By the Commissioners for Administration of Justice to the People in SCOTLAND.

WHereas divers Debitors at the obtaining of their Suspensions upon his Highnesse the Lord Pro­tector and his Councils Order of the fifteenth day of April last, do thrust into the lists of their Debts, the Rents due and payable by them to Ministers, Colledges, and Schoolmasters out of their Lands and Teinds, and so do obtain the same suspended, to the dis­appointment of the said Ministers, Colledges and Schoolma­sters of their necessary Livelihood and Maintenance, and great discouragement in prosecution of their respective Studies and Imployments, contrary to the mind and intention of his High­ness Order, and of the said Commissioners. For remedy whereof, it is hereby declared, enacted and ordained by the Commissioners aforesaid, That notwithstanding such Con­veyance, and comprehending of such Rents & Duties within the said Lists and Suspensions already past, or to be past upon the aforesaid Order; It shall be lawful to the said Ministers, Colledges, and Schoolmasters, And by these presents they, their Chamberlans, Factors and doers in their Names, are im­powered and authorized to cause put their Decreets, Letters and Legal Diligences to due execution, ay and till payment be obtained of the said Rents and Duties: And for so doing, these shall be to them, and all Messengers at Arms, and other Ministers of the Laws, a good and sufficient Warrant. And ordains these Presents to be recorded in the Book of Sederunt, And to be published at the Mercat-Crosse of EDINBURGH, and printed, that none may pretend ignorance hereof.

William Lawrence, I. P. C.

EDINBƲRGH, Printed by Christopher Higgins, in Harts-Close, over against the Trone-Church, Anno Dom. 1656.

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