OR, A Principall Seruice of the SACRAMENTS.

  • Wherein (amongst many) these Two Points are speci­ally handled—
    • 1. Of the Baptizing of Infants.
    • 2. Of Kneeling in the act of Breaking and receiuing the Lords Supper.

For the vse of all Religious Families and monethly Communicants in the Kingdome when they come to the Lords Table.

Written by way of briefe Questions and Answers, for the ease and benefit of the Simple.

By W. Crashaw B. of Divinitie, and sometimes Pastor at White-Chappell.

HEB. 5. 14.

Strong Meat belongeth to them that are of age.

LONDON, Printed for G. Fayer-beard at the North doore of the Royall Exchange, 1629.

To the many thousands of Professors of CHRISTS Religion in all places in this Kingdome.

Brethren, bee not Children in vnder­standing, howbeit in Malice bee yee Children, but in Vnderstanding bee Men.

So teacheth you the holy Apostle, so ad­uiseth, exhorteth, and prayeth for you all. A helper of your Faith, and a Seruant of your soules in CHRIST IESVS.

W. Crashaw.

To the right Honourable, the Countesse of Deuonshire, Grace and Peace.

Right Honourable:

HAuing knowne you so ancient a Hearer, and which makes a true Disciple of Christ, so care­full a practiser of Religion, I presumed therefore this Prin­cipall dish of Spirituall meate, would not bee vnwelcome to you, as I know it will bee more welcome to the World, after so great and good a taster as your selfe: And though I may safely say (as one long be­fore mee) All Gods dishes are dainties; yet doubtlesse this of the Sacraments ca­rieth with it a peculiar Excellencie: And I bring it in first, not that there are not o­thers to come in before it, but for the ge­nerall vse and present necessitie of it euen at this time: That this may serue first to stay and comfort many weake and then [Page] if it may bee, to satisfie certaine curious and squeasie stomackes amongst vs: Who some of them about the Sacrament of Baptisme, others in some circumstantiall matters concerning the Lords Supper, haue kindled such a fire of contention in the Church, as now diuers of them would bee glad with many teares to quench if they knew how. It hath pleased God who workes euen by weake meanes, by my words in publike and priuate to satis­fie many, if by writing also I may doe good to them that cannot heare mee, let the glory bee His, the comfort theirs, and the seruice acceptable to the Church; So the labour shall willingly bee mine: and I shall take joy and comfort in such cour­ses, in Pulpit and by Penne, Preaching, writing, and conferring to spend and end the few dayes I haue remaining, and so to make ready for a better life. And where­in (Madame) any of my labours may be seruiceable to you or yours. Commaund mee,

Your seruant in Christ, W. CRASHAVV.

The points here handled are these.

OF true sauing Faith. Chap. 1
How Faith is wrought. Chap. 2
How Faith is encreased. Chap. 3
Of the Nature of a Sacrament. Chap. 4
Of the Sacraments of the Old Testament, and who hath power to ordaine a Sa­crament. Chap. 5
Of the Sacraments of the New Testament, and the Relation betwixt them and those of the Old. Chap. 6
What be the essentiall parts of a Sacrament. Chap. 7
Of the nature and vse of Baptisme. Chap. 8
Of the outward and inward things in Bap­tisme. Chap. 9
Of the difference betwixt Baptisme and the Lords Supper, Chap. 10
Who may be Baptized. Chap. 11
That Children may and ought to bee Bap­tized. Chap. 12
Of the Names and Nature of the Lords Supper, Chap. 13
Of the outward Elements in the Lords Sup­per. Chap. 14
Of Bread and the excellent resemblance, be­twixt it and the Body of Christ. Chap 15
Of Wine and the notable correspondencie, betwixt it and the Bloud of Christ, Chap▪ 16
Of the outward actions to bee performed in the Ministration of the Lords Supper, Chap▪ 17
Of the inward actions Spirituall, which are performed in this Sacrament, betwixt God and the Soule of the worthy Recei­uer, Chap 18
What preparation is necessarie in regard of God, to make a man a worthy Receiuer, Chap. 19
What preparation is requisite in regard of our Brethren, Chap 20
Of the Circumstances obseruable in this Sa­crament, Chap▪ 21
That kneeling in the very act of Breaking, giuing and Receiuing, is not onely lawfull but conuenient & commendable, Chap. 22
What a Christian man is to doe, when hee hath Receiued. Chap. 23


CHAP. 1.

Of Faith.

Question. WHat is the end of a Christi­an mans life?

Answer. The saluation of his 1. Pet. 1. 9. Soule.

Q. How can a man bee saued? Seing he is a Sinner?

A. By true Faith in CHRIST. Rom. 3. 22, &c. 1. Ioh. 5 4. 1. Sam 8. 3, 4, 5.

Q. How come wee by this Faith?

A. It neither comes by Nature from our Parents, nor by humaine instruction from any Teachers, nor by imitation of them that haue it.

Q. How then must wee get it?

A. It is the guift of God. Heb. 12. 2.

Q. Doth God giue it to all men?

A. No, all men haue not Faith: no 2. Thes. 3. 8 not all that bee in the Church.

Q. To whom then belongs it?

A. To those that are the Elect of God. Tit. 1, 1.

Q. How doth God giue it them?

A. By meanes of his owne appoin­ting 1. Cor. 1. 21 he doth begin and encreaseth it.

Q. Is it not then perfect at the first?

A. No: it is true, but not perfect, for Tim. 1, 5. Rom. 4. 19. 20. Mat. 14. 31. Faith is first weake, and afterward be­comes a strong Faith.

Chap. 2.

How Faith is wrought.

Question. BY what meanes doth God begin or be­get Faith in his Children?

A. Ordinarily, by hearing the Word Rom 10, 12. 1. Cor. 1. 21 preached.

Q. By what parts of his word, the Law or Gospell?

A. By both: for the law begins, and Gal. 3, 23, 24. Rom. 7. 24, 25. the Gospell finisheth that worke.

Q. How is that done?

A. The Law prepares the hart by hum­bling it, and making it a contrite heart.

Q. How doth the Law humble the heart?

A. By shewing a Man Gods Iustice, Rom. 7, 9, 10 11. and his owne sinnes.

Q. And how doth the Gospell finish the worke of faith?

A. It purifies the heart of man, and Acts. 15. 9. 1. Ioh. 3, 3 makes it a new heart.

Q. How doth the Gospell purge the heart?

A. By letting vs see the great loue of 2. Cor. 2. 14 15 1. Pet. 1. 22 God in Iesus Christ.

Q. Can then the Preachers of the Word giue this Faith?

A. No. they preach the Word, but it's 1. Cor. 3, 5, 6, 7. onely God that inspires Faith.

Q. How may a man know that hee hath true Faith?

A His Soule must bee inflamed with Ioh, 7. 37 38 a holy desire to please God, and to doe all good workes.

Chap. 3.

How Faith is maintained and encreased.

Question. HOw doth God maintaine and encrease Faith in his Children.

A. By diuers meanes, whereof some are principall, and some inferiour.

Q. What bee the principall meanes?

A. Two: the continuall Preaching of Mat. 28. 19. Acts. 2, 41 1. Thes. 3. 11 12, 13 the same Word: and the holy vse of the Sacraments.

Q. And what be the Inferiour meanes?

A. Three: 1. The reading of Gods Ioh. 5. Word.

2. Holy conferences with holy men. Heb. 10. 24 25 Lam. 3. 22, 23. 24. Zeph. 3, 5 Psal. 107.

3. Daily obseruation of Gods Mercies and Iudgements, and meditation vpon the same.

Q. How differ these?

A. The principall are publicke, and performed by Gods Ministers: the other are dayly to bee practised by our selues in priuate.

Q. How differ the Word and Sacra­ments?

A. Thus: the word containes the Heb 13. 20 Rom. 4, 11. Couenants of God: and the Sacraments are seales confirming that Couenant of our soules.

Againe, the Word is the holy and in­ternall Iam. 1. 18. Ioh. 1. 13 1. Pet. 1, 23. seed of our Regeneration, and by Sacraments we are borne anew, and fed vp for Heauen.

Chap. 4.

Of the Nature of a Sacrament in Gene­rall.

Question. IS not the Preaching of the Word sufficient for Faith?

A. No▪ the Sacraments must also bee Rom, 3, 1, 10 14 receiued as Couenants after they be made must be sealed.

Q. What are the Sacraments in their generall nature?

A. Outward visible signes of inward, Gen. 17. Exod, 12. and inuisible graces.

Q. What be they in regard of God?

A. Tokens of his loue, pledges of his fauour▪ and seales of his Couenant.

Q. What be they in regard of Christ?

A. Commemorations of his death, and 1. Cor. 11. 24 25, 26 applications of the vertue thereof vnto our selues.

Q And what be they in regard of vs?

A. Seales of his Couenants betwixt Rom. 4, [...]. God and vs: and effectuall meanes to strengthen our Faith, and all other holy graces in vs.

Chap. 5.

Of the Sacraments of the old Testament, and to whom it belongs to ordaine a Sa­crament.

Question. MAy the Church ordaine Sacraments?

A. No, it belongs to God, as a Exod. 14. Gen. 17. part of his Prerogatiue.

Q. Why may God alone ordaine Sacra­ments?

A. Because they bee Seales of his Co­uenants, tokens of his loue, and parts of his worship.

Q. How many bee the Sacraments of the new Testament?

A. As many as were the ordinary Sa­crament of the old; namely two,

Q. Which were the ordinary Sacra­ments of the old Testament?

A. Circumcision, and the Passeouer.

Q. Why do you call them extraordinary. Gen. 17 Exod. 12.

A. Because there were extraordina­ry?

Q. How did they differ?

A. Thus: the extraordinary were such as God ordained vpon some speciall [Page] occasion, & were to last but for that time Exod. as the Manna, the Rocke, the Cloud, &c.

Q▪ And what then were the ordi­nary?

A. Such as were alwayes in force, from the time of their ordination till Christs comming.

Chap. 6.

Of the Sacraments of the new Testament, and a comparison with them of the Old.

Question. VVHat be the Sacraments of the new Testament?

A. These two: Baptisme, and the Lords Supper.

Q. What say you then to Confirmation and marriage, and the rest of the fiue Sacra­ments of the Romane Church?

A. They are some of them Gods holy ordinances, and some of them may be ho­ly signes, but they were neuer ordained by Christ for Sacraments, nor euer so v­sed in the ancient Church.

Q. How doe these answere to those of the old Testament?

A. Thus our Baptisme answeres to 1, Pet. 3, 21 Circumcision, and the Lords Supper suc­ceeds in the roome of the Passe ouer.

Q How differ these from those?

A. Nothing at all in matters of effica­cy or power, but onely in manner and 1, Cor. 10, 3 4 circumstance, for those did point at Christ to come, ours at Christ come al­ready.

Q. What need then was there, to haue any other in the new Testament?

A. Because the Sacraments are Seales of Gods Couenant, and its fit that the Heb. 7, 8, 9. Couenant being renewed, the Seales also should be new.

Chap. 7.

Of the essentiall parts of a Sacrament.

Question. VVHat bee the essentiall parts of euery Sacrament?

A. Two: one outward and visible, the other inward and inuisible represen­ted thereby.

Q. What outward things bee there in euery Sacrament?

A. These, 1. A visible Minister, a Man called therunto of God.

[Page] 2. Some visible Elements ordained of God.

3. Some outward actions appointed by God.

Q And what spirituall and inuisible?

A These: 1. The inuisible God re­presented by the Minister.

2. Some holy grace or blessing repre­sented by the Element.

3. Some gracious workes of God re­presented by the externall actions of the Minister.

Q What circumstances or Ceremonies are required in the Sacraments?

A. Such as the Church shall appoint by lawfull authoritie.

Chap. 8.

Of the Nature and vse of Baptisme.

Question. VVHat is Baptisme?

A. The word signifieth a wa­shing Heb. 9. 10 with water.

Q. What is the Sacrament of Baptisme?

A. In it owne generall nature, it is Acts. 2. 38 a washing of the body in the name of the Lord.

Q. And what is it in regard of God?

A. A badge or cognizance which God sets vpon such as hee takes to bee his ser­uants.

Q. And what is it in regard of Christ?

A. An application of the vertue of his 1. Cor. 5. 7. bloud-shedding, to cleanse the Soule from the guilt of Originall sinne.

Q. And what is Baptisme in respect of our selues?

A. The Sacrament of our entrance, or Admission into the Couenant and Church of God.

Q. When may Baptisme bee admini­stred?

A. At any time if there bee cause: but ordinarily when the Congregation is as­sembled to worship God.

Chap. 9.

Of the outward and inward things in Bap­tisme.

Question. VVHat is the outward and visible Ele­ment in Baptisme?

A. Water: and nothing but water.

Q What is the outward action?

A. To wash the Body in water. 1. Pet. 3. 21▪

Q. Why is not better liquor to bee vsed, as milke or bloud?

A. Because washing is the effect of 1. Cor. 5. 7. this Sacrament, and those may be better for feeding, but not for washing.

Q. What is the inward and invisible things?

A. The bloud of Christ. Reu. 1. 5. 1. Pet. 3. 21:

Q. What is the spirituall action in Bap­tisme?

A. The cleansing or purging of the 1. Ioh. 1, 7 19. Soule by the bloud of Christ.

Q Who is the outward Minister of this Sacrament?

A. He that is also a Minister of the Acts. 2. 41. Mat. 28. 19. Word, for these 2 must both goe together.

Q. Who is the Minister of the inward Baptisme?

A. The Lord Iesus, who hath washed vs from our sinnes in his bloud.

Q Where is the Institution of Baptisme set downe in the Scripture.

A. In the Gospell, where Christ after his Resurrection commands his Apostles. Mat. 28. 18, 19, 20. Go teach all Nations, Baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the holy Ghost.

Chap. 10.

Of the difference betwixt Baptisme, and the Lords Supper.

Question. VVHat difference is there betwixt Bap­tisme and the Lords Supper?

A. 1. Baptisme is the Sacrament of our new birth: and the Lords Supper of our spirituall growth.

2. Baptisme is the Sacrament of our Admission, the Lords Supper of our Con­firmation in the state of Grace.

Q. What other difference is there?

A. This: Baptisme must euer be first, and the Lords Supper must come after.

Q. What reason is there for that?

A. It is necessary that one bee first borne, afore he be fed.

Q. Is there any other difference?

A. Yes: Baptisme sufficeth to bee once administred. But the Lords Supper is often requisite.

Q. What reason may be thereof?

A. Because, it sufficeth to bee once borne, but being borne, it is necessary to be often fed.

Q. Is there no other difference?

A. Yes, Children may bee Baptized, but may not Communicate: as a Child may be borne, but is not fit for all food.

Chap. 11.

Who are to bee Baptized.

Question. WHo are to be Baptized?

A. All that are capable of it? Acts. 2. 41. and 8. 36.

Q. Who are capable of it?

A. All that beleeue in Christ, and de­sire Acts, 8. 36. Mark. 16. 16 Acts. 10, 47 Acts. 8. 36 & 2. 41. Baptisme.

Q. How is Baptisme to be desired?

A. They that bee of yeares must pro­fesse their owne faith, and desire it them­selues. Infants of Beleeuers doe it by Mark. 10, 13 their Parents, or witnesses & vndertakers.

Q. May all challenge Baptisme that be thus made capable?

A. Yes, assuredly, for it is the spiritu­all Acts, 8. 36. Mark. 10 14 15, birth-right to all Beleeuers.

Q. May not Turkes nor Iewes nor Heathen be Baptized?

A. No, because they beleeue not in Mark. 16, 16 Christ. but when they doe they may.

Q But may the Children of Papists bee Baptized?

A. Yes▪ because they professe Christ Acts. 8. 37. Iesus according to the Apostles Creed, though they doe by other doctrine and practises adulterate and corrupt it.

Q. Is Baptisme necessary to Saluation?

A Not simplie necessary to Children, Gen. 17. 12 2. Sam. 12. 18. and. 23. no more then Circumcision was in the old Testament.

Q. How then is it necessary?

A. To all them that can aske it, and Mark. 16. 16 may haue it, it is absolutely necessary, so as without it there is no Saluation.

Chap. 12.

That Children may be Baptized.

Question. BƲt may Infants be Baptized?

A. Yes, the Infants of beleeuing Parents.

Q. How may that bee seeing they haue no Faith.

A. That is more then we know, for God may worke Faith in their Soules im­mediately. Iohn. 3, 8.

Q. But if they haue Faith, yet they cannot professe it.

A. Their Parents and witnesses professe it for them. Gen. 17

Q But how can Children enter into a Couenant with God?

A. Very well: for a man may coue­nant Heb. 7. 9, 10 for himselfe and his Children, and that act of the Parents is y e Childrens act.

Q. But how is it proued that the Infant of the beleeuing Parents may be Baptized?

A. By many Arguments:

1 By Gods owne practise, who com­manded Gen. 17. 9 to 13. children to bee Circumcised at eight dayes old, in the Old Testament.

2 By the tenor of his Couenant Gen. 17. 7 which runnes thus; I will be thy God, and the God of thy seed.

3 By the practise of Christ, who tooke Mark. 10, 13 them vp in his armes and blessed them; now if they bee capable of Christs bles­sings, they are capable of Baptisme.

4 By the practise of Gods Church, in the purest and best times.

Chap. 13.

Of the Names and Nature of the Lords Supper.

Question. VVHat is the second Sacrament of the new Testament?

A. The Eucharist, or Communion, of the Lords Supper.

Q. What is that?

A. The Sacrament of our Confirma­tion or Celebration in Gods Church, by which our Soules are dayly fed vp in the hope of Heauen, and assurance of Gods loue to vs in Christ.

Q. Why is it called the Lords Supper?

A. Because Christ ordained it, and be­gan Mat. 26. 26. it at his last Supper.

Q. And why is it called the Communi­on?

A. Because not one alone receiues it, as in Baptisme, but alwayes many together 1. Cor. 10. 16. 17. doe Communicate.

Q. But why is it called the Eucharist, or Thanks-giuing?

A. Because, as alwayes, so now es­pecially wee haue cause to offer vp our best thanks to God for our Redemption by Christ,

Q. To whom belongs this Sacra­ment?

A. To all, that being baptized can and 1. Cor. 11. 28 doe prepare themselues for it.

Q. May all such challenge it?

A. Yes, as all Iewes had their part in Exod, 12. 3. 4. 6. [Page] the Passeouer; and therefore in old time, it was not vnworthily called by the people their Writings, for indeed it doth of Right belong vnto them.

Chap. 14.

Of the outward Elements in the Lords Supper.

Question. VVHat be the outward visible Elements in the Lords Supper?

A. Bread and Wine. Math. 26. 26 1. Cor. 11. 23

Q. Are there no other?

A. Christ ordained neither more nor fewer, whatsoeuer the Romane Church saith.

Q. Where is the Institution of this Sa­crament?

A. In three of the Gospels, and it is Math. 26. Mar. 14 Luk. 22 2. Cor. 11. repeated by Saint Paul, after Christs as­cention.

Q. What is the inward, inuisible and spi­rituall blessing?

A. Christ Iesus his Body and Bloud, 1. Cor. 10. 16 with all the merits of the same.

Q. What Bread is fittest in the Sacra­ment?

A. The best and purest feeding bread.

Q. And what Wine?

A. That which is most cherishing and comfortable, and doth most neerely re­semble bloud.

Q Are wee tyed to any fashion or kind of Bread?

A. Such as the Church shall appoint.

Q. Ought there to bee Water mingled with the Wine?

A. No: Christ appointed no such thing.

Q. But may it be done at all?

A. Yes, in case of necessitie, as:

  • 1. When there is want of wine.
  • 2. When some be so weake, they can­not endure Wine.

Chap. 15.

Of the Bread, and how it resembleth Christs Body.

Question. VVHy did the Lord appoint Bread, and Wine, rather then any other things?

A. For two causes; namely, their ge­neralitie, [Page] and significancie aboue other Creatures that are eaten and drunke.

Q. How appeares this generality?

A. Thus: of all Creatures that men Mat. 4. 4. Deutr. 8. 3. eate or drinke, these are most generally knowne, most vniuersally vsed, and most easily come by.

Q But what is their significancie?

A. This: that these two creatures do most plainely signifie, and most liuely re­semble the body and bloud of Christ, of 1. Cor. 10. 16 17. any Creatures in the world.

Q. How doth the Bread resemble Christ his Body and sufferings.

A. Most liuely: in many particulars: Ioh. 6. 41. and therefore hee is called the Bread that came downe from heauen.

Q Shew the first resemblance?

A. Bread relisheth all other meats, so Christ giues the true sauour and relish 1. Cor. 1. 30 to all other blessings.

Q Declare the second?

A. No meate is wholesome to the Bo­dy, without Bread: no more is any bles­sing to the Soule, without Christ.

Q. Adde the third?

A. Most meates hurt the Body eaten without Bread, and the more outward [Page] blessings without Christ, the more hurt­full to the Soule.

Q. What is the next resemblance?

A. Bread and wine alone feeds the Bo­dy, Philip. 4, 11 12, 13. if one haue no other meate.

So Christ alone giues feeding and con­tentment to the Soule, if a man had no­thing else.

Q. What proportion is there else betwixt Bread, and the holy Body of Christ?

A. This Bread strengthens the heart, Psal, 104. 15. other meates feeds other humours, but Bread is the strength of Nature.

So other blessings serue for other vses Psal. Philip, 4, 13, but Christ is the strength of the Soule.

Q. Goe forward is there any more?

A. Yes: Bread is meat for all men, se­uerall Deut. 8. 3 meates are for seuerall sorts of men, but bread for all.

So, some blessings are for some, some 2. Tim, 2, 6, Ioh. 4, 15. 16 1. Ioh. 2, 2 for others, but Christ for all: all that eate him haue equall title in him.

Q. Is there yet any other point of resem­blance?

A Yes: Bread feeds not till it haue past and endured the violence of all the Elements, and as it were dyed many deaths.

So Christ the Bread that came downe Ioh. 3. 14. 15 &c, from Heauen, is not a Sauior of our Soules till he haue suffered all kind of sufferings.

Chap. 16.

Of Wine, and how it resembleth the Bloud of Christ.

Question. HOw doth the Wine resemble the Bloud of Christ?

A. First, in name and colour, being ther­fore called the bloud of the grape:

Q. And is not that all?

A. No, it is also like in nature and op­peration, for first, Wine is not Wine till it be pressed out of the grape

So Christs bloud is not effectuall, but Heb. 9, 12. 13, 14 being pressed out of his blessed body.

Q. Show the next resemblance?

A. Wine is fit drinke for the sorrow­full Prou. 31, 6, and heauie hearted man-

So Christs bloud is sweetest to the sor­rowfull Psal. 51, 17. Math. 9. 13 Soule, and humbled heart.

Q. Is there any other resemblance?

A. Yes. Wine cherisheth the heart of Psal, 104, 15 man.

So the Spirituall Wine, the bloud of [Page] Christ comforts the distressed conscience.

Q. It seemes then the people ought to haue Wine as well as the Bread?

A. Yea, rather they then the Clergie, Math. 9. 12. as weake ones haue more need of Wine then the strong and healthfull.

Q. It seemes the people haue need of it, but by what right can they challenge it?

A. By a double right, 1. By the insti­tution Math 26. 26 27. 28. 1. Cor. 11. 25 and 28. of Christ, who so ordained it, 2. By the practise of the Primitiue Church, for 1000. yeeres after Christ.

Chap. 17.

Of the outward actions in the Lords Supper.

Question. VVHat bee the outward actions to bee performed in the Lords Supper?

A. They be of two sorts: some to be done by the Minister, some by the Re­ceiuer.

Q. What is the Minister to doe?

A. Foure things.

  • 1. To take Bread and Wine.
    Mat. 26. 26. &c.
  • 2. To blesse them.
  • 3. To breake the Bread, and poure out the Wine.
    1. Cor. 11. 26. &c.
  • [Page]4. To giue them to the Communicants, to euery one seuerally.

Q. And what belongs to the Receiuer?

A. Two things.

  • 1. To take them both.
    Mat. 26. 26. &c. 1. Cor. 11. 23 &c.
  • 2. To eate and drinke them in remem­brance of the breaking of Christs body, and shedding of his bloud.

Q. And is not the Minister to hold it vp, to be seene and worshipped of the people.

A. No, Christ commanded no such thing, but it came in together with Ido­latry.

Q. But is not the people to worship it when it is consecrated?

A. No, that were foule Idolatry to Deut. 2. 2 worship Bread?

Q. But it is not Bread but God?

A. Nay, if it were God it might not bee eaten with the Mouth.

Q. But may not the people keepe part of it, and carrie it home?

A. No, it is impietie, and superstiti­on: and Christ commanded no more, but to take and eate.

Chap. 18.

Of the inward actions in the Lords Supper.

Question. VVHat be the spirituall and inward actions in the Sacrament?

A. Answerable to the outward: some belong to the Giuer, some to the Recei­uer.

Q Who is the inuisible Minister here?

A. God the Father, giuing Christ vnto Rom. 8. 32. vs.

Q. What are the actions he doth?

A. Foure: Answerable to the foure outward things done by the Minister.

1 He destinates Christ to be our Saui­our, represented by the Ministers taking of bread and wine.

2 He sanctifies Christs humanity, and Ioh. 3, 34 furnisheth it with holinesse: shadowed by the Ministers blessing of the Eliments.

3 He giues his Sonne to dye, and to be Rom. 8, 32▪ broken for vs, liuely resembled in break­ing the Bread and pouring out the Wine.

4 He offers that crucified Sonne, to 1. Cor. 1. 30 euery beleeuing soule, as is most com­fortably represented vnto vs in the [Page] Ministers giuing of the broken bread to each Communicant.

Q. And what be the spirituall actions of the Receiuer?

A. Spiritually by Faith, and Loue, to Iohn, 9. 53, &c. to 56▪ take and eate him, that is to make him our owne, as Bread is when a man hath eaten it, and receiues life and strength by it.

Chap. 19.

What Preparation is requisite in regard of God.

Question. VVHo receiue benefit by this Sacra­ment?

A. The worthy Receiuer: Many re­ceiue it, but none else receiue benefit by it.

Q. Who is the worthy Receiuer here­of?

A. He that beleeuing in Christ, doth rightly prepare himselfe thereunto.

Q. What is requisite to a right prepa­ration?

A. Two sorts of things:

  • 1 Some betwixt God and our selues.
  • 2 Some betwixt our neighbours and vs.

Q. What is required in regard of God?

A. Seauen things:

  • 1. A competent measure of knowledge
    1, Chr. 28. 9
    of the principles of Religion.
  • 2. A serious examination of our hearts
    2. Cor. 13. 5 Gal. 6. 4.
    and liues, to know our corruptions and sinnes.
  • 3. True confession of them all to God
    Psalm, 51. 4. Iames 5. 16.
    and to man also where we find need.
  • 4 A clensing of our hearts by renewing
    Iam. 4▪ 8 Exod. 12. 8.
    of our repentance.
  • 5 A trimming of our soules by holy reso­lutions,
    Reuel. 21. 2. Ierem.
    and loue of vertue.
  • 6 A raising vp of our hearts to a medi­tation
    i. Sam. 12. 24
    of Gods mercies to vs in Christ.
  • 7 A resolution to become new crea­tures,
    2. Th. 5. 23.
    and to practise new obedience eue­ry day more and more.

Chap. 20.

What preperation is requisite in regard of our Brethren.

Question. VVHat preparation is fit in respect of our Neighbours?

A. To be in Christian loue and charitie Exod. 12. 8. Heb. 12. 14. with all men: and at peace also if it be possible.

Q. How can we loue euill men?

A. We must loue good men in God, Math. 5. and euill men for God: yea though they be our cruell enemies.

Q▪ What shall they doe that haue Law saite [...]?

A. Eyther presently end them, or 1. Cor. 6. learne to goe to Law without breach of Charitie.

Q. How may one doe so?

A. Thus:

  • 1 Neuer going to Law for small things.
  • 2 Making Law the last meanes of get­ting right.
  • 3 To be euer ready to make a quiet end
    Psal, 34. 14.
    to some losse.

Q. What if a man see he cannot goe to Law without breach of Charitie?

A. Till he can, hee must haue no Iohn, 6. 27, sutes, nor rob God of his worship to en­rich himselfe.

Q. What must hee doe that is at vari­ance with another?

A. Seeke to be reconciled. Mat. 5.

Q. What if the other will not bee recon­ciled?

A. Let him shew himselfe ready for Gal. 6. 5. his part, and God will accept him: and [Page] leaue the other to God and the Church to deale withall.

Chap. 21.

Of the Circumstanes of this Sacrament.

Question. VVHether is it necessary to receiue fasting?

A. It is conuenient, not necessary.

Q. How appeares that?

A. Thus:

  • 1 If one be not well, God saith hee will
    Math. 9. 3,
    haue mercy and not Sacrifice.
  • 2 Because meate defiles not a man.
  • 3 In the primitiue Church they recei­ued at any time, day or night.

Q. Must we follow Christ in all things toucbing this Sacrament?

A. For matter of substance wee must, but for circumstances not so.

Q. What bee the substantiall matters in this Sacrament?

A. Foure: 2. Persons, and 2. things.

Q What be the Persons?

A, A Minister qualified to giue it, and a worthy Receiuer to take it.

Q▪ What be the the things?

A. The Elements, and the actions to be done about those Elements.

These may not be altered.

Q. But why are wee not tyed also to fol­low Christ, in the circumstances of time, place, gesture, number, sexe, vnleauened Bread, &c.

A. Because Christ was tyed to the Circumstances of the Passe-ouer, so are not wee.

Q. Why was Christ bound to keepe the Passe ouer?

A. Because hee was a Iew borne, and came to fulfill all righteousnesse.

Q. But the Passe-ouer was a Cere­monie?

A. True: but the Ceremonicall Law was in sorce vntill Christ dyed.

Chap 22.

That kneeling is not onely lawfull but conue­ment and commendable.

Question. VVHo then is to appoint the Circum­stances for this Sacrament?

A. The Church hath power to doe it.

Q. How appeares?

A. Because Shee is the Spouse, and Math. 28. 20 hath the Spirit and power of Christ.

Q What time hath the Church appoin­ted as best?

A. The morning, because we are then fittest for any great or good action. Psal.

Q. And what place?

A. The publicke Congregation, ex­cept in case of necessitie. Psal, 40

Q And what gesture is best and fittest?

A. The gesture of most Humilitie; namely, kneeling.

Q▪ Why is kneeling the best beseeming gesture?

A Because wee then show the Lords 1. Cor. 11. 28 death, who dyed by our meanes, and for our fault: therefore wee may not show that death, but with all humility.

Q. But is it not Idolatry to kneele to the Bread?

A. We kneele to no Bread, but onely Iames. to God, to whom also we then pray.

Q. But did not the Pope bring in kneeling, together with Transubstantia­tion?

A. No, it was vsed by deuout and ho­ly Christians long before: as may appeare in the end of this Booke.

Q. But is it not a Feast, and therefore more fit to sit then kneele?

A. First, the Scripture calls it not a 1 Cor. 11. 28 Feast, but a commemoration of the Lords death.

Secondly, if it bee a Feast, its like a Fu­nerall feast where is cause of Sorrow as well as Ioy.

Thirdly, the conclusion certainly is a 1. Cor. 11. 28 Feast, but not the breaking, giuing, and taking: That is a showing of the Lords death, and therefore it is to be done knee­ling: But that done, then it is a Commu­nion and Loue-feast, and then wee may either sit and sing, or stand and praise 1 Cor. 10. 16 GOD.

Q. But why should wee alter the gesture that Christ vsed?

A. It is not certaine Christ gaue it them sitting, the Text saith not so.

Againe, Saint Paul repeating all hee re­ceiued 2 Cor. 11. 23 of Christ, saith not a word of any gesture.

Third, If it were certain, yet the Church vpon good cause might as well alter it, as the Bread, time, place &c.

Q. What is to bee thought of them that wilfully refuse to kneele?

A. They are like rebellious, and proud children, that will take vpon them to o­uer-rule their Mother.

Q. May one alone Communicate?

A. No, there must bee a conuenient 1. Cor. 10. 16, 17. number, else it is no Communion.

Chap▪ 23.

What a Christian ought to doe after he hath Receiued.

Question. WHat is to bee done, when wee haue Receiued?

A. In the Church wee are to giue God Heb. 13. 15. 1. Cor. 16. Heb. 3. 16. thankes, with the Congregation, and to offer vp our Aimes for the poore.

Q Who are to giue almes when they re­ceiue?

A. All that come to take part in Christ, Wiues, women, and seruants, are all to giue something to Christs poore mem­bers, Gal. 3. 28. seeing hee giues himselfe to all with­out difference.

Q. How and what is euery one to giue?

A. According to the necessities of the 2. Cor. 8. 2. & 9. 7. 1. Cor. 16. 2. poore, and as God hath blessed thee that Moneth, or since thou didst last receiue.

Q And what is to bee done at home?

A. Retire your selues in priuate, and meditate vpon the infinite mercy of God, in giuing Christ to dye for our sinnes, and Psal. 44. Math. 6. 6. 1. Thes. 4. 12 to begge grace, that daily we may walke worthy of it.

Q▪ But as wee receiued together in the Church, it is not fit to goe together that day to drinke and make merry?

A. Thankfulnesse is necessarie, and moderate mirth is lawfull, but as this is 1. Thes. 5. 18 Philip. 3. Ioh. 6. 2. a Spirituall feast, so our joy that day is to bee Spirituall: There bee other dayes enough for the body.


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