Some helpes for young Schollers in Christianity, as they are in vse & taught; Partly, At the Examination before the Communion: And partly, In the ordinarie Catechisme euery Sab­both day, in the new Kirk of Salt-Preston.

2. COR. 12.19. Now we doe al these things dearly beloued, for your edifying.
PHILIP. 3.3. And reioice in Christ Iesus, and haue no confidence in the fleshe.
Multa cauillari promptiùs est, quàm aemulari.
It is more easie faults to pike,
In many things then do the like.

EDINBƲRGH Printed by Robert VValde-graue, Printer to the Kings Maiesty. 1602.

Cum Privilegio Regio.


To the Reader.

IF the often repetitions following, to any man seeme tedious & superfluous, let him consider that heere wee haue to doe but with rude begin­ners, that are wained from the milk (as it were) & drawen from the breasts, to whome as to chil­drē beginning to learn, precept must be vpon precept, precept vpon precept, line vnto line, line vnto line, &c. whilk craues painful labour of the teachers, with greate plainnesse, (which is not so common perhappes in this our Church and country as neede were) and there­fore the Apostle Peter sayth, wherefore, I will not bee negligent to put you alwayes in remembrance of these thinges, though that ye haue knowledge, and be establi­shed in the present truth, &c. 2. Pet. 1.12. much more then, is repetition needful to such as are yong in knowledge, or rather ignorant, as the gentiles wisely acknowledge who besought Paul and Barnabas, that they woulde preach these words, that is, the same words they harde that Sabboth day, to them the next Sabboth day. Act. 13.4 [...].

TO HIS LOVING flock of Salt-prestoun who by the preaching of the Gospel, be­leeue and turne to the Lorde. IOHN DAVIDSON, wisheth increase of Faith & Repentance, with constancie therin, to the end & in the end, Amen.

WHat hath beene the drifte of my doctrine sen god placed mee a­mong you, wel­beloued in Christe Iesus, yee cannot be ignorant, seing with out excellencie of wordes and all curiositie, in moste plaine sorte ofter my familiar maner, I shew you the Testimonie of God, esteeming, not to knowe a­nye thinge among you, as the A­postle [Page]sayeth, saue Iesus Christ and him crucified. For the whilk purpose this daye seauen yeare, to wit; the 16. day of Nouem­ber 1595. the firste time I spake among you, I made choise of this place of Scripture follo­wing, to bee as a ground of that doctrine whilk thereafter I minded to builde thereupon, during our continuance toge­ther at gods pleasure. The place was this, as ye remember. The people that sate in darknesse, sawe great light. &c. Mat. 4.16. First, I opened the true meaning of the place, obseruing some per­tinent notes therupon. There­after I made some vse thereof by applycation to you for that present, as a people by the sea-coaste, long sitting in no lesse darknesse, then did they of Ga­lile, [Page]that dwelt by the lake of Genazareth, whilk was to them as a sea: shewing therewithall the greate mercie of God to­warde you, in offering to you that day the light of his gospell after sik a rare manner, so that rightly it might be saide ouer a­gaine of new, A people that sate in darknesse, hath seene greate lighte. Last, after all this, I gathered some general grounds of Chri­stian religion out of that place, as first. The miserable blinde e­state of man by nature, without Christ. Secondlie, the moste comfortable light of saluation in Christ. Thirdly, that men re­ceaue Christ his light by faith wrought by the holy Spirite in the preaching of the gospell. Fourthly, the end, that walking in that light of Christ, we may [Page]glorifie him that hes transtated vs out of darknes into his won­derful light.

Heerevnto in the afternoone the same daye, I added these words of Christ: Behold, I stand at the dore and knock, if any man heare my voice and open the dore, I will come in to him, and suppe with him and he with mee. Reuel. 3.20. To serue as a spurre to exhort you to the cheerefull embraceing of so comfortable a ghuest, whilk mooued the whole pa­rish present, so at that time and long thereafter, that as the A­postle speaketh of the Galathi­ans, I beare you record that if it had beene possible, ye would haue pluck­ed out your eyes & haue giuen them to me. Though nowe and then to some I be-come an enemie for speaking of the trueth. God [Page]graunt them amendement that offend of simplicitie and not of malice. But we must not bee offended, though one part on­lie, of the foure parts of ground that the seede of Gods worde lights on, (& seeme for the most part to receaue it,) bee fruitful, for Sathan is a busie Bishop; and persecution & cares of the world with fleshly pleasures, ar not soone ouercome. But with this sorte of people at this pre­sent I haue not to doe, but on­lye with you who obey from the hart vnto that forme of do­ctrine, wherevnto ye were de­liuered. Whilk yee know hes e­uer bene according to the fore­said groundes. For the better keeping in memorie whereof, I haue thought good to put them in writ in diuers formes, [Page]and set them to printing for your vse as ye see, that nothing bee wanting that maye further the sounde grounding of you, according to your meane ca­pacitie, in the true Christian re­ligion, so farre as in me lyeth. Wherefore it rests, that yee bee not slouthful in exercising your selues, & your families, in read­ing, learning, and practising heereof. Fare-well in Christ. 16. Nouember. 1602.

ANd the Lord saide,
Sal I hyde from Abraham that whilk I do, &c. for I knaw him that he will command his sonnes, & his houshald after him, that they keip the way of the Lorde, to do righteousnesse and iudgement, &c.
And the wordes that I command thee this day, salbe in thy hart,
Deut. 6. [...] 7.
and thou sall rehearse them continuallye vnto thy children, and sall talke of them when thou tarriest in thyne house, and as thou walkest by the way, & when thou lyes downe, and when thou ryses vp.
And they red the book of the law distinctly, & gaue the sense,
Nehom. 8.8.
& cau­sed them to vnderstand the reading.
The Lord established a testimony in Iacob, & ordained a law in Israel,
Psal. 78 4 5.6.7.
whilk he cōmanded our fathers that [Page]they suld teich their childrē, that the posterity might knaw it, & the chil­dren whilk suld be borne, suld stand vp and declare it to their children, that they might set their hope on god and not to forget the works of God, but keip his commandenents.
Whome sall he teich knawledge,
Esai. 28.9 [...]8.
& whome sall he make to vnderstand the things that he heareth? thē that are wained frō the milke, & drawne from the breasts: for precept must be vpon precept, precept vpon precept, line vnto line, line vnto line, there a little, and there a little.
For when as concerning the time,
H [...]b. 5.12
ye aucht to be teachers, yet haue ye neid againe, that we teach you what are the first principles of the word of God, & are becum sik as haue neid of milke, and not of strong drinke.

Some helpes for young Schollers in Chri­stianitie

The Forme of familiar instru­ction and examination of rude people, entring to be disciples in the schoole of Christ: practised in the new erected Kirk of Salt-Prestoun, and pa­rish thereof before the Communion, not without experience of some profite and edification of Gods people. Praysed be God blissed for euer through Iesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

AFter that the wryter hath ta­ken vp the names in writ, of sa mony as for the tyme are present of them, that were warned to that dyet, according to our visitation pas­ting before: and hath demanded of e­uery ane, whether they can say the x. commands, the Belief, & the Lordes Praier, and hath tryed some maiste [Page]suspected of ignoraunce in that caise, (thocht otherwise they affirme, as the maner is, they can say them) and exhortation giuen to learne with diligēce where they want any thing: we proceid to prayer, after this, or the like maner following.

The Prayer before the Catechyzing, at the Examination.

BLisse vs gude Lord, and this fa­miliar exercise, that presently we are to haue (by thy grace) in ca­techising and instructing thy peo­ple familiarly in the way of trueth: that thereby our owne misery by nature, and happy estate by grace in Christ, being the better knawin to euery ane of vs, and this grace in Christ truely beleeued, wee may learne to deny al confidence in our selues, and all other creatures, and putting our hail traist in our allane Sauiour Iesus Christ, may studie to earnest and vnfenzeit repentance, & amendement of life al our daies, through Iesus Christ our Lord. To [Page]whome with the Father, and the haly Gaist, be praise & glory, nowe and euer. Amen.

THE DOCTRINE AND teaching before the Exa­minatioun.

FOr your better instruction, well-beloued in Iesus Christ) before I demand any thing of you, I will fa­miliarly set down the sowme of the mater, whereof I minde particular­ly to examine you: that teaching go­ing alwaies before examination, tho better ye may knaw, what, and how to answere. Now, as ye hear at the preaching from time to time, the sowme and chiefe drift of all our do­ctrine to be, that all wha wald haue rest to their saules, and life eternall, must only cum to Christ Iesus, the sonne of God, and to nane other. Be­cause there is saluation in nane vther as the Scripture saieth. (For his [Page]awin selfe (allane) bare our sinnes in his body on the Trée. Act. 4.12 Isa. 53.45 63. 3. Pet. 2.24. So it is neid­full that we knaw whereof it comes, that we are sa sinfull, that by nature we are subiect to condemnation, and whereof our saluation in Christ com­meth, and how we are made parta­kers thereof: and what is craued of vs, being assured of our saluation in Christ. And therefore we shall bring the sowme of all whereof we are to speake of, vnto these foure points.

The first salbe of our miserable e­state by nature, and the cause therof. The second, of our redemption, & the cause thereof. The third, of our assu­rance of this redemption and salua­tion, with the cause and meinis ther­of. And the fourth and last, of our duty being saued or assured of saluation.

But before wee proceede farther, ye are to be admonished, that as all this mater belangs to euerye ane of you in particular: so this forme of doctrine especially, craueth sik particular attēdance, of [Page]euery ane of you (nane of any e­state, sexe, or degree excepted) that ye be ready to answere to a­ny question that shalbe moued: for it is vncertaine to you what question may be demanded of ony of you. Whairof seing heir we haue better occasion to trye your attendance, then at the or­dinarie preaching, and generall catechizing before the haill Pa­rochin, euerye Sabboth after­noone: where na sik seuerall de­manding is of euery ane: ye are not to misse the hearing of ane word that salbe spoken, but to mark diligently for your instru­ction, the haill discourse and e­uery part thereof, that the bet­ter ye may answer by your awin vnderstanding to euery point, & not vppon the whispering and rounding in the eare by others next you, whilk on na waies wee wil permit. For I had rather haif ane sentence, yea neuer so small, spoken of your awin vnderstan­ding, [Page]then ane thousand spoken by suggestion and tickling of v­thers. And as for me, I sall labor to bee so plaine, that the maiste rude heir may be able to con­ceaue what salbe proponed, gif attendance salbe giuen as be­commeth. Now then to the first.

THE FIRSTE PART OF our Christian doctrine, tou­ching mans miserable e­state by nature.

THen as concerning our conditi­on by nature, we are the chil­dren of disobedience, that is, altoge­ther giuen to rebellion against God, & his word, and sa are plaine rebelles to God. Whilk must not séeme strange vnto you, (as I perceaue sum of you to be whispering, and saying, Iesus keip vs, as though it were ane abhomination sa to thinke, or speak: that we are plaine rebels to God by [Page]nature) For except ye be surely per­swaded of this point, and acknaw­ledge it to be maist true: all our tea­ching, and all your hearing is but in vaine. For what account makes a­ny man of a Phisitian or Medicinar, that perceaueth and féeleth no sick­nesse? And what account can we make of the doctrine of saluation, that misknawis our condemnation, and the cause thairof. Thairfore, let vs acknawledge in our heartes, and confesse with our mouthes, that by nature we are rebelles to God, as e­uen in our common speach we grant with our tongue, though vnwitting­ly and without féeling, and consen­ting of the heart, in the maist parte, whill as we say, We are all sinners. That is, altogidder transgressors, & breakers of the Lawe of God (for sin is the transgression of Gods Lawe) whilk séemeth to be spoken of many, 1. Ioh. 3.4 rather to cloake and make light of sin then truly to acknaweldge the mise­ry of our nature, whilk is imported thairby howsoeuer we dissemble the [Page]matter. For the Scripture hes con­cluded vs all vnder sin, and pronoū ­ced that we are sauld vnder sinne, & sa being altogidder sla [...]ts to sin, ther remaineth not sa meikle in vs, as o­ny frée-will at all in vs to do good, for we are d [...]a [...] in trespasses & sins. And very experience it self teaches euery [...] Christian, Eph [...]s. 2.1 and sik as wilfully will not be blinds and senslesse, that all the imaginations and thoughts of the hart of man, Gen. 6.5. or the vnregenerat part are only euil continually. Whairof it followeth, that beeing the children of disobedience, not onely sik as cannot thinke ane gude thocht, or ony wayis performe the least iote that God cō ­mands vs, and sa offends in defectiō and omission of our duty: but also sik as are giuen to commit all kinde of sinne with gréedinesse. Eph. 4.10 Being sik, I say, it followes that we are the chil­dren o [...] wrath, through the iustice of the wrathfull God against sinne, and sa are gylty of euerlasting death & cō ­demnation, for the reward of sin, Rom. 6, 23 is death. Now the Law, or the ten cō ­mands [Page]of God, serues as ane glasse to let vs sée our sinnes, for the knaw­ledge of sin commeth by the Lawe. Rom. 7. [...] And thairfoir it is, that we same [...]kle vrge, that euery ane haue the ten cō ­mands, and the true vnderstanding thairof in some measure, that know­ing thairby what duety is craued of vs towardes God, in the foure com­mandements of the first Table, and towards our nichthour, in the sex cō ­mandements in the second Table: & howe vnable we are to performe any of them: yea how reddy and bent we are to brek euery ane, and al of them, and sa to fal vnder the curse and con­demnation of the Law: we may bée driuen to séek for the Gospell of grace and frée remission of our sinnes in Christ, who is the end of the Lawe, Rom. 10, 4. for righte [...]usnes vnto euery ane that beleeueth, whairof mair heirafter shall bee spoken in the awin place Godwilling. It rests then, that w [...]e knaw whairof, & how we haue this bentnes by nature to sinne and brea­king of Gods commandements, to [Page]our eternall condemnation. By cre­ation we haue it not, and [...] God is not the author of it: for it is said, And God sawe all that he had made, Gen, [...].31. & loe it was gude. Yea, to his awin i­mage God created man at the begin­ning, that amang all other creatures maist percttely, he might represent y e s [...]ueraign [...] wisdome, righteousnesse, and gudenesse of God the Creator: sa that in him, as it were, was set vp a little warld. We haue this bentnesse to sin then, of the corruption of that gude nature that God made at the beginning, whilk came to passe after the maner following.

Adam and Eue our first parents, being made of the dust of the ground, and hauing receaued the breath of life by the saull ioyned to the body, and made to the Image of God, gude, ha­ly, and righteous, and placed by him in the gardine, or pleasant orcharde called Paradise, to bresse and labour it: and hauing receaued commande­ment to eate of euery trée of the gar­uen, except of the trée of knawledge [Page]of gude and euill (whairof God for­bade them to eate vnder the paine of death and condemnation: saying, for in the day thou eatest thairof, thou sall die the death) it came to pass [...] through the subtelty of the Serpent, or rather the Diuel, abusing the sub­telty of the Serpent, (wha thairfor [...] is called that auld Serpent the Di­uell, and Sathan) that they were be­gyled, & brought to breake the plaine command of God foresaid, in eating of the frute of the forbidden trée: Whairthrow they falling from their former gude estate, into sinfull diso­bedience, & consequently vnder con­demnation: so defaced the Image of God in themselues, by corrupting and infecting their haill nature, that they and their haill posterity wer in­nolued vnder sinne and death. For as touching themselues, it is plaine that they became sinners, and so incurred the sentence of death and damnation according to the truth of Gods word fore [...]auld them, and thereupon were thrust out of Paradise. And as for v [...] [Page]thair post [...]rity, we cannot be bette [...] nor they whome of we come, & stock [...]ut of the whilk we are hewin. For wha can bring ane clean thing out of filthinesse? Iob. 14.4. and sa, as we say, we haue sin by kinde we co [...]t it not. And Dauid sai [...]th, Psal. 51. [...]5. Behald, I was born in iniquitie, and in sin did my mother conceaue me. And this is that ori­ginall sinne whairwith the hail rase of mankinde is infected, the rewarde whereof is death: as the power that very natural death hath ouer infants that sinne not after the manner of Adam and oth [...]rs, wha sinnes with knawledge) is a sur [...] argument, be­cause being included in sinning with Adam, they are sinners: and m [...]kle mair are they and all we gyity of cō ­demnation, when actuall sinne fal­loweth thairupon. Then, as by an [...] man sin entered into the warld, and death by sinne: so death went ouer al men, forasmuch as all men haue sin­ned.

Heir I inlarge the dialogue be­tweene the Serpent and Eue, & the seuerall iudgements of God pronounced against euery pair­tie offending, in this firste parte touching our misery: and thair­after shortly repeats the former discourse, and then sayes after this manner following.

THE FORME OF De­manding and asking, tou­ching the first part of the familiar instru­ction.

Q. VVHen I sall aske yo [...] then, what are ye by nature? Euery ane of you sal [...] answere,

A. I am the childe of wraith, and sa subiect to eternall condemnation.

Q. When the question sal follow, what is the cause of this misera­bill estate? Ye sall answere,

A. My sinne is the cause.

Q. When it salbe demanded what is sinne? Ye sall answere,

A. The transgression of the Law of God, contained in the ten com­mandements.

Q. When the sowme of the ten Commandements sall bee cra­ued? Ye sall say,

A. The somme thairof is the entire and perfite loue of God, & the lou [...] of my neighbour as my selfe. The first Tabill contayning foure cō ­mandements concerning God: & the second contayning sex concer­ning my neigbour.

Q. When the question salbe mo­ued, Can thou not obey and ful­fill these commandementes of thy awin nature? ye sall say,

A. I am sa far from obeying & fulfil­ling of thom, that I cā do nathing but transgresse and breake them.

Q. Whairof commeth this thy bent disposition to sinne, & bre­king of Gods cōmandements? Ye sall say

A. Of the gyltinesse and corruption of nature in my first parentes, A­dam and Eue.

Q. How were they corrupted, see­ing God made them gude at the beginning? Ye are to say,

A. By the deceat of Sathan in the Serpent, intysing them to breake Gods command.

Q. What was the command they brake? Ye sall ansvvere,

A. They ate of the frute of the trée of knawledge of gude and euill in Paradise, whairof God forbad thē to eate, vnder the paine of death & damnation.

Q. Howe can thou be partaker of the sinne of our first parents, & consequently of cōdemnation? Ye sall answere,

A. As they, and we in them became sinners, for wha can bring an [...] clean thing out of [...]ithines: sa the sentence of death and condemna­tion fell vppon vs, thair posterity [...] for euer.

THE SECOND PART of the Catechisme.

NOwe we are to sée, gif there be any remedy or safety for vs frō this [...]earefull condemnation. And in [...]erry déeds, if there were na remedy for vs, man and woman were mair miserabill then the brute beast, yea, then the very Loade: for when the braines or harns o [...] it are dashed out, there is na mair of it: bot miserabill man by nature is subiect to vnspeak­able paines eternally, whilk is set down in these words, Thou sal die y e death: that is, thou salbe subiect to y e first and secund death, in body & saul, with all tha miseries that may accō ­panie the same. Whilk must be sa­meikle the mair painfull to man and womā, because they are indued with reason and vnderstanding aboue the beast: whairby they may discourse & confer betwene the happy estate frō [Page]the whilk by sinne they fell, and that endlesse misery whereinto they are fallen. Then seing thair is relief for miserabill and loste men, wée are to sée, from whence it commeth. From damned man it cannot come, from the Diuell our readly enemy it can­not come, Angels who are diuerse in nature from vs, cānot satisfie for vs. Our help and safety their, is only frō the Lord our God, who hath made both the heauen and the earth: Psal. 124.8. Isa. 4 [...].21 who said, I am the Lord, and beside mee thair is no Sauiour. For our saluati­on cōmeth not of nature, but of grace And euen as when a cōdemned ma­iefactor béeing fréely pardoned by the Prince, is said to get grace: euen sa it fareth with vs, & our merci [...]ul God. Then of his a win gude will and frée fauour, mooued of tender mercy and compassion toward sik of the race of mankinde, as his gude will hes pre­destinate and elected to saluation, be­fore the beginning of the world, that aswell his iustice might be satisfied, as his mercy haue place: ordayned [Page]our saluation to bée wrought by his a win deir and weilbeloued Sonne, verry God, and verry man in ane person: wha being the second person of the Trinity, tooke to him the na­ture of man, in the fulnesse of time, of the Virgine Marie, and so was called the séede of the Woman that sall tread down the head of the Serpent, and God manifested in the fleshe, our Immanuel and Ithiel, and Lord Ie­sus Christ. This is that only Media­tour betwéene God and man, euen the man Christ Iesus, wha was de­liuered to death for our sinnes, and rais againe for our righteousnesse. Rom. 4.25. Neyther is there saluation in any o­ther: For amongst men there is gi­uen nane other name vnder heauē whereby we must be saued. Act. 4. [...] Nowe, as for the price whairwith he redée­med vs, It was not corruptible things, as siluer and golde, but his awin precious blude, 1. P [...]. 1. [...]8.19 as of an lamb vndefiled, and without spot, when he suffered vnder Pontius Pilate, re­déeming vs thairby from euerlasting [Page]death & damnation. Rom. 1.4. And by his pow­erfull resurrection from the dead the third day, restoring vs to righteous­nesse and life eternall: so he was cru­cified, & died that cursed death of the Croce, 2. Cor. 1 [...] 4. concerning his infirmity (or manhoode) and liueth through the po­wer of God, (that is his Godhead) to the whilk aggréeth Peters saying, he was put to death concerning the fleshe, but was quickned in the Spi­rite. 1. Pet. 1 [...] 18 For performing of whilk twa parts of a perfite Sauiour, in suffe­ring and ouercomming, it behooued him to be God & man in one person.

THE FORME OF DE­manding and answering, tou­ching the second part of this fa­milier instruction.

Q. VVHen I sall aske thairfore touching the secōd prin­ciple of our Religion, vvhether [Page]there be ony saluation for loste man? Ye sall ansvvere,

A. Yes: or else our estate were more miserable thou the estate of brute beastes.

Q. From vvhence commeth this saluation? Ye sall ansvvere,

A. From the tender mercy & grace of God, who louing vs when wée were his enemies, prouyded our saluation to bée wrought onley by his weilbeloued Sonne Iesus Christ, made man of the Virgine Marie without sinne. Rom. 5, 8.

Q. What is Christ in person, and office? Ye sall ansvvere,

A. In person he is God & man, the son of God, and the son of the Vir­gine Marie, very God & very man without cōfusiō of the twa natur [...]

Q. Why vvas it neidfull that hee should be God and man in ane person?

A. He was man to suffer for man­kind to tho vttermost punishmēts due for mans sinnes: and God to [...]ear [...] vp the manhood in suffering [Page]and ouercomming to the full.

Q. What is he in office?

A. He is our King, Priest, and Pro­phet: our Mediatez, Redéemer, ru­ler, preseruer, teacher: and finallie, he is all in all things ne [...]rssarie for our perfite saluation without ony helpe, merite, or work of ours, first or last.

Q. Hovv redeemed he you?

A. By his bludshed, death, and pas­sion, and by rising againe from the dead the third day.

Q. Then the saluation of man is so fully vvrought and perfitelie ac­complished by Christ in his awin person, that nothing is lef [...] to bee done or vvrought by vs in our persons, to be onie cause of the least part thereof?

A. That is most certaine. For as his blude purgeth vs from al sinne and his perfite rigteousnesse be­commes cures, so in him wée an [...] compleit: and so sure is that s [...]n­tence, For by ane oblation h [...] he made perfite for euer, them [...] [Page] [Page] [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page]are sanctified. Heb. 10.14.

Q Can wee haue no saluation ex­cept vve haue participation, and be conioyned vvith Christ: so that vve must be his, & he ours?

A. Nane at all: for seing the cause of our saluation is in the person of Christ only, & neuer in our selues, but by participation of him: wée can neuer be partakers of saluatiō but by our coniunction and vnion with him: whairby he becom­ming ane with vs, and wée ane with him, we get through him the ful right of saluation and life euer­lasting.

THE THIRD PARTE OF our familiar Examination, be­fore the Lords Supper.

NOw seing our reconciliation to God and eternall saluation, [...]nds in our vnion and true coniun­ [...]n with Christ: we are to learn in [Page]the third part, by what meanes this strait communion is made betweene him and vs. Meanes is their nane that properly ioyneth vs with Christ but onely Faith, whilk is ane harty receiuing of Christe crucified and ri­sen againe: our alone and sufficient Sauiour, as he is offered to vs in the gospell: whilk is wrought by the ho­ly Spirite through the preaching of Gods word, heard and receiued of vs: Whereby wee are made assured of reconciliation to God, & life euerla­sting through him alone: yea, we are made ane with him, and he becomes ours, and we his: in sik sorte, that euerie ane that hath this faith, maye saye, neither death nor life, Rom. 8.38.39. Phil. 3.8. Gal. 2.20. thinges present nor things to come, &c. falbe able to separate mee from the loue of God, whilk is in Christe Iesus my Lord, who hath loued me and giuen himselfe for me. Now wee say, that faith onely receiues Christ, whereby he dwells in our harts. Because nei­ther hope nor loue, nor any vther he­uinly guift hes that office but onely [Page]faith. [...]. P [...]. 2.9 Hope as a watchman luiks for the end or our faith, whilk is the sal­uation of our souls. And loue is faiths handmaid and steward, disposing the graces and gudes of faith, by euident demonstration, as it were, witnes­seth and declareth to our selues and to vthers, that wee possesse Christe by faith, and haue sure hope of enioying saluation by him. Ioh. [...]3 And heirfore it is, that to beléeue in Christe, and to re­ceiue Christ, is all one thing. So that when we say, faith onely makes vs partakers of Christ & his righteous­nes, wee separate not Hope & Cha­ritie from Faith, but distinguishing them, giues euery ane of them thair owne proper office, and namely, to faith her proper office: whilk is, to make a true and present coniunction with Christ crucified, and risen a­gaine to our assured reconciliatioun with God. As when we say, the Son only and not the Father, nor the ho­ly Ghoste, was incarnat for the re­demption of man. We separate not the Sonne from the Father, and the [Page]holy Spreit: but giues vnto him his awin distinct and proper office. So The Papists sophistry serueth for no­thing: saying, Faith onely iustifieth not, because Faith is not allone when it iustifieth, but hath Hope and Charity ioyned with it: but they make little of hope, sa they may haue some cloake of charity, whilk séemes to make somthing for their stinking merites: for the whilks they make mair adoe, then for Christ himselfe. We are said then to be saued or iusti­fied by Faith only: because Faith is the onely instrument that receaueth Christ, wha saued vs by those things whilk he did for vs in his awin per­son, and not by any thing whilk hée worketh in or by vs, in our awin persons, or the person of any other. And so the merites of men & Angels, are excluded from being any cause of the least part of our saluation. For God willing to make the saluation of his elect sure, in the person of his Sonne Iesus Christ, wald not com­mit the credite thereof to our selues, [Page]or to any other: for it is not méete that we should haue the credite of our owin saluatiō in our awin keping a­ny mair, seing when we had frée-wil and power of the kéeping of our first gude estate in Paradise, sa sodanely, and vpon sa small occasion we lost it. For a remembrance and castigation whairof, and for humbling of man, God wil haue a remanent of sinne to remains during this life, euen in his chosen children, whilk may euer kéep them vnder scare of condemnation in themselues, and make them séeke saluation in him only, in whome on­ly it is to be found, that is, Christ Ie­sus his only Sonne, our Lorde, of whome truely wée are made parta­kers by Faith only: whilk is that be­ginning, as the scripture saith, [...]eb. 3.14 wher­by we are made partakers of Christ and are vphaldin sa, that no doubting that arriseth through our awin infir­mity, can deface the assurance of our saluation in Christ, possessed by true Faith, whilk findes euer in Christ [...]he full satisfaction for our sinnes, & [Page]full restoring to righteousnesse and Gods fauour, and neuer any of either of them, nor of any part thereof, in our selues, nor in our warks, nor in any creature else. And this coniun­ction with Christ by Faith is mosts sure and certaine, thoght it be not naturall, ciuill, nor artificiall: but méere spirituall, mystick, and secreit: and sa altogidder vnknawin to the naturall warldly, and carnall man, wha per­ceaueth not the things of the spirit of God, whome the warlde cannot re­ceaue. 1, Cor. [...].14. Iohn. 1 [...].17. And certaine it is, that both y e enlightning of the mind to acknaw­ledge the trueth of the promise of sal­uation to vs in Christ: and the sea­ling vp of the certaintie thairof in our hearts and mynds (of the whilk twa parts, as it were, faith consists) are the works and effects of the Spi­rite of God, & neither of nature, nor arte: the preaching of the word, and administration of the Sacramentes interuéening, Eph. 1.1 [...] 17. as meanes and instru­ments whereby the haly Spirit be­getteth and confirmeth Faith in our [Page]hearts. Now as this saith is ordina­rily wrought by the halye Spirite through the preaching of the word, & by the Sacraments increased & con­firmed: so it is certaine, where no preaching is, thair, ordinarly can be no faith, and where there is no faith, there is no Christ, and wher there is no Christ, there is no saluation. And [...]owheit Faith cannot bée wrought (wée speake ay ordinarly) without hearing of the word, yet the preching and hearing of the worde may bée without Faith in manye. For all men haue not Faith, and with­out the mixture of Faith, 2. Thes. 3 2. Rom, 10, 16. Hob. 4.12. the preach­ing and hearing is vnprofitable. Heir of it is plaine, that neither Turkes, Iewes, Pagans, nor they that heare not the worde at all, as also neither Papists (who are enemies to true Faith, not knawing, but abolishing the liuely nature thereof, and prefer­ring the dumbe guyse of their Masse, whilk is neither ministration of any sacramēt, nor preaching of the word, but contumelious to both, before the [Page]preaching of the word) neither Athe­ists, nullifidians, bare and idle hea­rers, nor temporarie beléeuers, & wha heare not with ane honest and gude hart, wanting the gift of true Faith, can be partakers of saluation in any­wise. And therefore we are earnestly to praye to the Lorde of the Haruest, that he would thrust out faithfull la­bourers into his Haruest, y e is, true Ministers and teachers in his Kirk. and that he would giue vs honest and reuerent hearts, to be profitable and faithful hearers of them by true faith. Now, we haue sik a coniunctiō with Christ, by vertue of our vnion with him by iustifying Faith only: that as our sinnes onely are the ch [...]se of his death, and that condemnation wherunto he was subiect: so his death and righteousnesse onely is the cause of our saluation. And so the cause of our saluation is onely in him, and the effect whilk is our saluation, commeth to vs through him only, posses­sed by Faith: whairby he becōming ane with vs, and taking our cause v­pon [Page]him, he deliuered vs from all sin and condemnation, and presents vs faultlesse and righteous before God. Neither aucht this to séeme strange to vs, as though héereby we were not made frée, & truely holy in Gods pre­sence, and méet to be made partakers of the inheritance of the Saintes in light: or as though we coulde not get the effect in vs, wherof he is the cause séeing the payment of ane man for a­nother, where ther is no sik vniō nor coniunction, but the méer right of so­uerty-ship, doth make the pairty in­debted for payment, frée, and able to enioy his freedome, as law, practise, & dayly experience teacheth vs. But we by vertue of our marriage, and con­iunction with Christ by Faith, haue iust title and right to him, and so to all that is his. As concerning the sowme of our faith, contained in the articles of the Beliefe, whilk is con­tinually rehearsed amongst vs, wée are to vnderstand, that it sets downe to vs, that there is one God, and thrée persons in the Godhead, the Father, [Page]the Sonne, and the haly Gaist: the Father the maker and preseruer of all creatures, and fountaine of grace and gudenesse. The Sonne, made man, the Redéemer and ransome for man. The holy Spirite, the sanctifier & worker of the coniunction betwixt Christ and the Faithfull. The sowm of all is, that euery Christian is sure and certaine, that his saluation is soundly & throughly wrought & per­formed by Christ crucified and risen again. So that nothing rests for mā or ony other creature to doe, for pur­chasing or meriting his saluation, or ony of the least part thereof, for héere Christ receaued by faith, is all & in all things. For the greater confirmation of vs in this Faith, beside the worde preached, are added twa holy actions, with outwarde signes & ceremonies sealing vp the same saluation & faith in Christ, to them that beléeue, called the Sacraments: that is, holy signes ordayned by Christ in the newe Te­stament, to seale vp saluation in him, who is signified, represented, and re­ally, [Page]though sacramentally, exhibited to them that beléeue. Shortly, they may be called the seales of the righ­teousnesse of Faith. Rom. 4, 11 These Sacra­mentes are twa in nomber: to wit, Baptisme, and the Lords Supper. Baptisme, importing wasching, and cleansing: and the Supper féeding & nourishmēt in Christ. For the whilk cause the outward signe in Baptism is water, representing the blud-shed of Christ, for drowning, washing a­way, and remission of our sinnes, and planting vs in Christ, to growe vp with him in newnesse of life. In the Supper are the twofolde signes of bread and wine, setting out Christ crucified to bée the onely true fude of our saules to life euerlasting. Our entres into Christ and his Kirk is set downe by Baptisme, and so to be ministred but once to euery one: the sup­per importeth our nourishment and continuance in the family & kirk of Christ, and so is to be reiterata, and ofte celebrate, for kéeping vs in fresh memory of Christ his Passion, as the [Page]continuall fude of ane Christian saul, all the dayes of this our life. And so both the Sacraments (as doeth the word preached) lead vs to Christ cru­cified onely, for our full redemption wrought in his awin person, as that onely cause of our saluation, and seale vp the same more sensibly to all that beleeue.

THE FORME OF DE­manding and answering, tou­ching the third parte of this fa­milier instruction.

Q. HOwe are yee ioyned with Christ, and sa made parta­ker of him and of his righteous­nesse?

A. By Faith only.

Q. What is Faith?

A. It is ane heartie assurance, that our sinnes are fréely forgiuen vs in Christ. Or after this manner: It is the harty receauing of Christ offered [Page]in the preaching of the word and Sa­craments, by the working of the ha­ly Spirit, for the remission of sinnes, whereby he becummes ane with vs, and we ane with him, he our head, & we his members.

Q. When it sall be said, Hes eue­rie man this Faith? Ye sall answer

A. No: for as all men haue not Faith, sa natte can beléeue in him of whome they haue not heard by prea­ching: and none heares by preaching but they that haue eares to heare, & are ordayned to life euerlasting. For many are called but few chosen.

Q. When it sall bee asked, Can this bee ane dead Faith that recea­ueth Christ? Ye sall answere,

A. How can it be dead that recea­ueth the Lord of life, and very lyfe it selfe.

Heir I demand some fewe questi­ons touching the articles of the Beliefe: and whether they feil a­ny cōfort in their harts through this Beliefe, and whether they [Page]finde this sure belief wrought in their hearts by the preaching of the word: and so finds the prea­ching necessary, profitable, and comfortable to them. To the whilk I receaue many sensible, cheerefull, & pertinent answers, whilk is the frute and ioy of my labours that I craue. And there­fore I chiefly labor this point of feeling knawledge of Christ in the people.

Q. What is ioyned with the preaching of the worde in the Mi­nisterie, for your farther streng­thening in this Faith? Ye sall an­swere,

A. The twa sacraments of Bap­tisme and the Lords Supper.

Q. What are these Sacraments? Ye sall say,

A. They ar actions cōmonded by Christ to be ministred in the Kirk, in y e ministratiō of visible signs, ioyned with the preaching of the word, offe­ring Christ Iesus crucified onely for [Page]saluation to the rest of the senses, that the word preached does to the eares and hearing.

Q. When I sall aske what is the signe in Baptisme, and what are the signes of the Lords Supper? Ye sall answere,

A. Water in Baptisme, & bread and wine in the Lords Supper.

Q. What signifies the signes? Ye sall say.

A. They both signifie and truly of­fer Christ crucified to the receauers for saluation. The water applied, set­ting out the washing away of our sinnes by the bludeshed of Christ: and the bread and the wine the continual féeding and nurishment of our saules by his death to life euerlasting.

Q. When ye salbe asked, Do the Sacraments mair really and power fully communicate Christ crucified vnto vs, then the word preached? Ye sall say,

A. Not, but more sensibly.

Q. Last, when I shall demand, Doth any Sacrament more effectu­ally [Page]communicate Christ crucified vnto vs, then another, or any signe more then another? Ye sall say,

A. No: and therefore the bread in the Lords Supper, is no more tran­substantiat into Christ his body, thē is the water in Baptisme, and the Cupe or the wine in the Supper into the new testament, or blood of Christ. Finally, all this communication of Christ by Faith into the Sacra­ments, is méere spiritual, and super­naturall. Sa that thereby Christ is not corporally and locally brought out of heauen (whilk must néedes containe him, and his bodily presence to the last day) to bée in the place of the elements, or to be included with­in them. But contrariwise, by the vse of the elementes, our hearts are conuoyed and carried, to the liuelye consideration of his death and resur­rection, and from thence to heauen, (where hée sits at the right hand of God) to feed vpon him by Faith, to life euerlasting, whilk is the verye washing of our sinnes, & true eating [Page]of his body, & drinking of his blude.

THE FOVRT PARTE OF our familiar Examination, be­fore the Communion.

NOw béeing made truly and re­ally partakers of Christ, and his righteousnes by Faith only, and so iustified, saued, and counted truely righteous in the sight of God, to whome we are reconciled: We are to sée, what God craueth of vs in our awin part, to witnes our thankful­nesse for so great and vnspeakable a benefite. We may not think that we are redéemed from sinne, to liue still in sinne, and take our pleasure therin as wée did before wée were called or beléeued: or that faith destroyeth gude works, and taketh away the vse of charity: No, no: for that were but to deceaue our selues, with that deade faith, whereof Iames speaketh chap. [...]. and not to haue that affectual faith [Page]whereby the iust man liueth, Abac. 2.4. and whilk purifieth the heartes Acts 15.9. and that worketh by loue Galath. 5.6. For béeing bought for so great a price, we are Gods, and so must glorifie him in body and spirite. 1. Corinth. 6.20. And as he is God al-sufficient to vs: so must we walke before him, and be vpright. Gen. 17.1 that is, we must serue him in holines and righteousnesse all the dayes of our life. Luke 1.74.75. according to the ten commandements contained in the first and second Table, whilks euerye Christian aught to haue by hart perfitely: First, to let him se his awin iniquity and condemnation in himself: & next, to lead him to Christ who is the end of the Law for righ­teousnesse, vnto euery ane that belee­ueth, Rom. 10.4. And thirdly, to bée as a rule whereby to leade his life, Iames 1.25. To bée short, being in Christ, we must be newe creatures, not in substance, but in qualities and disposition of our minds, and change of the actions of our liues: so that we [Page]must hate and flée that whilk before we loued & embraced: and wee must loue and followe that whilk before we hated and abhorred: that is, wée must deny vngodlinesse, and warldly lustes, and must liue soberly & righ­teously, & godly in this present warld, Tit. 2.12. Al whilk, is impossible to them that haue no Faith, and haue but a dead faith, and are enemies to the iustifying faith that is in Christ Iesus, brag foolishly vtherwayes of gude workes as meikle as they list. For as it is impossible to please God without faith, Heb. 11.6. so it is im­possible to please him by any vther meanes then by faith onely, because that in none other is he euer plea­sed, but in his only Sonne, who is made ours by faith only, as before is clearly proued. And so the person of the worker, must be in the fauour of God, and acceptabill vnto him, before euer his workes can be accepted and please him: whilk cannot be but by Faith onely, whilk makes vs one with Christ his Sonne, in whome [Page]hée is well pleased, Matth. 15.5. and sa béeing in the fauor of God, by ver­tue of our vnion with Christ, and iu­stification in him before we worke, our workes cannot bée a preceiding cause of our reconciliation to God, nor the procurers of Gods fauour to vs: na mair then breathing, féeling, sée­ing, hearing, and the haill actions of our naturall life, are causes thereof, but the effects only: So gude warkes follow as effects of Christ in vs, pos­sessed by faith, who by the hid and se­crete power of the haly Spreit, beginneth to work in vs regeneration, and a renewing of the haill parts & pow­ers of saule and bodie. Whilk begun sanctification and holinesse, he neuer ceaseth to accomplish vnto the day of the Lord Iesus Christ, at what time béeing growne to the fulnesse of our age in Christ, he wil present vs fault­lesse to his heauenly Father, as méet to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light, in that life euer­lasting, when God fall bée all in all things, blissed for euer, Amen.

Now this begun regeneration or new birth in vs, stands in the morti­fying of our aulde corrupted & sinfull nature, whilk is called the auld man: and in quickning and renewing the Image of God, whilk we loste in A­dam: of righteousnesse and true, ho­linesse, called the new man: whairby thair growes an hatred, lothing, and lawing of sinne in vs: and a loue, fol­lowing, and embracing of godlines, and a gode life, whilk is commonlye called repentance, or a turning and change of the mind and déed, from sa­than and sinne, to God and godlines, whilk indures all the dayes of this lyfe, with a great strife and battel be­twene the fleshe and the spirite: that is, the auld man and the new: that e­uery Christian sa becomming twa, (as it were in ane) the ane whairof is euer contrary to the vther, is euer occupyed in a continuall warrefare, though some in a greater, and some in a lesser measure: of whilke battell and strife, the vnregenerate & vnfaithfull, haue neither knowledge [Page]nor any feiling, because they remaine on after the auld maner, in Sathans bondage: altogidder walking after their lustes, in fornication, vnclean­nesse, wrath, anger, maliciousnesse, cursed speaking, léeing, and so foorth. Colos. 3.5.8. Whilk, as the Apostle saith, béeing past féeling, haue giuen themselues vnto wātonnes, to work all vncleannes, euen with gréedines. Ephes. 4.19. Yea, they make a pa­stime of sinne, Prouerb. 10.23. and haue their delite so therein, that to twin and part them and sinne, it is to part them, as it were, and their life. But in the person that is borne again of God, this auld corruption of nature called the aulde man, howheit it striue mightily, and by all meanes, through the working of Sathan that workes in the children of vnbelief, to recouer his kingdome of sinne: yet by the power of the Spirit of Christ, re­newing the spirite of our mynde: hee gets sik a deads wound, that althogh he make vs meikle cumber, yet is he neuer able to ouercome, but in Iesus [Page]Christ we are mair nor victors. The assurance whairof is our singular cō ­fort in this fearefull battell betwéene the Flesh and the Spirite: and ther­fore the grace of God is sufficient for vs, who will haue his power perfited in infirmitie. And so with the scrip­ture we say, that as the warld is al­togidder set vpon sinne, and can doe nathing but sinne: so they that are borne of God sinne not: not that their sinnes of themselues are not deadly, but because their persons are so liue­ly in Christ, that the deadlinesse of sin cannot preuaile against them: for it is our faith that ouercommes the warld, because Christ possessed by faith hath ouercome the warld. And so howheit the condemnation of sin be remooued from the faithfull alto­gidder: yet the battell with sinne re­maineth during this life. To this do­mestick inward battel, for the farther tryall of our faith, as our God séeth it néedfall, is the croce of persecution external added: for the better bearing out of al without desperate fainting, [Page]we haue néede of that worthy gift of pacience, Philip. 1.29. whilk is a constancie giuen of God, to sustaine & beare out all kinde of afflictions for the name of Christ, and therefore is called the pacience of God, and not our awin. Rom. 15.5. Reuel. 3.10. for the better fighting asweill of this domestique battell, as pacient sustay­ning afflictions for Christ, both in our selfes, and the rest of Christs mē ­bers, and haill Kirk of God in this earth, continuall and harty prayer to God is commanded to all Christi­ans, as the chief frute and exercise of faith and hope, Ephes. 6.18. Iames 1 3.4.5. Whilk prayer is a confident and a familiar begging and crauing of God, onely at his cōmandement, publikely, and priuately, in the name of his Sonne onely, and in the name of no Saint, nor Angel, sik things as be néedfull & requisite for Gods glory and the comfort of our selues, and our neighbours: the summe whereof, is set downe by Christ himselfe in the Lords Prayer. Wherein are sex pa­titions, [Page]touching the glory of God, & our awin weilfare and our neighbors (answering to the twa Tables of the Lawe) The first thrée concernes the glorie of God directlye, whilk of all things suld be most dear, and so most néedfull vnto vs: and the other thrée the well of our selues and our neigh­bours, in saule and body heir, and al­wayes to the end, and in the end, A­men. In the whilk Prayer, as wée are taught to be moste humble in our selues, in respect of our manifold and vnspeakable wants: sa we are taught to bee moste consident in our God throgh christ, by whom al our wants are repaired and supplied in saules & bodies. Amen. And so whether wée looke to our iustification or sanctifica­tion, they are wholly wrought and perfited by Christ, in whome we are compleit, howheit after a diuers sort: For our iustification is only wroght by him in himselfe, without vs, sa that how soone we truely beléeue, we are iustified, counted righteous, and gets the right of lyfe euerlasting, [Page]through the death and resurrection of Christ. And as for our sanctifica­tiō, he worketh it in our selues by little and little, so that in this life it is neuer perfite in our selues, howbeit before the enioying of life euerlasting he presēts vs faultles before his hea­uenly Father, to possesse that king­dome prepared for vs before the be­ginning of the warld. Whairby the difference clearely appeareth be­twixt the ane and the other, faith and works, iustification and sanctificati­on: the ane as the cause giues the right of saluation: the vther as effect truely declares our meitnesse for pos­session of our right.

THE FORME OF DE­manding and answering, tou­ching the fourth parte of this fa­milier instruction.

Q. VVHen I sall aske you then, What is craued of vs after that wee are ioyned to Christ by Faith, and made truelye righteous in him? Ye sall answere,

A. Wee must repent and becum newe persons, that we may shewe foorth the vertues of him that hath called vs out of darkenesse into his meruellous light. [...]. Pet. 2.9

Q. When I sall aske, What is Repentance? Ye sall answere,

A. It is ane sorrow and displea­sure for sinne, and hatred thereof, and a loue to righteousnes, precéeding of the knawlodge of the truth: whilk by the working of the haly Spirit of re­generation, changeth and renueth the minde of man and woman.

Q. When I sall aske, Whairin chiefly stands Repentance? Ye sall answere,

A. In departing from euill, and doing good, as outward frutes before men of our inward regeneration be­fore God, whilk euer accompanieth true faith in Christ.

Q. When it sall be demanded, Are we whollie & throughly made new by our new birth, so that there remaines no more sin in vs? Ye sall say,

A. Though the condemnation of sinne be taken away, yet the battell with sinne remaines sa lang as wée liue in this life.

Q. When the question salbe mo­ued, wha are the parties in this bat­tell? Ye sall say,

A. The auld man, and the newe man.

Q. What is the auld man, and what is the newe man? Ye sall an­swere,

A. The remanent of sinne accor­ding to our cōuersation in time past, after our corruption through the de­ceiuable lustes, is the auld man: and the renewing of the spirite of the minde, wha after God is created in righteousnesse and true halinesse, is the new man. Or shortly ye may say, the vnregenerate part is the auld mā and the regenerate part the new mā

Q. When I sall demand, Hath e­uery Christian these twa parts, or twa men in him, and consequently this battell? Ye sall answere,

A. Yes in some sort, though al not in like measure of féeling & fighting.

Q. Gif I sal aske any of you tou­ching your awin feeling and expe­rience in this caise? Ye sall answere as ye finde the truth in your selues, but certaine it is, ye may truely an­swere,

A. As our knawledge is small, our féeling is lesse: and namely, tou­ching the true hatred of sinne in our selues and vthers, and the trew loue of righteousnesse euery way: but yet in Christ who is our true holinesse, wée are mair then victors.

Q. When I sall say, What is the chief armour of a Christian in this battell, beside faith & repentance? Ye sall say,

A. Hearty and continuall Prayer vnto God onely, in the name of his Sonne onely, for all things neidful to our saule and body: as summarly is [Page]contained in the Lords Prayer.

Q. The last question wil be this, Howe manye petitions are in the Lords prayer? Ye sall answere,

A. Sex: of the whilk the first thrée concernes the glory of God directlye: and the other thrée, his glory in our selues, and our neighbours weilfare: whilk Prayer, no man can make without Faith. For howe sall they call vpon him in whome they haue not beléeued. Rom. 10.14. Amen.

After the Doctrine deliuered in effect foresaid, and a short & summar repetition made thereof againe, we proceede to the Examination accor­dinglie.

The ordinary Cate­chisme, as it is taught in the newe erected Kirk of Salt-Preston euery Saboth day.

IEsus saide to her (to wit, Ioh. to Mar­tha) I am the Resurrection, and the life, hee that beleeueth in mee, though he were dead, yet sall he liue, &c. Beleeues thou this? Sche saide vnto him, yea Lord, I beleeue that thou art that Christ the son of God, whilk suld cum into the warld.

He that beleeueth in the Sonne hath euerlasting lyse, and he that o­beyeth not the Sonne, sall not se life, but the wrath of God abydeth on him.

For other foundation can no man lay, i. Cor. 3.11. then that whilk is laide, whilk is [Page]Iesus Christ.

And ye are compleit in him, &c. Colos. 2.10. wha is Alpha & O­mega, the beginning & the ending Reuel. 1.8. the authour and fini­sher of our Faith, Heb. 12.2. and obtained eternall redemption for vs, Heb. 9.12. who in the ende of the world hath appeared once to put a­way sin by the sacrifice of himselfe, Heb. 9.26. For with one offering hath hee consecrate for euer, them that are sanctified. So there is no more offering for sinne. Heb. 10.14.18.

For amongst men there is giuen nane vther name vnder heauen whereby we must be saued, Act. 4.12 neyther is there saluation in any other.

FOllowes our ordinarye Cate­chisme according to the for­mer grounds, whilk we teach be­fore the people on the Sabboth daies, taking euery Sabboth a part thereof: & so euerye Moneth once wee goe through the principles of Religion, as they are contained therein: the children of the schole, as by turne they are appointed, by cuples, demanding and answering ane another before the people, as by the Catechisme they are led, af­ter that I haue read and opened a fit and conuenient place of Scrip­ture, according to the part for the day. After al whilk, I sometimes de­mand the children, and sometimes as it seemeth meete for edification, any man of the Congregatiō, how he can answere to some principall things, after sik easie manner as I thinke his capacity is able to vn­derstand: whairof (praised be God) baith I, and the party answering, many times receaues comfort, and the Kirk edification.

This is not to prejudge the la­bours of anye godly learned bre­thren, nor to make any prescriptiō vnto them who followe the learned Catechismes made either by them selues, or any vther godly learned man: but onely for the edification of our own people, whomewe haue trained vp after this manner, as maist meit in our iudgement for their capacity, according to the approbation of our Prouinciall assē ­bly of Lowthiane, by their act made thairanent. The tenour whereof is heirafter setdowne. And as wee in the meane time are to vse the god­lie Catechismes of vthers, as wee may profite thereby, and to reiect and contemne none: so gif anye Christian can reape any profite by this, we offer it to their discretion: Beseiking Gods haly Majesty, to blesse the godlye labours of all his seruands, to his awin glory, the e­dification of his Kirk, & comfort of the labourers, through Iesus Christ our Lord and only Sauiour. Amen.

At Edinburgh the 7. of Nouem­ber. 1599.

THe Prouincial assembly of Lo­thiane and Tweddale, ha­uing red and considered the forme of Examination, and Catechisme, writ­ten by our brother Maister Iohn Dauidson, approues the same, and aggrees that it sall bee imprented. Extract furth of the books of the provinciall assemblie of Lothiane & Tweddale, by mee Richarde Thomesone Clerk thereto.

Richard Thomesone.

The firste parte of the Cate­chisme, touching the sin­full and damnable estate of man by nature.


VVHat does thou chieflye heare and learne at the hearing of Gods word?


That my saluation is in Iesus Christ, the Sonne of God only, Rom, 11.3 & 3.24, 25. &c. Acts 4.12 1. Cor. 15 3.4. &c. and in nane vther.


How art thou vnder condemna­tion, that thou hast need of saluati­on by Christ?


By sinne, whilk is the breaking of Gods Law, Rom. 5.12 16.18. 1. Iohn. 3.4. or ten Commande­ments.


Rehearse the ten Commande­ments, [Page]as they are set downe in the first and second Table?


Hearken and take héed Israel, I am the Lord thy God, Exod. 19. and sa forth.


What is summarly contained in these ten Commandements?


That I sulde loue God intirely, with all my heart, Matth. 22 with all my saul, and with my haill minde, and my neighbour as myself.


Can thou not doe sa by nature, bot contrariwise hate both God & thy neighbour?


Al the imaginations of the thoghts of my heart, Gen. 6.5, Rom. 7.14 15. are onely euill continu­ally, and so are bent to all actual sin.


Whereof commeth this thy bentnesse to actuall sinne, & brea­king of Gods Commandements?


Of the corruption of nature, from [Page]my first Parentes Adam and Eua, Iob. 15.14 15.16. Rom, 5, 1 [...] called originall sinne.


Howe were they corrupted, se­ing they were made gude at the beginning?


By the deceit of Sathan in the Serpent, Genes. 3.2. Cor. [...] 3. making them breake Gods commandement.


What was the Commandemēt they brake?


They ate of the frute of the trée in Paradise, Gen. 1. Tim. 2.14. whairof God forbad them to cate.


Brought this their fault condē ­nation on them and thair hail po­steritie?


Yes: for in them wee all sinned, Rom. [...].12.19. Iob. 14.4. Rom. 5.16.18. & 6.2 [...]. and who can bring ane cleane thing out of filthinesse: sa hauing sin from them, we haue also death and dam­nation, the reward of sin, throgh thē.


Then all being sinners by nature, we are all by nature the children of wrath and condemnation? [...]phes, 2, 2


It is so: for as by ane man sinne entered into the warld, Rom. 5.12 and death by sinne: sa death went ouer all men, because all men haue sinned.

THE SECONDE PARTE touching our saluation by the death and passion of Christ.


SEing then we are justlie condē ­ned by Gods Law, [...]. Cor. 3.9 aswell for o­riginall as actuall sinne, whilk is the doctrine of the Lawe: whairof commeth our saluation?


Of the tender mercye and loue of our God in Iesus Christ his Sonne, Lue. 1.78 Eph. 2.4. & 1.13. Act. 14.3. [...] 20.32. and second person of the Trinitie, [Page]whilk is the doctrine of the Gospell, or word of grace.


Why say ye in Iesus Christ his Sonne?


Because he only is made vnto vs of God, redemption, Rom. 3.24.25. 1. Cor. 1.30 A [...]t, 4, 1 [...] and righteous­nesse, neither is there saluation in any other.


Seing then all our felicity stands in the true knawledge & acknaw­ledging of Iesus Christ to bee our onlie Sauiour, declare vvhat he is in person and office?


In person he is God and man: Esa. 7.14. Heb. 2.1 [...] 1. Tim 2. [...] Tit. 2.14. Act. 10.3 [...]. & in office hee is Mediatour betwixt God and man, and our onely Re­déemer.


Was it neidfull to our saluation that he shoulde bee both God and man in one person?


Yes: Prov. 30.14. Esai. 7, 14. Ihon 3▪ 13. Rom. 1.3. [...]. for none coulde duely su [...]fer [Page]for man, 2. Cor. 13 4. 1. Pet. 3.18. Reuel. 19.1 [...].12.13 15.16. but man with God: and none coulde ouercome for man, but God with man in one person.


Why is he called Iesus, that is to say, that Sauiour?


Because he saueth his people from their sinnes. Mat. 1.21


Why is he called Christ, that is to say, he that is annointed?


Because he onely is annointed, Mat. 1.26 Psal. 40.7 Heb. 10.5. &c. Reu. 5.9. Esa. 61.1. & 63.1. Act. 10.38 that is, indued of God with all giftes meit for a perfite Sauiour: as he that is our King, Priest, and Prophet.


How saued he vs?


By suffering all our deserued pu­nishments in saule and body, Psal. 22.1. Matth, 27.26. Luc. 22.24. Rom. 4 35.1. Pet. 2.24. in shed­ding his blude on the Croce: and sa dying for our sinnes, & rysing againe for our righteousnesse.


Why died he that cursed kinde [Page]of death on the Croce, rather then ony vther?


That thereby taking our curse in saule and body plainly vpon himself, Deut. 21.23. Gal. 3.13. Mat. 3.7.1. Thess. 1.10. he might fully deliuer vs from the wrath to come.


Doth Christ his blude clenge vs from all sinne, and his righteous­nesse imputed vnto vs, truelie iusti­fie vs in Gods sight?


Yes: for as our sinnes imputed vnto him, 2. Cor, [...].21. Isa. 5 [...] 9.11. 1. Ioh. 1.7. made him truely gilty of death and condemnation: sa his righ­teousnes imputed vnto vs, makes vs truely righteous in Gods sight.


Whereof commeth this Com­munion and mutual fellowship be­tweene Christ crucified and vs?


Of the vnion and strait coniunctiō betwéene vs: [...]. Cor. 6.15.17. E­phes. 1.21 23. Colos. 1.18. Ioh. 17.21. The song of S [...]l 2.16 as of the head with the body. For we are one with him, and he is ours, and wée are his.

THE THIRD PART OF the Catcchisme.


VVHereby is this vnion and straite coniunction made betweene Christ crucified and vs?


By Faith onely: Asa. 28.16 Act. 16.31 Ioh. 17.8.25. and 6.69. and 1.11, 12. &c 5.38.43. & 3.36. Rom. 3.28 2. Cor. 5. [...]3. Gal. 2 18. Col. 2.6.7. Heb. 3 [...]4. 1. Ioh. [...].12. as the onely in­strument whereby we receaue him to dwell in our heartes. And sa by Faith only wée are said to be saued, because Faith onely receaueth our onely Sauiour.


Then there is no parte of our righteousnesse left, without the ap­prehension or grip of Faith, seeing it is all vvhollie in the person of Christ apprehended by Faith?


It is so: [...]sa. 63.3.5. Ephes. 2 [...].9.10. Phil. 2.9. Tit. 3.5. Heb. Pet. 2.24.25. & 3.18. Heir is the maine point and ground of o [...]r disagrement with the Papists and sa we are perfitely sa­ued by the warkes whilk Christ did for vs in his awin person, and na [Page]wayes by the gude warkes whilk he works in vs with, and after Faith.


What is this Faith that is the only instrument of this strait con­iunction betvvene Christ crucified and vs?


It is the sure perswasion of the heart, Rom. 4.24.25. & 5.12. & 8 38. & 10.10.2. Cor that Christ by his death and resurrection hath taken away our sinnes, and cloathing vs with his awin righteousnesse, hes throughlye restored vs to the fauour of God.


Hovv is this sure persvvasion or­dinarilie vvrought and kept in the heart?


By the haly Spirit working with the hearing of Gods word preached, and the right ministry of the Sacra­ments, according to the due admini­stration of Christs kingdome in the discipline of the kirk, established by him in his word.


Does euerie ane that heares the vvorde preached beleeue, and get this sure persvvasion?


No: Mat. 13.58.2. thes. [...].2. Act. [...]3.48, for all men haue not Faith▪ and they only beléeue that are orday­ned to lyfe euerlasting, and haue eares to heare, wha onely are the true Kirk of Christ, and his shéepe, because they heare his voice.


Hes thou gotten this sure per­svvasion of forgiuenesse of thy sins, and full redemption in Christ?


Yes praysed be God: Acts 8.38. Ioh. 1 26.27. ha­b [...]c. 2.4. Rom. 5.1 for I liue by my awin Faith, and thereby haue peace towards God, through Christ.


Rehearse the sovvme of thy Be­liefe?


I beléeue in God the Father al­mightie, Genes. 1. &c. & 17. [...]. Esa. 45. [...]2.18. Ie [...] [...]0.11.12 Dan. 4.32 & 5.18.19, and so forth.


Thou beleeues then that there is ane God, and three persons in the [Page]Godhead, the Father, the Sonne, Gen. 1.16 Exod. 20.23. Esa. 45 21.22. & the halie Gaist?


Yes: the Father the maker of all creatures: the Sonne made man, Matth. 3.16, 17. & 28.19. Luc, 1, 35. Act, 4, 24.27. 1. Tim 2, 5.1, Pet, 1, 2, re­déemer of his people: and the halye Gaist the sanctifyer.


What helpes beside the vvorde preached, hes God ordained for the confirmation of thy Faith?


The signes or two seales, Mat, 16, 16 Luc. 22.19.20. Act, 2, 38, Rom, 4, 1 [...] 1, Cor, 11 24.25.26. Eph, 5, 26 called the Sacramentes of Baptisme and the Lords Supper.


What does the Sacraments sig­nifie and seale vp to thee, that be­leeues in Christ?


Remission of my sinnes in the pas­sion of Christ, Mat, 26, 26.27.28 Act. 2, 38, Ephes, 5, 26, 27 Matth. 28. whilk is exhibited by water in Baptisme, and bread and wine in the Supper. For the mair sinceare administration and obserua­tion of all, is ordayned by Christ the discipline of the Kirk.

THE FOVRTH PART of the Catechisme.


REsts there any thing for vs to doe, after that we are perfitlie iustified in Gods sight, by Faith in Christ?


Yes, Gen. 17, 1 Exod. 19.5.6. Ierem. Dan. 9.18 19. Ephes. 2.10. Tit. 3 8. very meikle, albeit na wayes to merite saluation: but only to wit­nesse by the effects of thankfulnesse, that we are truely saued.


Whilk are thir effects, whereby we are to witnesse that we are truly saued? Deut. 8.10.11. Esa 60.21. & 61.3. Zach 14.20. Mat. 5.16 Ephes. 1.14. and 4.29. Col. 3.16.17. 1. Thes, 5.11 1 [...],


The glorifying of God, and the e­difying of our selues and our neigh­bours, by shewing foorth the frutes of our new birth in sanctification.


Whilk are the haly fruits of our [Page]regeneration and new birth?


Mortification of the aulde man, Ezek. 36.26, Ephes. Col. 3 5.9.10. & quickning of the new man, whilk is called repentance, inherent iustice, or our begun halinesse.


What call ye the auld man, and what call ye the newe man?


The corruption of nature that we haue from Sathan by our firste Pa­rents, is the auld man: Rom. 6.16 & 7, 24. 2 Cor. 5.17 Ephes. 4.7 22.23.24 Col. 2.5.9 10.11. and the mea­sure of Christes begun holinesse in­herent in vs, is the new man.


Then euery Christian becumes twa, as it were in ane: the auld man and the new: the ane euer contra­rious to the other, and the ane fighting against the vther?


It is so: and this battell is that [...]oake and Croce of Christ that wée must take on, Mat. 11.29. & 7.13 14 Gal. 5.16.17. and that straite way that wee must passe, whilks neuer [...]uffers our sanctificatiō in our selues [Page]to be perfite in this life.


Is the newe man able to fight a­gainst our sinfull corruption, & get the victorie in the end?


This Battel is sore: but the victo­rie is sure through faith in him that loued vs, Rom. 7.24 Gal, 2.20. Rom. 8, 37 Phil. 16. & 4.3.1. thes 2.24. 1. Ioh. 5.4. and gaue himself for vs, in whome we are mair then victors.


What is our chief armor in this Christian Battell, beside Faith and Repentance.


Hearty and continual Prayer to God only, 2. Kings 8 39. Ioh, 14 14. Ephes. 6.18, Thes. 5.17 1. Iohn. 5.14. for al things seruing to his glory and our comforts, for Christes sake: as he hath taught vs in the sex petitions of the Lords Prayer, whilk is as followes, Our Father whilk art in heauen, and so forth.


How are these sex petitions de­uided?


Into twa parts, Ma [...]. 6.9.10. &c. answering to the [Page]twa Tables of the Lawe: the firste thrée, Luc. 11.2.3. &c. concernes the glory of God di­rectly: and the other thrée his glorie in our awin weilfare, and our neigh­bours.


What stirres vp and sharpens vs to earnest prayer?


The Spirite of God, Psal. 50.15. Rom. 8.26.27. & 5.3.4. Act. 13.3. & 14.23. Gal. 6.12, 14. Heb. 10.36. Iam. 1.4.5 by meanes of sobriety, fasting, and diuerse affli­ctions, called the Croce of Christ, for the bearing whereof we haue néed of patience.


Then the begun halines of Christ in vs, whereby at laste wee sall bee throughly sanctified, is no cause of our saluation, though it must goe before our full enioying thairof in heauen?


Ye say true: for if when we were enemies, 2. Cor. 7.1. 1. Thes. 5.23. Rom. 5.10 Col. 2.10 we were reconciled to God by the death of his sonne, much more being reconciled, we sall be saued by his life, in whome we are compleit.


N. to the Authour, touching the short Catechisme immediat­lie going before

I Thanke God for your precious pearle little in quantitie, but in­finite in waight. I allow and appro­ues the perspicuitie, ordour, and substantious comprising of so great mysteries in little bounds.

The iudgement of another lear­ned man. N.

There is not an idle word heir.

If any thing be wrang heir, it is of weaknesse, and not of wilfulnes: and therfore is humbly submitted to the louing and aduised correcti­on of the godlie learned, by Gods worde.

THese formes of Praier, and thanksgiuing following, are onely for thankful persons to God for his benefites, and not for pro­fane abusers, and gracelesse deuou­rers thereof: vvha the mair vvealth they haue by Gods gift, and the better cheere they make, the more forgetfull of God they are, and svvell in pride and disdaine against all true thankfulnesse, swasshing downe to the table like svvyne, and starting vp like Dogs when they ar filled: thinking the true praising of God (namely at Table) to bee but Monkish hypocrisie, a Popish cere­monie, or loste time.

Neither is anye man bounde to these formes but at his pleasure, so the matter and substance be not omitted; but reuerently obserued at euery meale, not onelie by chil­dren, but also by the best and most able in the house: for the chiefest is vnvvorthie ynough to praise Gods halie Maiestie. And the posting o­uer of this vvorthie seruice, onelie [Page]to profane boyes and seruing-men becōmeth not Christian families.

A Prayer to be said before meat.

BLesse vs gude Lorde, and these thy creatures whilk of thy gude­nesse thou giuest vs, for the nourish­ment of this our naturall life, and giue vs grace to vse them reuerently, and soberly, with a gude conscience in thy feare, to thy glory, & our com­forts. Sa that whether wee eate or drinke, or whatsoeuer we doe, we doe all to the glory of God, through Ie­sus Christ our Lord, and onely Saui­our, Amen.

A thanks-giuing after meate.

VVE praise thy holye name, O heauenly Father, for al thy gracious benefites spirituall and corporall, bestowed vppon vs to this houre: namely, for the long libertie of the true preaching of the gospel (wherof alace, we haue béene most vnwor­thy) as also, we prayse thy heauenlye [Page]Maiestie for this present benefite of foode and gladnesse, wherewith now thou haste filled our hearts: giue vs grace that so long as wée may walke in the strength of this meate & drink, that we be euer reddy to gloryfie thy holy name, in thought, word, & déede, by true faith and repentance. Lorde blesse thy Kirk, the King, Queene, & Prince, with the rest of their Maie­sties children, and giue all the gude subiects of this Realme, and earnest care to pray hartely for their preser­nation, in soule & bodie, and for their long, happy, and prosperous gouerne­ment, in thy feare ouer this poore Realme: that wee may leade a qui­et and peaceable life vnder them, in all godlinesse and honesty, without al change or alteration, of the present true Religion, and ministerie of the the gospell, through Iesus Christ our Lorde, Amen.

THE TEN COMMANDE­ments of Almighty God.

HEarken and take héed Israel, I am the Lorde thy God, whilk haue brought thée out of the land of E­gypt, and from the house of bondage:

  • 1. Thou sal haue nane vther Gods before my face.
  • 2. Thou sal not make to thy self a­ny grauen Image, nor the likenes of any thing that is in Heauen aboue, nor in the Earth beneath, nor in the water vnder the earth: thou sall not bow down to them, nor worship thē For I the Lorde thy God, am a iea­lous God, & visits the sins of the fa­thers vpō the children, vnto the third and fourth generation of them that hate mée, & shewes mercy vnto thou­sandes of them that loues mée, and kéepes my Commandements.
  • 3. Thou sall not take the Name of the Lorde thy God in vaine: for the Lord wil not hald him guiltlesse that takes his Name in vaine.
  • 4. Remember that thou kéepe haly [Page]the Sabboth day: sex dayes sall thou labour and do al that thou hast to do, but the seauenth day is the Sabboth of the Lord thy God: in it thou sal do na na maner of wark, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy māseruant, nor thy maidseruant, thy cattell, nor the strāger that is within thy gates. For in sex dayes the Lord made heauen & earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seauenth day. Where­fore the Lord blessed the seauenth day and hallowed it.
  • 5. Honour thy Father & thy Mo­ther, that thy dayes may be lang in the Land whilk the Lorde thy God giueth thée.
  • 6. Thou sall do na murther.
  • 7. Thou sal not cōmit adultery.
  • 8. Thou sall not steale.
  • 9. Thou sal not beare false witnes against thy Neighbour.
  • 10. Thou sall not couet thy neigh­bours house: Thou sall not couet thy neighbours wife, nor his seruant, nor his maide, nor his ore, nor his asse, nor any thing that is his.
LOrd in great grief I call to thee,
and say, Lord heare my cry:
vnto the voice of my request,
thine eares with speede apply.
LOrd in great grief I call to thee,
and say, Lord heare my cry.
vnto the voice of my request,
thine eares with speede apply.
LOrd in great grief I call to thee,
and say, Lorde heare my cry:
vnto the voice of my request,
thine eares with speede apply.
LOrd in great grief I call to thee,
and say, Lorde heare my cry:
vnto the voice of my request,
thine eares with speede apply.
Our sins Lord, if thou mark straitly
Lord, then wha can indure:
For free forgiuenesse is with thee,
thy worship to procure.
Wherefore I wait vpon the Lorde,
my verry saule doth wait:
Yea my haill hope is in his word,
as stay in all my strait.
My saule does to the Lord aspire,
mair earnestly then they:
That watching all the night desire,
to see the breake of day.
Let Israel Gods people, thus,
wait still the Lord vpon:
For with the Lord much mercie is,
and great redemption.
Wha will redeeme true Israel,
that wayteth on his will:
Frō al their sins both great & smal,
and saue them from all ill.

Psalme Cxvij.

O all ye Nations of the warlde,
Praise ye the Lord alwaies:
And all his people euery where,
Set foorth his noble praise.
For great his kindenesse is to vs,
his truth indures for ay:
wherfore praise ye the lord our god
praise ye the Lord, I say.
Thy people and thine heritage,
Lord blesse, &c.
Gloir to the Father, &c.

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