UPON Our Royal Queens Majesties MOST HAPPY ARRIVALL, THE MOST Illustrious Donna Catherina Sole-Sister to the High and Mighty KING of PORTUGALL.

THe Princely Muses do my Fancie move,
To consecrate a Verse to that blest Love,
That Royal Qneen of Grace, & great command
Espous'd to Charles Le Bon, and Charles Le Grand.
Prophetickly by him so well design'd,
Who was with Heavenly knowledge fo resin'd?
Heaven guard them Both together, and reflect
That influence of Favour, to protect
That Sacred Nymph, whose passage did so please
The Eternal God of Heav'n, of Earth, of Seas,
To welcome Her with Complemental Ditties,
Ecchoes of Joy rebound in Court and Cities:
And lest the lowest place true love should want,
Or we be deemed of Devotion scant;
Loe I presume alone from Country Caves
To come and honour those Neptunian waves
Have brought us home with such propitious gales,
A Princely Mother to a Prince of Wales;
Who may (my Genius thinks) in time outvie,
The richest Gems of Glorious Chivalry:
And equalize in worth, if not exceed
The bravest Heroë's of our Brittish breed:
And with Pegasean Frigats lowdly roar
At the proud banks of that Iberian shore:
And with triumphant Valour once again
Set up his Standard in the Realms of Spain:
And with a Crown of Fortune there resume
A Trophee, like the brave Bohemian plume,
And by victorious Virtue still advance
That Princely House of Portugal, Braganze
To Englands high renown, and in despight
Of all such Foes as dare against them fight,
May our Imperial Lion rampant stand,
With the bless'd Unicorn at his command,
Who by his secret Virtues may confound
All Poysons in the Springs of English ground:
That being Crown'd at home with perfect Peace,
His glories through the world may still increase:
Great Princes shall adore his Royal word,
And Nations tremble at his conquering sword,
Then Forreign parts will fear our force, and then
Our Soveraign shall be stil'd, The King of Men;
And may his Dearest Consort blessed be,
With all rare fortunes of felicity:
The grace of Heaven, the prime deiights of Earth,
Make Her the Mirrour of Content and Mirth,
Celestial Angels guard her free from harms,
Sweetly embraced in our Soveraigns armes;
Heaven guide her grace, and make her truly seen,
Of Beauty, Wit and Majesty the Queen
A fit Consort to please the good desires
Of such a Prince whom all the World admires
And may this Princely payer rest in love,
More firm and constant than the Turtle Dove;
Gods grace their Lives both prosper and protect,
And in the end Their souls to Heaven direct;
And grant them here that Quintessence of glory,
Was never read in my CESARS storie;
That after-ages may of them rehearse,
A glorious Wonder to the Universe.
By JOHN WENLOCK of Lincolns Inne, Esq

London▪[?] Printed by[?] T [...] [...] Leonard[?] [...] 1661.

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