Mother Shiptons PROPHESIES: WITH [...]ree and XX. more, all most terrible and wonderfull, Predicting strange alterations to befall this Climate of ENGLAND.

  • [...] Of K. Richard the III.
  • [...] Mr. Truswell Recorder of Lincolne.
  • [...] Lillies Predictions.
  • [...] A Prophesie alluding to the Scots last inva­sion.
  • [...] Ignatius his Prophesie.
  • [...] Mrs. Whites Prophesie.
  • 7 Old Sybilla's Prophesie.
  • 8 Merlin's Prophesies.
  • 10 Mr. Brightmans.
  • 9 Old Otwell Bins.
  • 11 Paulus Grebnerus Pro.
  • 12 A Prophesie in old Eng­lish meeter.
  • 13 Another ancient Proph.
  • 14 An other short, but pithy.
  • 15 Another very obscure.
  • 16 Saltmarsh his Predict.
  • 17 A strange Prophesie of an old Welsh-woman.
  • 18 St. Bedes Prophesie.
  • 19 William Ambrose.
  • 20 Tods Prophesie.
  • 21 Thomas of Astledowne.
  • 22 Saunders his Prediction.
  • 23 A Prophesie of David, Cardinall of France, &c.
K. Henry 8.
Mr. Saltmarsh.

LONDON, [...]inted by T.P. for Fr. Coles, and are to be sold at his Shop at the signe of the Lambe in the Old-Ba [...]ly, neare the Sessions house, 1663.

Note that this Prophesie was never exactly printed before.WHen she heard that King Henry the [...] Wolsey should be at Yorke she said that Cardinall Wolsey shou [...] never come to Yorke, which the King and the Cardinall hearing, being ang [...] sent the Duke of Suffolk and the L. Darcy to her, who came with their [...] disguised to the Kings house near York, where leaving their men they went [...] Mr. Besly in York, and desired him to goe with them to Mother Shiptons house, where whe [...] they came they knocked at the doore, she said, Come in Mr. Besly, and those honorable Lor [...] with you, and Mr. Besly would have put in the Lords before him; but shee said come in M [...] Besly you know the way but they doe not. This they thought strange that she should kno [...] them and never saw them; then they went into the house, where there was a great Fire, an [...] they dranke and were very merry. Mother Shipton said the Duke, if you knew what we ca [...] about, you would not bid us so welcome, shee said, the Messenger should not be hange [...] Mother Shipton said the Duke, you said the Cardinall should never see Yorke; yea said she, [...] said he might see Yorke but never come at it. But said the Duke, when he comes to Yorke tho [...] shalt be burned; wee shall see that said she, and plucking her Handkercher off her head, sh [...] threw it into the fire, and it would not burne, then she tooke her staffe and turned it into th [...] fire, and it would not burne, then she tooke and put it on againe. Then said the Duke, wha [...] meane you by this? She replyed, if this had burned J might have burned, Mothe [...] Shipton quoth the Duke, what thinke you of me? My Lord said she, the time wi [...] come The Duke was afterward Beheaded. you will be as low as I am, and that is a low one indeed.

My Lord Piercy said, and what say you of me? My Lord said shee, Shooe you [...] Horse in the quick and you shall do well but your This proved true, for hee rose in rebellion in the North; and by not flying when he might, hee was taken and beheaded in York, where his body was buried, and his Head was stolne away and carried into France, tem­pore Eliz. Reg. body will be buried in York Pavement, and your Head sha [...] be stolne from the Barre and carried into France; At whic [...] they all laughed saying, that would be a great lop betwee [...] the Head and the Body. Then said the Lord Darcy, an [...] what thinke you of me? She said, you have made a grea [...] Gunne, shoot it off for it will never doe you any good; you are going to Warre, you will paine many a man, but kill [...]one: So they went away.

Not long after the Cardinall came to Cawood and going to the top of the Tower, He asked where stands York and how farre it was thither; And said that one said, that he should never see Yorke: nay said one, she said you might see Yorke, but never come at it. He vowed to burne [...]er when he came to York. Then they shewed him York, and told him it was but Eight miles [...]ence, he said that he would soone be there; but being sent for by the King, he dyed in his way to London at Leicester of a Laske. And Shiptons wife said to Mr. Besly yonder is a [...]ne [...]all built for the Cardinall in the Minster of gold, Pearle and precious Stones, goe and pre­ [...]nt one of the Pillers to King Henry and he did so.

[...]r. Besly seeing these things fall out as she had foretold, desired her to tell him some more of [...] Prophesies, Mr. Besly said sh [...]e, before that This came [...] passe; for [...]ty steeple [...] Yorke was blowne downe with a tempest, and Owsebridge was broken down with a great flood; and [...]at they did in repairing the Bridge in the day time with the stone of the steeple, fell down in the nigh [...] [...]ill they remembring this Prophesie, laid the highest stone of the steeple for foundation of the bridg [...] [...] then the worke stood. And by this was partly verified another of Mother Shipton: Prophesies, viz. [...]at her Maid should live to drive her Cow over Trinity steeple. Owse-bridge and Trinity Church meet the [...] shall build on the Day, and it shall fall in the Night, untill they get the highe [...] stone of Trinity-steeple to be the lowest stone of Owse Bridge.

[Page 3]That the day will come when the North shall rue it wondrous sore, but the South shall rue it for evermore; when Hares kindle on cold hearth Supposed to be meant by suppression of Abbias & other Religious houses, and at the Lord Wil: How [...]ds house at Naworth, a Hare came and kindled in his Kitchin upon his hearth. stones, and lads shall marry Ladies and bring them home, then shall you have a yeare of pining hunger, and then a dearth without Corne, a woful! day will be seene in England, a King and a Queene.

The first comming of the This was ful­filled in K, Iam [...]s comming to; for such multitude of People stood at Holgate bar to behold him, as that to avoid the presse, he was forced to ride another way King of Scots shal be at Holgate Town, but he shall not come in through the Barre, and when the King When K. Iames was at London, his children were at Edenbrough, preparing to come into England. of the North shall be at London, his tayle shall be at Edinborough.

After this shall water This is verified by the con­ducting of water into Yorke streets through bored Elmes? and the Conduit house hath a Wind-mill on the top this drawes up the water come over Owse-bridge, and a Wind-mill shall be set on a tower; and an Elme-tree shall lye at every mans doore, and at that time Women shall weare great hats and great bands.

And when there is a Lord Major A Lord Major whose house was in the Minister yard in York, was killed with three stabs. at Yorke, let him beware of a stab.

When two Knights Sir T. Wentworth, and Sir John-Savill, in choosing Knights for the shire, in the Castle yard at Yorke, did so fall out, that they were never well reconciled. shall fall out in the Castle-yard, they shall never bee kindly all their lives after.

When all Colton Colton hagge in her time was Woodland ground full of Trees, which bore Corne 7. yeares, and the 7 [...]h yeare after that was the yere of the comming in of the Scots, and their taking of Newcastle. hag hath borne crops of Corne, seven yeares after you shall heare newes, there shall two Judges In the year 1616. two Iudges of As­size went out at a gate in Yorke, where never any Iudges were knowne to goe out before. goe in and out at Walmgate barre.

Then Warres shall begin in the Spring,
Much woe to England it shall bring:
Then shall the Ladies cry well away,
That ever we liv'd to see this day.

Then best for them that have the least, and worst for them that have the most; You shall not know of the warte over night yet you shall have it in the morning: and when it comes it shal last three yeares; between Cardon and Aire shall be great warfare, when all the world is lost, it shall bee called Christs Croft. When the battell begins, it shall be where Neare Leice [...]er where Richard the 3 was slaine in battell, there Col Hasting [...] was one of the first in arms, endeavouring to settle the commission of Array in op­position to others that were setling the Militia. Crook-back Ri­chard [...]egan his fray.

They shall say to warfare for our King, for half a Crowne a day, but stirre not, (they will say) to warfare for your King on paine of hanging, but stirre not; for he that goes to com­plaine, shall not come back againe. The time will come when England shall tremble and quake for feare of a dead man that shal be heard to speak: Then will the Dragon give the Bull a great snap, & when the one is down they will go to London town: Then there will be a great battell between England and Scotland, and they will be pacified for a time, and when they come to Brammamore they fight, and are againe pacified for a time, then there will be a great battell betweene England and Scotland at [...]tockmore: Then will a Raven sit on the It is to be no­ted and admired, that this Cross [...] [...]hiptons dayes was a tall stone Cross, which ever since hath been by degrees sinking into the ground, and [...] is sunke so low, that a Raven may fit upon the top of it, and reach with her bill to the ground. Cross, and drinke as much [Page]bloud of Nobles as of the Cōmons, then woe is me, for London shalbe destroyed for ever [...]

There will come a woman with one Eye, and she shall tread in many mens bloud to [...] knee; and a man leaning on a staffe by her, she shall say to him, what art thou? And he sh [...] say, J am the King of Scots, and she shall say, goe with me to my house, for there are th [...] Knights, and he will goe with her, and stay there three dayes and three nights, then will En [...] land be lost, and they will cry twice a day, England is lost. Then there will be three Knigh [...] in Petergate in Yorke, and the one shall not know of the other;. here shall be a Child bo [...] in Pomfret with three thumbs, and those 3 Knights will give him three horses There is a Child not many yeares since born at Pomfret, with three Thumbs. to hold while they winne England, and all Noble blood shall be gone but one; and they shall carry him to Sheriffe- Huttons Castle, six miles from York, and he shall dye ther, and they shall chuse there an Earle in the field, and hanging their Horses on a thorne, will rue the time that ever they were borne to see so much blood shed. Then they will come to Yorke to be­siege it, and they shall keep them out three dayes and three nights, and a penny loafe shall be within the Bar at half a Crown, and without the bar at a penny; and they will sweare if they will not yeeld, to blow up the Town-walls; Then they will let them in, and they will hang up the Major, Sheriffs and Aldermen, and they will goe into Crouch Church, there will three Knights goe in, and but one come out againe, and hee will cause Proclamation to be made, that any man may take house, tower, or bower for 12. yeares, and while the world endureth there shal never be warfare againe, nor any more Kings or Queenes; but the Kingdom shall be governed by three Lords, and then York shall be London. And after this shall bee a wh [...] harvest of Corne gotten in by women. Then shall be in the North, that one woman shall [...]y unto another; Mother J have seene a Man to day, and for one man there shall be a thousand women: There shall be a man sitting on St. James Church-hill weeping his fill; And after that a Ship come sayling up the Thames till it come against London, and the Mr. of the Ship shall weepe, and the Marriners shall aske him why he weepeth, being he hath made so good a voyage, and he shall say; Ah what a goodly City this was, none in the world comparable to it, and now there is left scarce any house that can let us have drinke for our money.

Vnhappy he that lives to see those dayes,
But happy are the dead Shipton wife sayes:
In the world old age this woman did fore-tell,
Strange things shal hap, which in our time have f [...]ll

A Prediction of K. Richard the Third.

IN the Raigne of K Richard the 3. his Majesty with his army lay at Leicester the night before the bat [...]ll of Bosworth field was fought. It hapned in the Morning as the King rode through the southgate, a poore blind man (by profession a Whel-wright) sate begging, and hearing of his approach, said; That if the Moone changed twice that day, having by her ordinary course changed in the morning, K. Ricard should lose his C [...]owne and be slaine; and riding over the brige his left foot struck upon a stump of wood, which the old man hearing, said; Even so shall his head at his returne back hi [...] on the same place, which so c [...]me to pa [...]e: And a Noble man that carried the [...] for his colours revolted from K Richard, whereby he lost that day his Life, Crowne and Kingdom; which verified the presagees of that poore blind old man.

Mr. Truswals Recorder of Lincolne.

The Lilly shall remaine in a merry world, and he shal be moved against the seed of the Lyon, and he [...] stand on one side amongst thrones of his Kingdome and Country. And there shall come the Son of [...] hearing three wild Beasts in his Armes, which Kingdome is the Lord of the Moone, which is to be dread throughout all the world with a company of People he shall pass many waters, & shall come to the L [...] of the Lyon, looking for helpe, with the beasts of his owne Country. And in that year there shall come an Eagle out of the East, and his wings spread with the beames of the sonne of man and that yeare shal [...] [...]e de­ [...]royed Caste [...] upon Thams, and there shal be great feares over the whole world; and in a part of the Land there shall be great battles amongst many kingdomes: This day shall be the bloody field, and the Lilly shal [...] his Crowne, and therewith shall be crowned the Son of man. And in th [...]ty yeare many Batte [...] [...] [Page] [...] world shall be stoopen, but the Son of man with the Eagle shall be pref [...] ed, and there shall be an universall Peace over the whole world: Then shall the sonne of man receive a marvellous token, and there shall be great plenty of all manner of Fruits, and then shall he goe to the Land of the Cro [...]e.

Mr. Lilly in the 59 and 60 Page of his Astronomicall Predictions, fore-tels.

THat the Scots intend to invade us againe, but shall not set a foot so farre as Yorke, in a hostile manner: The Child is now borne that shall see that a most flourishing City: If they come they must not expect so fair an Enemy as Cromwell, nor so good Quarter as lately they [...]ound; Jockey, Iemmy, and Moggie, that the Soldiers must then to the Sword, fire, Fa­mine and destruction, following them to the walls and heart of Edenburgh it selfe.

A Prophesie of the Scots Invasion.

WHen you have had hard work to doe,
And added Five to Forty two;
You shall perceive a goodly Play spoil,d,
And by unworthy Actors foil'd:
The Scaen, tanspos'd the act confu'd,
The Poet shamefully abus'd.
The first intention of the Plot
By their confusion's quite forgot,
[...] them to Tragick acts design'd,
Who entred with a Comick mind.
Some personating double parts,
With double tongues and double hearts;
shall from one side to t' other run,
Till they are scorn'd of every one:
And by their meanes (when Peace seemes neare)
The troubles which did first appeare.
[...] Thirty nine prolong'd will [...]g
Till Fifty two and fifty three;
And now what courses will be tooke,
[...]hen those years wheele about. Goe looke.

Jgnatius his Prophesie.

[...] Eighty eight be past, then thrive
[...]hou mayst, till Thirty foure or five:
[...] that E is dead a Scot
[...] governe there, and if a Plot
[...]ent him not, then sure his sway
[...]inue shall till many a day.
[...] Ninth shall dye young, and the first
[...]haps shall Reigne; but (oh) accurst
[...] be the time when thou shalt see
[...] sixteen joyned Twenty three;
[...] then the Eagle shall have helpe,
[...] to catch the Lyons whelpe,
[...]urt him fore, except the same
[...]red by the Maidens name.
[...] moneth of the same yeare,
[...] conjoynes with Iupiter.
[...] false Prophe [...]s shall arise,
[...]omer shall shew his prize.
[...] to much alteration
[...]pen in Religion;
[...] truly; if then you see
[...] a Protestant to [...]e.

Mrs. White a Welshwoman, Prophesied as followes, on the Moneth of May.

THe of this Moneth of May,
Shall be a sad disastrous day;
And they that Charles his part doth take,
Shall dearly suffer for his sake:
And many of his Friends shall fly
Like dust before the Enemy.
But in the pleasant Moneth of June,
The Birds will sing another tune;
A glorious splendor shall appeare,
And so protect our Soveraigne deare.
Dieu cathee whee Guenthelin White; aged 112. year [...]

The Prophesie of old Sybilla.

WHen Scotlands hundred and 9 unconquer'd king
The sixteenth hundred Thirty and nine,
Into his age of thirty nine shall Reigne,
Then shall the Papall overthrow appear,
Which all the Arts of Europe shall admire;
For Scotland shall that blessed work c begin
Then shall the whore of Bable had here
Be banishe quite, which Bishops did bring in.
Then thou brave England, which was led so blind,
By their perverse Episcopall pride,
And Irelands shamelesse superstitious sinne
Shall be supprest, who cruelly have cryed?
So that, that sacred Prophetesse Sybilla,
Shall shortly come to passe; she tels Tom Milla.
And Tom tels me, and I must tel't againe,
Throgh Scotland, England, Ireland, France. & Spain:

Merlins Prophesies.

ON Borcas wings then hither shall be borne,
Through Week o're Tweed, a Princely Vnicorn
Who brought into the world his owne farre Creast
A rampant Lyon figured on his brest.
And to his armes [...]ix Lyons more shall quarter
With six French flowers inviron'd with the Garter
Ioyning by fates unchangeable dispose
The Northerne Thistle in the Southerne Rose?
He shall the true Apostolick Faith maintaine
With pious zeale during his blessed Raigne.
That Line [...] was that London is and York shall bee,
Brave London prayes those dayes she ne're ma [...] [...].

[...] of Otwe [...] [...] M. Smith, Vicar of Hudderfield 40. Yeares.

Then IAMES shall seeke a second Crowne,
In pulling Pope and Papists downe,
But Iames shall vanish from their face
At halfe Eliz [...]beths Royall race.
Then using forreigne Policies,
Grudgings and discontents arise;
Yet shall they assemble at the seat
Of Parliament for a worke most great;
But strange Opinions there shall sow
Discentions that too high shall grow:
And Laodicea's Englands Church,
Of grace and beautie some shall lurch;
And Smiths of policy shall invent
To cast new molds of Goverment.
While vulger Birds of weaker wing
Grow [...]out against their Eagle King;
Whose just integrous heart shall prove
The adamant of Supjects love.
Th [...]n pride shall some in Prison lock
And lop a head off on a block:
By honest power they shall bring downe
An aspirer that ass'umed a Crowne;
That he whose power did Lawes contemn,
Might find a Grave no Diadem.
Some Comick scaenes shall then be acted
By vulgar Players much distracted;
The Gospell from a Tub or tunne,
Shall preached by Mechanicks runne.
Petticoats shall in Pulpits preach,
And Women be allowed to teach:
And in those gloomy dogged dayes
They shall tread off the Muses bayes
Thus strife and envy shall increase,
and Round beads shall disturbe the Peace
Of Religion, while they it tosse
In Blankets, and pull downe the Cross.
The Brownists shall no old Prayers brook
[...] shall drowne the Service Booke;
Then all men in those times shall see
Great troubles and Calamity:
Then on the Irish bogs and heath
Many a man shall taste of Death.
The soulders wages shall increase,
Till warres at last in Conquest cease;
To such as are good Land lords knowne,
In hostile times some love is showne;
But for all such as have great store,
They are in lesse safety then the Poore.
Then twenty pounds of coine in hand,
Is worth so much of yearly Land;
From Ireland then there shall come one
Must lose his head upon a stone;
But when England shall swim in fl [...]ds
Of plenty, and growe proud of goods;
Then from their [...]pe they shall be waked,
To know themselves both blind and naked;
Christs Church [...] know some miser [...]


WHen Englands Church growes Englands shame,
Full of luke-warmeness, glory vaine;
The worst in works and outward forme,
And with contrary Factions torne.
When Romish Rights by reformation
shall be expell'd out of this Nation;
Lord Begger Bishops then shal come
To ruine and be overthrowne.
The Priests shall be vile to each wight
Their downfall read with much delight;
For God will not the guiltlesse hold,
That have been neither hot nor cold.
The Scotch Church shall be in condition,
A Virgin free from superstition
They shall be joynd in Covenant,
Gainst which the world shall boast and vaunt;
But Englands Church must feele the storme,
untill she truly her selfe Reforme;
Such hurly burly, and such stirre,
No forme of church shall remaine in her;
But Reformation must take breth
From the Reigne of queene Ellzabeth.

Paulus Grebnerus his Prophesie, presented [...] Q. Elizabeth, anno 1682. concerning those tim [...]

THat a Northern King shall Reigne, Charl [...] Name, who shall take to wife Mary of the [...] pish Religion, whereupon he shall be a most unf [...] nate Prince. Then the People of his Dominion [...] chuse to themselves another Cōmander for Gov [...] nor, viz. an Earl, whose Government shall last 3. [...] or thereabout. And afterwards the same people [...] chuse another Comander (or Governor) viz. a [...] not of the same Family, or Dignity; And after [...] they shall chuse none at all.

Then after him shall appeare the Cha [...]es [...] scending from Charles the first, and shall [...] his Fathers Kingdome wonderfull happily [...] beare Rule farre and neare; and shall be [...] then Charles the Great.

A Prophesie very ancient in old Me [...].

IN the same yeare that fully shall expi [...]
The sixth great Wonder of the worlds [...]
Then Tyder [...]
i.e. Hen. Ed. Mar. Ph [...]. Eli [...]
HEMPE shall end I [...]are [...] a read;
After Q. Eliz. K. James▪
E shall fall, and J shall stand in [...] stead.
In the same yeare a great Plague shall [...]
The which a Thousand dayes it shall [...]
At Maryes Masse a Court they hold,
The which in bloody Inke shall [...]
There many a Plea shal pass with [...]
[Page] [...] back againe appeare:
[...] all many a ba [...]ell and brawle be
[...] a huge host shall passe over the Sea;
[...]ing a Peace but in this wise,
[...] C C. two L L. so long shall last two I I,


[...] all [...] be call'd the first of the Dice,
[...] [...] shall beare up,
[...] shall England be [...] Paradise;
[...] [...] and [...] be set on side;
[...] name of [...] shall spring full wide;
[...] when [...] and [...] drive out [...],
[...] [...]ay England sing well away:
[...] is all shent,
[...] shall be another Parliament.
[...] shall up, and [...] shall under,
Then shall [...] beare the pri [...]e,
And [...] shall helpe thereto.

Another short, but pithy.

IN Germany begins a Dance,
Which passeth through Italy, Spaine, and France
and to Ireland is a Leaper.
There the Dance lyeth at a stand,
Till it ventures o're into Scotland,
But England shall pay the Piper.


ENgland thy proper Native thee betraies,
Because all nations hate thee and thy wayes,
Spaine doth undermine thee, France doth grow,
Wales threats, the Irish thee by snares doth awe.
Thy bravest men do on a sudden dye,
And thou thy selfe doest wholly ruin'd lye?
Yet seest it not, but under feigned Peace,
Doest thine owne misery still more increase.

[...] Saltmarshes Predictions declared to his Excellency the Lord Fairfax, and the Councell of his Army, the Motives that occasioned it; and the manner of his Death.

I being at his house at Yilford in Essex December 4. 1647. told his Wife that he had received a Com­mand from God, to make known to the armys what the Lord had revealed unto him, The like he said Sir [...]. M. Knight, a Member of the house of Co [...]ns, as soone as he arrived at London The next day be­ [...] the Lords day, he found some difficulty to procu [...]e a Horse, but after dinner he got one, and rid alone [...]ards Windsor, but missing his way, lodged at night 7 miles short, where he declared, that the great [...] [...]full day of the Lord is neare, when all men shal be judged by Iesus Christ, and then shall [...] [...]ctions of all men appeare, &c. Early the next day Decemb. 6. he again missed his way [...] espying a house rid to it to demand his way, and there made known, That God was p [...] [...] [...]ed and draw the Saints to himself, with much more; after which he departed, and [...] came to Windsor; where Mr. A. an Adjutator saluted him, hee said M. A. depart from th [...] [...] perish with them; for the Lord hath revealed unto me that hee is angry with this army, [...] forsaken him; another a Captain asked him how he did? to whom he replyed, that [...] God to say to him, because he had alwaies been a [...] under specious pretence. The [...] another Officer, he said he could not own him, for he was for destruction, Then going to [...] where many Officers were met in expectation of the Generall he told them, That hee [...] to reveale the Lords command, that though God had done much for them, and by them, y [...] [...] and their councels because they had forsaken him; That God would not prosper their [...], but destroy them by Divisions amongst themselves, That formerly hee came like a Lambe, [...] had raised in him the spirit of a Lion, because they ha [...] sought to destroy the People of God. [...] that he lookt like one distracted, and that he had been sick and was not well recovered; to who [...] [...], that he had been sick, but well in health then, and sensible of what he said, and that should be [...] time that ever he should speake to them. Afterwards he went to the Generall, not moving his hat and [...]. That he had no command from God to honour him; that he had honoured him so much as he of­ [...]ded God in doting on his Person, and that God would no longer prosper him, &c. Then going to the L. [...] asked him how he did? He without any respect answered him, That God was very angry with [...] [...]ing the godly, and that the Armies falling from their first Principles, would occasion their [...] destruction, &c. After which he departed, and on Tuesday Decem. 7. he went again to the L. Gen. [...], that he was sorry to see such obstinacy in him, and wished him to be mindfull of what God [...] unto him: Afterwards he tooke his leave of the army and said, he had done his Errand, and [...] them never to see the army any more. On Wednesday Decem. 8. he came to London and tooke [...] friends to whom he recommended his Wife. On Thursday Decem. 9. he went from London to [...] at Yilford not sick at all, and told his wife what he had done. On Friday Decem. 10. hee said he [...] course, and must goe to his Father; In the afternoone he said his Head [...] and laid hi [...] [...] his Bed On Saturday Decemb. 11. hee was taken spee [...]sse, and [...]ut 4. or five of [...]e clocke [...] D [...]ed

The [...]

A strange Prophesie of an old Welsh-woman lately deceased, found written in her Trunk [...] shewing [...] ruine of [...]gland Castle, the Scots invasion and destruction in the yeare 164 [...] that the Scots shall the next yeare 1650. make another attempt to invade this Land, but aga [...] beaten; but after that the yeare following, they will come againe with farre more strength and the [...] waste and utterly undoe many; but afterward they shall find such a terrible repulse, that most of the [...] overthrowne and vanquished.

S [...] [...] saith, Sinne shall cause gaeat trouble in every Land, and right shall not raigne in his Inheri [...] [...] sins shall be upholden; Falshood shall proudly stand, and black clouds of Ignorance stop the [...] of remembrance; Truth and Equity down shall be laid; for men [...]all their God forsak [...] give [...] to misgovernance, in heart great sorrow then shall awake, for [...]bt of falling of venge [...] [...] ever worse and worse their life shall be, so that all Realmes shall speake of thee, with death & dea [...] every Country, God shal so punish this Nation with battels beyond sea, they shalbe brought into desper [...]

William Ambrose saith, Treason shall labour fast with all her might to keepe Right out of the Land; [...] Lawes and Ordinances day and night, and no token of true love shall be found, ranting Gallant [...] [...] shall punish all about, and then make a sentence in justice of Law, and cause many one to sta [...] great doubt, and after a cursed manner they shall ever draw, and against the Right they shall ever ma [...] and they shall loose their Heads ever among, and they that beare the Lanthorn shall lie in the mire, and People shall wade deepe in sin; For the Pastors of the Church shall rest and sleep in blindness and si [...] and have great Treasures in their Chests, and be secret with Ladies and others, and sport them in Adu [...] and say it is naturall, causing many to sinne, and their audacity shall be great to cover the sin withall, [...] shall lead the blind till both fall in the ditch, and many one shall goe wrong for lack of [...] for where the foundation is not sure, downe it goeth.

TO [...] saith, The great shall supplant the Poore and pill them daily, and keepe them full low, and shall [...] pell them daily to know Falshood, which shall be called true and Right, and the great shall climbe [...] all after their content to set aside a Common-wealth. Wherefore you Saxons, think not thoug [...] [...] time, that the Normans & you both shalbe driven away, the Brutes of the first line shall enter ag [...] [...], yee shall go from hence for your great sinne; the Brutes were the first, and [...] [...]ing in the Land, & with them shall abide all that is true blood (the Brutes were driven [...] and when they winne least) so shall the Saxons. Then holy men desired to know, [...] [...]ld begin, and what Battels should be, and [...]w, who should lose and who should w [...] [...] [...]wered and said] When all sin is favoured without Correction, and Lords wed their [...] God have no affection, when Priests and Lay people be all one in word and deed wi [...] [...] [...]en shall not care what they doe nor how they got their good, nor where, and Innocen [...] [...] [...]wne shall weare; and this time of trouble continue shall forty yeares ere it be ended [...]

[...] [...]edowne saith, There shall be a deceitfull Parliament, in the which shall be shewed [...] they can no longer keep in secret, which hath of long time been prevented; and there [...] [...]versies in Opinions, that the Realm shall be in foure parts, and with that voyce shall [...] of the World against us, to punish us for the great abhominable Heresies and whoredo [...] [...] [...]oly Orders.

Saunders Prediction for the yeare, 1659.

[...] the noting, That the 14. great Orbe in which the Moone and Leo have ruled, shall have its p [...] [...] And then begins the 15. great Orbe, in which Saturne and Virgo shall predominant; which [...] the signe of the great Conjunction before the comming of Christ, which shall produce g [...] [...] in the world, and principally concernes Mercurialists, who will then have more Rule in the wo [...] [...] [...]der this there will be a King in England.

Davids Prophesie, Cardinall in France.

CHarles mighty Monarch did the C begin
After whose Death Vsurping C came in;
By will & force he some few years bore sway,
Nothing but blood his fury could allay:
Alas this hundred and his crooked Race,
Were like Usurpers, turn'd out of the place
Of honour, as they well deserv'd indeed.
And now the L. for fifty doth succeed,
Stout Neptun's left and by the Monk so bold
Who doth appeare this riddle to unfold.
Right shall have Righ [...]; for in a little space
A hundred shall be of the hundred Race.
The M [...]k will joyn (as appearance shows)
The Exil'd Thistle to the Happie Rose.
Who shall in Peace these Nations free frō f [...]
Govern in safety for Three hundred year [...]

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