SCOTLANDS THANKSGIVING TO THE LORD FOR HER Armies safe, joyfull and prosperous returning from England.

Lest be the living LORD, Who reignes above
To Scotland who hath shown such signes of love:
And Maugra ravenous Rome, and spitefull Spaine,
Kept us abroad, and brought us safe againe
Unto our native soile, with songs of joy,
Foyling our foes, who would us all destroy.
Who would have look'd when first we march'd ov'r Tweid,
So long, and well, in England we should speid,
Curbing all those did threat us to withstand,
And feeding on the best fruits of their Land,
Having Christs word, and sacraments in peace,
And puritle, in superstitions Place,
Returning with such credit, joy, and fame,
And blessings great, which no pen can proclaime.
Seing our Princes sweet and gracious face,
And feasting with contentment; with his grace,
Foes gnasht their teeth, so blest a day to see,
When Scots (who traitours were proclaim'd to be)
Now counted are best subjects, by our KING,
Which joyes our hearts, above all earthly thing.
Blest August, joyful lest month of all the year,
In thee we march'd ou'r Tyne, and did reteir,
With joyfull hearts, and songs of endlesse praise
To GOD, who hath us blest, in all our wayes,
GODS Israel no moe marvelous savours sand
Nor we brave Scots, into a strangers Land,
They marvels great did find from GOD most hie,
But all were worlds of wonders, we did see.
Ah wretched vipers, to your native foile,
Who would have wished your countries final foile,
Who can paint out your woes, sin, shame, and scorne,
By GOD, your King, and all true Scots, forlorne.
Rome hing thy head, thy hellish plots are gone,
And bailfull Bishops, your bad change bemone,
Your dririe traine no help from Laud can find,
And by Sainct Peters chaire, is left behind,
New castle, Durrhame, and you to wnes by Ties
Kiep, what you heard from us, and saw with eyes,
Return not to your wonted dregs of Rome,
Left you be curs'd, and dolefull be your doome,
And one day we to your just condemnation
Bear witnesse of your breach of protestation.
LORD blesse our wyse, and valiant Generall,
Our Nobles, Cavaliers, and souldiours all,
Who for Chrysts cause, and their dear Coantreys good
Devoted honours, life, name, meanes and blood,
Fame (tymes eternall herauld) shall proclaime
To ages all your never dying Name.
Cursd be those hellish sprits (who hence shall move)
Sturs us among; to break the bonds of love.
England farewell, LORD plant his truth in thee,
That thou with us, in peace and puritie:
May worship GOD, and hate that man of sin,
Whose brood too long hath Britane breath'd within:
Welcome sweet Scotland, who is like to thee:
Pay GOD thy vowcs, so blest thou still shall be.
LORD blesse our good, our great, and gracious KING,
That long in thir three Kingdomes, he may reigne,
And that his feed, the scepter still may sway
While Titan cease, to rule the glistring day,
That grace, and peace, may flourish in our Land,
And blest Astrea have the sole command,
That they Who love Sions felicitie,
His Counsellours, and Courtiers may be,
LORD from his throne all Parasits remove,
And firebrands Sion hare, that Rome do love,
So he the blessed King who reignes on earth,
That ages all, shall blaze his fame, and worth:
GOD shall be honour'd, and thir Kingdomes three
Shall blesse the time, they did King CHARLES see.
M. Patrick Hamiltoune Minister at Cambuslang.

in the yeare that our Armie came heer 1641.

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