are all persons without exception to bee ad­mitted to the Supper of the Lord?


Who are not to be admitted?

Children, Fooles, Mad-men, Ignorant per­sons, 1. Cor. 11. 2 [...]. Tit. 3. 10. knowne heretikes, open and notorious sinners not repenting.

What must he doe that will [...] worthily to the supper of the Lord?

He must proue and examine himselfe. 1. Cor. 11. 28. 29.

Wherein must he examine himselfe?

First, what knowledge he hath in the prin­ciples of Religion, and especially in the matter of the Sacrament.

Secondly, whether hee hath true [...]aith in Iesus Christ, or no.

Thirdly, whether he be penitent and [...]rie for his sinnes past, purposing to leaue them, Mat. [...]. 23. Rom. 12. 18. Heb. 12. 14. and to liue godlie, endeuouring himselfe to be in brotherly loue & charity with al men.

Then it seemeth there bee some, [...]h [...] [...] they come, yet they loose the benefite of this communion in themselues?

[Page 12]Yea.

Who be they?

Such as come not in Faith, and are not grie­ued for their sinnes past, as hypocrites, ciuill men, Church Papists, priuie enemies to Gods word, and so many of the godlie as 1. Cor. 11. 30. 2. Chro. 30. 18 come not sufficiently prepared, procure a punishment.

What is the other helpe you haue to increase Faith?


What is prayer?

Prayer, is a spirituall action of Faith wherein [...]. 8. 26. [...]am. 1. 6. [...]. Iohn. 5. 14. we require of God in the name of Christ, all things necessarie, his glorie and our com­fort.

To whome must you Pray?

To God only.

In whose name? Psal. [...]0. 14. 15▪

In the name of Christ.

Then you may not pray to Saincts, or An­gels, Iohn. 16. [...]3. or to God in the name of a Saint or Angell?


Wh [...]?

Because there is neither commandement, promise, nor example in the Scripture for it.

How must you pray?

[Page 13]As Christ hath taught me, saying: Mat. 6. [...].

Our Father which art, &c.

How many petitions be there in this prayer?

Sixe, three concerning the glorie of God, and three our owne necessities.

What are these words, Our Father which are in heauen?

A preface or introduction to the prayer.

What are these words: For thine is the king­dome, the power and glorie for euer?

The conclusion of the prayer.

What doe you owe to God for all his benefites?

Thankesgiuing. Psal. 1 [...]6. 12. [...]3.

Is it enough that you thanke him with your [...]lips alone? Eph. [...]. 10. Deut. 8. 3. 6. [...].

No, but I must be obedient to his lawes and commaundements: which grace the Lord graunt.



Sundry necessarie obseruations for a Christian.

  • 1. THat weekeepe a narrowe
    1. Pet. 1. 15.
    watch ouer our hearts, words, and deedes continually.
  • 2. That with all [...]are the
    Ephes. 5. 16. Col. 4. [...].
    time bee redee­med, which hath been idly, carelesly, & vn­profitably spent.
  • 3. That once in the day at the least pri­uate
    Col. 4. 2.
    prayer and meditation be vsed.
  • 4. That care bee had
    Luk. 14, 15, 16.
    to doe, and re­ceiue good in companie.
  • 5. That our family be with diligence and regarde
    Deu [...]. [...]. [...]. & 6. 7. Gen. 18. 19.
    Pro. [...]. [...]. 2 [...].
    watched ouer and gouerned.
  • 6. That no more time or care be bestow­eding matters of the world the must needs.
    g Col. 3. 2.
  • 7. That we stirre vp our selues to
    Heb. 13. 16. G [...] 6. 10.
    libera­lity to Gods saints.
  • 8. That wee giue not the least bridle to wandring
    Col. 3. 5. Eph. 5. 3, 4.
    lusts and affections.
  • 9. That we prepar [...] our selues to
    Mat. 16. 24.
    beare the crosse, by what meanes it shall please God to exercise vs.
  • 10. That we bestowe some time not one­ly in
    [...]. [...]. 3, 4. [...]. [...]0. Lam [...] [...]. [...].
    mourning for our owne sinnes, but al­so for the sinnes of the time and age where­in we liue.
  • [Page]11. That wee
    [...]. Co [...]. [...] Ti [...]. 2. 13.
    look daily for the com­ming of our Lorde Iesus Christ, for our [...]ll deliuerance out of this life.
  • 12. That we vse (as we shall haue oppor­tunitie, at least as we shall haue necessity) to
    Iam [...]. [...]
    acquaint our selues with some godly and faithfull person, with whom we may confer of our christiā estate, & open our doubtes, to the quickning vp of Gods graces in vs.
  • 13. That wee
    [...] Philip. [...] Reuel. [...]
    obserue the departure of men out of this life, their mortality, the vani­tie & alteration of things belowe, the more to contemne the world, & to continew our longing after the life to come. And that we meditate and mu [...]e often of our own death, and going out of this life how we must lie in the graue, all our glorie put off, which will serue to beate downe the pride of life that is in vs.
  • 14. That wee
    reade somewhat daily of the holy scriptures, for the further increase
    of our knowledge.
  • 15. That we
    enter into couenant with the Lord to striue against all sin, & especial­ly against the speciall sins & corruptions of our hearts and liues, wherein we haue most dishonoured the Lord, and haue raised vp most guiltines to our own consciences, and [Page] that we carefully see our couenant bee kept and continued.
  • 16. That we
    1. Pet. 1. 14. [...] Pet. 2. 2 [...]. 21 22.
    marke how sinne dieth and is weakened in vs, and that we turne not to our olde sinnes againe, but wisely
    Mat. 1 [...]. 8.
    auoide all occasions to sinne.
  • 17. That we
    Thes. 5. 22. [...] Reue. 24.
    fall not from our first loue, but continue still our affectiōs to the liking of Gods word, & al the holy exercises of re­ligion,
    [...] [...]. 19.
    diligently hearing it, &
    Iam 1. 22. Rom. 2. 13.
    faithfully practising the same in our liues and conuer­sations: that we
    [...]. 4. [...]7.
    prepare our selues before we come, & meditate and confer of that we heare, either by our selues or with other: & so marke our daily profiting in religion.
  • 18. That we be often occupied in
    Eph. 5 20. Psal. 116 12 13. & 118. [...]
    medi­tating on Gods benefites and workes, and sound forth his praises for the same.
  • 19. That we
    Phil. 1. 23. [...]. T [...]. 4. 7. [...].
    exercise our faith by taking comfort and delight in the great benefite of our redemption by Christ, and the fruition of Gods presence, in his glorious and bles­sed kingdome.
  • 20. Lastly, that wee make not these ho [...] practises of repentance common in time, nor vse them for course.

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