Money makes the Mare to go, OR, An Excellent new Song of the suttle shirking Sharpers, Mountebanks, Juglers, Gamesters, and many others of the like faculty.

To the Tune of Four-pence-half-penny Farthing.

This may be Printed, R. P.

TIs Money makes the Mare to goe,
then who can live without it,
The Rich Men make a taring show,
but poor men they are flouted:
Rich Men get money still, they get money still,
when e're they get a bargain,
The poor may pine, for want of coyn,
they value them not a farthing.
The farmer he doth drudge and toyl,
and so must all about him,
He rides to market many a Mile,
there's none can live without him:
If he gets money by't, he gets money by't,
he gets money by the bargain.
Through thick and thin, and wet to the skin,
he matters it not a farthing.
The Shop-keeper will cog and lye,
believe him, you are undone,
He'l vow such goods you cannot buy,
of ne'r a one in London:
But he gets money by't, he gets money
he gets money by'th bargain,
Tho' he tells ye a lye, with a reason why,
and vows he gets never a farthing.
The Mountebank upon his Stage,
declares his skill in Physick.
No Pill prepar'd in this our age,
like his to cure the Ptisick:
If he gets money by't, he gets money by't,
he gets money by the bargain,
For Twelve-pence still, he'l sell you a Pill,
is hardly worth a farthing.
Besides there is a Perjur'd crew,
for Money, if you'l crave it;
They'l swear the Crow is white or blew,
or what youl please to have it:
If he gets money by't, he get's money by't
he gets money by'th, bargain,
Though falsly he swears, till he loose his ears,
he value's it not a farthing.
The Iugler he will Yawl aloud,
and make a thousand faces,
Then after he hath call'd a Croud
hee'l Spue up Ribbons and laces,
When he gets money by't, he gets money by't,
he gets money byt'h bargain,
To show you a trick with his Balls and Stick,
for ev'ry penny and farthing.
Besides there is a Theeving crew,
that Robs both late and early,
At length to give the Deel his due,
Iack Ketch he hangs them fairly:
Thus he gets money by't, he gets money by't,
he gets money by the bargain,
If they have no cole, they into the hole,
he vallues them not a farthing.
The Gamester must not be forgot,
for he above all other
When e're it happens to his lot,
hee'l strive to Cheat his Brother,
If he gets money by't, he gets money by't,
he gets money by the bargain,
He'l Ramble abroad to cheat and defraud,
yet vallue's it not a farthing.
The Buxome Lass she comes to town,
when Guinneys may bewitch her,
'Tis ten to one er'e she goes down,
but she may crack her Pitcher;
Thus she gets money by't, she gets money by't,
she gets money by the bargain,
She often hath said, that her Maiden-head,
she vallued not a farthing.
The force of money I have told,
and now my Songs here ended,
To whom those Ballads shall be sold,
by them I am befriended
Thus I get money by't, I get money by't,
get money by the bargain,
Come every one that I may have done,
their very well worth four farthings.

Printed for. I. Deacon, at the Angel, in Guiltspur-street, without Newgate.

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