Men and [...]thren,

IT's sure the most p [...]t of you come here to gaze and wonder, rather than to be [...]dified; but I hope there are some here witnessing and [...]mp [...]t [...]zing with me; but while ye are strangers to God, and h [...]s Word, and what our Lord hath suffered for us, and that he hath told, throughout tribulation and affliction we must e [...]er into the Kingdom of God: It's no wonder that we count us fool [...], for I was so while [...] nature: I was as mad as any of you against the Lord and [...], but blessed be his glorious and holy Name, while as I [...] [...]ind, now I see, and therefore abhors my self in dust and [...], and the more to magnifie his free-grace that he hath do [...] to me It's true, unpleasant to sense, while he is calling for h [...] mite of testimony from my hand for his despis'd truth, for it was by the hearing of the Gospel, from his faithful suffering-Ministers, that I was brought to the love of God, and the knowledge of his holy Son Jesus Christ, since which time he hath engag'd my heart to seek him in the way I found him, and wherein he was most eminently holden forth, and witnessed for my sins, and the sins of the [...]d holden forth with my duty described, for which I am condemned, and for my following of the Gospel preached i [...] [...]he fields, and with that poor handful at Airs-Mos, wher [...] M [...]. Cameron had been preaching, and was to preach; because whe [...] the bloody Soldiers come on us, we offered to defend ourselves, and whatever causes they lay to our charge: and that you [...] not mistaken of me, and of the Lords people, though they alledge us to be of bloody principles, as some of the indulged Ministers give it out; the Lord knows: I desire to know his W [...]ll, and walk in it: I have been studying that which all the Land are obliged to do, to hear and keep the Gospel. Keep it, defend my own life and my brethren, who hath been [Page 2] so long hunted, and the Gospel so long born down; though they give out, that I and the suffering-remnant would Kill the King, or any of the Council: It's an untruth, and forged Ca­lumny to reproach the way of God, more like themselves and their own practices, who have killed so many of Gods People on Fields and Scaffolds: and all is to please that bloody Tyrant the DUKE, who has been thirsting for the blood of the Three Lands; who if they were brought to a Law, would be found to be the Plotters by a just Tryal▪ either according to the Law of God, or Law of the Land; most of them has done (as much as might take their Lives) against the good of the Land, and Laws of it. When I was before them in the Justiciary, in tryal of my life, they would give no access to explain my self, but were as men, catching advantage, and cheat me out of my life; yet they must know, that they will answer to the great Judg what they do: And this being the testimony of a dying man, the fearers of God will believe my Declaration, before their Proclamation, which is clearly a Plot in them to blind the eyes of a secure generation, and cause strangers to approve it as just their Actings, and laugh at our calamity, till they accomplish their Popish designs against all those who will not follow them in the Three Nations; and though they spare their Flatterers and Favourities, till they destroy the remnant, they dare not but wit­ness against them, as they would be marked with mourners, and then a holy God shall take vengeance upon all ranks, forsaking his Christ, and betraying him, and setting up any in his place, which will be found to be the Idol of jealousie, beside others drawing away the generation from the true love we owe to God; and because not only, but all lovers and fearers of God, desiring to follow this sweet Christ, are reproached and wounded with the scourge of Tongues, as dangerous principle, I declare I have in some measure desired to know and follow the Truth, but in obe­dience to his Commands, and fear, and hope of glory, though with much weakness. I am Presbyterian in my judgment, however lookt upon by men, in declaring my thoughts, owning a Reforma­tion-work, carried on by our Fathers, the shorter and larger Cate­chisms, national and solemn League and Covenant; I own all the [Page 3] Testimonies of our Worthy Sufferers, with all other Declarations, Excommunications. As also I pray at the writing hereof, that the Lord open their eyes, give them repentance that are within the election of Grace; and that the Lord may ratifie in Heaven, what his servants hath done on Earth, according to his Will, and giving testimony against the cursed Prelates, as instruments driving on the Council, and bloody Soldiers to all oppression, and bloodshed done against the woful indulgence, who has received, or shall strengthen their hands in pleading for it, being Favorities: they have broken the divided people of God, more than former Persecution against lukewarm unfaithful Ministers; and professors falling from their first love, pulling down that which was first builded. As also the cesse, and bounding with Gods enemies: As also Oppression, Ty­rany, Robbing of Gods People, especially Glencairne, Hallyards, whose Names should be recorded to generations succeeding, as those who has ruin'd the Widow and Fatherless, and laid wait against the Righteous, and put many to beggary, against those who have forfeited their right, which they now claim to that Supremacy: setting up adulterous wretches in Christs room, who thinks to wrong our Lord, but will be too heavy for them, though all the Lord-Prelates and Indulged joyn hand to hold up, down shall they come who wears that Crown: And since by them I am proclaimed a Rebel, I disown them Trayterous to my holy Lord and Christ. But let me intreat any who desires mercy, to forsake those wicked ways, and fall in love with God through Christ as the only peace-maker, for there is Judgments coming on the Land, and all your peace with men will not keep you from the dreadful wrath of God, slighting the Gospel, Covenant-breaking, Perjury, Idolatry, Profanity, Apostasie, Treacherous abominations, that all ranks are guilty of, in welcoming this bloody person with a draught of our blood, as formerly with Five of our Brethren. I bless the Lord, I have satisfaction in owning his despis'd way, for which I depone my life, in drawing my heart after him, and made me happily willing. I intreat you all seekers of his face, to labour for more tenderness and watchfulness over your ways, there be looking on us for our halting in Gods way; O for help from him till the day break! O to hide our selves, to shut our mouth and [Page] [Page 4] be silent! the Lord hath rubbed shame on all faces, because of up­sitting in duty, publick and private: I think God is contending with us. O dear friends, all ye that desire to be kept carefully through­out these tribulations, and also astonishing like dispensations; forsake not your Christian society, wherein so much of the power and pre­sence of God hath been seen among those who have met together; it is felt and found in the midst of them, out of love and zeal to pour out their hearts for him, and before him, conversing with one another. I think the upsetting of this duty, is a sad token [...]od is leaving the Land, as any that I see▪ and therefore I not only ex­hort you to this duty, as a dying man, but charge you, as ye will be answerable at the great day, with fear, love and zeal to God, his glory before your eyes, and love to Christ [...] be the prin­cipal motive in all other duties [...] stumble of Christs way for what we are suffering, for all the st [...]ps of [...] is made easie to me throughout [...]plain [...] keep the word of his patience, those he wi [...] keep [...] of tempta­tion. Labour to keep up those field-meeting [...], wherein my soul has been refresh'd: Let it be your work to keep patience, whatev [...]r ye meet with from enemies, or reproaches from pretended friends, who will be found secret heart-enemies to God. This I leave to [...]u my last advice, and [...] God for wha [...] [...] h [...]s done to my soul, and [...] his way he hath taken in [...] the Land of Praises. I shall sing the sweet [...] Song throughout all the ages of eternity, and never ha [...]e an [...] for if ye knew what I meet with of his love and presence, whic [...] [...] would be given a look to time, and bid it be gone that I may Marry my b [...]st beloved. Now I take my farewell of [...]ll friends relations, e [...]ly enjoyments, and all cr [...]ted [...]. Welcome Lord Jesus, to thy hands I commit my Spirit.

[...] STEWART.

Printed for Alexander K [...], 1681.


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