Solomons Sacrifice, With his Prayer in Gibeon; And how God appeared to him in a Vision, and answered his Request.

To a new Tune.
Of all the Kings in Israel
that reigned long ago;
I do remember very well
that Chronicles doth show
That when it fell to Solomon;
He proved such a Paragon,
As never there was any one,
as after you shall know.
For when he came to be a King,
He feared God in every thing;
In Sacrifice and worshipping
great cost he did bestow;
There was a place in Israel,
Call'd Gibeon at this day;
And thither went King Solomon
to Sacrifice and pray.
But God did in a Vision
Appear unto King Solomon
While he was yet in Gibeon,
and thus to him did say:
Because of thy Humility
Ask what thou wilt (O King) of me
O speak that I may give it thee
before thou go it away.
Then Solomon thus answered
to thee be always praise;
For that as thou hast promised
in our fore fathers days:
Since that as thou hast promised
not to leave their Table unfurnished
But to leave it [...]arnished
to them that sees thy ways.
Thy holy Wisdom grant to me
thy holy Law to understand
An understanding heart to see
the judgements of each Land:
That I may well Govern the same
As justice rightly ought to frame
To the Glory of his name
with mercy in my hand.
Then God who took it in good part
what Solomon had said;
Because it was so in his heart
to ask as he had pray'd;
He said I will give unto thee
As never none the like shall be
Either before or after thee
therefore be not afraid.
I will give thee Wisdom great
and Treasure passing store;
Now sitting on thy Father's seat
as no King had before;
With that arose King So [...]omon
And went away to Gibeon
To guide the charge he took upon
as no King took before.
Then after that in Israel
He reigned long their King full well
As all the Holy Books can tell
with great increase and store.

Printed for W. Thackeray, in Duck-Lane.

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