SEVERALL VOTES and ORDERS of the House of PEERES Against Sir John Maynard (one of the Eleven Members, Impeached of high Treason) on Saturday last, when he was brought to the Barre, to answer to his charge. WITH His Plea, and refusall to be tryed, and what further Order was made therein. ALSO His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax his Conference and promise to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London, in behalf of the City and whole Kingdome, on Friday last, at which time his Ex­cellency and many of his Offi­cers dined in London.

LONDON, Printed for R. J. 1648.

THE VOTES and ORDERS OF THE LORDS On Saturday last, against Sir John Maynard, when he was brought to the Barre of the House of Peers.
Die Veneris, 4 Feb. 1647.

IT was Ordered by the House of Peeres, that Sir John Maynard (one of the eleven Members of the House of Commons lately impeached of high Treason, Crimes, and other Misdemeanours should be brought to tryal, and answer to the charge against him on Saturday next, And for that purpose, an Order was sent to the Lieutenant of the Tower, to bring the said Sir John Maynard to the Bar of the Lords House, to hear his charge at the time a­foresaid. [Page 2]And Sir John having notice of the said Order, sent a Letter to the Speaker of the House of Peeres, directed thus:

To the Right Honourable the Earle of Manchester, Speaker of the House of Peers, pro tempore.

My Lord,

HAving received Order to appeare at the Barre of your House to hear the Charg against me of high Treason, high Crimes, and other Misdemeanours, which he conceived brought him in question for his life, hee thought good to make his plea why he con­ceived hee ought not to be tryed before the Lords, but by way of Inditement in the Kings Bench, where he might be tried by his Equals, and pleaded Magna Charta and the Pe­tition of Right, alledging that as he was a freeborn Subject, and lately a Member of the House of Commons he ought not to be tryed by his Peers, &c. Subscribed,

Jo. Maynard

ON Saturday last the 5. of February (ac­cording to the Order before mentio­ned) Sir John Maynard was brought to the Lords House, and after they were sate he was called in, to hear his Charge and to plead for himselfe, and when he came to the Barre he carried himselfe very obstinatly, refusing either to hear what was charged against him or plead thereunto, and besides other strange carriages and speeches. He pleaded that hee ought to be tried at the Kings Bench by a Jury of 12 men of his Country, &c. Here­upon he was commanded to withdraw, and divers Members of the House of Commons came up to maintaine the Charge against him; and two of the Judges (one of the Kings Bench, and another of the Common Plea then sitting) were sent for to declare their o­pinions in that businesse and assist their Lordships, and after debate thereof Sir John was called into the House againe, and several Votes and Orders passed, concerning him to this purpose.

1 That the said Sir John Maynards Plea, Speeches, and behaviour, was in contempt of that House.

2 That for his present contempts, &c. he should be fined five hundred pounds, to be Estreated into the Exchequer.

3 That he shall have foureteen dayes further liberty to plead.

4 And lastly, That House Ordered him to stand committed to the Tower, whether he was carryed again accordingly.

The manner of his Excellency Sir Tho. Fairfax, and many of his chiefe Officers enter­tainment at the Lord Mayors of Lon­don, on Friday Feb. 4. 1647.

HIs Excellency Sir Thomas Fair­fax, Lieutenant Generall Crom­well, and many other of the Chiefe Officers of the Army were solemnly invited by the Lord Mayor of London to dinner on Friday last the 4 of Fe­bruary, and about one of the clocke the same day His Excellency came [Page 5]thither accordingly attended with the Leiutenant Generall and many other of His Officers, There also met Him the Speaker of the House of Com­mons and severall Members of the House of Commons, and some Lords.

At Dinner the Generall sat next to the Lord Mayor and demeaned himselfe with much gravity, giving Civill respect unto all.

After Dinner the Lord Mayor and some of the Aldermen had some discourse together for about three quarters of an houre or there about, His Excellency giving them great satisfaction of His Good affection towards the City, and His care so far as can stand with the safety of the Ci­ty and Country to preserve the whole Kingdom; the supernumeraries dis­banding. [Page 6]And He hath promised to have a further care to ease the People not onely in respect of the Souldiery, but other burdens which have layne upon them.



Gil. Mabbot

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