MONDAY. February 16. 1645.

YOu have heard of M r Richard Browne, a man so called, and but for Civility could not be so called, having forfeited his Gentility and Christianity, and exchanged both into Gen­tilisme, by an Act as horrid as the Divell could tempt him to, or himselfe consent to: That of the Moors comes short of it; they but laugh at the mischiefes they have done, to make themselves merry: but this man studies mischiefe, acts mischiefe▪ and glories in the act; yet he is a Branch sprung from that Root; a Chip hew­en out of that Blocke; an Englishman (I blush at my Coun­try) extracted from a Moore; listen to the Act, and abhorre the Actor: He was the cruell Ga [...]ler of many Loyall Priso­ners; not one but he hath used hardly enough, If burthens of Irons, Beds of Stone, and halfe meales of Bread and Water, be usage hard enough: we can name the men he hath so served, and some that by this usage he hath starved too; but all this may be borne: and therefore at last he hath outdone himselfe, by making his Tortures as neare to those of Hell, as possible: [Page 90] For after he had by promise wooed one of his Prisoners to take the Covenant, and could not by that meanes winne him to his Lure, and make him as [...]ad as himselfe; he then frights him by Want, by Blowes, by Bol [...] to swallow that Rateb [...]n [...]; And the poore mans patience being overcome by these Ex­tremities, he takes the Covenant, the Covenant; he had no sooner so done, which left s [...]ing enough in his Conscience, but instantly saies M r Browne, so Sirrah, now you may goe for a forsworne Rogue, what I could not doe to your Body▪ I have done to your Soule: now Dye and [...]e D [...]ed; But soft Richard, this was no sinne of wilfulnesse, no sinne of malice, no sinne of scorne or contempt [...] and therefore may be forgiven upon his Repentance, your Maister may thanke you for acting his part so well; yet our Revenge is not so high, but that we wish you as much Repentance as this man in Oxford testifies, for committing so great a sinne i [...] M r Richard Browne solici­ted him, scourged him to, in Abingdon, a little before he left his [...] Command there: and wherein Colonell R [...] ­borough scotn'd to succeed him▪ least after-Ages should say [...]e [...] such a Wood [...]gers Deputy, whose [...]e [...]rt was a [...] [...]d as [...] and a great deale werse:

TUESDAY. Feb. 17.

Since whose departure three or foure of our Oxford Ca­valty knockt at Abingdon doores, to know how they did; and neare Cullam Bridge, met with two Ca [...]ts loaden▪ the one with Cheese, the other with Bread and Oats, driving with such provision to that Garrison: They seize upon both; but finding the Horses too weake to draw another▪ way as fast as their occasions required, they turn'd both Teems into one, wherewith they perswaded the [...]aines to drive that Cart which was loaden with Mans-meat and Horse-meat into Oxford; And here you must take notice of the difference be­twixt Loyall Subjects and Rebels: For they have no sooner unloaden, but they returne the Horses▪ and Cart to their ow­ner, [Page 91] which that man, who of late told you he did not use to sweare, would not have done upon his Faith▪ which is not so much his Oath, as his [...]doll, because it is nothing, [...] nothing worth, being much a Kinne to the Publique Faith, which hath not yet repayed one Do [...] of those [...] it stand [...] en­gaged for: which, how, or when those Patriots that love the Common-wealth so well, (and truly I beleeve they love it very well, if wealth have his true and proper signification) will discharge, you may guesse at by a [...] Command issued from the New High and mighty States of England, to the North, perswading all men, Malignants and all, to stand upon their Guard against the Scots: which gives some probability, that the German Prophecy may outdoe M r. Lillyes, when it is fulfilled in Brittaine; What Association begun, Diff [...]ciation will end.

It hath commenced well in Scotland; For if you divide it into foure parts, you will find ( Montrosse Maister of three, The Perfect Occurrences, Tuesday, Feb. 10. in his 7 th N [...]m [...] for the year [...] 1646. [...]ells us, The Parliament was sitting at S t Andrewes, when the lust Letters c [...]e from thence, but may be risen since▪ (you may speake it indicatively) And that on Thursday last (when was that Thursday last [...]) there was a generall day of Humiliation throughout all parts of Scotland, within the Parliaments power there▪ (it was well remembred) it being set a part for a solemne First, for the acknowledging of the sinnes of the Nations before Almighty God, and begging pardon for the sa [...]: and particularly for that so many of their Nation (so many, pray mark it) doe joyne with▪ and assist Mon­trosse in this Rebellion against the Church and People of God: (No man; They assist Montrosse and the Church and People of God against this Rebellion:) but how soever we thanke you for so much truth.


And shall requite you with as sad a truth; our Oxford horse [Page 92] yesterday returned safe home, having dispatcht the businesse they went for, and somewhat more: For meeting with a Party of Colonell Pyle's new raised Regiment, they took eight and twenty of their Horse, Armes, and men, and lodged them safe at Faringdon; where they had no sooner taken their leave, but they were faced by some hundreds of Rebels, who upon the taking of eight of their fellowes, prisoners, thought it their best course to face about, and so away: which eight waited upon our Horse to this City; and from one of them, wee received severall Letters of Intelligence: one of which, Robert Gough by name, seemes to give intelligence to the Moderate Intelligencer; For in one of his Letters he relates the whole businesse (but not the whole truth) of Marleborough, as he hath printed it, Jan. 31. Num. 48. where he saies, The Oxford Horse return'd with their Plunder, ha­ving lost a hundred Horse: whereas the very truth is, (as we told you Thursday, Jan. 22.) they lost but two Officers; no Common Souldiers: and as we are since informed, one M r Johnson a Chi [...]urgeon: and therefore we desire the Moderate Intelligencer, not to give too much Credence to this Robert Gough: who in another of his Letters dated at Verulam▪ and directed to London, saies Interminis; The Parliament would not grant a Treaty by Lords, and therefore the King sent againe that He would come to London himselfe, upon their [...]a [...]e Conduct that He should returne againe to Oxford, if they could not agree, whereof the Parliament accepted, but would not consent He should come into London, but appointed Zion house for Him to come to, to which place they will send to Him: so they ordained a Committee to bethinke them how He should be enter­tained, and to bring the Parliaments resolutions to Him; After this, with a great deale such stuffe he concludes, only altering the Scene from Zion; The King came to S t Iame's house last night for certaine, and all the Coaches in the City met Him two miles out—The Posts brought the Newes to Newbury even now to Dalbier, and another Post went to the Kings Garrison as Dennington with the same Newes; whereat the Ordinance [Page 93] in both places answered one another. I need not give any observations upon this Letter, but we shall goe on with truth;

THURSDAY. Feb. 19.

And assure you that three of the Rebels belonging to Gaunt-house, were taken napping at their Trade (Plunder) by 3 of our Oxford Gentry, and committed Tuesday night to the Marshalls care; all well clad, well armed, well lyned, yet had nothing taken from them but their Armour; it was to let them know, they met with better and honester men then themselves: These three were no good Omen to the 500 that came to Plunder Wood-stock on Tuseday night last, the man­ner thus: Towarde the evening, (at day they durst not have been so bold) they came to the towne with White Colours▪ in their hatt [...]; but the Centry, knowing full well that often times the black Divell, transformes himselfe into an Angell of light, would not be fool'd or frighted from his duty, and therefore gave the Alarme, but before the Gentlemen in the Garrison could march up, the Rebels got into the towne, and out of severall stables tooke ten Horses, eight of which being past service were destined to the Dogges, (much good may they do them) and out of severall houses got some Plunder [...] but they did not make hast enough away; for by our Musquets and a Drake, they were so well payed, that a Lievtenant Colo­nell, and nine others lay in the dirt, and promised upon their death never to beare Armes againe, against a gratious King, five others being taken prisoners, and five Horses of service exchang'd for our two, the rest took their flight, whether as yet we heare not; it may be to Banbury for as much more the loyall Governour there, whith his choyce and tryed Infantry, no more fearing the Rebels under Colonell Whaley, and all those Additionalls shall come to him, then they did Colonell Nathaniell Fines the last year; only the mischiefe is, he hath no Father Lord Say, to send his weeping Letters to, for Re­cruites; which in very good time he may need as much as▪ [Page 94] the Rebels doe in South- Wales, where the Lord Charles [...] goes on successefully, and so will, with God's blessing, in spight of opposition, untill that Country be reduced; which promises very faire: if you will not beleeve our report, you will yet give some credit to an Expresse, which as it came to our hands this day▪

FRIDAY. Febr. 20.

We shall communicate without alteration of word or syllable; it is a confirmation of our last, and somewhat more: If you please read it.

My Lord,

I Cannot omit to give your Lordship an accompt of the procee­dings in these parts, and how advantagions it is like to be to His Majesties Service: the taking of Carlion with 140 Pri­soners, besides those killed and drowned, which were not few in number, I gave your Lordship knowledge in my Letter by a Ser­vant of Sir—But since the Forces ingaged themselves upon Newport, Where 600 good men killed neare [...]00▪ tooke 120 Prisoners, with the towne, and a [...] Ammunition and Arms, without the losse of one man, only we had some 20 men searched by firing of three Barrells of Powder, our men falling so violently on their maine Guard, where their Ammunition [...] And up­on this good successe the well affected of Glamo [...]gan-shire have taken the advantage of the time, M r—of Weany, and Sir—being their Cheifes to raise an Army of 3000 men, have taken Swan [...]ie, and all the Shipping there, with much Ammunition and Armes; are now before Cardiffe, have cut off their water, blocked it up, and if they have not reliefe from Sea, doubt not but to be maisters of it within these few dayes: My Lords Forces are at Newport and Carlion, and have dayly correspondence with them, and are ready upon all occasions to joyne: The Country in both Counties commeth into my Lord with a pretty deale of forwardnesse, and march, and doe duetie.

[Page 95] There is somewhat more, and of more concernment in the Expresse, and will it may be, becommunicated hereafter: In the mean time, we thought fit to give the Rebels thus much to chew upon, and our friends as much to cheare them­selves withall. M. Lillye guest very unhappyly in his Februa­ries Observations▪ [me thinks we are sorrowfull on a sud­dain.] And so did his neighbour of the Starry Region▪ [...]hn Booker, in his Poetry upon this month.

Venus and Saturne in Conjunction,
Will much displease, who e're it lights upon.

Pray Coelicus tell us, did this Conjunction light upon these in South-Wales, or upon those in the West of England▪ For you will not deny but those of Gallantry in Corfe-Castle did light upon those Horse that lye so close before Corse-Castle, that if other occasions ca [...] them not off▪ it is hoped they will take the Castle in short time, saies the Perfect Occuryences▪ Number 7. 1646. Thursday, Feb. 1 [...]. If he had but added, or in short time the Castle would take them, he had spoke truth in spight of his teeth; For of one whole Troop consisting of [...] ▪ but six escaped, the rest both men and horse are kill'd and taken [...] or did this Conjunction light upon them before Dunstar-Ca­stle, which the Lord [...]oring [...] Horse▪ saies the Moderate In­telligenter, (if we had no other authority, we will acknow­ledge at this time to be true) have releived and [...] therein 25 Cowes, 40 Sheep▪ and four Barrells of Powder, and spoyled our Mine in their retreat: Yes, so they did, and in stead of [...] ­sing 53 as he saies after, Tuesday▪ Feb. 10. they have took 35. or did this Conjunction light upon them at [...] The Moderate Intelligencer, Saturday▪ Febr. 7▪ [...]ells us▪ It is taken by the Lord Loughborough; which we are willing to be­leive from him, but do not yet perswade any man to beleive it from us; But this we would have you beleive from us, that Captaine Dayrell went with a commanded party of [...] Horse, to Stony-Stratford▪ and there met with a party of Newport-Pagnell Horse, took six prisoners, ten Horses, so [Page 96] that foure went home on foot, and three horses laden with very good provisions, but are better disposed of at Borstall a­mongst honest men, then elswhere. Howsoever it lighted up­on some of them in those places before mentioned, and in a smaller, but very fine proportion, somewhere else, as

SATURDAY. Febr. 21.

We receive it this day; that upon Friday Febr. 20. Cap­taine Maisters (who Commands Colonell Walters Troop) understanding that a party of the Enemies were abroad plun­dering the Market folkes, took with him a party of fourteen, and comming too late at the place where they had been, he took eight of his fourteen and advanced to a place called Bal­den, where he met with Eleven Rebels, and their Compani­ons, six plundred Calves, so that in the whole there were 17 Heads, whom he no sooner charges, but they flye, and put themselves into two Boates at Sandford, to ferry for Abing­don; the Captaine and his men; loth to go back again with no­thing, swomme their Horses, recovered one of their Boats, and therein took three of the men prisoners with their horses and Arms, and brought them into Oxford; The Calves indeed were had safe to Abingdon; and there we leave them. And now desire the world to take notice of the cold zeale of the reformers at Westminster; before whom was brought one Paul Best, and accused of some Peccadillo's, Blasphemie and Heresie, denying the Trinity of Persons, and the Deity of Christ, and of the holy Ghost: The Perfect Diurnall told us a fortnight since, and more, that they had committed him close Prisoner, but yet we hear not of any other punishment: we hope they will deal otherwise with him, then M r Richard Browne dealt with a Blasphemer at Abingdon, one Haunch by name, who by this Blasphemie became M. Brownes Favorite; when the prisoners are called before Generall Brown, he places some on his right hand like Sheep, and some on his left hand like Goats; I dare not repeat more of it; nor doe I say more of it then to tell M. Richard, that his great Sire for such a kind of sinne was de­voured by Lice: it may be he is destined to another end.


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