Some Select QUERIES Humbly Offered to the Consideration OF THE D— of C—t—b—y.


In your Preface before Bishop Wilkins's Sermons, you recommend Mo­deration to the World for a great Virtue; wherefore the first Query is;

I. Whether the greatest Trimmer be the most vertuous Man. And if so?

II. Whether the D— of C— be not the most virtuous Man in the whole World?

III. Whether a Man born of Anabaptistical Parents, and who can be prov'd not to have been Baptiz'd at eight Years of Age, can be supposed to be quali­fied to receive the Orders of the Church of England, and to be made D— of one of the most Eminent Sees thereof, who has nothing to recommend him but his spewing up the Engagement?

IV. Whether supposing it can be prov'd that the said D— did in the late times Preach expresly against the Common-Prayer in St. Mary's Church in Cam­bridge, and that he has never since, either by Word or Deed, contradicted that Sermon, he may not reasonably be suspected to be of the same Principle still, as he was at that time?

V. Whether or no a Man of his Constitution, who has run through so many Tryals, and is yet (alive) with a safe Conscience, may not at last be hop'd to die a good Musselman?

VI. Whether or no the said D— design'd the Interest of the Church of Eng­land, when he Preached a turn for Julian the Apostate to give him leave to an­swer Dr. Hick's Jovian?

VII. Whether or no it belongs to the Authority and Office of a D—of the Church of England to vindicate every Traytor that appears guilty of High Trea­son?

VIII. Whether or no the said D— did well in defacing the Altar piece of his own Cathedral, for fear of offending tender Consciences?

IX. What Opinion we ought to have of this D— who at two solemn Fune­rals Preached the same Sermon, first, for a known Loyal Church of England Man, and afterward for a Fanatick Preacher?

X. Whether or no the said D— whom his Father call'd Jahnny no otherwise than he named Spaniel Tray at eight years of Age, and cannot prove that he ever since had Water thrown upon his Face, or the Sign of the Cross made, may by vertue of his Orders be judged a Christian?

XI. Whether or no the said D— Would not make a good D— of Bray?

XII. What Religion is to be understood by the Protestant Religion?

Printed for H. Jones.

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